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. 2022 May 12;82(5):434. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10247-7

A dispersive analysis of ηπ+π-γ and η+-γ

Simon Holz 1,, Christoph Hanhart 2, Martin Hoferichter 3,4, Bastian Kubis 1
PMCID: PMC9098615  PMID: 35578684


We present a dispersive representation of the η transition form factor that allows one to account, in a consistent way, for the effects of ρω mixing in both the isoscalar and the isovector contributions. Using this formalism, we analyze recent data on ηπ+π-γ to constrain the isovector part of the form factor, individually and in combination with data for the pion vector form factor, which suggests a tension in the ρω mixing parameter. As a first application, we use our results, in combination with the most recent input for the isoscalar part of the form factor, to predict the corresponding spectrum of η+-γ, in particular we find the slope parameter bη=1.455(24)GeV-2. With forthcoming data on the latter process, our results establish the necessary framework to improve the evaluation of the η-pole contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon using experimental input from both η decay channels.


The transition form factors (TFFs) of pseudoscalar mesons, FPγγ(q12,q22) with P=π0,η,η, describe the interaction with two (virtual) photons,

id4xeiq1·x0|T{jμ(x)jν(0)}|P(q1+q2)=ϵμναβq1αq2βFPγγ(q12,q22), 1.1

where jμ=(2u¯γμu-d¯γμd-s¯γμs)/3 is the electromagnetic current, q1,2 are the photon momenta, and ϵ0123=+1. For both photons on-shell, these form factors determine the di-photon decays governed by the chiral anomaly [1, 2]

Γ(Pγγ)=πα2MP34|FPγγ|2, 1.2

with FPγγ=FPγγ(0,0). For the pion, the corresponding normalization was experimentally [3] found to be close to the prediction from the low-energy theorem [46] Fπ0γγ=1/(4π2Fπ) in terms of the pion decay constant Fπ, to the extent that higher-order corrections [710] thwart agreement with experiment. For P=η,η the analog relations depend on the details of ηη mixing [1117], see Ref. [18] for a review. Here, we will use the outcome of the PDG global fit, Γ(ηγγ)=4.34(14)keV [19], i.e.,

Fηγγ=0.3437(55)GeV-1. 1.3

Beyond the normalization, understanding the momentum dependence of the TFFs is critical to be able to calculate the pseudoscalar-pole contributions to hadronic light-by-light scattering (HLbL) in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Currently, the main uncertainty in the Standard-Model prediction [2048]

aμSM=116591810(43)×10-11 1.4

originates from hadronic vacuum polarization, see, e.g., Refs. [20, 4954] for further discussion, but to match the final projected precision of the Fermilab experiment, which will improve upon the current world average  [5559]

aμexp=116592061(41)×10-11 1.5

by more than another factor of two, also the uncertainties in the subleading HLbL contribution, in Ref. [20] estimated as  [3346, 6065]

aμHLbL=90(17)×10-11, 1.6

need to be reduced accordingly. Recent progress includes a second complete lattice calculation [66], while on the phenomenological side the role of higher intermediate states and the implementation of short-distance constraints are being scrutinized [6775]. Besides these subleading contributions, the η and η poles are currently estimated using Canterbury approximants alone [37] – as opposed to the π0 pole, for which independent calculations from dispersion relations [40, 41], lattice QCD [42], and Canterbury approximants all give a coherent picture – so that a full dispersive analysis is called for to corroborate the corresponding uncertainty estimates. Several steps in this direction have already been taken in previous work [7679], in particular, towards a better understanding of the role of factorization-breaking terms [79].

In this paper, we address another subtlety that is related to the interplay of isoscalar and isovector contributions. In principle, since η, η have isospin I=0, both photons need to be either isoscalar or isovector, leading to a simple vector-meson-dominance (VMD) picture of decays proceedings either via two ρ mesons or some combination of ω and ϕ. However, isospin-breaking effects are resonance enhanced just as in the pion vector form factor (VFF), so that both the admixture of an ω into the isovector contribution and, vice versa, of ππ intermediate states into the isoscalar component can become phenomenologically relevant, at least in the vicinity of the resonance. This issue becomes particularly important when the two-pion cut in the isovector contribution is constrained via data for ηπ+π-γ, since also in this case isoscalar corrections will enter. Based on Ref. [80] we develop a coupled-channel formalism that allows one to disentangle these effects in a consistent manner, apply the result to recent ηπ+π-γ data from BESIII [81], and then calculate the resulting singly-virtual TFF to predict the spectrum for η+-γ. A summary of the formalism is given in Sect. 2, with a detailed derivation in the appendix. Fits to the ηπ+π-γ data are presented in Sect. 3, followed by the prediction for η+-γ in Sect. 4 and our conclusions in Sect. 5.


