Silencing SIDT2 and RBBP8NL altered immune responses to HSV-1 stimulation in NHPK. NHPK were transfected with SIDT2 siRNA, RBBP8NL siRNA, and scrambled siRNA duplexes for 48 hours. The cells were then infected with HSV-1 with indicated MOI for 24 hours. IFNk (A) and IL1b (B) were evaluated by real-time qRT-PCR. For (A), data from five independent experiments are shown. For (B), data from five (RBBP8NL) and four (SIDT2) independent experiments are shown. Data are presented as the geometric mean (95% CI) of relative gene expression. Comparisons of log-transformed relative gene expression values between specific gene siRNA and scrambled siRNA under varying MOI were made using t tests. Statistical significance is represented as ns = not significant, *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01. (C) IL1β and IFNκ protein expression in cell lysates determined by Western blot assays