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. 2022 May 12;17(5):e0268392. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268392

Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: A comparison study among synthetic kinematic indices

Emahnuel Troisi Lopez 1,#, Roberta Minino 1,#, Pierpaolo Sorrentino 2,3, Valentino Manzo 4, Domenico Tafuri 1, Giuseppe Sorrentino 1,3,5,*, Marianna Liparoti 1
Editor: J Lucas McKay6
PMCID: PMC9098031  PMID: 35551300


The synthetic indices are widely used to describe balance and stability during gait. Some of these are employed to describe the gait features in Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, the results are sometimes inconsistent, and the same indices are rarely used to compare the individuals affected by PD before and after levodopa intake (OFF and ON condition, respectively). Our aim was to investigate which synthetic measure among Harmonic Ratio, Jerk Ratio, Golden Ratio and Trunk Displacement Index is representative of gait stability and harmony, and which of these are more sensitive to the variations between OFF and ON condition. We found that all indices, except the Jerk Ratio, significantly improve after levodopa. Only the improvement of the Trunk Displacement Index showed a direct correlation with the motor improvement measured through the clinical scale UPDRS-III (Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale–part III). In conclusion, we suggest that the synthetic indices can be useful to detect motor changes induced by, but not all of them clearly correlate with the clinical changes achieved with the levodopa administration. In our analysis, only the Trunk Displacement Index was able to show a clear relationship with the PD clinical motor improvement.


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an age-related neurodegenerative pathology, characterized by nigrostriatal dopaminergic degeneration [1]. Lack of dopamine causes motor system malfunctions such as bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, gait disorders and postural instability with the consequent high risk of fall [2]. A temporary inhibition of symptoms occurs after taking levodopa (L-DOPA), which is currently the most effective symptomatic treatment [3, 4].

In order to rate the disease severity and to optimize the therapeutic strategy, it is crucial to have reliable and replicable scales for assessing the global clinical condition of the PD patients. The Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) is the most commonly used [5]. The UPDRS consists of four parts, the third of which (UPDRS-III) specifically assesses motor impairment, and it can be employed before and after L-DOPA medication (OFF and ON condition, respectively), in order to assess the motor response to treatment. However, this approach is based on the subjective clinician’s assessment of the motor state and may not truly represent the patients’ motor impairment. Therefore, a less operator-dependent approach capable of providing a quantitative assessment of motor deficits is highly needed.

Gait analysis (GA) is a widely used methodology to study human locomotion. It is employed to analyse gait features in healthy people [5] and in individuals affected by both non-motor [6, 7] and motor diseases, including PD [3, 811]. Several technologies are exploited to gather data from gait; accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers are commonly employed sensors in 3D analysis, but the gold standard for movement evaluation is represented by stereophotogrammetric systems [12]. In fact, through this approach it is possible to acquire spatio-temporal and kinematic parameters of high precision and reliability [1315].

Recently, many studies have turned to analyse more synthetic measures in order to obtain an overall assessment of gait, based on features of gait like harmony and fluidity (or smoothness) [16, 17], commonly analysed through accelerometers, and occasionally using stereophotogrammetric systems. This approach has been applied especially in studying individuals affected by movement disorders, including PD [1822]. The most commonly employed indices to asses harmony and smoothness of gait are: the Harmonic Ratio (HR) [2325], the Jerk Ratio (JR) [26, 27] and the Golden Ratio (GR) [28, 29]. Very recently, we have implemented a new gait parameter, called Trunk Displacement Index (TDI) [21], that assesses the relationship between trunk and Centre of Mass (COM) oscillations.

The HR is based on harmonic theory and analyses the periodicity of acceleration signal and its definition is debated in gait analysis [30]. It is commonly described as a measure to quantify smoothness of walking [23, 31, 32] and quantify walking stability [18, 25, 33], but some author addresses its significance as a measure of symmetry between steps [30] or rhythmicity of the accelerations [25]. Higher values of HR are usually observed in young individuals when compared to elderly people [31, 34, 35]. With regard to individuals affected by PD, Castiglia et al., (2021) analysed HR in patients during ON phase. The authors reported higher anteroposterior HR values in PD with respect to healthy individuals matched for age and walking speed. Furthermore, they highlighted that anteroposterior HR could result as a useful marker to characterise falling risk [36]. Accordingly, further studies on PD individuals in ON condition showed lower HR values compared to healthy age-matched controls [25, 37].

The JR is a measure commonly used to assess smoothness of movement [38, 39] during gait, taking into consideration the jerk (the third derivative of position with respect to time) of the body through three-dimensional space. Similarly to HR, JR has been successfully exploited to distinguish between young and elderly individuals, with the former showing smoother movements (low JR values) [39]. Buckley et al. showed higher JR values in subjects with PD when compared to healthy controls, demonstrating the importance of upper body variables during gait, in conjunction to the spatiotemporal gait parameters [40]. However, the authors did not specify if the patients were tested in OFF or ON condition [26].

The GR, represented by the Greek letter phi (ϕ), was identified in human gait by Iosa et al. [29]. ϕ is a well-known mathematical proportion that describes a fractal harmonic structure [41, 42]. In particular, the authors hypothesized that the proportion between specific gait phases could comply with the value expressed by ϕ. Subsequently, the topic was explored further, and the authors hypothesized that the human anthropometric proportions have evolved in such a way to facilitate golden proportion in gait [43]. Furthermore, they hypothesised that the neural network comprising the cerebellum, globus pallidus spinal cord is what regulates the harmonious golden ratio rhythm [44], and that this rhythm is altered in people with cerebellar ataxia [45] and people with Parkinson’s disease [46]. In this regard, the authors, using a stereophotogrammetric system, performed a gait analysis in patients with PD and healthy controls, confirming their hypothesis and highlighting the presence of harmonic properties in human walking. They also demonstrated that harmonic proportions of gait were reduced in PD patients in both OFF and ON condition, compared to healthy controls [46].

Finally, the TDI, a recently developed measure that we introduced in a previous study, is an adimensional index able to quantify the displacement of the trunk in relation to the COM [21]. Higher TDI values indicate wide trunk displacement with respect to the COM trajectory, expressing low postural control. Its conception originated from the idea that through the evolution and the transition from quadrupedal to bipedal locomotion the positions of the trunk and the COM [47, 48] changed and the total weight of the body moved on two limbs, increasing the complexity of the task of keeping balance. Intuitively, it is expected that the trunk oscillation should not be too wide compared to the COM movement. In our previous study we showed how the TDI could distinguish the PD individuals before and after a sub-clinical dose of L-DOPA intake, with the PD patients in OFF condition exhibiting higher TDI values when compared to PD patients in ON condition [18].

As shown, synthetic measures have often been used to assess PD gait. However, these studies were carried out regardless of the ON or OFF condition and the differences between the two states have been poorly investigated. The aim of our work was to compare the sensitivity of the aforementioned measures to clinical motor changes. In particular, through a stereophotogrammetric system, we calculated the values of these synthetic measures, in individuals affected by PD, before and after L-DOPA intake. Furthermore, in order to assess their clinical meaning, we tested whether there was a relationship between the indices analysed and the UPDRS-III clinical scale scores.

Materials and methods


We recruited twenty-one patients (Table 1) affected by PD (diagnosis defined according to the United Kingdom Parkinson’s Disease Brain Bank criteria) [49]. Patients were acquired from July 22, 2020 to August 10, 2020. The following inclusion criteria were considered: i) minimum age of 45 years or older; ii) Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) score ≤ 3 in “OFF” state; iii) disease duration < 10 years; iv) presence of antiparkinsonian treatment at a stable dosage. Exclusion criteria included: i) Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score < 24 [50]; ii) Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) score < 12 [51]; iii) Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) > 13 [52]; iv) presence of additional neurological or psychiatric disorders; v) assumption of additional psychoactive drugs; vi) any other physical or medical conditions causing walking impairment.