The singly-virtual TFF in the definition (1.1) determines the spectrum for P+-γ according to

dΓ(P+-γ)ds=α3(MP2-s)3(s+2m2)σ(s)6MP3s2×|FPγγ(s,0)|2, 2.1

where s is the invariant mass of the lepton pair and σ(s)=1-4m2/s the phase-space variable. Once FPγγ(s,0) is known, the di-lepton spectrum can thus be predicted.

However, the differential decay width (2.1) scales as O(α3) in the fine-structure constant α=e2/(4π), leading to a challenging experimental signature. Additional information on the energy dependence can be obtained by combining the Pπ+π-γ decay with the pion VFF FπV,

π±(p)|jμ(0)|π±(p)=±(p+p)μFπV((p-p)2), 2.2

which determines the discontinuity of the dominant 2π intermediate states. Experimentally, the decay Pπ+π-γ is more easily accessible, given that in this case the differential decay width only scales as O(α), and information on the spectrum can then be used to reconstruct the isovector part of the TFF. This strategy is straightforward as long as isospin violation is neglected, while the transition from Pπ+π-γ to P+-γ becomes more intricate once such corrections are included. In particular, ρω mixing is enhanced by the presence of the resonance propagator, and therefore needs to be included to obtain a realistic line shape. In such a situation, one cannot consider the 2π channel in isolation anymore, since also FπV depends on ρω mixing, leading to a spectral function in which the double discontinuities of 2π and 3π intermediate states, corresponding to ρ and ω, respectively, no longer cancel. In Appendix A–Appendix D we systematically develop a formalism that avoids such inconsistencies, allowing for a meaningful consideration of ρω mixing in both the isoscalar and isovector contributions. The central result is given by

FPγγ(s,0)=FPγγ+[1+ϵρωsMω2-s-iMωΓω]×s48π24Mπ2dsσπ3(s)P(s)|FπV(s)|2s-s-iϵ+FPγγwPωγsMω2-s-iMωΓω[1+ϵρωs48π2gωγ2×4Mπ2dsσπ3(s)|FπV(s)|2s(s-s-iϵ)]+FPγγwPϕγsMϕ2-s-iMϕΓϕ, 2.3

a dispersion relation constructed from a spectral function whose double discontinuity vanishes, see Eq. (D.16). Equation (2.3) is expressed in terms of the ρω mixing parameter ϵρω and the weights wPVγ, defined in Eq. (D.8), which determine the isoscalar contribution to the slope of the TFF, as well as the second-order polynomial

P(s)=A2(1+βs+γs2) 2.4

introduced to describe the ηπ+π-γ decay spectrum below.

Fits to ηπ+π-γ and e+e-π+π-

For the pion VFF, defined in Eq. (2.2), we employ a dispersive representation

FπV(s)=(1+απs)Ω(s), 3.1


Ω(s)=expsπ4Mπ2dxδ11(x)x(x-s-iϵ) 3.2

is the Omnès function [82] and δ11(s) denotes the ππ P-wave scattering phase shift in the isospin I=1 channel. As input for the phase shift we use the solution of the Roy-equation analysis optimized for fits to pion VFF data of Ref. [27]. The term multiplying the Omnès function in Eq. (3.1) takes the effects of inelastic contributions, such as 4π, as well as our ignorance about the high-energy behavior of the phase shift into account, where the constant απ is left as a free parameter to be constrained by the fit. The isospin-breaking effect of ρω mixing in e+e-π+π- is parameterized via

FπV,e+e-(s)=1+ϵρωsMω2-s-iMωΓωFπV(s) 3.3

(in line with t^R(s)12 in Eq. (D.4)), where ϵρω will be determined by the fit.

In our formalism, the differential decay spectrum of ηπ+π-γ is described by [83]

dΓ(ηπ+π-γ)ds=16παΓ0|FπV(s)|2|P(s)+gηωγϵρωgωγ1Mω2-s-iMωΓω|2,Γ0=2s3(Mη2-s16πMησπ(s))3, 3.4

see Appendix D.2 for the derivation. The appearance of the pion VFF herein is due to the universality of ππ P-wave final-state interactions [76, 84]. The constants A, β, and γ in P(s), see Eq. (2.4), are used as fit parameters, and we refer to Eqs. (C.4) and (D.10) for the definitions of the coupling constants gωγ and gηωγ, respectively.

