NLP methods
Key term search |
Identify and extract terms from pre-specified list of terms of interest. |
Named entity recognition |
Locate and translate terms, or named entities, into predefined categories of concepts, often using controlled medical vocabularies. |
Rule-based methods |
Detect concepts of interest based on an established set of rules or logic, often using regular expressions, which are sequences of characters that define a search pattern. |
Convolutional neural network |
A deep learning neural network approach identifying, weighting, and connecting “nodes” across multiple convolutional “layers” of nodes (including a convolutional layer) and applying filters between layers. |
Conditional random fields |
A classification approach that accounts for context in order to recognize patterns and make predictions. |
Decision tree |
Hierarchical trees of knowledge used to classify concepts of interest. |
Logistic regression |
A basic building block for neural networks; a classification approach used to discover links between concepts of interest. |
Random forest |
An “ensemble” of decision trees built using a combination of learning models and used to produce more accurate and stable predictions. |
Recurrent neural network |
A deep learning neural network approach designed to interpret temporal or sequential information and used to make predictions. |
Evaluation Methods
Manual annotation |
The task of reading pre-selected texts and marking (i.e., annotating) linguistic components (paragraphs, sentences, phrases, or words) that represents concepts of interest. |
Cross-validation; also called held out testing set |
A technique to evaluate predictive models by partitioning the original sample into a training set to train the model, and a test set to evaluate it. |
Performance metrics
Positive predictive value (PPV); also called precision |
The percentage of results that were actually relevant among all results that the system obtained. |
Negative predictive value (NPV) |
The percentage of results that were actually irrelevant among all results that the system did not obtain. |
Sensitivity; also called recall |
The percentage of results that were actually obtained by the system among all results that should have been obtained. |
Specificity |
The percentage of results that were actually not obtained by the system among all results that should not have been obtained. |
F-score |
A combination of PPV/precision and sensitivity/recall; can be weighted to give more significance to one measure. |
Accuracy |
The percentage of results that were actually relevant among all results that were and were not obtained. |
Area under the curve (AUC) |
Reflects the degree to which a model is capable of classifying or distinguishing between classes or events of interest. |