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The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America logoLink to The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
. 2008 Jun;123(6):4369–4379. doi: 10.1121/1.2904826

Spatial release from energetic and informational masking in a selective speech identification taska)

Antje Ihlefeld 1, Barbara Shinn-Cunningham 1,c)
PMCID: PMC9014252  PMID: 18537388


A masker can reduce target intelligibility both by interfering with the target’s peripheral representation (“energetic masking”) and/or by causing more central interference (“informational masking”). Intelligibility generally improves with increasing spatial separation between two sources, an effect known as spatial release from masking (SRM). Here, SRM was measured using two concurrent sine-vocoded talkers. Target and masker were each composed of eight different narrowbands of speech (with little spectral overlap). The broadband target-to-masker energy ratio (TMR) was varied, and response errors were used to assess the relative importance of energetic and informational masking. Performance improved with increasing TMR. SRM occurred at all TMRs; however, the pattern of errors suggests that spatial separation affected performance differently, depending on the dominant type of masking. Detailed error analysis suggests that informational masking occurred due to failures in either across-time linkage of target segments (streaming) or top-down selection of the target. Specifically, differences in the spatial cues in target and masker improved streaming and target selection. In contrast, level differences helped listeners select the target, but had little influence on streaming. These results demonstrate that at least two mechanisms (differentially affected by spatial and level cues) influence informational masking.


When listening selectively for target speech in a background of competing talkers, at least two forms of masking can interfere with performance: energetic and informational masking (see, e.g., Freyman et al., 1999; Brungart et al., 2001; Arbogast et al., 2002; Brungart et al., 2005; Kidd et al., 2005). Spatially separating the target from concurrent masker(s) can improve performance, an effect known as spatial release from masking (SRM; e.g., see Hirsh, 1948; Cherry, 1953; Arbogast et al., 2002). While traditional binaural models can account for spatial release from energetic masking (e.g., Zurek, 1993), the mechanisms underlying spatial release from informational masking are poorly understood.

Two stimulus characteristics are often said to contribute to informational masking: (1) similarity between target and masker with respect to perceptual (e.g., Freyman et al., 1999; Darwin and Hukin, 2000; Brungart, 2001a) or linguistic attributes (Hawley et al., 2004; Van Engen and Bradlow, 2007), and (2) uncertainty about either target or masker (e.g., Lutfi, 1993; Kidd et al., 2005a; Freyman et al., 2007). Past work suggests that at least some of these effects of informational masking are due to failures in segregation and/or attention (e.g., Brungart et al., 2005; Edmonds and Culling, 2006). However, there is no clear consensus on how these two processes contribute to spatial release from informational masking.

Previous studies comparing energetic and informational masking indicate that analysis of response errors can dissociate effects caused by energetic and informational masking. For instance, in selective speech identification tasks with interference from informational masking, subjects often report words from the masker rather than the target message(s) (Brungart, 2001b; Kidd et al., 2005a; Wightman and Kistler, 2005). In contrast, for selective-listening tasks that are dominated by energetic masking, errors are more randomly distributed. The current study attempts to tease apart the mechanisms underlying informational masking through a more detailed analysis of response patterns than has been undertaken in previous studies. The analyses are driven by the hypothesis that similarity between target and masker can interfere with (1) extracting local time-frequency segments from the acoustic mixture, (2) connecting segments from the same source across time (streaming) and/or (3) selecting the correct target segments (or stream) even if they are properly segmented and streamed.

We explored how spatial separation between target and masker influences the pattern of responses, and how these patterns are affected by the level difference between target and masker. Listeners were asked to report a phrase from a variable-level target message that was presented simultaneously with a fixed-level masker message. The locations of target and masker were simulated over headphones to be either co-located or spatially separated by 90°. In addition, target level varied over a wide range so that differences in level between target and masker could provide listeners with a cue to select the target and/or better link target keywords across time into a coherent target stream.

Analysis of response errors revealed systematic changes with spatial configuration and target level in the likelihoods of reporting all target keywords, all keywords from the masker, or a mixture of keywords from target and masker. The pattern of results suggests that the relative contributions of energetic and informational masking change systematically with the target-to-masker broadband energy ratio (TMR). At near-zero-dB TMRs, when informational masking occurs, space and intensity cues may help listeners track keywords across time to form a proper stream, as well as enable listeners to select the proper keywords or streams out of the mixture.


A. Subjects

Four subjects (ages 21–24) were paid for their participation in the experiments. All subjects were native speakers of American English and had normal hearing, confirmed by an audiometric screening. All subjects gave written informed consent (as approved by the Boston University Charles River Campus Institutional Review Board) before participating in the study.

B. Stimuli

Raw speech stimuli were taken from the Coordinate Response Measure corpus (CRM, see Bolia et al., 2000), which consists of highly predictable sentences of the form “Ready ⟨call sign⟩, go to ⟨color⟩ ⟨number⟩ now.” The call sign was one of the set [“Baron,” “Eagle,” “Tiger,” and “Arrow”]; the color was one of the set [“white,” “red,” “blue,” “green”]; and the number was one of the digits between one and eight, excluding the number seven (as it is the only two-syllable digit and is therefore relatively easy to identify). For each session, one of the four call signs was randomly selected as the target call sign.

