Fig 4. Antibody-escape maps for individuals infected with early 2020 viruses, Beta, or Delta.
(A) Site-total antibody escape averaged across each group of plasmas for early 2020, Beta, and Delta convalescent plasmas, with key epitope regions highlighted (key in panel C). (B) Site-total antibody escape averaged across each group mapped to the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD surface (PDB 6M0J, (64)), with red indicating the site with the most antibody escape and white indicating sites with no escape. Key antibody-escape sites are labeled, with site labels colored according to epitope. (C) Multidimensional scaling projection with the distance between points representing the dissimilarity between antibody-escape maps for individual early 2020, primary Beta, and primary Delta infection convalescent plasmas, with monoclonal antibody escape maps of the 4 classes used as anchors. In all panels, the convalescent plasmas were mapped against RBD mutant libraries corresponding to the viral variant of exposure. The antibody-escape maps for early 2020 infections were first reported in (23,24), the Beta infections in (12), and the monoclonal antibodies in (22,24,42–44). The antibody-escape maps for primary Delta infections are new to this study. The complete antibody-escape scores are in S3 Data and online at