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[Preprint]. 2022 Mar 16:2022.03.15.22272362. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2022.03.15.22272362

Table 1.

Community-level characteristics considered in the analysis

Variable Description Source Spatial resolution
Black and minority ethnic (BME) proportion of BME population Public Health England [33] Middle Super Output Area
Index of multiple deprivation (IMD) measure of deprivation across multiple domains Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government [34] Lower Super Output Area
Young age population proportion of 12–24 years old eligible for vaccine Office for National Statistics [35] Middle Super Output Area
Old age population percentage of over 65 years old eligible for vaccine Office for National Statistics [35] Middle Super Output Area
COVID-19 awareness rates of COVID-19 mortality Office for National Statistics [36] Local Authority District
Urbanicity Rural and urban classification Office for National Statistics [37] Middle Super Output Area
General election votes for Labours and Conservatives House of Commons Library [38] Constituency
EU referendum votes to leave the EU House of Commons Library [39] Constituency
Pre-existing health conditions asthma, blood pressure, diabetes, depression National Health Service [40] MSOA
Vaccine accessibility estimated based on distance between vaccination sites and MSOA population weighted centroids National Health Service [41]
Office for National Statistics [42]
Middle Super Output Area