Extended Data Figure 10: Expression of Drosophila tTFs in mouse neural progenitors.
(a) The mouse orthologs of the Drosophila optic lobe temporal transcription factors are not expressed in specific temporal windows in mouse cortical radial glia during embryonic stages E12-E15, which span their neurogenic period, except for Pax6, which is enriched in young progenitors (two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test, adjusted p-value = 1.969240e-08).
(b) Heatmap of expression of Igf2bp1 and Bach2 (orthologs of Drosophila Imp and chinmo, respectively) in radial glia and neuronal progeny. Igf2bp1 is expressed in young apical progenitors, while Bach2 is expressed in young apical progenitors and neurons that are born by these young progenitors. Source: http://genebrowser.unige.ch/telagirdon/
(c) Violin plots showing the expression of the known temporal factors of the mouse retinal progenitor cells, Ikzf1, Pou2f2 and Casz1, orthologs of the Drosophila VNC temporal transcription factors, hb, pdm and cas, respectively. Pou2f2 is expressed in younger progenitors and Casz1 in older progenitors. We do not see expression of Ikzf1 at these stages, as has been reported before46.
(d) Violin plots showing the expression of the orthologs of the Drosophila optic lobe tTFs in the mouse retinal progenitor cells. The expression of the orthologs of hth (Meis2), opa (Zic5), and D (Sox12) seem to be restricted to embryonic stage 12, while the ortholog of ey (Pax6) is expressed constitutively, as expected. Interestingly, Nr2e1 is expressed just before birth, which is when the retinal progenitor cells start generating Müller glia ortholog; similarly, its ortholog tll also starts to be expressed when the Drosophila medulla neuroblasts become gliogenic.