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. 2022 Apr 26;9:189. doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01289-3

Whole-genome sequences of 37 breeding line Bombyx mori strains and their phenotypes established since 1960s

Seong-Wan Kim 1,#, Min Jee Kim 2,#, Seong-Ryul Kim 1, Jeong Sun Park 2, Kee-Young Kim 1, Ki Hwan Kim 3, Woori Kwak 4,, Iksoo Kim 2,
PMCID: PMC9042817  PMID: 35474080


Bombyx mori is a key insect in the sericulture industry and one of the very important economic animals that are responsible for not only the livelihood of many farmers internationally but also expended biomedical use. The National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Rural Development Administration of Korea (NIAS, RDA, Korea) has been collecting silkworm resources with various phenotypic traits from the 1960s and established breeding lines for using them as genetic resources. And these breeding line strains have been used to develop suitable F1 hybrid strains for specific use. In this study, we report the whole-genome sequences of 37 breeding line B. mori strains established over the past 60 years, along with the description of their phenotypic characteristics with photos of developmental stages. In addition, we report the example phenotypic characteristics of the F1-hybrid strain using these breeding line strains. We hope this data will be used as valuable resources to the related research community for studying B. mori and similar other insects.

Subject terms: Animal breeding, Comparative genomics, Genetic engineering

Measurement(s) Larval period • Cocoon yield • Single cocoon weight • Egg color • Cocoon shape • Number of cocoons per liter • Voltinism • Moltinism • Cocoon color• Larva pattern
Technology Type(s) Clock Device • scale • Eye • amount
Factor Type(s) Artificial feed • Target Season
Sample Characteristic - Organism Bombyx mori
Sample Characteristic - Environment house
Sample Characteristic - Location South Korea


The domestic silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), has been domesticated more than 5,000 years ago1. It is a key insect in the sericulture industry and one of the very important economic animals that are responsible for the livelihood of many farmers internationally. The sericulture industry, which raises silkworms and obtains silk, is a very labor-intensive primary industry and global production continues to decrease due to a decline of production in China, which accounted for the majority of the world’s raw silk production with India ( However, it is still one of the most important economic animals and is being used as a new source of income in some developing countries. In addition to the simple use of B. mori as silk sources in the textile industry, the use of silkworms and silkworm by-products is further expanded in the fields of drugs, tissue engineering, medical textiles, drug delivery systems, cosmeceuticals, food additives, and manufacturing of valuable biomaterials. Therefore, the importance of B. mori as an important animal resource is increasing2,3.

As long as the long domestication period of 5000 years, silkworms have been bred to have phenotypes suitable for specific use through strong selection. Domesticated silkworm can produce a large amount of silk and some of them are known to produce 10 times more silk than Bombyx mandarina, which is known as a wild type species of B. mori4,5. However, as the environment of sericulture is changing and the usability of B. mori is expanded beyond simple silk production, strains with various phenotypes have the potential to be utilized for various purposes as important biological resources. Because of this importance, even though silk production in general farms is decreasing in South Korea, national research institutes have continuously made efforts to secure useful genetic resources by constructing breeding lines for various strains of B. mori. The National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Rural Development Administration of Korea (NIAS, RDA, Korea) has been collecting silkworm resources with various expression traits from the 1960s and established a breeding line for using them as genetic resources for F1 hybrid. Strains with various phenotypes can be usefully utilized to enhance specific phenotypes depending on the purpose of use through additional selective breeding and crossbreeding. And they are valuable biological resources to prepare for unexpected environmental changes such as feeding. In addition, the whole-genome sequences of these strains linked to their phenotypes can be used as a major research resource to expand our knowledge of molecular background about B. mori.

In this study, we report the whole-genome sequences of 37 breeding line B. mori strains established over the past 60 years, along with a description of phenotypic characteristics and photos. These whole-genome sequences linked to the phenotypic characteristics of the established breeding line could be valuable resources for the understanding of B. mori genome and provide more insight into the molecular background of various phenotypes.