Table 1. Demographic, neuropsychological, and clinical characteristics of the patients affected by Parkinson’s disease (PD).

Demographic data PD p-value
Age (years) 64.4 (± 11.6) -
Gender (m/f ratio) 16/5 -
Neuropsychological data
MMSE 28.1 (± 1.6) -
FAB 16.3 (± 1.8) -
BDI 6 (± 4.4) -
Clinical data PDoff PDon
UPDRS-III 28.5 (± 16) 16 (± 9.3) < 0.001
Disease duration (months) 86.4 (± 47.3) -

Clinical assessment was compared within the group before (PDoff) and after (PDon) L-DOPA administration. Mini mental state examination (MMSE), frontal assessment battery (FAB), Beck’s depression inventory (BDI), unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale part III (UPDRS-III). Value expressed as mean (± standard deviation).

According to the declaration of Helsinki, an informed consent was obtained from all participants. The study was approved by the AORN “A. Cardarelli” Ethic Committee (protocol number: 00019628) on July 21, 2020.


The protocol required to record each subject two times, before (OFF state) and after (ON state) L-DOPA intake. Specifically, the patients in OFF state did not assume L-DOPA in the last 14–16 hours (PDoff group), while the second recording was performed on the same individuals who assumed a subclinical dose (defined as half of their usual morning intake) of L-DOPA (Melevodopa + Carbidopa) (PDon group) 40 minutes before the acquisition. Each acquisition was preceded by an UPDRS-III test. Specifically, patients were instructed to walk forth and back continuously at self-selected speed, through a measured space of 10 meters (Fig 1, left panel). This made it possible to record at least six trials for each subject and condition. This number of recordings represents a good compromise to avoid participants fatigue [53] during the execution of the task and to obtain information on the kinematic of the gait. Precisely, participants were asked to start the walking, without knowing when they were registered. The recordings were made while the participants walked in the central part of the walkway and always in the same direction. We did not record the walking when participants made direction changes (180-degree rotation), because they could result in a possible confounding factor. Indeed, it is well known in the literature that Parkinson’s disease affects the ability to maintain dynamic stability during the change of direction [54]. For each subject (in each condition) we collected the best four trials [5557], in which all the markers were highly visible, and for each trial two gait cycles were selected. Therefore, the evaluation of biomechanical indices was performed on eight gait cycles for each condition. The results were averaged to stabilise the outcome and obtain a more reliable result.

Fig 1. Acquisition setup.

Fig 1

The left panel shows the acquisition setup. The centre panel shows details of one of the eight cameras employed for the acquisition. The right panel shows a representative image of the patient’s acquired data.

Acquisition system

The analysis of gait was performed in the Motion Analysis Laboratory of the University of Naples Parthenope. In order to acquire kinematic information of the subjects, we used a stereophotogrammetric system composed of eight infrared cameras (ProReflex Unit—Qualisys Inc., Gothenburg, Sweden) (Fig 1, centre panel) and 55 passive markers (Fig 1, right panel). The markers were positioned in specific anatomical landmarks of each participant in accordance with the modified Davis protocol [58]. Through 3D-GA, we acquired kinematic data useful to calculate the following measures.

Spatiotemporal parameters

In order to integrate the comparison study on the kinematic indices, we also analysed spatiotemporal gait parameters. In particular, we took into consideration the following parameters: speed (meters/seconds), step length (meters), stance time (seconds), swing time (seconds), cycle time (seconds), double support time (seconds).

Harmonic ratio

The HR consists of a spectral analysis of body acceleration, obtained through Fourier transform. This method allows to evaluate the smoothness of gait and estimate the stability, calculating the symmetry within strides [30, 32, 59]. The acceleration components are divided in “in phase” and “out of phase” and correspond respectively to even and odd harmonics. The nature of the acceleration signal in antero-posterior (AP) and vertical (V) direction is biphasic, as each stride consists of two consecutive steps, and the even harmonics amplitude results greater than the odd harmonics one. Hence, the HR in AP and V axes is calculated as the ratio of sum of the amplitude of the even harmonics to the ratio of the sum of the amplitudes of the odd harmonics [60]:

HRAP,V=ΣAmplitudesofevenharmonicsΣAmplitudesofoddharmonics (1)

However, in the medio-lateral (ML) direction the acceleration signal is monophasic as the movement is limb-dependent, and the odd harmonics show greater amplitude compared to even harmonics. Consequently, the HR in ML axis results to be inverted [60]:

HRML=ΣAmplitudesofoddharmonicsΣAmplitudesofevenharmonics (2)

HR is usually calculated at lower trunk level, as it is the closest external point with respect to the COM [18]. However, through 3D-GA we were able to calculate the position of the COM during walking and measure its real HR.

Jerk ratio

The Jerk is the first time derivative of acceleration. It is used to calculate gait parameters related to smoothness of movement [39]. One of the common approaches is to calculate the root mean square (RMS) of the jerk of the body into the three-dimensional space (AP, V and ML axis), in order to obtain a single number (for each axis) representative of the smoothness of movement [61, 62]. Finally, the JR is obtained calculating the logarithmic ratio of ML to V RMS jerk (Eq 3) and AP to V RMS jerk (Eq 4), in order to obtain a dimensionless parameter, expressed in decibel (dB) [39].

JRAP/V=10log10(RMSAPJerkRMSVJerk) (3)
JRML/V=10log10(RMSMLJerkRMSVJerk) (4)

Authors which used the JR suggested calculating it at head level in order to efficiently show a postural control impairment [26, 39]. Hence, we calculated the JR at head level, using data of the two markers positioned to track the head movements.

Golden ratio

This technique is based on the theory of the golden ratio (sectio aurea). In nature there are many phenomena which presents well-known proportions, including ϕ (represented by the number 1.6180…) [41, 42]. This proportion is present when two elements (e.g., a and b) meet the following criteria:

a+ba=ab=ϕ (5)

Iosa et al. identified the ϕ value in three main proportion of gait phases, defining this measure as harmony of gait. Specifically, the authors defined the golden ratio parameters of gait as the ratio between cycle time and stance time, stance time and swing time, swing time and double support time [29]. In order to obtain a measure representative of the distance between each subject ratio during gait and the ϕ value, we calculated each GR parameter as the absolute value of the difference between the subject ratio and ϕ.

GR1=[CycletimeStanceTimeϕ] (6)
GR2=[StancetimeSwingTimeϕ] (7)
GR3=[SwingtimeDLSTimeϕ] (8)

The pure ratio values have been calculated too in order to perform a correlation analysis similar to Iosa et al. [46].

Trunk displacement index

The TDI was designed keeping into consideration the control exerted by the hierarchically ordered brain structures that, integrating sensory information, are able to control the COM and consequently the balance [63]. To build the index we calculated the ratio between the summation of the norm of the three-dimensional distances between trunk and COM trajectories and the COM mean position:

TDI=TdCOMd (9)

where Td represents the three-dimensional vector of the distances between trunk trajectory and COM mean position, while COMd represents the three-dimensional vector of the distances between COM trajectory and COM mean position, during gait [21].

Statistical analysis

The statistical analysis was performed in MATLAB, (Mathworks®, version R2020a). Since the parameters showed a non-normal distribution (after the Shapiro-Wilk test), we performed a two-side Wilcoxon signed rank test in order to compare our data. Test statistic (W) and effect size (ESr) was reported for each comparison [64]. To analyse the relationship between the improvement (difference between OFF and ON condition) of the kinematic and clinical parameters, a correlation test was carried out through a Spearman’s correlation analysis. A partial correlation analysis was performed too, in order to control for possible confounding factors. A significance level of p < 0.05 has been considered.