In each trial, two different sentences were used as sources. The call signs, numbers, and colors in the two utterances were randomly chosen, but constrained to differ from each other in each trial (with one sentence always containing the target call sign). In order to minimize differences between competing messages, talker 0 was used for both sentences.

Each speech signal was processed to produce intelligible, spectrally sparse speech signals (e.g., see Shannon et al., 1995; Dorman et al., 1997; Arbogast et al., 2002; Brungart et al., 2005). All processing was implemented in MATLAB 6.5 [see Fig. 1(a) for a diagram of the processing scheme]. Each target and masker source signal was bandpass filtered into 16 fixed frequency bands of 13 octave width, with center frequencies spaced evenly on a logarithmic scale between 175Hz and 5.6kHz (every one-third octave). The envelope of each band was extracted using the Hilbert transform. Subsequently, each envelope was multiplied by a pure tone carrier at the center frequency of that band. Figure 1(b) shows an example stimulus spectrum with all 16 bands (consecutive bands are shown in alternating shades). In contrast to many previous experiments using amplitude-modulated sine-wave carrier speech (e.g., Arbogast et al., 2002; Gallun et al., 2005; Brungart et al., 2005; Kidd et al., 2005b), the frequency bands of the current stimuli were not equalized to have similar spectral amplitudes, so that the high-frequency bands have less energy than the low-frequency bands.

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

(a) Flow chart showing how the stimuli were generated. (b) An example of the resulting interleaved spectra of two competing spectrally sparse messages, one in gray and one in black.

On each individual trial, eight of the 16 bands were chosen randomly while ensuring that four of these bands were selected from the lower eight bands (175882Hz) and four were selected from the upper eight bands (1.15.6kHz). This resulted in a set of (8!(4!4!))2 or 4900 different possible spectral combinations. The eight bands were then summed to create the raw waveform for one source. The remaining eight bands were used to construct the other source using otherwise identical processing. As a result, the two raw sources had identical statistics over the course of the experiment, but differed within a trial in their timbre, call sign, and keywords (and, on most trials, level).

The raw source waveforms were scaled to have the same fixed, broadband root-mean-square (RMS) energy prior to spatial processing (described below). When target and masker were set to the same level of broadband RMS energy, the within-band energy ratio of one utterance to another was on the order of 20dB at all frequencies [cf. Fig. 1(b)]. In fact, a model of the auditory periphery shows that for these stimuli, energetic masking is likely to play a significant role within each target band only when the selected broadband TMR is 20dB and less (see Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a). Within each trial, the two spatially processed sentences were closely time aligned (this is an inherent property of the CRM corpus; no steps were taken to alter the temporal synchrony present in the original CRM corpus). To determine how synchronized the colors and numbers are when two sentences from Talker 0 are begun simultaneously, the timing of the key words was measured using a routine programmed in MATLAB 7.0. The color and number words were 307 and 290ms long, on average, with standard deviations of 160 and 148ms (for colors and numbers, respectively). The onset times of the keywords were almost synchronous across utterances; the standard deviations for the onset times of the color and number words across all stimuli are 29 and 164ms, respectively.

C. Spatial synthesis

The raw signals were simulated at a distance of 1m in the horizontal plane containing the ears, either at azimuth 0° (straight ahead) or 90° (to the right of the listener), using head-related transfer functions (HRTFs). HRTFs were measured in a classroom using a Knowles Electronics Manikin for Acoustic Research. The first 10ms of the HRTFs were time windowed and band limited between 200Hz and 10kHz to get pseudo-anechoic HRTFs (see Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005b for details about the HRTFs used in this spatial processing). The prefiltered utterances were processed with appropriate HRTFs to simulate the desired configuration on a given trial.

D. Procedures

At the start of each session, a random call sign was selected to serve as the target call sign. The target call sign was always in the variable-level talker message. Listeners were instructed to report the color and number of the message with the target call sign, ignoring the message of the fixed-level talker, which will be referred to as the masker. A trial was scored as correct and subjects were given feedback that they were correct if and only if they reported both target keywords.

In each trial, the masker was presented at the same RMS level (which was approximately 70dB sound pressure level SPL, when presented through the hardware). The target level was varied relative to that of the masker by an amount that was random from trial to trial, chosen from one of six levels (40, 30, 20, 10, 0, and +10dB, relative to the level of the masker prior to spatial processing). Subsequently, the binaural signals for the two talkers were summed to produce the two-talker stimulus.

There were four possible spatial configurations, two in which the target and masker were co-located (at either 0 or 90°) and two in which the talkers were spatially separated (target at 0° and masker at 90°, or target at 90° and masker at 0°).

In each run, the spatial configuration of the two talkers was fixed (i.e., the target and masker were played from constant locations throughout the run). In half of the sessions, subjects were told the call sign and location of the target message prior to each run; in the other half of the sessions only the call sign was identified a priori (although the location for the target was fixed throughout a block of trials). However, this difference in instructions had no consistent effect on results, so the data were collapsed across the different instructions.1

To ensure that subjects could understand the highly processed speech stimuli, subjects went through an initial screening in which they had to report the color and number of one message presented in quiet (processed by 0° HRTF) with at least 90% accuracy over 50 trials. None of the subjects failed this initial screening. Following the screening, each subject performed a training session consisting of 300 trials (at least one run of 50 trials for each spatial configuration, and an additional run of 50 trials for each of two randomly picked spatial configurations).