We fit to several time-like pion VFF data sets: provided by the e+e-π+π- energy-scan experiments SND [85, 86] and CMD-2 [8790], where in both cases diagonal errors were given, as well as from radiative-return measurements BaBar [91, 92] (below 1GeV) and KLOE [9396], where in both cases statistical and systematic covariance matrices were provided. Furthermore, the recent data set for the ηπ+π-γ spectrum measured by BESIII [81] is used in the fit, which largely supersedes older data in statistical accuracy [97]. In order to avoid the d’Agostini bias [98] in the minimization of a χ2 with naively constructed covariance matrices when dealing with normalization uncertainties, an iterative fit procedure, proposed in Ref. [99] and applied to e+e-π+π- in Ref. [27], is employed. Since the pion VFF is defined as a pure QCD quantity in Eq. (2.2), the pion VFF data sets have been undressed of vacuum-polarization (VP) effects. As noted in Ref. [27], a minor rescaling of energy for each individual π+π- data set leads to a significant improvement of the fit quality. Equivalently, we take the ω mass for individual data sets as a fit parameter. In the case of fitting the combined KLOE data set, we follow Ref. [27] and assign a global ω mass with individual mass shifts ΔMω(i) to each of the three underlying data sets, from 2008 [93], 2010 [94], and 2012 [95]. Furthermore, the mass shifts are constrained by penalties Δχi2=(ΔMω(i)/ΔEc)2, with calibration uncertainty ΔEc=0.2MeV [100]. These terms are counted as additional data points in the number of degrees of freedom. Finally, for BaBar and KLOE the observables are cross sections weighted over energy bins, an effect that is also included in our fit in the same way as in Ref. [27]. Further data sets are available from BESIII [101] and SND [102], but not yet included for consistency: since we use the ππ phase shift from Ref. [27], we restrict our analysis to the same data sets used therein, in particular, since the results for the η decays are insensitive to the precise choice of VFF data sets.

The BESIII data set for ηπ+π-γ includes the number of selected events, the number of background events, the detection efficiency, and the detector resolution root mean square in the respective energy bin. The latter is taken into account by taking the convolution of the theoretical spectrum in Eq. (3.4) with a Gaussian distribution of mean corresponding to the respective bin center and standard deviation given by the respective value for the energy resolution. Efficiency and number of background events are subsequently included in the fit function. Since the data are given in the form of an event rate, the physical values of the fit parameters A and ϵρω are extracted by utilizing the constraint

Γ(ηπ+π-γ)=4Mπ2Mη2dsdΓ(ηπ+π-γ)ds 3.5

in the single fit to the BESIII decay spectrum, where the partial width Γ(ηπ+π-γ) is given by the corresponding quantities in Table 1. The couplings gωγ and gηωγ have been extracted by means of VMD models [83] to be

gωγ=3Γ(ωe+e-)4πα2Mω=0.0619(3),gηωγ=-8Mη3Γ(ηωγ)α(Mη2-Mω2)3=-0.400(8)GeV-1, 3.6

where the experimental input quantities are listed in Table 1 as well. Note that the definition of the coupling gηωγ differs from the one in Ref. [83] by a factor of the elementary charge e, with such factors always factorized throughout this work. Also note that the given value for the coupling gωγ has been corrected for VP in order to be consistent with the definition of the pion VFF as a pure QCD quantity. The correction amounts to a factor of |1-Π(Mω2)|=0.977, where Π(s) is the Standard Model VP function of Ref. [26].

Table 1.

Input parameters used in this work. Note that Mω becomes a free parameter for the VFF fits, to account for the uncertainty in energy calibration in each data set as well as the tension with determinations from e+e-3π and e+e-π0γ. The quoted numbers for Mω, Γω are VP subtracted, to ensure consistency with the bookkeeping as defined in the appendix. We also show the analog quantities for the ϕ, which enter the isoscalar part of the TFF (and are consistent with analogous determinations from e+e-K¯K [104]). The entries for Γ(Ve+e-)Br(V3π), V=ω,ϕ, from Ref. [103] are consistent with but more precise than the current PDG averages

Quantity Value Reference
Mη 957.78(6)MeV [19]
Γη 0.188(6)MeV [19]
Fηγγ 0.3437(55)GeV-1 [19]
Br(ηπ+π-γ) 29.5(4)% [19]
Mω 782.607(23)MeV [31]
Γω 8.69(4)MeV [31]
Γ(ωe+e-)Br(ω3π) 0.5698(31)(82)keV [103]
Br(ω3π) 89.2(7)% [19]
Br(ηωγ) 2.50(7)% [19]
Mϕ 1019.197(20)MeV [31]
Γϕ 4.22(5)MeV [31]
Γ(ϕe+e-)Br(ϕ3π) 0.1841(21)(80)keV [103]
Br(ϕ3π) 15.24(33)% [19]
Br(ϕηγ) 6.22(21)×10-5 [19]

In principle, the provided data would need to be fit by the binned maximum likelihood strategy, i.e., by minimizing the log-likelihood function