Construction and maintenance of breeding lines

For the 37 breeding line strains reported in this study, individuals with phenotypic singularities were first produced through two-way or three-way hybridization using locally collected B. mori strains after the Korean war. All 37 strains were fixed as a breeding line for F1 Hybrid production through selective self-crossing for a minimum of 10 generations so that the strain could maintain the specific phenotype continuously. The established breeding line strain produces 1 generation per year by hatching and raising eggs from the spring and preserving the eggs secured through self-breeding. Egg incubation is carried out under 16 h of light conditions at 15–26°C and 75–80% humidity. After hatching, 1–3 instars are raised at 25–26°C and humidity of 75–80%, and 4–5 instars are raised at 23-24 degrees and humidity of 65–75%. In all instar stages, mulberry leaves are fed 3 times a day to maintain the breeding line.

Library construction and data generation

For whole-genome sequencing of 37 breeding line strains, representative male individuals for each strain were randomly selected during the pupa stage. The epidermis tissue was isolated from the pupa and DNA was extracted using the QIAGEN DNesay Blood & Tissue Kit. The extracted DNA was subjected to gel electrophoresis to confirm DNA fragmentation, and trinean, picogreen, bioanalyzer were used to check the quality of the DNA. For five tri-molt mutant strains(KRSM, SH, HS, S7 and SD), the sequencing library was constructed using the MGIEasy DNA Library Prep Kit according to the manufacturer’s protocol and target size of constructed library was 500 bp. 150 bp paired-end data for 5 strains were generated using MGISEQ-2000 sequecing platform. Libraries for remaing 32 strains were constructed using Illumina Truseq Nano DNA LT Kit and target size of constructed library was 700 bp. 150 bp paired-end data for 32 strains were generated using Illumina Nextseq 500.

Genomics variants and phylogenetic relationship using p50T reference strain

Adapter sequence and low-quality bases were removed by using Trimmomatic6 with adapter sequence, and filtered reads were mapped to the reference p50T genome7 from NCBI Refseq using bwa-mem28 with default parameter. Removal of PCR duplicated reads and variant calling was performed using samtools9, and only biallelic Single Nucleotide Variant(SNV) loci without missing in 38 samples including p50T strain were extracted using VCFtools10. InDel and structural variants for each strain were identified using SvABA11. All identified variant information can be found in (samtools: = sharing) and (SvABA: Identified SNVs were annotated using SnpEff using custom DB infromation using Refseq annotation. The cladogram was constructed through the Neighbor-joining algorithm using Tassel 512.

Data Records

The entire data set described in this study is deposited under NCBI Bioproject accession PRJNA75138713 and NCBI SRA accession SRP33103413 and accession number for each sample can be found in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1.

Summary information of generated whole-genome sequence for 37 breeding line B. mori strain.