Following training, subjects performed four sessions of the experiment (one session per day). Additional data were collected in four additional sessions discussed in the companion paper (Ihlefeld and Shinn-Cunningham, submitted), in which listeners were asked to report both sets of keywords from both of the concurrent messages. Each session consisted of 12 runs (three runs for each of the four spatial configurations). The order of the runs in a session was random, but constrained so that each spatial configuration was performed once before any were repeated. A run consisted of eight repetitions of each of the six TMRs (48 trials per run). The orders of the runs within each session were separately randomized for each subject. Given that each subject performed four sessions of this experiment, each subject performed 96 repetitions of each specific configuration (8 repetitions/run×3 runs/session×4 sessions).


A. Percent correct

Given the four possible colors and seven possible numbers, the probability of responding correctly by chance is 128 or about 4%; however, if subjects understood only the masker color and number, realized they had heard the masker (not the target), and eliminated these possible responses, the likelihood of responding correctly by chance is 118 (6%).

The top panel of Fig. 2 shows the across-subject mean percent correct as a function of TMR for each spatial configuration; error bars show the standard errors of the mean across subjects. Results for all subjects show similar trends, so only across-subject averages are shown. In all configurations, performance improves with increasing TMR. When target and masker were spatially separated, performance was always better than for the co-located cases (dashed lines fall above solid lines). For both co-located and spatially separated conditions, performance at low TMRs was near chance levels. For spatially separated configurations, performance improved to near 100% for near-zero TMRs; however, in the co-located conditions, performance only reached about 80% at the highest TMRs. Moreover, for the co-located configurations, performance at TMR=0dB, when the target and masker were at the same level, was actually worse than at TMR=10dB. This is similar to a plateau effect that has been observed in previous studies (Brungart, 2001b; Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a).2

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

Overall percent correct as a function of the TMR for the four tested spatial configurations, averaged across subjects. In general, performance improves with TMR, and is better for spatially separated than co-located sources. Error bars show the across-subject standard error of the mean. Filled symbols show results for the target at 0°, open symbols for the target at 90°. Results for spatially separated target and masker are shown with dashed lines. Results for co-located sources are shown with solid lines. (a) Results plotted as a function of the broadband target to masker ratio (TMR). (b) The same results re-plotted as a function of TMRbe (correcting for differences in the acoustic TMR at the better ear).

For co-located configurations, results are essentially identical when the target and masker play from in front of or from the side of the listener. In the separated conditions, results were best when the target originated in front of the listener and the masker from the side. Previous work suggests that the difference in performance for the two spatially separated configurations can be accounted for by considering the differences in the broadband TMR at the acoustically better ear (Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a). Prior to the spatial simulation, RMS values of the processed speech waveforms were normalized to have the same broadband RMS, and then the overall level of the target was adjusted downward to produce the desired TMR. However, the spatial processing also altered the target and masker levels, so that the TMR in the signals reaching the ears varied with spatial configuration and could differ at the two ears (depending on the spatial configuration). In the condition where the target was at 0° and the masker at 90°, the TMR at the left ear was, on average, 7dB greater than the nominal TMR, because the masker energy reaching the left ear was significantly reduced by the acoustic head shadow (note, however, that due to the random selection of frequency bands making up the target and masker on a given trial, the actual TMR at the ears varied somewhat from trial to trial). When the target was at 90° and the masker was in front, the TMR at the right ear was almost equal to the nominal TMR, averaging 1dB lower than the nominal TMR (of course, for this configuration, the TMR at the left ear is 7dB lower than the nominal TMR). Note that on average, the TMR for co-located target and masker equaled the nominal TMR.

To take into account these acoustic effects, data were re-plotted as a function of the TMR at the acoustically better ear (denoted by TMRbe) by shifting the raw data in the top panels of Fig. 2 by the appropriate amounts in dB for each spatial configuration (for discussion see Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a). As seen in the bottom panels of Fig. 2, this adjustment accounts for differences in performance for the two spatially separated configurations (results for the two separated configurations are indistinguishable following this correction).

B. Analysis of response errors

All incorrect responses were categorized into one of five mutually exclusive error types whose definitions are listed in Table I. Figure 3 plots each kind of error. Errors generally decreased with increasing TMRbe. However, the relative likelihoods of the different types of errors depended on TMRbe and spatial configuration. At low TMRsbe (20dB and below), drop errors (reporting keywords not in either the target or the masker messages) were the most common errors. For TMRbe of 10dB and greater, masker (reporting both masker keywords) and mix errors (reporting a mix of target and masker keywords) were the most common errors when sources are co-located, but both types of error were rare for spatially separated sources.


Possible response types and chance performance for each category. On each trial, subjects responded by reporting a color (C) and a number (N). The subscripts denote whether a keyword was part of the target (T) or masker (M) message; X denotes that the reported word was not present in either the target or the masker.

Response type Chance Responses
Masker error 3.6% [CMNM]
Mix error 7.1% [CTNM] or [CMNT]
Drop-1 error 25.0% [CTNX] or [CXNT]
Drop-2 error 35.7%; [CXNX]
Combination error 25.0%. [CMNX] or [CXNM]
Correct 3.6% [CTNT]

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3.