L=-ilog(μi)nie-μini!, 3.7

where ni represents the number of events in bin i and μi is the value of the fit function in this energy bin. This proves to be disadvantageous for our purpose, since we aim at a combined χ2 fit of the pion VFF data sets and the ηπ+π-γ spectrum in order to extract a common ρω mixing parameter ϵρω. In Table 2, the fit parameters to the BESIII data stemming from the binned maximum likelihood method are compared to those of a χ2 fit, by minimizing

χ2=iμi-niσi2, 3.8

where Poissonian errors σi=ni have been assumed. The χ2 fit gives a χ2/dof=1.78 and the errors of the fit parameters have been inflated by a scale factor χ2/dof. While the central values all agree with each other within error margins, the error estimates of the χ2 fit are slightly lower than those of the binned maximum likelihood fit, but sufficiently close to justify a χ2 fit in combination with VFF data. The quoted errors for the extracted values of A and ϵρω include the errors of all fit parameters and their correlations through Eq. (3.5) as well as the errors of the experimental input parameters.

Table 2.

Comparison of the fit outcome of the differential decay width in Eq. (3.4) to the BESIII ηπ+π-γ spectrum [81] of the binned maximum likelihood and minimum χ2 strategies

Quantity Likelihood χ2
A[GeV-3] 17.10(35) 17.07(32)
β[GeV-2] 0.589(53) 0.599(51)
γ[GeV-4] -0.204(53) -0.214(50)
ϵρω×103 1.624(73) 1.622(55)
Mω[MeV] 783.07(33) 783.08(31)

In the combined fit of the ηπ+π-γ spectrum and the pion VFF data sets, the ρω mixing parameter ϵρω is a shared parameter. In comparison to the ηπ+π-γ single fit, we are confronted with the problem that we fit the physical value of ϵρω and not the one including the event rate Nev. Therefore, Nev needs to be calculated at every step of the fit iteration. Defining 2Pev(s)=NevA(1+βs+γs2), Eq. (3.5) can be written as

0=A2Nev2+A1Nev+A0, 3.9


A2=-Γ(ηπ+π-γ)+16πα4Mπ2Mη2dsΓ0|FπV(s)|2×gηωγ2ϵρω2gωγ21(Mω2-s)2+Mω2Γω2,A1=32πα4Mπ2Mη2dsΓ0|FπV(s)|2Pev(s)gηωγϵρωgωγ×Mω2-s(Mω2-s)2+Mω2Γω2,A0=16πα4Mπ2Mη2dsΓ0|FπV(s)|2Pev2(s), 3.10

and notation as in Eq. (3.4), in order to determine Nev with input of ϵρω in physical units. Hence, the main difference to the individual fit is that to be able to perform a combined fit with the VFF data sets, we need to ensure physical units already at each step in the fit iteration. The linear parameter απ in the pion VFF is used as a shared parameter for all data sets in the combined fit as well.

The result of the combined fit is listed in Table 3, where the errors are inflated by the overall χ2/dof. The error of the physical value of A takes into account the correlations and inflated errors of the fit parameters as well as the errors of all input quantities. The results for Mω and ϵρω are in good agreement with Ref. [27], validating the simplified fit form (3.1) as a convenient way to compare ρω mixing in the pion VFF and ηπ+π-γ. The outcome of the combined fit for the case of the ηπ+π-γ spectrum is shown in Fig. 1, where

P¯(s)=1Γ0|Ω(s)|2dΓ(ηπ+π-γ)ds1/2 3.11

is shown to emphasize differences in the vicinity of the ρω mixing effect.

Table 3.

Combined fit to several pion VFF data sets (BaBar, KLOE, CMD-2, SND) and ηπ+π-γ spectrum (BESIII) with overall χ2/dof=1.64. In the row for KLOE, the three values for Mω refer to the combinations of the global KLOE ω mass and the corresponding mass shifts of the three underlying data sets from 2008, 2010, 2012, respectively. See main text for details

graphic file with name 10052_2022_10247_Tab3_HTML.jpg

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Fit to the differential decay rate of ηπ+π-γ (individually or combined with the VFF). To highlight differences in the ρω region, we show the associated function P¯, as defined in Eq. (3.11), compared to the experimental data from BESIII [81]. The function P¯ is calculated in units that still contain the event rate

Both in Fig. 1 and by comparing Tables 2 and 3, one sees that both processes are not fully consistent, with the tension in ϵρω the most apparent one: the ηπ+π-γ data prefer a value ϵρω1.6(1)×10-3, while the combined fit, statistically dominated by the VFF data sets, produces a value close to ϵρω2.0×10-3, with negligible uncertainty at the level of the difference. This mismatch is highlighted by the presentation as in Fig. 1, and comes out substantially larger than any effect that could be obtained by variation of fit strategy and choice of input parameters. In none of the variants we studied did the combination of experimental errors and external input suggest an uncertainty beyond Δϵρω0.1×10-3, which leads us to conclude that this tension is significant.