Strain Intrument Read Type Read Count Length (bp) Total Bases (bp) SRA accession
Jam123 Nextseq 500 Paired 62,362,042 151 18,833,336,684 SRR15338622
Jam124 Nextseq 500 Paired 65,995,441 151 19,930,623,182 SRR15338620
Jam125 Nextseq 500 Paired 55,525,443 151 16,768,683,786 SRR15338621
Jam126 Nextseq 500 Paired 61,498,288 151 18,572,482,976 SRR15338615
Jam140 Nextseq 500 Paired 58,794,853 151 17,756,045,606 SRR15338616
Jam143 Nextseq 500 Paired 59,536,298 151 17,979,961,996 SRR15338617
Jam144 Nextseq 500 Paired 60,463,356 151 18,259,933,512 SRR15338618
Jam145 Nextseq 500 Paired 68,058,204 151 20,553,577,608 SRR15338619
Jam149 Nextseq 500 Paired 62,816,706 151 18,970,645,212 SRR15508057
Jam150 Nextseq 500 Paired 58,012,320 151 17,519,720,640 SRR15508056
Jam151 Nextseq 500 Paired 66,515,659 151 20,087,729,018 SRR15508055
Jam152 Nextseq 500 Paired 64,421,250 151 19,455,217,500 SRR15508054
Jam153 Nextseq 500 Paired 64,803,442 151 19,570,639,484 SRR15514279
Jam155 Nextseq 500 Paired 64,822,995 150 19,446,898,500 SRR15514277
Jam156 Nextseq 500 Paired 58,934,629 150 17,680,388,700 SRR15514276
Jam157 Nextseq 500 Paired 59,638,317 150 17,891,495,100 SRR15514275
Jam158 Nextseq 500 Paired 59,925,450 150 17,977,635,000 SRR15514274
Jam159 Nextseq 500 Paired 60,621,724 150 18,186,517,200 SRR15514273
Jam160 Nextseq 500 Paired 73,894,375 150 22,168,312,500 SRR15520445
Jam161 Nextseq 500 Paired 54,746,420 150 16,423,926,000 SRR15520444
Jam162 Nextseq 500 Paired 64,887,891 150 19,466,367,300 SRR15520443
Jam307 Nextseq 500 Paired 59,948,320 150 17,984,496,000 SRR15520442
Jam311 Nextseq 500 Paired 55,223,930 150 16,567,179,000 SRR15520441
Jam312 Nextseq 500 Paired 67,940,967 150 20,382,290,100 SRR15520440
Jam313 Nextseq 500 Paired 63,104,719 150 18,931,415,700 SRR15520439
Jam314 Nextseq 500 Paired 59,084,654 150 17,725,396,200 SRR15521833
Jam315 Nextseq 500 Paired 62,226,371 150 18,667,911,300 SRR15521832
Jam317 Nextseq 500 Paired 55,780,800 150 16,734,240,000 SRR15521830
Jam318 Nextseq 500 Paired 51,913,987 150 15,574,196,100 SRR15521829
Jam319 Nextseq 500 Paired 65,747,515 150 19,724,254,500 SRR15521828
Jam320 Nextseq 500 Paired 57,962,038 150 17,388,611,400 SRR15521827
Jam321 Nextseq 500 Paired 57,346,061 150 17,203,818,300 SRR15521826
KRSM MGIseq-2000 Paired 199,692,448 150 59,907,734,400 SRR15525308
SH MGIseq-2000 Paired 57,272,074 150 17,181,622,200 SRR15458431
HS MGIseq-2000 Paired 52,774,714 150 15,832,414,200 SRR15458432
S7 MGIseq-2000 Paired 59,371,675 150 17,811,502,500 SRR15458433
SD MGIseq-2000 Paired 49,763,805 150 14,929,141,500 SRR15458430

Table 2.

Phenotypes, silk production statistics and sequence accession information for 37 B. mori breeding lines.