OFF and ON comparison

The UPDRS-III showed a statistical difference before and after L-DOPA intake, where the PDoff patients presented higher UPDRS-III values. With regard to the spatiotemporal parameters, several statistical differences were observed between the OFF and ON condition (Table 2). Specifically, the PDon group showed increased speed (W = -231, p < 0.001, ESr = -1) and step length (W = -217, p < 0.001, ESr = -0.94), and reduced stance time (W = 183, p = 0.002, ESr = 0.79), cycle time (W = 191, p < 0.001, ESr = 0.83), and double support time (W = 165, p = 0.004, ESr = 0.71). Swing time did not show statistically significant variation (W = 91, p = 0.004, ESr = 0.39).

Table 2. Comparison of spatiotemporal parameters before (OFF) and after (ON) L-DOPA intake.

Parameter Mean (±Standard deviation) Test Statistic p-value Effect Size
Off On
Speed (m/s) 0.852 (±0.21) 1.036 (±0.2) -231 < 0.001 -1
Step Length (m) 0.506 (±0.12) 0.569 (±0.09) -217 < 0.001 -0.94
Stance Time (s) 0.726 (±0.08) 0.677 (±0.05) 183 0.002 0.79
Swing Time (s) 0.442 (±0.05) 0.426 (±0.03) 91 0.114 0.4
Cycle Time (s) 1.175 (±0.1) 1.104 (±0.07) 191 < 0.001 0.83
Double Support Time (s) 0.287 (±0.08) 0.253 (±0.05) 165 0.004 0.71

The comparison was performed between OFF and ON condition of patients affected by Parkinson’s Disease, using a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank test. Mean, standard deviation, test statistic, p-value, and effect size values are reported within the table. Units of measurement are meters (m) and seconds (s). Significant p-values in bold.

The analysis of the synchrony and smoothness of movement performed through HR in PD patients before and after L-DOPA intake showed a significant difference in one of the three directions. Specifically, the PDoff patients showed lower HR values in the AP axis, compared to PDon patients (W = 119, p = 0.038, ESr = 0.52) (Fig 2). Differently, the smoothness of movement measured through logarithmic dimensionless jerk, failed to show any significant difference between OFF and ON condition, in both JRAP/V (W = -69, p = 0.23, ESr = -0.3) and JRML/V (W = 29, p = 0.614, ESr = 0.13) measures (Fig 3). The analysis of the fractal harmony, performed through GR, presented significant differences before and after L-DOPA medication, in all three parameters. Specifically, compared to PDon patients, the PDoff patients showed a greater distance from optimal ϕ values in the GR1 (W = -133, p = 0.021, ESr = -0.58), GR2 (W = -127, p = 0.027, ESr = -0.55) and GR3 (W = -131, p = 0.023, ESr = -0.57) (Fig 4). Finally, analysing the trunk displacement, we found a significant statistical difference between PDon and PDoff (W = -217, p < 0.001, ESr = -0.93), with the PDoff patients exhibiting higher TDI values compared to PDon patients (Fig 5).

Fig 2. Harmonic ratio.

Fig 2

The box plot of the harmonic ratio comparison, in mediolateral (ML), anteroposterior (AP) and vertical (VT) directions, between OFF and ON condition in patients affected by Parkinson’s disease. The box represents data from 25th to 75th percentiles; the horizontal line inside the box represents the median; lower and upper error lines represent the 10th and 90th percentile respectively; filled circles represent the outliers. Patients affected by Parkinson’s disease before L-DOPA intake (PDoff), patients affected by Parkinson’s disease after L-DOPA intake (PDon). Significance p value: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Fig 3. Jerk ratio.

Fig 3

The box plot of the jerk ratio comparison, in mediolateral to vertical (ML/V) and anteroposterior to vertical (AP/V) ratios, between OFF and ON condition in patients affected by Parkinson’s disease. Patients affected by Parkinson’s disease before L-DOPA intake (PDoff), patients affected by Parkinson’s disease after L-DOPA intake (PDon). Significance p value: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Fig 4. Golden ratio.

Fig 4

The box plot of the golden ratio comparison, cycle time/stance time (GR1), stance time/swing time (GR2), swing time/double limb support time (GR3), between OFF and ON condition in patients affected by Parkinson’s disease. Patients affected by Parkinson’s disease before L-DOPA intake (PDoff), patients affected by Parkinson’s disease after L-DOPA intake (PDon). Significance p value: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Fig 5. Trunk displacement index.

Fig 5

The box plot of the Trunk Displacement Index (TDI), between OFF and ON condition in patients affected by Parkinson’s disease. Patients affected by Parkinson’s disease before L-DOPA intake (PDoff), patients affected by Parkinson’s disease after L-DOPA intake (PDon). Significance p value: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Correlation analysis

Finally, we performed a correlation analysis between the clinical improvement (i.e., the difference between the OFF and ON condition) and the kinematic improvement of the synthetic parameters that showed a significant difference in the OFF-ON comparison. We found a statistically significant correlation between the TDI improvement and the UPDRS-III improvement (r = 0.46; p = 0.035) (Fig 6). Moreover, this result was confirmed even when controlling for the speed improvement, considered as a confounding factor (r = 0.45, p = 0.049). None of the remaining kinematic improvement resulted to be correlated with the clinical improvement. Furthermore, we performed a correlation analysis between the improvement of the golden ratio parameters as originally calculated by Iosa et al. [46], and the UPDRS-III improvement. Even in this case the correlation did not show any significant result.

Fig 6. Correlation between TDI improvement and clinical.

Fig 6

Spearman coefficient correlation between Trunk Displacement Index (TDI) improvement (difference between OFF and ON–Δ (OFF-ON) TDI) and Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Part III score (UPDRS-III) improvement (Δ (OFF-ON) UPDRS-III). The correlation analysis was performed excluding the effect of the gait speed, considered as a confounding variable. Significance p value: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.


In this study we evaluated different synthetic measures of gait, (i.e., HR, JR, GR and TDI) in people affected by PD. Specifically, we measured the responsiveness to L-DOPA intake of those indices, and investigated the relationship between the kinematic and the clinical improvements between the OFF and ON condition.

Firstly, through the spatiotemporal parameters we can observe that after levodopa intake, PD patients increased their walking speed. This resulted in reduced gait cycle duration, and in particular in lower time spent in double support. These results highlight the motor improvement obtained by PD patients in ON condition, and are consistent with previous studies investigating the effects of L-DOPA on PD gait [6567]. Analysed through HR, PD patients after L-DOPA administration showed significant higher values of HR in the AP direction. This result implies a worse harmony of movement in the PDoff group, which was improved by L-DOPA. The only other study on HR in OFF and ON conditions in PD was performed by Pelicioni et al. [68]. The authors calculated HR at head and pelvis level, showing the effects on different PD subgroups (with and without postural instability and gait difficulty). However, after L-DOPA intake, beyond the PD subtype, results showed increased HR in the AP direction and reduced HR in the VT direction. Even if related to different parts of the body (our HR values are measured at COM level), our result is in agreement with this study, although we failed to prove any effect concerning the HR difference in ML and VT directions. Additional studies comparing HR of the trunk in PD patients and healthy controls showed several discrepancies. Lowry et al. found lower HR in AP and ML directions of individuals with PD, while Buckley et al. only found lower HR in the AP direction of PD patients [25, 26]. Finally, Castiglia et al., and Latt et al. found lower HR in all three axes comparing PD with healthy controls [36, 37]. These differences could be due to the different severity of the disease, but also to the methodological approach employed to calculate the HR. Indeed, several studies using inertial sensors estimated that the optimal number of strides to obtain stable HR values is of 20 strides [6971]. Among the reported studies, only Castiglia et al., and Buckley et al., declared to include at least 20 strides in their analysis. In our case, using a stereophotogrammetric system recording the middle segment of a 10-meters long path, several walking trials were required. Furthermore, each patient underwent two separate recording (OFF and ON phases). Hence, to avoid the effect of the fatigue on the walking performance, we had to reduce the number of recorded trials.

