Figure 2.
Examples of EEG recordings in patients with de novo DHDDS variants. (A) Patient 20, awake EEG at the age of 12 years showing generalized 3 Hz spike-wave discharges during an absence seizure. (B) Patient 16, awake EEG at the age of 4 years showing generalized 2 Hz irregular spike and wave activity followed by high amplitude slow waves and by an electrodecremental event. Clinically, during the spike-wave complexes, the patient lies with eyes open and manifests an axial myoclonic jerk. (C) Awake EEG of Patient 16 at the age of 4 years showing sequences of interictal frontal delta waves (2.5 Hz) lasting several seconds. (D) Same patient as in C: polymorphic interictal diffuse delta and theta activity. (E and F) Patient 12, interictal awake EEG at the age of 58 years showing a diffuse slowing and bursts of generalized rhythmic delta activity (GRDA).