Strain Larval period (days.hrs) *
Pupation Percentage (%)
Cocoon yield (Kg)
No. of cocoons per liter (EA)
Single cocoon weight(g)
Cocoon shell percentage (%)
Voltinism Moltinism ******
Egg color
Cocoon color
Cocoon shape SRA Accession
5th instar Total instar
Jam123 7.2 24.22 86.3 14.9 88 1.77 22.4 2 4 Br W Peanut SRR15338622
Jam124 7.06 25.04 94.7 16.3 66 1.78 22.8 2 4 Br W Oval SRR15338620
Jam125 7.07 26.05 74.7 10.1 92 1.47 20.1 2 4 Br W Rectangle SRR15338621
Jam126 7.06 25.04 93.3 14.8 76 1.85 22.3 2 4 B W Oval SRR15338615
Jam140 7.04 25.02 92.8 15.8 65 1.82 24.6 2 4 Bb W Oval SRR15338616
Jam143 7.08 26.06 80.4 11.1 103 1.51 23.6 2 4 Br W Peanut SRR15338617
Jam144 7.05 25.03 90.5 14.7 62 1.85 22.9 2 4 B W Oval SRR15338618
Jam145 8.04 26.06 95.5 16.1 94 1.69 23.5 2 4 B W Rectangle SRR15338619
Jam149 7.16 25.22 79.9 13 93 1.7 22.4 2 4 Br W Rectangle SRR15508057
Jam150 7 25.22 96 14.9 79 1.65 24.8 2 4 B W Oval SRR15508056
Jam151 7.23 26.21 84.3 14.9 81 1.86 22.5 2 4 Br W Oval SRR15508055
Jam152 8 25.22 91 16.1 58 1.93 21.2 2 4 B W Rectangle SRR15508054
Jam153 7.23 26.21 90.6 16.8 94 1.83 22.3 2 4 B W Peanut SRR15514279
Jam155 6.2 25.02 94.2 17.7 62 2.13 19.2 2 4 Bb W Oval SRR15514277
Jam156 7.16 25.14 94.6 15.6 64 1.95 22.3 2 4 B W Rectangle SRR15514276
Jam157 7.04 26.02 97.9 15.8 96 1.67 21.3 2 4 B W Rectangle SRR15514275
Jam158 8 25.22 93 16.2 61 1.62 28.6 2 4 Br W Rectangle SRR15514274
Jam159 7.04 26.02 94.1 15.4 78 1.75 21.7 2 4 Br W Peanut SRR15514273
Jam160 7.06 25.04 92.3 16.9 73 1.96 22 2 4 Bb W Oval SRR15520445
Jam161 7.22 26.04 86.4 14.2 85 1.87 23 2 4 Br W Rectangle SRR15520444
Jam162 8 25.22 96.8 18.1 61 1.98 23.3 2 4 B W Oval SRR15520443
Jam307 6.21 24.02 82.3 Almost no cocoon (partial sericin cocoon) 2 4 Br SRR15520442
Jam311 6 23.22 96.9 14.5 88 1.58 16.8 2 4 Br Y Peanut SRR15520441
Jam312 7.05 24.21 93 13.3 82 1.65 19.1 2 4 Bb Y Oval SRR15520440
Jam313 5.21 22.02 89 11.2 117 1.35 11.5 2 4 Bb Y Rectangle SRR15520439
Jam314 5.17 20.22 92.9 10 93 1.24 11.7 2 4 Br Y Oval SRR15521833
Jam315 7.16 25.14 91.8 13.4 104 1.63 20.6 2 4 Br LG Rectangle SRR15521832
Jam317 7.16 26.14 87.4 11.6 84 1.55 23.2 2 4 B W, Y Oval SRR15521830
Jam318 8 25.22 91.8 15.7 65 1.69 23.1 2 4 B W, Y Oval SRR15521829
Jam319 6.16 24.14 98.1 16.1 88 1.75 19.3 2 4 B W, Y Peanut SRR15521828
Jam320 6.07 24.05 92 14.5 72 1.78 20.8 2 4 B W, Y Rectangle SRR15521827
Jam321 5.23 23.04 98.5 14.2 96 1.53 15.1 2 4 Br LG Rectangle SRR15521826
KRSM 6.08 25.06 89.1 8.1 144 0.93 10.3 2 3 B LYG Oval SRR15525308
SH 7 24.22 94.9 14.6 96 1.62 18.7 2 3 Br LO Oval SRR15458431
HS 7 23.22 97.7 8.9 164 1.03 12.1 2 3 G W Peanut SRR15458432
S7 6.04 22.02 97.4 8.8 142 1.06 11.6 2 3 B W Rectangle SRR15458433
SD 4.16 22.17 94.9 7.8 152 0.83 10.3 2 3 G LO Rectangle SRR15458430

#Cocoons were produced from 10 thousand of 5 instar larvae.

*Pupation Percentage (%): Probability of pupation from larva.

**Cocoon yield(kg): Weight of 10,000 cocoons containing silkworm pupa.

***No. of cocoons per liter (EA): Number of cocoons in one liter container. (for estimating the size of the cocoon)

****Single cocoon weight (g): Weight of one cocoon.

*****Cocoon shell percentage (%): Ratio of only cocoons to the weight of cocoons containing pupae.

******Color: B, black; W, white; Bb, bright brown; Br, brown; G, gray; Y, yellow; LY, light yellow; LYG, light yellow green; LO, light orange; LG, light green.

Technical Validation

Phenotypes and genome sequences of 37 breeding line strains of B. mori

Like other countries where B. mori is managed as an important economic animal, the NIAS, RDA, Korea has collected various B. mori strains existing in South Korea since the 1960s and established breeding lines of B. mori strains as genomic resources. In the early 1970s and 1980s, breeding was carried out cantered on hardy and high silk-producing strains to increase silk production. However, from the 1990s, after Korea’s rapid industrialization, to cope with labor shortages and environmental changes, the focus was on the strains that can use artificial feed, require less labor, and are easily differentiated by gender using larval markings and cocoon colors. The 37 strains reported in this study have important values as seed strains used in the development of customized hybrid strains to respond to changes in the sericulture environment and requests from local farmers. Fig. 1 shows each picture of an egg, larva, cocoon, pupa, and adult from 37 B. mori strains. Table 1 shows the summary information of generated whole-genome sequencing data for each strain and Table 2 shows the summary of phenotypic characteristics of 37 breeding line strains with breeding performance. Minimum depth coverage of generated data was over 30X coverage based on the genome size of B. mori(about 450 Mb).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Pictures of egg, larva, cocoon, pupa, and adult of 37 breeding line strains of B. mori.