The JR analysis, often considered a measure of the smoothness of gait, could not produce any significant result in our population. The use of a dimensionless logarithmic jerk analysis at head level in PD patients during gait is poorly present in literature. A study performed by Buckley et al. showed that PD individuals presented high values of JR at head level compared to healthy controls [26]. However, no study used this measure to investigate the difference between OFF and ON condition in PD. We consider two possible reasons to explain our result. The first possibility is that the low half dose of L-DOPA that we used was not enough to affect the degree of smoothness given by the variation of acceleration. The second possibility is that the mechanisms which control the smoothness of movement, related to the rate of change of the acceleration, are non-dopamine dependent, thus we could not observe any difference between OFF and ON conditions.

The GR analysis showed significant differences in GR1, GR2 and GR3. After L-DOPA intake, the PD patients moved their GR values close to the ideal number represented by ϕ, in each one of the three calculated ratios. L-DOPA was able to improve the ratio between several phases of the gait cycle. Precisely, it improved the ratio cycle time/stance time, stance time/swing time, and swing time/double limb support time. Iosa et al., performing a study on PD and healthy controls showed that individuals with PD during on phase presented GR values farther from ϕ, when compared to healthy controls [46]. Moreover, after a 12 hours washout the GR values worsened. These results suggest the hypothesis that the harmony of gait, meant as the regulation of the proportion of gait phases, could be influenced by the basal ganglia and thus affected by L-DOPA treatment.

Finally, the TDI showed higher values in PD individuals before L-DOPA intake compared to the same individuals after medication. The TDI was able to differentiate the two conditions, highlighting the postural impairment typical of PD, represented by increased trunk oscillations. As well as for the GR, TDI is a novel measure and it needs to be tested in further and wider population in order to strengthen its validity, although the preliminary results make it a promising biomechanical index.

Concerning the correlation’s study, the only measure which showed to be correlated with the UPDRS-III improvements was the TDI. In fact, a positive correlation between the TDI improvement and the clinical motor improvement, evaluated through the UPDRS-III was found. This result contributes to the reliability of the TDI as a useful measure in the assessment of the motor changes induced by the L-DOPA therapy. For both HR and JR, we were not able to find any study which showed a significant correlation with the UPDRS. Concerning GR, Iosa et al., were able to find a significant correlation between each one of the three GR values and the UPDRS [46]. We wondered if the inconsistency between our results and Iosa’s could be driven by to the different way we calculated the GR. In their study, the authors used the exact value of the ratio between the gait phases of the subjects [46], while we used the absolute value of the difference between each subject ratio and ϕ, (as stated in the methods section). We used a different method in order to observe the actual gap between the ideal GR value (i.e., ϕ) and the one of each subject. Moreover, using the actual ratio values like Iosa et al. we could observe group-averaged values close to ϕ, while subject-specific values are far from it. Finally, correlating the actual ratios with the UPDRS-III values using linear correlation tests could be misleading, as it would be more consistent for the data to be related through a quadratic correlation. However, in order to verify if the discrepancy of the results could be driven by the way we calculated the parameter, we correlated the UPDRS-III values with the ratio values of the subjects (as performed by Iosa et al.). Nevertheless, even in this case, we could not observe any significant correlation. This difference may be due to the size of our sample or to further characteristics related to our protocol or to our patients, such as the use of a mild L-DOPA dose or the disease severity of the patients. Further studies with increased population might be useful to confirm if a relationship between GR and UPDRS-III exists.

In summary, we observed the response to L-DOPA of synthetic gait indices in an early PD population. The TDI highlighted the presence of trunk impairment in PD, as a consequence of the postural instability typical of the disease, and showed the highest ESr among the measures under consideration in the comparison between OFF phase and ON phase. Moreover, TDI was the only index which showed a significant correlation with the overall motor condition as evaluated by UPDRS-III. From another point of view, the effect of L-DOPA on gait could be observed clearly by an improved proportion between gait cycle phases, measured through GR. Unfortunately, GR does not offer information concerning the stability of the individual itself or information about the movement in the three directions. However, it offers an evaluation of the gait harmony during the gait cycle and reveals which gait phases should be regulated according to the GR. It is noteworthy that all three investigated GR values improved after the L-DOPA administration, with similar ESr values. Conversely, HR offers information regarding the stability and the smoothness of the walking. L-DOPA effect could be observed on the AP axis of PD patients, which gained better harmony of COM movement. As stated before, JR did not provide any significant result. A limitation of this study is the relatively small sample size. Further studies including a larger population should be carried out to confirm our results. Another limitation of the study is that biomechanical indices analysis was performed on eight gait cycles for each condition, while a higher gait cycle number was used in several studies [6971]. However, it is important to consider that a higher number of recordings could have fatigued the participants [53], who repeated the analysis twice on the same day before and 40 minutes after the administration of L-DOPA. Finally, it could be useful to perform the same study protocol using different acquisition devices, like inertial sensors [72], and markerless camera systems [73], to evaluate the accuracy required by the tools in order to employ such synthetic indices.


TDI, GR and HR resulted to be sensitive enough to detect significant difference before and after L-DOPA intake in early PD patients, with the TDI as the only measure which showed a correlation with a clinical parameter. Each measure can be used to analyse a different gait characteristic of individuals affected by PD. TDI, should be employed to evaluate balance and stability through trunk oscillation. GR should be used to evaluate the harmony and the respect of the natural gait phases and proportions. HR should be used to evaluate the smoothness of the COM movement in the three axes of motion.

Supporting information

S1 Dataset


Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

The authors received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Manabu Sakakibara

19 Jul 2021


Synthetic kinematic indices denoting the overall motor features of gait in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study


Dear Dr. Sorrentino,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

Two experts in the field have carefully reviewed the manuscript entitled, "Synthetic kinematic indices denoting the overall motor features of gait in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study". Their comments are appended below. 

Both of them gave favourable comments for publication with leaving several minor concerns including proof reading before submission.  I will make the final decision after receipt of your necessary revision and the replies to each critiques. 

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Manabu Sakakibara, Ph.D.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: In this study authors aimed at investigating the synthetic indices which are representative of gait stability and harmony in patients with Parkinson’s disease. In particular they focused on their sensitivity in discriminating the OFF and ON conditions. The paper is interesting and the obtained results could be useful to quantify the severity of motor impairment during gait in patients with Parkinson’s disease, but the following minor issues need to be addressed.

1. The English in the present manuscript requires an improvement. Please carefully proof-read spell check to eliminate grammatical errors. Some periods need also to be revised, like for example the following ones, in the “Introduction” section:

“Gait analysis (GA) is a widely used methodologies to objectively investigate the gait features in health [5] and both non-motor [6,7] and motor diseases, including PD [3,8–11].”

“However, these studies were carried out regardless of the ON or OFF condition and any the comparison between the two states has been performed.”

2. The title should focus on the indices’ sensitivity in discriminating the ON and OFF condition, since it seems to be the main aim of the authors.

3. It would be useful integrating a brief explanation of the meaning of the ON and OFF condition in the Abstract and in the Introduction for casual readers.

4. In the Introduction (Lines 48-49), authors state that through the optoelectronic systems it is possible to acquire spatio-temporal and kinematic parameters with high precision and reliability. Please add some references supporting this statement.