Analysis of the response errors as a function of TMRbe for each kind of error, averaged across subjects. The dependence of each type of response error on TMRbe differs, indicating differences in the kind of masking responsible for the errors. Error bars show the across-subject standard error of the mean. Filled symbols show results for the target at 0°, open symbols for the target at 90°. Results for spatially separated target and masker are shown with dashed lines. Results for co-located sources are shown with solid lines. Labels above the panels indicate the posited kind of perceptual interference thought to contribute to the different types of response errors. (a) Drop-1 errors, where listeners report one target word and one word not present in either the target or masker. (b) Drop-2 errors, where listeners report two words not present in either the target or masker. (c) Mix errors, where listeners report one word from the target and one from the masker. (d) Masker errors, where listeners report both words from the masker. (e) Combination errors, which encompass all incorrect responses that are not in the above categories (e.g., reporting one masker word and guessing one word).

Drop errors are shown in panels (A) and (B). The proportion of trials with drop errors decreased steeply with increasing TMRbe in all spatial configurations, consistent with a decrease in the amount of energetic masking with increasing TMRbe. For TMRbe of 10dB and greater very few drop errors occurred. For TMRsbe between 30dB and 10dB (where floor and ceiling effects can be ignored), the number of drop errors was larger for co-located than for separated configurations (dashed lines fall below solid lines), although this difference was small.

Panel (C) displays mix errors, where subjects report one target and one masker keyword. At low TMRsbe (40dBto20dB) mix errors increased as TMRbe increased, with no significant differences between co-located and separated spatial configurations. For TMRbe 10dB and greater, the rate of mix errors decreased with increasing TMRbe in the spatially separated configurations (dashed lines), but was nearly constant in the co-located configurations (given the across-subject variability; see solid lines). In other words, spatial separation between target and masker reduced the likelihood that listeners reported one target and one masker keyword, but only when the TMRbe was larger than 20dB.

Masker errors are shown in panel (D). When sources were spatially separated (dashed lines), masker errors decreased monotonically with increasing TMRbe. Essentially no masker errors occurred for TMRsbe of 10dB or greater when target and masker were spatially separated. At all TMRbe, more masker errors occurred when the two sources were at the same location than when they were spatially separated (solid lines are above the dashed lines). Masker errors in the co-located configurations were nonmonotonic, decreasing as TMRbe grew from 40dBto20dB, increasing as TMRbe grew from 20dBto0dB, and then decreasing again for TMRbe of 10dB.

Panels (C) and (D) show different trends in the likelihoods of obtaining mix versus masker errors. In particular, the ratio of the percentages of mix errors and masker errors varied nonmonotonically as a function of TMRbe (ratio not shown) and depended on whether or not target and masker were spatially separated or co-located. At 40dB TMRbe, there were roughly half as many mix errors as masker errors. This ratio increased monotonically until around 20dB TMRbe, where mix errors occurred at least four times more often than masker errors. For 10dB TMRbe and greater, in the spatially separated configurations, masker errors were essentially nonexistent and mix errors decreased monotonically. In contrast, in the co-located configurations, masker errors peaked at 0dB TMRbe, while mix errors were roughly constant for TMRbe greater than 10dB. Together, these trends show that the spatial configuration of the sources and TMRbe affected mix and masker errors in different ways. This suggests that the relative importance of different forms of interference depends on the relative levels and locations of target and masker.

Combination errors, shown in panel (E), are relatively uncommon. These errors decreased as a function of TMRbe; almost no combination errors occurred for TMRsbe of 20dB and greater, and there were no significant differences between the spatially separated and co-located configurations.

C. Spatial gains

For each individual subject, logistic fits for the two co-located configurations were derived and averaged, as were the logistic fits for the two spatially separated configurations (after accounting for the TMR at the better ear; see Appendix for details). Between 30 and 20dB TMRbe the vertical difference between these averaged spatially separated and averaged co-located logistic fits (the percent spatial gain) was approximately 20% for subjects S1 and S4, and 7% for subjects S2 and S3. At the greatest TMRsbe, the percent spatial gain was between 20% (S1 and S4) and 25% (S2 and S3). The horizontal shift between the co-located and separated configurations (the dB spatial gain) was approximately 6dB for subjects S1 and S4 and 2dB for subjects S2 and S3 (in the performance range between 40% correct and 60% correct).


In this selective attention task, listeners were asked to report the content of the message that contained a particular call sign (Brungart, 2001a). This target message was usually presented at a lower level than the fixed-level masker. To perform well in this selective task, listeners had to be able to segregate the (monosyllabic) target keywords from the acoustic mixture and report the proper keywords. Both energetic masking and informational masking interfered with performance in this task. Two factors emphasize the role of informational masking in the current study, at least at TMRs of 10dB and above. First, target and masker messages were presented in nonoverlapping spectral bands (for a detailed analysis of simulated auditory nerve firing patterns for these types of stimuli see Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a). Second, the target and masker were designed to be perceptually similar (e.g., acoustically, semantically, linguistically, etc.).