A minor tension also occurs in the mass of the ω.1 Here, the results from 2π come out significantly below the preferred value from e+e-3π,π0γ [28, 31], see Table 1, but extractions from 2π are known to be sensitive to a phase in ϵρω [92], with the corresponding difference at least partially explained by radiative intermediate states that can generate such an isospin-breaking effect [105]. In contrast, the ηπ+π-γ data favor a central value that deviates about 0.5MeV in the opposite direction, albeit with moderate significance. Since also the recent 3π data from BESIII [106] suggest a similar increase compared, e.g., to Refs. [88, 103, 107], as does Ref. [101] compared to other 2π data sets, it is difficult not to see a pattern in BESIII determinations of Mω.

Predicting η+-γ

In order to determine the η TFF according to Eq. (2.3), the ρω mixing parameter ϵρω, the parameter associated with inelastic contributions to the pion VFF απ, as well as the polynomial parameters A, β, and γ of the ηπ+π-γ spectrum from the combined fit serve as input. Additionally, from the quantities listed in Table 1, the ω mass and width, the TFF normalization Fηγγ, together with the associated couplings in Eq. (3.6) enter the description of the isovector part of the TFF. The isoscalar part, consisting of the contributions of the ω and ϕ resonances, depends on the couplings wηVγ in Eq. (D.9), which were calculated from the quantities in Table 1. In the time-like regime, the resulting TFF then appears as shown in Fig. 2, where it is compared to experimental data [108].

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Determination of the η TFF by means of Eq. (2.3) in comparison to data from BESIII [108] (statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature) scaled with Fηγγ from Table 1 and the VMD model of Eq. (D.23) with ϕ resonance contribution according to Eq. (D.22); for the kinematic range accessible in η decays (left) and a larger time-like region including the ϕ resonance with inset magnifying the low-s region (right). See also Ref. [109] for an earlier version of this figure

Since the form of polynomial P(s) and the linear polynomial multiplying the Omnès function in the representation of the pion VFF are governed by physics below 1GeV, their values at high energies do not bear much meaning. Therefore, and in order to improve the convergence properties of the dispersion integrals in Eq. (2.3) at the same time, they are led to constant values P(sc) and 1+απsc above a certain cutoff value sc. This cutoff is varied between sc=1GeV2, the point where P(s) reaches its maximum (sc=1.89GeV2 with β and γ from the combined fit) and the point where P drops below its value at s=0 (sc=3.79GeV2). Together with the errors of the input quantities in Table 1, the errors of the parameters from the combined fit, and their correlations, this procedure is used to generate the error band of the dispersive η TFF representation shown in Fig. 2. In this figure, the dispersive curve displays the broad ρ peak from the isovector part of the TFF. Around the ω mass, the ρω mixing effect is overlaid by the narrow peak of the ω resonance from the isoscalar part of the TFF. Slightly below an invariant mass square of 1GeV2 the isoscalar ϕ contribution begins to set in. The available experimental data are in excellent agreement with the dispersive prediction, but not accurate enough to distinguish it from the VMD model. Figure 2 also shows the peak of the ϕ resonance, which, however, is not accessible in η decays, but could be scanned in e+e-ηγ near threshold.

The low-energy properties of the TFF are described by the slope parameter bη, which is defined by

Fηγγ(s,0)=Fηγγ(1+bηs+O(s2)). 4.1

It can be calculated via a sum rule, following from Eq. (2.3), and disentangled into its isovector contribution

bη(I=1)=148π2Fηγγ4Mπ2dxxσ3(x)P(x)|FπV(x)|2, 4.2

and isoscalar contribution

bη(I=0)=V{ω,ϕ}wηVγMV2, 4.3

with bη=bη(I=1)+bη(I=0). Numerical values are listed together with the evaluation of the sum rule for the normalization (D.21) in Table 4. As expected from VMD, the isovector part dominates both the normalization and the slope, saturating the former by 70% and producing about 80% of the latter. In combination with the isoscalar part the sum rule for the normalization is fulfilled by 95%, suggesting a slightly faster convergence than similar sum rules in Refs. [40, 41, 110, 111]. The two isospin-breaking corrections to the normalization, in the isovector and isoscalar part, combine to about -0.3% and thus prove negligible compared to the uncertainty in the sum-rule evaluation. Accordingly, these corrections become most relevant in the resonance region, where even subleading effects are enhanced by the small width of the ω resonance, see Fig. 2. The ω resonance peak would be about 4% increased in magnitude if ϵρω=0.