5. Line 49: the sentence “However, more recently, to obtain an overall assessment of gait, many studies have turned to analyse more synthetic…” should be moved in a new paragraph since is not directly linked with the previous topic. Which are the systems commonly used to measure the synthetic indices? Please integrate a description in the Introduction.

6. Table I and patients’ characteristics should be moved in the Subjects section.

7. Intervention section: Why did authors acquire 4 gait cycles? Could they add some reference or explanation?

8. Some pictures of the setup and acquisition should be integrated within the manuscript

9. The quality and resolution of the Figures need to be improved.

10. The limitations and conclusions of the study should be integrated in the paper.

Reviewer #2: This observational study points out the sensitivity of different synthetic indices with regard to clinical motor changes of people with PD. More specifically, the authors have assessed objectively the gait performance of 21 subjects with PD in both OFF and ON phases considering synthetic indices including the Trunk displacement Index (TDI) which is a parameter implemented by the authors in order to assess the relationship between trunk and Center of Mass oscillations. Moreover, the authors investigated whether there is a relationship between these indices and the level of motor impairment assessed by UPDRS - part III under both conditions. The findings showed the sensitivity of TDI as well as HR (Harmony Ratio) only in AP (antero-posterior) axis and GR (Golden ratio) in all three dimensions to ON and OFF conditions in people with PD, while only the TDI was directly correlated with the clinical status of PD subjects. The workflow is of good quality and the English is well written with some small grammatical and punctuation errors. However, some minor concerns should be considered as detailed below.

Main comments

The study design is unclear. Was it a retrospective or a prospective study? The period of patients’ recruitment and the date of study approval by the Ethics Committee are not mentioned in the manuscript. Please clarify these points in order to make your study replicable.

Minor comments


Line 29. Your conclusion relates to a study completed . The past should be used.

Line 42. Please replace “patients’ problems” with other proper terms (i.e: clinical conditions, status, disorders…).

Line 44… GA is a…. methodology…

Line 49. The right term commonly used in GA is: “spatio-temporal” and kinematic parameters.

Line 51. Correct the punctuation error.

Line 52. …individual”s” affected by motor “pathologies”. Please replace with a proper term.

Line 73. Correct the punctuation error.

Line 86. PD Individual”s” or people with PD (the plural should be used).

Line 88. When describing the TDI, information about the score interpretation and its clinical importance lacks. A higher value stands for what?

Line 90. Grammar should be revised.

Line 92. I suggest to rewrite the aim of the study excluding the parts which can be explained in details in the methods (e.g. the number of recruited subjects should be cited in method and results and not among the aim of the study).

Line 99. Was it a retrospective or a prospective study? Please, mention the period of patients’ recruitment.

Line 108. vi) any other …

Line 110. Please report also the date of study approval by the Ethics Committee.

Line 114. I suppose you mean straight “path”.


I am wondering how a person with PD can walk 10 meters by 4 gait cycles. This part needs to be clarified. Moreover, can the authors explain if only one trial consisting of four gait cycles were taken into account per condition or a mean of more trial repetitions was considered for the data analysis?

Line 223. Please add that this result is significant. The statistical differences can be also non-significant.

Line 323. “Summerising” is not in line with the English style of the whole text.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Erika D'Antonio

Reviewer #2: Yes: Sanaz Pournajaf

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2022 May 12;17(5):e0268392. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268392.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

13 Aug 2021

Dear Manabu Sakakibara,

please find enclosed a revision of our paper entitled “Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study among synthetic kinematic indices.” to be considered for publication in Plos One.

We thank the editor and the reviewers for their efforts in evaluating our manuscript. We did our best to follow the comments made by the reviewers, and hope that this revised submission will be adequate for publication.

In what follows, we firstly summarize the main changes, and then provide detailed answers to Reviewers’ comments.

Main changes:

General: the English have been revised throughout the whole manuscript. A new figure was added; the figures have been re-numbered and re-uploaded.

Title: the title has been modified according to Reviewer #1 in order to better focus on the aim of the study. Consequently, the new title is: “Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study among synthetic kinematic indices”.

Abstract: we integrated a brief explanation concerning the OFF and ON (medication) state of the individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease.

Introduction: according to the Reviewers, missing information have been updated in order to enhance the study background. The aims have been improved removing unnecessary information.

Methods: following Reviewers’ observation, methods have been updated to better clarify our study design and intervention. Subject’s data table have been included in the correct section.

Results: the table containing subjects’ data has been removed from this section.

Discussion: limitations have been added and the conclusions have been moved to a separate section.

Review Comments to the Author

Reviewer #1: In this study authors aimed at investigating the synthetic indices which are representative of gait stability and harmony in patients with Parkinson’s disease. In particular they focused on their sensitivity in discriminating the OFF and ON conditions. The paper is interesting and the obtained results could be useful to quantify the severity of motor impairment during gait in patients with Parkinson’s disease, but the following minor issues need to be addressed.

1.Reviewer: The English in the present manuscript requires an improvement. Please carefully proof-read spell check to eliminate grammatical errors. Some periods need also to be revised, like for example the following ones, in the “Introduction” section:

“Gait analysis (GA) is a widely used methodologies to objectively investigate the gait features in health [5] and both non-motor [6,7] and motor diseases, including PD [3,8–11].”

“However, these studies were carried out regardless of the ON or OFF condition and any the comparison between the two states has been performed.”

1.Authors: Thank you for this suggestion. A grammar check has been carried out and errors have been corrected throughout the whole manuscript. The two above-mentioned sentences (lines 50-52 and line 99, respectively) have been modified.

2.Reviewer: The title should focus on the indices’ sensitivity in discriminating the ON and OFF condition, since it seems to be the main aim of the authors.

2.Authors: According to the reviewer's suggestion, the title has been changed to:

“Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study among synthetic kinematic indices.”

3.Reviewer: It would be useful integrating a brief explanation of the meaning of the ON and OFF condition in the Abstract and in the Introduction for casual readers.

3.Authors: thanks for this recommendation. A brief explanation of the OFF and ON conditions has been included in the abstract (lines 23-24) and in the manuscript (lines 44-46), in order to make the paper clearer for casual readers.

4.Reviewer: In the Introduction (Lines 48-49), authors state that through the optoelectronic systems it is possible to acquire spatio-temporal and kinematic parameters with high precision and reliability. Please add some references supporting this statement.

4.Authors: As requested, we added some references to support our statement (line 56).

New References:

Ceseracciu E, Sawacha Z, Cobelli C. Comparison of markerless and marker-based motion capture technologies through simultaneous data collection during gait: proof of concept. PLoS One. 2014;9(3):e87640.

Fusca M, Negrini F, Perego P, Magoni L, Molteni F, Andreoni G. Validation of a wearable IMU system for gait analysis: Protocol and application to a new system. Appl Sci. 2018;8(7):1167.

Anwary AR, Yu H, Callaway A, Vassallo M. Validity and consistency of concurrent extraction of gait features using inertial measurement units and motion capture system. IEEE Sens J. 2020;21(2):1625–34.

5.Reviewer: Line 49: the sentence “However, more recently, to obtain an overall assessment of gait, many studies have turned to analyse more synthetic…” should be moved in a new paragraph since is not directly linked with the previous topic. Which are the systems commonly used to measure the synthetic indices? Please integrate a description in the Introduction.

5.Authors: The sentence has been moved as suggested (line 57). In addition, systems that are usually employed to calculate synthetic measures have been included as well (lines 59-60).

6.Reviewer: Table I and patients’ characteristics should be moved in the Subjects section.

6.Authors: As suggested by the reviewer, the Table I has been moved under the Subject session (line 124)

7.Reviewer: Intervention section: Why did authors acquire 4 gait cycles? Could they add some reference or explanation?