A. Cues for distinguishing target and masker

Target and masker keywords were nearly synchronous, and no semantic cues aided in distinguishing the target from the masker message. Because of the way the stimuli were processed, the messages did not have a strong pitch. The timbres of the target and masker signals varied unpredictably from trial to trial and these timbre differences were not very salient, so that it is unlikely that listeners relied on timbre to select the target. Thus, relatively few cues were available to help listeners differentiate the target from the masker. When target and masker were spatially separated, both spatial location and level differences between target and masker could be used to select target segments or the target stream from the mixture. However, when target and masker were co-located, the main cue enabling target selection was the level difference between target and masker (in those trials where target and masker had different levels).

B. Energetic masking and informational masking change systematically with TMRbe

Energetic masking is reduced and informational masking further emphasized when target and masker speech are presented in spectrally interleaved narrowbands (Arbogast et al., 2005). In addition, several studies suggest that the amount of interference from informational masking is large in selective listening tasks that use the Coordinate Response Measure (CRM) corpus (Bolia et al., 2000; Brungart, 2001a; Brungart et al., 2005; Kidd et al., 2005b; Wightman et al., 2006). To emphasize the effects of informational masking, the current study employed spectrally interleaved bandpass filtered target and masker speech that were both derived from the CRM corpus.

We expected energetic masking to dominate at low TMRsbe and to decrease with increasing TMRbe. At low TMRsbe (40dBto20dB), the most common response errors were drop errors (nearly 60% of all trials), suggesting that indeed, at these low target levels, energetic masking was the dominant form of masking. In addition, masker errors occurred at a rate well above chance. In some ways, it is surprising that masker errors existed at all at these low TMRsbe: listeners were reporting the content of the more intense talker, which they should have realized was the masker and thus excluded from their response. This kind of result, where listeners seem unable to ignore a talker that they should know is the masker, has been observed in other studies of informational masking (e.g., Brungart and Simpson, 2004; Kidd et al., 2005a). Such errors may occur because listeners are not completely certain that the message they heard was from the masker, or because it is too confusing to switch to a strategy of guessing a word not heard in these trials while still reporting the heard words in the other trials. Regardless, these masker errors at low TMRbe likely reflect a failure to hear the target (energetic masking).

Both drop and masker errors decreased as TMRbe increased from 40dBto20dB, consistent with a decrease in energetic masking. Moreover, spatial separation yielded a slightly lower rate of both of these energetic-masking-caused errors, supporting the idea that binaural decorrelation processing provides a small release from energetic masking for the low-frequency portions of the target within 1015dB of masked threshold (Zurek, 1993; Durlach, 1972; Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a). This release from energetic masking due to binaural decorrelation may not have required perceived spatial differences between target and masker (Colburn and Durlach 1965; Edmonds and Culling, 2005a; Edmonds and Culling, 2005b; Culling et al., 2006), but simply a change in interaural correlation caused by the addition of the near-threshold signal (when the masker energy falling within the target bands can rival the target energy).

The pattern of errors was very different for TMRsbe of 10dB and greater. As the TMRbe increased from 20dB, drop and combination errors disappeared, suggesting that energetic masking became negligible at the mid- to high-range TMRsbe. In this range, target-masker similarity of level and location (see Secs. IV D and IV E, below) determined how well listeners could extract the target from the mixture. Masker and mix errors were more likely when target and masker were co-located. This shows that once the target was audible and properly segmented from the acoustic mixture, informational masking dominated. Moreover, this pattern suggests that when the listener had trouble selecting the target from the properly segmented mixture, perceived spatial location was a salient, robust cue for identifying the target segments and/or target stream.3

C. Conceptual framework explaining different forms of masking

At least three intricately linked mechanisms should affect masking in this kind of speech identification task: (1) short-term segmentation, (2) across-time linkage, and (3) selective attention (see definitions below and Fig. 4).

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4.

Flow chart of the proposed conceptual framework of masking.

(1) Short-term segmentation is defined as the process by which all or part of the acoustic mixture is automatically segregated into local time-frequency components that are likely to have originated from the same source (e.g., see Bregman, 1990). Although segmentation may be influenced by attention, it is primarily based on the primitive spectro-temporal structure of the sound sources (e.g., see Darwin and Carlyon, 1995; Darwin, 1997). We assume that in the current task, when energetic masking is low, short-term segmentation can robustly extract speech segments on the time scale of syllables (Greenberg, 1996). Conversely, when energetic masking is high enough, target segmentation should fail, forcing listeners to guess the target keywords (or to adopt a different response strategy such as reporting the masker message).

(2) Temporal discontinuities (e.g., stop consonants, silent gaps) limit the duration of segments. Proper stream formation depends on “across-time linkage,” the process of binding short-term segments across such discontinuities. Previous studies suggest that continuity of higher-order features such as timbre, perceived location, and overall intensity are important for across-time linkage (e.g., see Culling and Summerfield, 1995; Darwin and Carlyon, 1995; Darwin, 1997; Darwin and Hukin, 1997; Darwin and Hukin, 1998; Deutsch, 1999).

(3) Even if short-term segmentation and across-time linkage are performed flawlessly, listeners still must choose the correct stream from a sound mixture using “selective attention,” a mechanism that may be directed both to local and higher-order spectro-temporal information (Freyman et al., 1999; Darwin and Hukin 2000; Arbogast et al., 2002; Darwin et al., 2003; Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a). Depending on the degree of similarity between target and interferers and the amount of certainty the listener has about the target features, selective attention can enhance sounds with desirable features and suppress others by biasing the sensory representation (e.g., Desimone and Duncan, 1995), thereby bringing a selected object into the perceptual foreground.