Table 4.

Contributions from the various components of the TFF to the sum rules of the normalization and the slope parameter

(I=1)ϵρω=0 Δ(I=1)ϵρω0 (I=0)ϵρω=0ω Δ(I=0)ϵρω0ω (I=0)ϕ Total
Norm [%] 71.85(93) -0.1433(20) 7.20(23) -0.1389(46) 15.85(61) 94.6(1.2)
bη[GeV-2] 1.185(23) 0 0.1176(32) 0 0.1526(53) 1.455(24)

Our result for the slope,

bη=1.455(24)GeV-2, 4.4

is consistent with, but considerably more precise than the experimental determinations bη=1.60(17)(8)GeV-2 [108] (from ηe+e-γ) and bη=1.60(16)GeV-2 [112], bη=1.38(23)GeV-2 [113] (via e+e-e+e-η), and also agrees very well with bη=1.43(4)(1)GeV-2 [16] extracted via Padé approximants. Moreover, the improved formalism and combined fit allowed us to substantially reduce the uncertainties compared to the previous dispersion-theoretical analysis bη=1.53-0.08+0.15GeV-2 [77], also reflecting the improved input on ηπ+π-γ from Ref. [81] in comparison to the earlier measurement [97]. A close-up of the low-s region of the TFF is included in Fig. 2 as well.


This work presents progress in a dispersive calculation of the TFF of the η, as required for future studies of the η-pole contribution to HLbL scattering in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. First, we established a formalism that enables a consistent implementation of isospin-breaking ρω mixing effects, both in the isoscalar and isovector part of the form factor. The technical derivation is presented in a self-contained way in the appendices of the paper, leading to our main result (2.3) for the final TFF representation. Moreover, we worked out how the information on the isovector TFF contained in the spectrum for ηπ+π-γ can be combined, in terms of the decomposition (3.4).

These results form the basis for the application studied in the main part of the paper, an analysis of recent data from BESIII on ηπ+π-γ and subsequent prediction of the full η TFF. A combined fit of the ηπ+π-γ spectrum and data on the pion VFF reveals a tension in the ρω mixing parameter, with the former suggesting a substantially smaller value than extracted from isospin breaking in e+e-π+π-, see Fig. 1. Given the modest fit quality already in the individual fit as well as another minor tension in the ω mass, it would be desirable to scrutinize these observations with an independent measurement of the ηπ+π-γ spectrum, e.g., from CLAS at Jefferson Lab [114].

As a final step, we used the parameters determined in the global fit to ηπ+π-γ and e+e-π+π-, in combination with up-to-date input on the isoscalar resonances, to predict the full TFF at low energies, see Fig. 2 and Table 4. Deviations from VMD are most visible in the vicinity of the ω resonance, where the dispersive implementation of the ρ meson via 2π intermediate states changes the line shape compared to the strict VMD limit. Our results should prove valuable for the analysis of future data on ηπ+π-γ and η+-γ [115, 116], in particular towards improving the calculation of the η-pole contribution to HLbL scattering.


We thank Andrzej Kupść for heroic efforts to make the data from Ref. [81] available to us. Financial support by the SNSF (Project No. PCEFP2_181117), the DFG through the funds provided to the Sino–German Collaborative Research Center TRR110 “Symmetries and the Emergence of Structure in QCD” (DFG Project-ID 196253076 – TRR 110), the Bonn–Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS), the US DOE (Grant No. DE-FG02-00ER41132), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 824093 is gratefully acknowledged.

Appendix A: Coupled-channel formalism

In Appendix B–Appendix D, we derive a coupled-channel formalism for π+π-, +-, and π+π-π0, concentrating on the ω resonance for the latter. In particular, we aim at delineating the impact of ρω mixing on the pion vector form factor and pseudoscalar decays in a consistent way, leading to the master formulae with which the η decays are analyzed in the main part. The construction follows the formalism developed in Ref. [80] (cf. also Refs. [117, 118]), which can be summarized as follows: the full scattering amplitude t(s), carrying channel indices i, j, is written as2

t(s)ij=t~(s)ij+ξiΓout(s)itR(s)ijΓin(s)jξj, A.1

where tR denotes the part of the scattering amplitude that arises from iterating a resonance potential

tR(s)ij=[1-VR(s)Σ(s)]ik-1VR(s)kj, A.2

via the self energies

Σ(s)ij=δijsπsthridsσ~i(s)ξi2|Γ(s)i|2s(s-s-iϵ), A.3

with phase space σ~i, centrifugal barrier factors ξi, and vertex functions Γi. The potential is parameterized in terms of bare resonances