7.Authors: We thank the Reviewer for the opportunity to better explain the intervention section. Patients were recorded while walking forth and back at self-selected speed, along a 10-meter walkway. In accordance with the literature (references added at line 148), for each subject and in each condition (OFF and ON), we collected the four best trials and for each of these two gait cycles were selected. The two gait cycles were chosen in the central part of recordings where the markers are highly visible, and the gait was not affected by the possible confounding factors related to the trajectory’s changes. Subsequently the average of eight gait cycles data (two gait cycles for four trials) was used to stabilise the outcome and obtain a more reliable result. Intervention section (line 136) has been updated.

New References:

Nelson AJ, Zwick D, Brody S, Doran C, Pulver L, Rooz G, et al. The validity of the GaitRite and the Functional Ambulation Performance scoring system in the analysis of Parkinson gait. NeuroRehabilitation. 2002;17(3):255–62.

Agosti V, Vitale C, Avella D, Rucco R, Santangelo G, Sorrentino P, et al. Effects of Global Postural Reeducation on gait kinematics in parkinsonian patients: a pilot randomized three-dimensional motion analysis study. Neurol Sci. 2016;37(4):515–22.

Galafate D, Pournajaf S, Condoluci C, Goffredo M, Di Girolamo G, Manzia CM, et al. Bilateral foot orthoses elicit changes in gait kinematics of adolescents with down syndrome with flatfoot. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):4994.

8.Reviewer: Some pictures of the setup and acquisition should be integrated within the manuscript

8.Authors: Thank you for this suggestion. Figure 1 has been added (line 152) representing the setup, the camera details and the acquisition representation.

9.Reviewer: The quality and resolution of the Figures need to be improved.

9.Authors: The figures have been re-uploaded with higher quality and a 600dpi resolution (please download it for full quality; preview is low quality only).

10.Reviewer: The limitations and conclusions of the study should be integrated in the paper.

10.Authors: Thank you for your suggestion. The limitations of the study have been included in the final part of the discussion (lines 372-376), as well as the conclusions paragraph (line 376).

New References:

Cuesta-Vargas AI, Galán-Mercant A, Williams JM. The use of inertial sensors system for human motion analysis. Phys Ther Rev. 2010;15(6):462–73.

D’Antonio E, Taborri J, Mileti I, Rossi S, Patané F. Validation of a 3D Markerless System for Gait Analysis based on OpenPose and Two RGB Webcams. IEEE Sens J. 2021;

Reviewer #2: This observational study points out the sensitivity of different synthetic indices with regard to clinical motor changes of people with PD. More specifically, the authors have assessed objectively the gait performance of 21 subjects with PD in both OFF and ON phases considering synthetic indices including the Trunk displacement Index (TDI) which is a parameter implemented by the authors in order to assess the relationship between trunk and Center of Mass oscillations. Moreover, the authors investigated whether there is a relationship between these indices and the level of motor impairment assessed by UPDRS - part III under both conditions. The findings showed the sensitivity of TDI as well as HR (Harmony Ratio) only in AP (antero-posterior) axis and GR (Golden ratio) in all three dimensions to ON and OFF conditions in people with PD, while only the TDI was directly correlated with the clinical status of PD subjects. The workflow is of good quality and the English is well written with some small grammatical and punctuation errors. However, some minor concerns should be considered as detailed below.

Main comments

1.Reviewer: The study design is unclear. Was it a retrospective or a prospective study? The period of patients’ recruitment and the date of study approval by the Ethics Committee are not mentioned in the manuscript. Please clarify these points in order to make your study replicable.

1.Authors: Thank you for this comment. This is a mainly observational study, because we performed the gait analysis just before and 40 minutes after levodopa medication; this was clarified in the manuscript within the intervention section (line 136). Moreover, we included the date of study approval by the Ethics Committee (line 122) and specified the period of patients’ recruitment (lines 112-113).

Minor comments

2.Reviewer: Abstract - Line 29. Your conclusion relates to a study completed . The past should be used.

2.Authors: Thank you. We changed it, as suggested (line 33).

3.Reviewer: Line 42. Please replace “patients’ problems” with other proper terms (i.e: clinical conditions, status, disorders…).

3.Authors: Corrected as suggested (line 48).

4.Reviewer: Line 44… GA is a…. methodology…

4.Authors: Corrected (line 50).

5.Reviewer: Line 49. The right term commonly used in GA is: “spatio-temporal” and kinematic parameters.

5.Authors: Modified (line 56).

6.Reviewer: Line 51. Correct the punctuation error.

6.Authors: We checked and corrected the error (line 59).

7.Reviewer: Line 52. …individual”s” affected by motor “pathologies”. Please replace with a proper term.

7.Authors: Replaced with “movement disorders” (line 61).

8.Reviewer: Line 73. Correct the punctuation error.

8.Authors: Corrected (line 82).

9.Reviewer: Line 86. PD Individual”s” or people with PD (the plural should be used).

9.Authors: Corrected (line 97).

10.Reviewer: Line 88. When describing the TDI, information about the score interpretation and its clinical importance lacks. A higher value stands for what?

10.Authors: We apologise for this missing information. The interpretation has been added (higher TDI values = worse stability) at lines 91-92.

11.Reviewer: Line 90. Grammar should be revised.

11.Authors: We rephrased the sentence in a more correct and clear way (lines 100-101).

12.Reviewer: Line 92. I suggest to rewrite the aim of the study excluding the parts which can be explained in details in the methods (e.g. the number of recruited subjects should be cited in method and results and not among the aim of the study).

12.Authors: Thank you for the suggestion. We removed unnecessary information from this section and (hopefully) improved the readability(lines 101-105).

13.Reviewer: Line 99. Was it a retrospective or a prospective study? Please, mention the period of patients’ recruitment.

13.Authors: Our study is mainly observational. The patients’ recruitment period has been added as well (lines 112-113).

14.Reviewer: Line 108. vi) any other …

14.Authors: Corrected (lines 118-119).

15.Reviewer: Line 110. Please report also the date of study approval by the Ethics Committee.

15.Authors: We added the date at line 122.

16.Reviewer: Line 114. I suppose you mean straight “path”.

16.Authors: Exactly, thank you for noticing it (line 137).

17.Reviewer: Intervention - I am wondering how a person with PD can walk 10 meters by 4 gait cycles. This part needs to be clarified. Moreover, can the authors explain if only one trial consisting of four gait cycles were taken into account per condition or a mean of more trial repetitions was considered for the data analysis?

17.Authors: We apologise for being unclear. Individuals (PD patients at very early stage of the disease) walked freely back and forth along a 10-metre long straight walkway. They walked at their own speed and preferred cadence, and we recorded the gait cycles along the entire walkway. After finishing the gait recording, we considered the best four trials and selected two gait cycles (for each trial) in the central area of the walkway, where all markers were visible to the cameras and where the gait was not influenced by turns and changes of direction. The results of the 8 gait cycles (2 cycles for 4 trials) were averaged to obtain more reliable data. Then the patient took his medication and we waited for it to make effect in order to repeat the same acquisition while in ON condition.

The explanation has been hopefully improved at lines 145-149 and references have been added.

New References:

Nelson AJ, Zwick D, Brody S, Doran C, Pulver L, Rooz G, et al. The validity of the GaitRite and the Functional Ambulation Performance scoring system in the analysis of Parkinson gait. NeuroRehabilitation. 2002;17(3):255–62.

Agosti V, Vitale C, Avella D, Rucco R, Santangelo G, Sorrentino P, et al. Effects of Global Postural Reeducation on gait kinematics in parkinsonian patients: a pilot randomized three-dimensional motion analysis study. Neurol Sci. 2016;37(4):515–22.

