eCpGs were classified in age-shared (eCpGs identified in HELIX children and also in adults from MESA or GTP studies, in red); and child-specific (eCpGs only identified in HELIX children and not in adult cohorts, in blue). ROADMAP blood chromatin states (
Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium et al., 2015) are: active TSS (TssA), flanking active TSS (TssAFlnk), transcription at 5’ and 3’ (TxFlnk), transcription region (Tx), weak transcription region (TxWk), enhancer (Enh); genic enhancer (EnhG), zinc finger genes and repeats (ZNF.Rpts), flanking bivalent region (BivFlnx), bivalent enhancer (EnhBiv), bivalent TSS (TssBiv), heterochromatin (Het), repressed Polycomb (ReprPC), weak repressed Polycomb (ReprPCWk), and quiescent region (Quies). Chromatin states can be grouped in active transcription start site proximal promoter states (TssProxProm), active transcribed states (ActTrans), bivalent regulatory states (BivReg), and repressed Polycomb states (ReprPoly). The y-axis represents the odds ratio (OR) of the enrichment. For each regulatory element, the enrichment was computed against non eCpGs.