V¯R(s)ij=-l,l=1ngi(l)Gllgj(l),Gll=δlls-ml2,VR(s)=V¯R(s)-V¯R(0), A.4

with bare masses ml and then (potentially) subtracted at s=0. For our application, this formalism is attractive, as it allows us to account for the physics of photon and ω exchange via VR, the ππ rescattering via Omnès factors in the Γi, and combine everything in a way that is consistent with analyticity and unitarity. In addition, form factors (and thereby pseudoscalar decays) can be described in a similar way

F(s)i=Γout(s)i[1-VR(s)Σ(s)]ik-1Mk, A.5

with source terms parameterized as

Mk=ck-l,l=1ngk(l)Gllα(l)s, A.6

where the factor s in the resonance coupling arises as a consequence of gauge invariance. In the following, we will develop this formalism step by step for a three-channel system {2π,+-,3π}, mediated via two resonances {γ,ω}. Note that the ρ resonance is already contained in t~(s) for the 2π channel and thus also in the corresponding vertex function Γ(s).

Appendix B: π+π- and +-

Appendix B.1: ππ channel

As a first step we consider the single-channel case when only external π+π- states and photon exchange are retained. The isospin I=1 ππ scattering amplitude is written in the conventions

M1(s,t)=32πoddl(2l+1)tl1(s)Pl(z), B.1

with Legendre polynomials Pl(z) and normalized in such a way that the cross section reads

dσdΩ=|M|264π2s. B.2

The P-wave amplitude is identified with t~(s) in Eq. (A.1) as

t~(s)48πt11(s)=e2iδ11(s)-12iσ~π(s),σ~π(s)=σπ(s)48π,σπ(s)=1-4Mπ2s. B.3

This definition is motivated by the isospin decomposition of the physical amplitude

Mπ+π-=16M2-12M1+13M0, B.4

since then Mπ+π-|P-wave=-t(s)z and t(s) can essentially be interpreted as the standard amplitude with the angular dependence removed.

In addition, we can match the contribution from the s-channel photon-exchange diagram

Mγπ+π-=e2s(s-4Mπ2)z(FπV(s))2 B.5

to the second term in Eq. (A.1). That is, including the hadronic running of α for self consistency, we have

tγ(s)=-4παs(s-4Mπ2)(FπV(s))2(1-Ππ(s))-1,Ππ(s)=-4παss2π4Mπ2dsσ~π(s)(s-4Mπ2)|FπV(s)|2s2(s-s-iϵ), B.6

which takes the form

tγ(s)=VR(s)ξπ2(s)Γout(s)Γin(s)1-VR(s)Σπ(s)=ξπ2(s)Γout(s)Γin(s)tR(s), B.7

provided that we identify

Γout(s)=Γin(s)=FπV(s),VR(s)=-4παs,ξπ(s)=s-4Mπ2,Σπ(s)=s2π4Mπ2dsσ~π(s)ξπ2(s)|Γ(s)|2s2(s-s-iϵ). B.8

The full result

t(s)=t~(s)+ξπ(s)Γout(s)tR(s)Γin(s)ξπ(s) B.9

then indeed agrees with Eq. (A.1), the only difference being that the self energy enters in twice-subtracted form.

Appendix B.2: +- channel

In the leptonic channel we start from the VP function in the form

Π(s)=-4παss2π4m2dsσ~(s)4(s+2m2)s2(s-s-iϵ), B.10

which leads one to identify

Γout(s)=Γin(s)=1,VR(s)=-4παs,ξ(s)=2s+2m2,Σ(s)=s2π4m2dsσ~(s)ξ2(s)s2(s-s-iϵ), B.11

and thereby

t(s)=ξ2(s)tR(s)=ξ2(s)VR(s)1-VR(s)Σ(s). B.12

This amplitude, when interpreted in the same way as the ππ amplitude t(s) derived in the previous subsection, produces the total cross section3

σ(+-+-)=2π64π2s14|ξ2(s)VR(s)|2×23=(4πα)212πs3(s+2m2)2, B.13

which matches the QED result from the s-channel diagram (the factor 1/4 averages over initial-state spins). In this way, the factor ξ captures the kinematic dependence from the fermion traces instead of the centrifugal barrier, but up to this difference in interpretation the same decomposition applies as in the ππ channel.

Appendix B.3: Combining π+π- and +-

The two-channel system {2π,+-} with a photon mediator in VR(s) follows by combining the results from the previous two subsections:

tR(s)=(1-VR(s)Σ(s))-1VR(s),VR(s)=-4παs1111,Σ(s)=diag(Σπ(s),Σ(s)), B.14

so that

tR(s)=-4παs1111(1-Π(s))-1,Π(s)=-4παs(Σπ(s)+Σ(s)). B.15

In particular, we find for the e+e-π+π- cross section, by the same procedure as in Eq. (B.13),

σ(e+e-π+π-)=2π64π2s14σπ(s)σe(s)|t(s)21|2×23=πα23sσπ3(s)|FπV(s)|2|1-Π(s)|2s+2me2sσe(s), B.16

which reproduces the expected result. Adding further leptonic channels is straightforward, e.g., in the VP function the sum of the lepton species appears. For simplicity, we will restrict the discussion to a single lepton channel throughout.