Galafate D, Pournajaf S, Condoluci C, Goffredo M, Di Girolamo G, Manzia CM, et al. Bilateral foot orthoses elicit changes in gait kinematics of adolescents with down syndrome with flatfoot. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):4994.

18.Reviewer: Line 223. Please add that this result is significant. The statistical differences can be also non-significant.

18.Authors: Thank you for this comment. We modified it as suggested (lines 255 and 259).

19.Reviewer: Line 323. “Summerising” is not in line with the English style of the whole text.

19.Authors: We modified it with “In summary” (line 360).


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.DOCX

Decision Letter 1

Manabu Sakakibara

18 Oct 2021

PONE-D-21-17999R1Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study among synthetic kinematic indicesPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Sorrentino,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

Newly participated reviewers are carefully reviewed the revision. Their comments are appended below.

The reviewer 3 pointed out that the Discussion section should be rewritten according to the previous literature on the same topics. Another serious concerns are raised through the manuscript as mentioned in the review comments to the authors.

The reviewer #4 is satisfied with the revised manuscript.

Thus this Academic Editor judged the revised manuscript required modification according to critiques by reviewers.

I will make the final judgement after receipt of each replies and necessary revision.

Please submit your revised manuscript by Dec 02 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Manabu Sakakibara, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #3: Partly

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #3: N/A

Reviewer #4: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #3: Introduction

The introduction is not updated according to the recent scintific literature on the same topic.


Line 145-150. Many acceleration-derived gait indices require a number of strides > 10 to reach good reliability in their calculations (Riva et al., 2014; Kroneberg et al., 2019). In particular, to calculate the harmonic ratios, 20 harmonics and 20 consecutive gait strides at least are recommended (Pasciuto et al., 2017). This is clearly not possible in a 10-meters pathway. How did you manage this issue? Moreover, in a recent study (Castiglia et al., 2021), HR values in the antero-posterior direction < 1.50 showed to characterize the gait alteration of subjects with PD in ON condition, as respect to healthy subjects. In figure 2, HR values > 4 are reported for subjects with PD. This is probably due to the low number of consecutive recorded strides.

Line 226-227. Did you perform the correlation analysis between the punctual values before and after the levodopa intake, or did you perform it between the improvements (the differences between the ON phase and the OFF phase)?


In the results section, no information on the spatio-temporal parameters have been provided. Since spatio-temporal gait parameters, such as gait speed and step length, are known to improve after levodopa intake (Bryant et al., 2011; Smulders et al., 2016; Baudentistel et al., 2021), spatio temporal parameters should be reported to improve the interpretability of the results. As regard the correlation analysis, if the aim of the study was to observe the sensitivity-to-change of the indices after the levodopa intake, a correlation analysis between the improvements in the kinematic and the clinical variables should be reported. Moreover, since UPDRS improvements are correlated with the improvements in gait speed after levodopa intake, it would be relevant to exclude the effects of the gait speed improvements between in the correlation analysis.


L 304-306. I believe that this paragraph needs to be improved. I don’t really believe that the authors assessed the sensitivity or the ability to discriminate between on and off conditions. To do that, the authors should have performed other statistical analysis, such as Mann-Whitney test using the medication condition as between factor, AUC calculations, sensitivity and specificity calculations at the optimal cutoff points the discriminate between the two phases. I believe that, in this study, the Authors have rather observed the responsiveness to levodopa intake of the synthetic kinematic indices, in terms of sensitivity-to-change. For this purpose, the authors should focus on the effect size values, to describe the magnitude of the modifications after the levodopa intake.

L352-354. The authors should explain the reason for using another method than the one used by Iosa et al.

L 354-356. This information is not reported in the results section nor in the methods section. Consider adding it in the previous sections or removing the sentence from this section.

L357-358. Please, explain which differences in the subjects’ characteristics could have led to the differences between your study and the one from Iosa et al.

Again, the discussion is not based on the previous literature on the same topic (indexes of gait stability in Parkinson disease)

Reviewer #4: I enjoyed reading this revised version of the manuscript. I think the authors did a good job addressing the useful reviewers' comment.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2022 May 12;17(5):e0268392. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268392.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

13 Nov 2021

Dear Manabu Sakakibara,

please find enclosed a revision of our paper entitled “Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study among synthetic kinematic indices” to be considered for publication in Plos One.

We thank the editor and the reviewers for their efforts in evaluating our manuscript. We did our best to follow the received comments, and hope that this revised submission will be adequate for publication.

In what follows, we firstly summarize the main changes, and then provide detailed answers to Reviewers’ comments.

Main changes:

Abstract: after reviewing the manuscript, the abstract has been updated accordingly.

Introduction: according to the Reviewers, the literature has been updated in order to include recent information on the use of synthetic kinematic indices in Parkinson’s disease.

Methods: methods have been updated to include a clearer explanation of the recording method, and the calculated parameters.

Results: results and table concerning the spatiotemporal parameters have been added. The section on the correlation analysis has been totally rewritten in accordance with the reviewers’ suggestion (Fig 6 and caption changed accordingly).

Discussion: comparison with the existing literature has been improved to include more recent literature. New discussion on the spatiotemporal parameters has been included. The discussion on the correlation analysis has been rewritten. Limitations have been enriched in accordance with the concerning expressed by the reviewers.

In addition, we sent an excel file containing main data supporting the results of this study.

Reviewers’ comments

Reviewer #3:


1.Reviewer: The introduction is not updated according to the recent scientific literature on the same topic.

1.Authors: We are sorry for this missing. An update of the literature has been integrated into the introduction of the manuscript.


2a.Reviewer: Line 145-150. Many acceleration-derived gait indices require a number of strides > 10 to reach good reliability in their calculations (Riva et al., 2014; Kroneberg et al., 2019). In particular, to calculate the harmonic ratios, 20 harmonics and 20 consecutive gait strides at least are recommended (Pasciuto et al., 2017). This is clearly not possible in a 10-meters pathway. How did you manage this issue?

2a.Authors: We apologize for being unclear and thank the reviewers for the opportunity to better explain the methods. As specified in the manuscript (lines 160-170), patients were asked to walk back and forth continuously along a 10-meter walkway. This allowed us to make at least six gait recordings, from which it was possible to extrapolate four good trials, each of which contained two gait cycles (REF: Nelson AJ et al. The validity of the GaitRite and the Functional Ambulation Performance scoring system in the analysis of Parkinson gait; Agosti V et al. Effects of Global Postural Reeducation on gait kinematics in parkinsonian patients: a pilot randomized three-dimensional motion analysis study). In total eight gait cycles for subjects and conditions were used for the statistical analysis. We chose to record the walk only when patients walked in the centre of the walkway, avoiding the recording of direction changes, which represent one of the main motor impediments of patients with Parkinson's disease and which could compromise dynamic stability (REF: Walking Along Curved Trajectories. Changes With Age and Parkinson's Disease. Hints to Rehabilitation). We understand the Reviewers' objection regarding the reduced number of gait cycles used for synthetic index analysis, however it must be considered that patients performed the task twice in the same day in two different conditions, before and 40 minutes after taking L-DOPA. The number of records used for our analysis of the synthetic indices represents the only possible trade off to avoid participants fatigue that inevitably would affect the gait kinematics (REF: Fatigue in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis). However, in accordance with the reviewers' suggestion we wrote that one of the limitations of our study is the number of gait cycles used for the analysis of the synthetic indices.

2b.Reviewer: Moreover, in a recent study (Castiglia et al., 2021), HR values in the antero-posterior direction < 1.50 showed to characterize the gait alteration of subjects with PD in ON condition, as respect to healthy subjects. In figure 2, HR values > 4 are reported for subjects with PD. This is probably due to the low number of consecutive recorded strides.