Genomic variants for each strain were identified using samtools and SvABA. A total 23,478,741 SNVs were identified from samtools and 1,506,850 SNVs(variant quality under Q30 and multiallelic loci) were filtered. Among 21,971,891 SNVs after filtering, 1,327,196 SNVs located in CDS regions. 1,002,715(75.551%) SNVs were synonymous variants and 324,481(24.449%) SNVs were non-synomymous variants. In InDel and structural variant calling using SvABA performed on individual strains, an average of 622,531 InDels and 41,348 structural variants were identified. All variant calling information is available in the link of method section. To figure out the evolutionary relationship of 37 breeding line strains including P50T, phylogenetic analysis was performed using whole-genome variants from generated sequencing data. Fig. 2 shows the phylogenetic relationship between 37 B. mori strains reported in this study with the p50T reference strain. Of the five strains showing tri-molt characteristics, four strains except SH showed a close evolutionary relationship, and some strains had closer evolutionary relationships despite the external differences. Through this, it can be expected that the external characteristics identified by the eye are regulated by the small portion of the total genomics variant and more research will be needed to expand our knowledge for the detailed association between the genomic variants and characteristics. Previously, there were several studies on the phenotype, genetic contents, and regional population of Bombyx mori14,15. However, this is the first populatoin-level whole genome data that is released from South Korea, and this is the first data set containing the details of breeding performance and phenotypic characteristics each individual strain. With existing dataset of previous study, more expanded data for understanding the gentic background of silkworm phenotype can be built. And the data reported in this study can be utilized as useful resources for marker development and is expected to help develop silkworm strains with desired traits in a short time through genomic breeding or genetic engineering.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Cladogram of 37 B. mori breeding line strains with reference p50T strain using Tassel with Neighbor-Joining method.

F1 hybrid strains obtained from 37 breed line strains

The NIAS, RDA, Korea has produced F1 hybrids with the required phenotypes using the 37 seed strains reported in this study, and generated F1 hybrid strains were annually provided to local farmers. This hybrid strain is selected from several hybrid combinations and they have various characteristics to respond to changes in the breeding environment or purpose of use. Table 3 shows the breeding performance and characteristics of representative F1 hybrid strains constructed using 37 breeding line strains. These strains have several important characteristics and the first of which is whether artificial feed can be used. The silkworm is a monophagous insect whose main diet is mulberry leaves. Mulberry leaves, which are feed for silkworms, require a lot of labor in the process of producing, storing, and providing them. Since sericulture is carried out according to the production time of mulberry leaves, there is a problem that the breeding period is limited throughout the year. If an artificial feed can be fed, the produced mulberry leaves can be utilized more longer and it reduces the labor required to prepare mulberry leaves. And also increased production through year-round feeding can be expected. In addition, they are very important due to the recent rapid climate change. These strains which can be fed artificial feed can flexibly cope with the change in the productivity of mulberry leaves. The second is a sex-limited inheritance strain that can classify gender using larval pattern or cocoon color. In the case of sex classification of silkworms, classification is possible through the tail part of the 5 instar period or the shape of pupa, but if classification is performed using larva’s pattern or color, a lot of labor for gender classification can be effectively reduced. The third is a hybrid strain that produces color silk. Among the 37 breeding line strains, the strain producing cocoons with yellow and light green colors has a lower cocoon size compared to the general strain for silk production. Therefore, hybrid strain is a strain that effectively improved the existing low color silk production. In addition to the direct use of color silk itself, these strains can be used as functional strains for carotenoids or flavonoids required for color silk generation. The fourth is a strain that does not produce a cocoon. The breeding line strain Jam307 in this study produces very few cocoons. Only about 1.2% of individuals produce fibroin-free, sericin-only nets. By dissecting the silk gland of this strain, it can be seen that the posterior silk gland, which is important for fibroin-based filamentation, is degenerated. In the Jam307 x Jam126 hybrid strain, which produces relatively large larva and pupa compared to Jam307, most individuals form sericin nets and normal silk with fibroin was not generated. Through this, it can be expected that the characteristic of Jam307, which produces silk composed only of sericin due to the degeneration of the posterior silk gland, is a dominant trait. This hybrid strain that does not make a cocoon is mainly utilized to use the silkworm itself, such as cordyceps production and silkworm powder for a food additive. Lastly, the most recently developed strain is a hybrid strain of KRSM and Jam124. The phenotypic results were not included in Table 3 because the breeding performance evaluation was not completed yet, but the KRSM x Jam124 hybrid strain has the following characteristics. The KRSM x Jam124 hybrid strain produces light green silk like tri-molt characteristics like B. mori KRSM, but the silk production is similar to the general silk production strain. Fig. 3 shows the cocoons of KRSM, Jam124, and KRSM x Jam124 hybrid strains. The cocoon size of the hybrid strain is almost similar to the silk production strain Jam124. In addition to the increased cocoon size, the total larval period was surprisingly shortened. Unlike KRSM and Jam124, which have larval periods of 25.06 and 25.04 days.hrs, respectively, the total larval period of this hybrid strain was 20.04 days.hrs. It is about 20% shorter than the original strains. Since a 20% reduction in production time can increase silk production as well as reduce the production cost, the hybrid strain is being developed as a useful resource that can contribute to productivity improvement. In addition, the whole genome sequences reported in this study can help to provide more insight into the genetic background of B. mori phenotype and develop modified strain for specific use using genetic engineering.

