Significant cis eQTLs that are also associated with AD-risk in the FCA3DS AD case-control series. WES variants within 1Mb of AKAP9 and ABCA7 that remained significant after FDR correction (cis eQTLs) and which had a nominal p-value for association with AD-risk in 420 FCA3DS AD cases and CU controls are shown. rsID: dbSNP ID of the eQTL; Chr: chromosome; Position: hg38; A1: tested allele; A2: reference allele; ß: coefficient of eQTL linear regression model; P: p-value (F-test); Q: FDR q-value. Also shown are the AD-risk association results, including AD-risk odds ratio (OR), p-value (T-test) and MAFs of variants in the 474 FCA3DS AD cases and controls, and ORs and p-values from the Kunkle et al. AD-risk GWAS in NHW.14 Variant annotation shows the gene proximal to the variant, its exonic function (syn: synonymous; nonsyn: nonsynonymous missense variant) and Regulome score25 obtained from ANNOVAR.24