In performing the current selective listening task, listeners may use one of two response strategies. First, listeners may select all segments or the stream with a desired feature. In that case, the listener either must know these target features ahead of time, or they must estimate features of the target call sign when it occurs and selectively attend to the streams or segments with the estimated features of the target call sign. Alternatively, if listeners link segments into proper streams using across-time continuities inherent in each message, they may solve the task by attending to the stream that contains the target call sign. In fact, in conditions where higher-order acoustic features do not disambiguate which segments or which stream to attend to (e.g., when two perceptually similar messages are presented, and only a call sign within the target utterance defines which message is the target), listeners may have to use this strategy to solve the task. Specifically, given that timbre differences are relatively weak and unreliable in this task, listening for the target call sign and then properly linking it to the subsequent target words may be the only way to perform the task in the co-located configuration when the TMRbe is 0dB. How do the current results support the conceptual framework? The following two sections shed light on this question.

D. Different mechanisms underlie masker errors and mix errors

Even though listeners were asked to report only the target message, listeners could almost always understand both the target and the masker messages when the TMR was 10dB or higher and the target could be segmented properly.4 Based on the conceptual framework (Sec. IV C), this observation suggests that masker errors occur either because the listener independently selects the wrong keywords for both the color and the number, or because the listener selects the wrong one of two properly formed streams. In contrast, mix errors may occur when the listener independently selects one correct keyword and one masker keyword, or when the listener selects a perceptual stream that is a mix of target and masker keywords. Both of these possibilities occur only when the listener fails to link keywords properly across time.5

In the current study, TMR affects performance in two ways. In general, listeners perform better with increasing target level. However, because differences in the levels of target and masker provide a cue to select the target segments or streams, performance does not improve monotonically with TMRbe. When target and masker are equally intense and co-located, subjects perform noticeably worse than when the masker is 10dB more intense than the target. Thus, level must provide a cue that aids the target selection and/or improves the proper across-time linkage of the target keywords.

Looking in even more detail at the errors in the co-located configurations, the percentage of masker errors shows a pronounced peak at 0dB TMRbe, while, in stark contrast, the percentage of mix errors does not. This difference in the patterns for masker and mix errors suggests that at least two different mechanistic failures contribute to informational masking: failures in across-time linkage of segments and failures in the selection of target segments and/or the target stream. In particular, mix errors are no more common at 0dB TMRbe than at 10 or 10dB TMRbe. Therefore, the across-time linkage of the target keywords is unaffected by TMRbe, suggesting that level cues do not provide a strong cue for streaming the keywords together. In contrast, masker errors are more common at 0dB TMRbe than at 10dB and 10dB TMRbe. Thus, attention can be directed to a source based on a level difference between target and masker (explaining the jump in masker errors at 0dB TMRbe).

Previous studies found that the usefulness of level cues depends on the types of stimuli used. The utility of intensity differences between the target and masking talkers decreases in importance as the number of maskers increases (Brungart et al., 2001a; Freyman et al., 2004), and is reduced when the masker is very different from the target in perceptual quality (Brungart 2001c). These results are consistent with the idea that level helps in selecting the target from the sound mixture (a process that should get more and more challenging the greater the number of competing talkers), but is redundant when other cues differentiate target and masker. None of these results suggest a role of level in automatic streaming of utterances.

E. Spatial release from masking

At the lowest TMRsbe, there is no difference in the rate of mix errors for co-located and spatially separated sources. This is consistent with previous studies that suggest that spatial release from informational masking depends on perceiving competing streams from different locations (Freyman et al., 2001; Arbogast et al., 2002; Shinn-Cunningham et al., 2005a; Gallun et al., 2005). Evidence suggests that objects start to be perceptually separated before they are heard at different locations (Woods and Colburn, 1992; Litovsky and Shinn-Cunningham, 2001; Best et al., 2007). The current results are consistent with the idea that spatial release from informational masking only occurs when syllables are properly segmented and syllables are perceived at different locations, and that perception of the segmented target at the correct location only occurs at high TMRsbe, above the TMRsbe that first allow the target to be segmented from the mixture.

In principle, spatial similarity could also cause difficulty in segmenting the two messages, by increasing uncertainty about which time-frequency components belong to which message. However, past studies show that spatial cues have little influence on short-term segmentation (Darwin, 1997).

At the mid- to high-range TMRsbe, when the target is intense enough to be segmented from the masker, the spatial gains in performance are markedly greater than at the low TMRsbe. The spatial release from masking at these TMRsbe is primarily caused by a reduction in masker errors and mix errors in the spatially separated configurations compared to the co-located configurations. Together with the interpretation of how masker errors and mix errors are affected by across-time linkage and selective attention (see Sec. IV C and IV D), the spatial differences in the pattern of masker errors suggest that spatial cues improve the ability to select either independent target segments or a properly formed target stream.

