Fig. 3. FC formed under inactivation of the LHb could be retrieved in context + tone conditions.
A Experiment diagram: bilateral intra LHb infusions of vehicle/muscimol were performed 30 min before training. Animals were trained in cued FC. Memory was evaluated 7 or 21 days later in the same context used for training (Context A). The tone was presented for 60 s after a pre-tone period of 180 s. B Freezing during recall session 7 days after training. Left panel: freezing over time. Dashed line delimits tone presentation. Right panel: average freezing for pre- and tone periods. Freezing to the context was higher in vehicle group (t(46) = 2.613, p = 0.0474). Tone elicited a robust freezing in the muscimol group equivalent to the vehicle group (t(46) = 0.899, p = 0.8460, nvehicle = 13, nmuscimol = 13). Additional statistics can be found in the Statistics details section of Supplementary Material. C Freezing during recall session 21 days after FC training. Left panel: freezing over time. Dashed line delimits tone presentation. Right panel: average freezing for pre- and tone periods. 21 days after FC training, freezing in context + tone conditions in the muscimol group was lower than in the vehicle group (t(26) = 2.683, p = 0.0491) indicating a reduced temporal stability of memory elicited by the presentation of the cue in the training context. nvehicle = 8, nmuscimol = 8. Additional statistics can be found in the Statistics details section of Supplementary Material.