Table 3.

Summary of phenotypic characteristics and breeding performance of F1 hybrid strains.

Hybrid Strain Larval Period (days.hrs) *
Pupation Percentage (%)
Cocoon yield (Kg)
No. of cocoons per liter (EA)
Single cocoon weight(g)
Cocoon shell percentage (%)
Moltinism Cocoon color Cocoon shape Target Season Characteristics
Jam123 x Jam124 24.02 95.4 24.2 61 2.56 24.9 4 W Rectangle Spring, Fall Artificial Feed
Jam125 x Jam126 22.19 94.3 22.3 62 2.41 24.4 4 W Rectangle Fall

Artificial Feed

Sex determinant using larva pattern (♂:X, ♀:O)

Jam125 x Jam140 23.18 95.8 23.6 53 2.48 25.2 4 W Rectangle Spring, Fall Artificial Feed
Jam143 x Jam144 23.13 95.9 20.8 54 2.25 24 4 W Rectangle Spring, Fall Sex determinant using larva pattern (♂:X, ♀:O)
Jam307 x Jam126 23.06 82.8 Sericin cocoon 4 Fall Sericin cocoon
Jam151 x Jam152 24.15 95.7 25 48 2.71 24 4 W Rectangle Spring Sex determinant using larva pattern (♂:X, ♀:O)
Jam311 x Jam312 22.23 95.3 18.9 67 1.99 19.7 4 Y Rectangle Spring Yellow Silk Production
Jam315 x Jam316 23.01 96.7 21.9 56 2.31 23.1 4 LG Rectangle Spring, Fall Light Green Silk Production
Jam153 x Jam154 25.04 94.1 21.4 56 2.32 24.7 4 W Rectangle Spring Sex determinant using larva pattern (♂:X, ♀:O)
Jam155 x Jam156 24.15 96.4 25.4 44 2.72 23.2 4 W Rectangle Spring Big Larva Size, High Silk Production
Jam157 x Jam158 23.18 95.9 22.6 57 2.4 23.6 4 W Rectangle Spring Artificial Feed
Jam317 x Jam318 24.06 93.2 21.3 54 2.29 24 4 W, Y Rectangle Spring Sex determinant using cocoon color (♂:W, ♀:Y)
Jam161 x Jam162 22.04 92 18.2 51 2.08 23.5 4 W Rectangle Spring, Fall Sex determinant using larva pattern (♂:X, ♀:O)
Jam319 x Jam320 24.03 94.9 20.6 60 2.22 21.8 4 W,Y Rectangle Spring, Fall Sex determinant using larva pattern and cocoon color (♂:X, W, ♀:O, Y)

#Cocoons were produced from 10 thousand of 5 instar larvae.

*Pupation Percentage (%): Probability of pupation from larva.