The rate of mix errors decreases as TMRbe increases from 20dB for spatially separated sources, but is essentially constant for co-located sources. At first glance, this reduction in mix errors appears to show that listeners can use spatial location as a cue for linking segments across time. However, because mix errors can also occur when listeners independently select one correct and one wrong segment, this spatial improvement in mix errors may merely reflect an improvement in the likelihood that listeners independently select the correct target keywords in the spatially separated configurations compared to the co-located configurations. Overall, these results are consistent with previous studies suggesting that spatial location can help listeners selectively attend to already-formed syllables (e.g., see Darwin and Hukin, 1999).


The results of this selective listening task give strong evidence that the relative influences of energetic masking and informational masking change systematically as a function of TMRbe. The pattern of results is consistent with the idea that different attributes of two competing signals can be used to select a target out of the mixture and to link short-term segments across time, including level differences between target and masker and the spatial cues that were the main focus of this study.

The pattern of errors as a function of the level difference between target and masker suggests that distinct mechanisms contribute to the types of errors in this selective speech identification task. In particular, drop errors appear to be caused predominantly by energetic masking; masker errors are most likely caused by energetic masking at low TMRsbe and failures in selective attention at higher TMRsbe; and mix errors are most likely to occur when both across-time linkage and selective attention fail.

Spatial separation improves performance at all TMRsbe; however, the improvements come from different mechanisms at different TMRsbe. At the lowest TMRbe, binaural processing reduces energetic masking of the target, which, in turn, makes the target easier to segment from the mixture. There is no evidence that spatial cues improve selection or across-time linkage at these low TMRsbe. At higher TMRsbe, spatial release occurs by increasing the likelihood that the listener selects the correct keywords or the correct stream out of the mixture. The data hint that spatial differences between target and masker may also improve across-time linkage of syllables, but this conclusion is confounded by the possibility that selective attention alone may reduce the probability of selecting the color and number (independently), which would in turn reduced masker as well as mix errors. Finally, level differences between target and masker allow a listener to select the proper keywords from a mixture, but do not improve the perceptual linkage of the adjacent keywords into a single stream.


This work was supported in part by grants from AFOSR and NIDCD. The authors are grateful to Gerald Kidd, Virginia Best, Christine Mason, Frederick Gallun, Steve Colburn, Richard Freyman, and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.


For each of the four spatial configurations, and separately for each subject, percent correct performance as a function of TMRbe was fitted by a logistic function using a maximum-likelihood method with bootstrapping, psignifit version 2.5.6 (, see Wichmann and Hill, 2001a). The probability of responding correctly at a given TMR, P^(x), equals

P^(x)=γ+(1λγ)11+eαxβ, (A1)

where γ is the lower bound on performance, 1λ is the upper bound on performance at the largest TMR, α is the energy ratio at which percent correct performance is exactly halfway between chance and the best observed performance, and 1β is the slope of the psychometric function evaluated at x=α. Note that this fitting algorithm places a higher emphasis on the steep portion of the psychometric function than a minimum least square fitting constraint would have.

The lower bound on performance γ was set to 6%, chance level assuming that listeners hear and rule out the masker keywords. Although there is ample evidence that listeners do not always do this, the fits were quantitatively better when setting chance performance to 6% rather than the 4% that would occur if listeners chose randomly among all keywords.

The goodness of fit of the psychometric functions was evaluated using Efron’s bootstrap technique (Wichmann and Hill, 2001a, Wichmann and Hill, 2001b). Residual differences between the predictions from the fits and data were compared to the error residuals between the predictions and 10 000 runs of Monte Carlo simulated data sets (whose statistics equaled the estimated distribution of the data). A deviance measure was calculated as described in Eq. (A2) (for detailed discussion see Wichmann and Hill, 2001a):

D=i=1K[niyilog(yip^i)+ni(1yi)log(1yi1p^i)], (A2)

where yi denotes performance (either measured or simulated) at the TMR denoted by i, p^i is the percent correct predicted by Eq. (A1) for the corresponding TMR, ni is the number of trials at each TMR (ni=96 for all i), and K equals the number of TMRs tested (K=6). The deviance Dmeasured between predictions and measured data was calculated. Similarly, the deviances were calculated for each of the 10 000 sets of simulated data, yielding a set of D*. Based on the Monte Carlo generated distribution of these 10 000 values of D*, 95% confidence intervals for Dmeasured were then estimated.

For each measured data set for which Dmeasured falls within the 95% confidence interval, the fitting function was considered to provide a good description of the underlying data. Twelve of the 16 fits (four functions for each of four listeners) fell within the 95% confidence intervals of the distribution fits. In the four cases that did not meet this criterion, the largest errors in the predictions were consistently due to performance dips in the measured data at 0dB TMRbe for co-located configurations. However, those data points cannot be fit by any monotonically increasing function. Other than missing these dips, the fits were deemed adequate descriptions of the data.

The resulting parameters, averaged across subjects, are listed in Table II. Unlike the patterns of the raw percent correct performance, the normalized midpoint parameters α of the psychometric functions (left panel) and the normalized slopes at the midpoints of the psychometric functions, 1β (center panel) do not vary significantly with spatial configuration [T-test; p>0.01]. The upper bounds 1λ are lower in the co-located than in the separated configurations, reflecting the lower level of performance for co-located configurations at the greatest TMRs (T-test; p<0.01).


