Due to a production error, the minus sign (–) between “maximal grain” and “filling rate” (equation 2) should be a hyphen (-).
A correction has been made to the section “Measurements and Calculations for Grain Filling, Enzymes, and Endogenous Hormones Measurements,” subsection “Grain-Filling Traits,” Equation 2:
“Time for maximal grain-filling rate (Tmax) = lnB/C”
Due to a production error, the minus sign (–) between “weight increment” and “achieving maximum” (in equation 3) should be deleted; additionally the minus sign (–) between “Maximum grain” and “filling rate” (equation 2) should be a hyphen (-).
A correction has been made to the section “Measurements and Calculations for Grain Filling, Enzymes, and Endogenous Hormones Measurements,” subsection “Grain-Filling Traits,” Equation 3:
“Grain weight increment achieving maximum grain-filling rate (Wmax) = A/2”
Due to a production error, the minus sign (–) between “maximum grain” and “filling rate” (equation 4) should be a hyphen (-).
A correction has been made to the section “Measurements and Calculations for Grain Filling, Enzymes, and Endogenous Hormones Measurements,” subsection “Grain-Filling Traits,” Equation 4:
“Maximum grain-filling rate (Gmax)”
Due to a production error the minus sign (–) between “Active grain” and “filling period” (in equation 5) should be deleted.
A correction has been made to the section “Measurements and Calculations for Grain Filling, Enzymes, and Endogenous Hormones Measurements,” subsection “Grain-Filling Traits,” Equation 5:
“Active grain-filling period (AGP) = 6/C”
Due to a production error the minus sign (–) between “Average grain” and “filling rate” (in equation 6) should be deleted.
A correction has been made to the section “Measurements and Calculations for Grain Filling, Enzymes, and Endogenous Hormones Measurements,” subsection “Grain-Filling Traits,” Equation 6:
“Average grain-filling rate (Gmax) = W/56”
The publisher apologizes for these mistakes. The original version of this article has been updated.