**Cocoon yield(kg): Weight of 10,000 cocoons containing silkworm pupa.

***No. of cocoons per liter (EA): Number of cocoons in one liter container. (for estimating the size of the cocoon).

****Single cocoon weight (g): Weight of one cocoon.

*****Cocoon shell percentage (%): Ratio of only cocoons to the weight of cocoons containing pupae.

******W, white; Y, yellow; LG, light green.

※Artificial Feed: Pupation possible only using artificial feed in all stage.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Cocoon of F1 hybrid offspring between male KRSM and female Jam124. All F1 hybrid offspring were tri-molt mutants with a short larval period and the cocoon size was similar to normal B. mori with LYG color.


This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (Project No. PJ013338) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

Author contributions

Seong-Wan Kim and Min Jee Kim: Sample production, collection, and sequencing, data organization. Seong-Ryul Kim, Jeong Sun Park, Kee-Young Kim, and Ki Hwan Kim: Sample production and collection. Woori Kwak and Iksoo Kim: funding, sequencing, study design, data organization

Code availability

All generated sequencing raw reads have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under accession PRJNA751387. The following commands were used to identify the phylogenetic relationship between breeding line strains.

<Adapter Trimming: Trimmomatic v0.39>

java -jar trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE -threads 12 ILLUMINACLIP:<Adapter Fasta>:2:30:10:2:keepBothReads LEADING:3 TRAILING:20 MINLEN:125<Read Mapping: bwa-mem2 v2.1>

bwa-mem2 mem -t 16 <reference_index> <sample_left_pair> <sample_right_pair> | samtools sort –o <sample_name>.bam –

<Remove Duplicate: samtools v1.10>

samtools rmdup <aligned_bam_file> <Remove_duplicated_bam_file>

<Variant Calling: bcftools v1.10.2>

bcftools mpileup -Ou –f <reference_file> -s <bam_list_file> | bcftools call -mv -Ov -o calls.vcf

<Variant Filtering: Vcftools v0.1.16>

vcftools --vcf calls.vcf --remove-indels --recode --max-missing 1.0--min-alleles 2 --max-alleles 2 --minQ 30

<InDel and SV calling: SvABA v1.1.3>

svaba run –t <bam_file> -p 12 -L 6 -I –a <sample_name> -G GCF_014905235.1_Bmori_2016v1.0_genomic.fna

<SNV annotation: SnpEff v5.0>

Java -jar snpEff.jar Mori <SNV.vcf>

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.


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These authors contributed equally: Seong-Wan Kim, Min Jee Kim.

Contributor Information

Woori Kwak, Email:

Iksoo Kim, Email:


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Data Citations

  1. Kim S-W, 2022. Whole-genome sequences of 37 breeding line Bombyx mori strains and their phenotypes established since 1960s. NCBI Sequence Read Archive. SRP331034 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed]

Data Availability Statement

All generated sequencing raw reads have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under accession PRJNA751387. The following commands were used to identify the phylogenetic relationship between breeding line strains.

<Adapter Trimming: Trimmomatic v0.39>

java -jar trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE -threads 12 ILLUMINACLIP:<Adapter Fasta>:2:30:10:2:keepBothReads LEADING:3 TRAILING:20 MINLEN:125<Read Mapping: bwa-mem2 v2.1>

bwa-mem2 mem -t 16 <reference_index> <sample_left_pair> <sample_right_pair> | samtools sort –o <sample_name>.bam –

<Remove Duplicate: samtools v1.10>

samtools rmdup <aligned_bam_file> <Remove_duplicated_bam_file>

<Variant Calling: bcftools v1.10.2>

bcftools mpileup -Ou –f <reference_file> -s <bam_list_file> | bcftools call -mv -Ov -o calls.vcf

<Variant Filtering: Vcftools v0.1.16>

vcftools --vcf calls.vcf --remove-indels --recode --max-missing 1.0--min-alleles 2 --max-alleles 2 --minQ 30

<InDel and SV calling: SvABA v1.1.3>

svaba run –t <bam_file> -p 12 -L 6 -I –a <sample_name> -G GCF_014905235.1_Bmori_2016v1.0_genomic.fna

<SNV annotation: SnpEff v5.0>

Java -jar snpEff.jar Mori <SNV.vcf>

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