Mean parameters of the psychometric function fits for the different spatial configurations, averaged across subjects (across-subject standard error of the mean is shown in round brackets). The upper asymptote of performance is higher for spatially separated sources than for co-located sources, but no other differences are significant. (A) Estimates of α, the TMR at the midpoint of the dynamic range in the psychometric function. (B) Estimates of 1β, the slope of the psychometric function at the midpoint of the dynamic range. (C) Estimates of 1λ, the upper asymptote of the functions.

  T0M0 T90M90 T0M90 T90M90
(A) Midpoint of dynamic rangeα [dB] 27.4 (1.4) 24.5 (1.6) 23.5 (1.8) 24.2 (1.0)
(B) Slope at the midpoint ofdynamic range1β [% correct / dB] 27.8 (11.0) 24.8 (16.3) 16.7 (4.5) 19.0 (3.4)
(C) Upper asymptote ofperformance1λ [% correct] 71.3 (4.6)a 72.4 (5.2)a 96.5 (2.0) 93.9 (4.2)

Statistically significant difference between co-located and spatially separated configurations.

At first glance, the fact that the upper bounds 1λ are the only parameters that differ significantly across co-located and spatially separated configurations may appear counterintuitive. While the raw performance data differ for spatially separated and co-located configurations, when normalized so that they range between 0% and 100%, the logistic fits have similar midpoints and slopes.

The parameters α and 1β capture differences in midpoint and slope relative to the lower and upper limits of performance. Specifically, the midpoint parameter α is the TMR at which performance is halfway between the lower and upper bounds on performance for a given psychometric function, which will be different absolute levels of performance if the upper bound (parameter 1λ) varies with condition. Similarly, the slope parameter quantifies the percent of change in performance between lower and upper bounds of the psychometric function per dB, not the change in percent correct per dB, and so will translate to different absolute %/dB slopes if the upper bound varies with condition.

To the extent that logistic fits are adequate descriptions of the underlying data, this may suggest that a difference in the upper limits of the logistic fits between spatially separated and co-located configurations is sufficient to account for performance differences. Indeed, this is consistent with the idea that for the co-located configurations, the listener’s attention may have been misdirected more often than in the spatially separated configurations, causing a decrease in asymptotic performance (cf. Lutfi et al., 2003). However, fitting the nonmonotic performance function of our raw data with a monotonic logistic function conceals systematic differences in the midpoints of the raw performance data. In other words, this way of analyzing the data hides the fact that at a given TMR, spatial cues lead to absolute improvements in the ability to select the target keywords from the mixture.


Portions of this work were presented at the 2005 Mid-Winter meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology.



The lack of differences between these two sets of instructions suggests that, across all spatial configurations, listeners did not benefit from a priori knowledge of the target location. However, listeners could have computed the spatial location of the target call sign in the first few trials of a run, directed attention to that estimated location on subsequent trials, and then selected the keywords based on their perceived locations. Thus, this lack of any effect of instructions may simply reflect the fact that listeners may have adopted a strategy in which they directed attention to the target location, independent of the instructions.


In each block, the target is softer than the masker in 67% of trials, allowing listeners to perform relatively well simply by focusing on the less-intense talker. The dip in performance at 0dB TMRbe has been attributed to the loss of this relative level cue for selecting target words from the mixture. Not all studies show a drop in performance at 0dB TMR (e.g., see Arbogast et al., 2002). Similarly, not all of them show an upper bound of 80% (rather than 100%) correct. However, those studies that do not show a drop in performance for equal intensity target and masker (and that had higher high-TMR performance) generally used more speech bands for the target than for the masker, or they used full speech. This may have made the target more salient, even when it was the same broadband level as the masker, and thus easier to understand than the masker. This is in line with findings by Brungart and colleagues, who show that the amount of across-ear interference in a dichotic masking paradigm increases with the number of masker bands for amplitude-modulated sine-wave carrier speech as well as modulated-noise-band speech (Brungart et al., 2005), a result that suggests that performance decreases as the intelligibility of an informational masker increases.


Unlike the processed speech used in the current study, in ordinary conversational speech within-stream continuity cues are much stronger, and pitch, semantic, and linguistic information help listeners to link syllables and words across time. The stimuli used here are likely to make it more difficult to properly track keywords from a target message across time compared to normal everyday discourse. This may cause listeners to rely more heavily on other cues in the stimuli (level, location) important for auditory scene analysis. These stimuli allow us to tease apart whether level and location contribute to across-time linkage and/or selection of keywords and/or streams.


The listeners who participated in this experiment also participated in a companion study with identical stimuli in which they were asked to report keywords from both utterances (Ihlefeld and Shinn-Cunningham, submitted). Listeners could report all four keywords (of both target and masker) nearly as well as they could report the keywords of the target message. Within each of the spatial configurations, the percent correct performance in this selective task (reporting both target keywords correctly) is nearly equal to percent correct performance in the divided task in the companion study (reporting all four keywords correctly), never differing by more than 10%.


Failures in short-term segmentation, across-time linkage, and/or selection can occur at any time during the presentation of the target and masker utterances. However, we only measured performance for color and number keywords. Therefore, based solely on our results, we cannot determine how across-time linkage between (for instance) the call sign and color depends on stimulus manipulations.


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