2b.Authors: We want to highlight that HR values are actually calculated at the level of the centre of mass (COM). Most of the studies which use the HR parameters, use data collected by accelerometer positioned at the level of the lower trunk (including Castiglia et al., 2021), as it is the closest external anatomical point with respect to the COM (Iosa et al., 2016, Simoni et al., 2021, Iosa et al., 2013, Fusca et al., 2018, Siragy and Nantel, 2018). Through a stereophotogrammetric system it is possible to retrieve information on the position of the COM itself. It is true that when a subject is at rest in a standing posture, the L3-L5 vertebrae position is the closest point with respect to the COM, but during movement, COM position can change this distance, since its position depends on the position of each body element. Hence, we expect that parameters calculated at L3-L5 level would not be of the same size as the ones calculated at COM level.

However, we calculated the antero-posterior HR values at pelvis level to verify the agreement with the results reported in Castiglia et al., 2021. The authors reported antero-posterior HR values equal to 2.00 (+/-0.55) for Hoehn and Yahr (HY) staging = 1; HR AP 1.94 (+/-0.51) for HY staging = 2; HR AP 1.65 (+/-0.34) for HY staging = 3. Our sample included patients with HY staging ≤ 3 and displayed a value of antero-posterior HR equal to 2.02 (+/-0.41). Hence, pelvis level, our results are similar to the ones reported by Castiglia et al., therefore, the difference highlighted by the reviewer may be driven by the different anatomical position took into account.

3.Reviewer: Line 226-227. Did you perform the correlation analysis between the punctual values before and after the levodopa intake, or did you perform it between the improvements (the differences between the ON phase and the OFF phase)?

3.Authors: This is an excellent observation. We performed the correlation using the punctual values corresponding to the OFF and the ON conditions. In the new revised manuscript, in accordance with the expressed concerns and suggestions, we performed the correlation between the improvements (i.e., the differences between the ON phase and the OFF phase). The previous correlation analysis has been removed from the manuscript. Fig 6 and caption have been updated accordingly. Methods updated at L260-261.


3.Reviewer: In the results section, no information on the spatio-temporal parameters have been provided. Since spatio-temporal gait parameters, such as gait speed and step length, are known to improve after levodopa intake (Bryant et al., 2011; Smulders et al., 2016; Baudentistel et al., 2021), spatio temporal parameters should be reported to improve the interpretability of the results.

3.Authors: Thanks for this recommendation. In order to facilitate the readability and the interpretability of the manuscript, we reported the information concerning spatiotemporal parameters. Mean, standard deviation, and statistical comparison results (p-value, test statistic and effect size) were reported for: speed, step length, stance time, swing time, cycle time, double support time. Methods updated at L191-195. Results updated at L270-282. Discussion updated L355-359.

4.Reviewer: As regard the correlation analysis, if the aim of the study was to observe the sensitivity-to-change of the indices after the levodopa intake, a correlation analysis between the improvements in the kinematic and the clinical variables should be reported.

4.Authors: As aforementioned, following the suggestions, we performed a correlation analysis between the improvements of the kinematic indices and the clinical variable (UPDRS). Results reported at L323-346.

5.Reviewer: Moreover, since UPDRS improvements are correlated with the improvements in gait speed after levodopa intake, it would be relevant to exclude the effects of the gait speed improvements between in the correlation analysis.

5.Authors: We improved our analysis by repeating the correlation test between synthetic indices improvement and clinical improvement, controlling for the effect of the gait speed. Even in this case, the correlation between the TDI improvement and the UPDRS improvement resulted to be statistically significant. Methods updated at L262-263. Results updated at L323-346.


6.Reviewer: L 304-306. I believe that this paragraph needs to be improved. I don’t really believe that the authors assessed the sensitivity or the ability to discriminate between on and off conditions. To do that, the authors should have performed other statistical analysis, such as Mann-Whitney test using the medication condition as between factor, AUC calculations, sensitivity and specificity calculations at the optimal cutoff points the discriminate between the two phases. I believe that, in this study, the Authors have rather observed the responsiveness to levodopa intake of the synthetic kinematic indices, in terms of sensitivity-to-change. For this purpose, the authors should focus on the effect size values, to describe the magnitude of the modifications after the levodopa intake.

6.Authors: Thanks for this highly pertinent observation. We have used the term “sensitivity” absolutely incorrectly. As the reviewer rightly states, in our work we evaluate the responsiveness to levodopa of the kinematic synthetic indices under consideration. Accordingly, we revised the discussion section.

7.Reviewer: L352-354. The authors should explain the reason for using another method than the one used by Iosa et al.

7.Authors: We reported the explanation at lines 417-423. We wanted to observe how much each individual golden ratio (GR) was far from phi. Using the Iosa et al. method, a group of subjects could present a mean GR extremely close to phi, but the specific values of GR of each individual are very far from phi. Conversely, another group of people may have a mean GR less close to phi compared to the previous hypothetical group, but in this case each subject presents an individual GR close to phi. Paradoxically, the first group would result to have the best GR value (with higher standard deviation of course), while the truth is that the second group presents values closer to phi. However, the main issue occurs when performing correlation tests. Performing a linear correlation would not be correct in this case because the individuals are logically expected to show worse condition (high UPDRS) when GR is very low compared to phi, better condition (low UPDRS) when GR is close to phi, and again worse condition (high UPDRS) when GR is very high compared to phi. In this case the relationship between variables should be quadratic and cannot be represented by a linear correlation. The way we calculated the GR values, as showed in the method section allows to use linear correlation tests.

8.Reviewer: L 354-356. This information is not reported in the results section nor in the methods section. Consider adding it in the previous sections or removing the sentence from this section.

8.Authors: We updated the methods (L243-244) and the results (L333-335) section in order to report the described result.

9.Reviewer: L357-358. Please, explain which differences in the subjects’ characteristics could have led to the differences between your study and the one from Iosa et al.

9.Authors: We reported the information as requested in L426-428.

10.Reviewer: Again, the discussion is not based on the previous literature on the same topic (indexes of gait stability in Parkinson disease).

10.Authors: We updated the discussion with more recent literature concerning the use of synthetic gait indices in Parkinson’s disease.

Reviewer #4:

Reviewer: I enjoyed reading this revised version of the manuscript. I think the authors did a good job addressing the useful reviewers' comment.

Authors: We are glad the reviewer enjoyed the reading of the manuscript. We thank the reviewer for his effort.


Submitted filename: Response_to_Reviewers_V2.DOCX

Decision Letter 2

J Lucas McKay

29 Apr 2022

Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study among synthetic kinematic indices


Dear Dr. Sorrentino,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

J. Lucas McKay, Ph.D., M.S.C.R.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #3: Partly


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #3: The authors addressed most of my concerns by highlighting the limits of the study. Although the low number of steps still expose the results to a risk of reliability bias, the clinically based explanation of the methods is satisfactory. However, there are still some issues to be addressed before considering endorsement to publication.

The sample description is incomplete. Considering that HR has shown to be altered in subjects with H&Y ≥ 3 (Castiglia et al., 2021), providing the prevalence of disease severity subtypes is mandatory to improve the interpretability of the results. Particularly, in the discussion about the differences between your study and existing literature on HR (line 372-380), if you enrolled a higher number of subjects with H&Y < 3, it would be expected to find no improvements in HR because this parameter is usually unaltered in subjects in ON condition with low disease severity.


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Reviewer #3: No

Acceptance letter

J Lucas McKay

4 May 2022


Sensitivity to gait improvement after levodopa intake in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison study among synthetic kinematic indices

Dear Dr. Sorrentino:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Dr. J. Lucas McKay

Academic Editor


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