Type 2A models of hexamers and octamers and EM images of α-Syn-fatty-acid complexes. (a-c) Hexamer model. (a) Wedge representations showing the relative positions of β-strands in a cross-section. The gray region in the center represents fatty-acid alkyl chains. (b & c) Flattened representations of two subunits of the inner barrel formed by Sy6,7,8 strands and outer barrel formed by Sy1–5 strands superimposed on cylindrical representations of the β-barrel they partially surround. (d-f) Similar representations for a Type 2A octamer model for which Sy5,6,8 form the inner barrel and Sy1–4 form the outer barrel. (g,h) TEM images of HNE-αSOs and DHA-αSOs (Enlarged and modified from van Diggelen et al. [18]). We superimposed red and yellow circles around lighter shaded regions with outer diameters of 6.0 nm and 7.1 nm predicted for the 2nd β-barrel of α-Syn models of a hexamer and octamer.