Appendix C: Including the 3π channel

Our main objective in including the 3π channel is as follows: since in the end we are mainly interested in the 2π channel, the impact of 3π states is only indirect, so that we do not aim at a full description of the γ3π amplitude as derived in Refs. [40, 41, 119], but at a consistent implementation of the ω, which, due to ρω mixing, is how the 3π channel leaves its imprints in 2π. This motivates including the ω as a second mediator besides the photon in the resonance potential VR.

Appendix C.1: 3π and +-

As a first step, we consider the +- and 3π channels only, in order to fix the parameters in the potential. We make the ansatz

VR(s)=-4παs1g3sg3s(g3s)2-1s-Mω,02000gω32,Σ(s)=diag(Σ(s),Σ3π(s)), C.1

with functions/couplings g3, gω3, Σ3π(s), and bare ω mass Mω,0 to be determined in the following. The underlying idea is that the potential is generated by photon and ω states, where the ω is to be approximated by a narrow resonance, with parameters that correspond to renormalized versions of the bare parameters from Eq. (C.1).

In order to determine these parameters, we first consider the +- component

tR(s)22=-4παs(1-Π(s)-Πω(s))-1, C.2

where we have used the fact that VP is the only correction that should appear in +- scattering. In a narrow-width approximation for the ω one would expect

Πω(s)=e2gωγ2ss-Mω2+iMωΓω, C.3

where the ωγ coupling has been chosen in agreement with the Lagrangian definition

Lωγ=-e2gωγFμνωμν,ωμν=μων-νωμ. C.4

The potential in Eq. (C.1) produces

Πω(s)=-e2s(s-Mω,02)g32gω32+e2s(g3gω3(s-Mω,02))2s-Mω,02+Σ3π(s)gω32, C.5

demonstrating that g3 in Eq. (C.1) indeed needs to be accompanied by a factor s to ensure gauge invariance. The comparison to Eq. (C.3) then suggests the identification4

Σ3π(s)Σ3π=Mω,02-Mω2+iMωΓωgω32,gωγ=-g3gω3(s-Mω,02). C.6

The need to absorb an s dependence into gωγ shows that these relations are only strictly meaningful at the resonance mass, while polynomial ambiguities arise elsewhere. For the moment, we indicate this caveat by writing

Πω(s)=Pω(s)+e2gωγ2ss-Mω2+iMωΓω, C.7

with the role of the polynomial to be clarified in the following.

In total, the amplitudes in this two-channel system are

tR(s)22=-e2s(1-Π(s))-1,tR(s)23=e2gω3gωγs-Mω2+iMωΓω(1-Π(s))-1,tR(s)33=[Πω(s)Σ3π-gω32(1-Π(s))s-Mω2+iMωΓω](1-Π(s))-1, C.8

where Π(s)=Π(s)+Πω(s).

Appendix C.2: Comparison to 2π and +-

The 2π channel could be treated in a similar way as 3π if the ρ were assumed to be narrow. In this case, one would write in the vicinity of the pole [120]

FπV(s)=gρππgργsρsρ-s, C.9

with gργ defined in analogy to gωγ and gρππ related to the decay width via

Γρ=gρππ2Mρ48πσπ3(Mρ2). C.10

If we then assume the integral in Eq. (B.6) to be dominated by contributions close to the resonance and expand in Γρ, we obtain

Ππ(s)=-e2gρππ2gργ248πMρΓρσπ3(Mρ2)×sπ4Mπ2dsMρΓρ(s-Mρ2)2+(MρΓρ)2s-s-iϵ. C.11

The imaginary part of the integral can be read off from the iϵ prescription, while in the narrow-width limit the numerator collapses to πδ(s-Mρ2), producing

Ππ(s)=e2gργ2ss-Mρ2+iMρΓρ, C.12

which coincides with the narrow-width expectation for Πω(s) in Eq. (C.3). This indicates that ultimately the polynomial in Eq. (C.7) should be put to zero. In the same narrow-width approximation, the e+e-π+π- peak cross section becomes

σ(e+e-π+π-)(Mρ2)=16π2|α(Mρ2)|2gργ2Mρσe(Mρ2)×Γρ(Mρ2+2me2)|s-Mρ2+iMρΓρ|2, C.13

which can be used to interpret the result for the e+e-3π cross section (C.21) below.

Appendix C.3: e+e-3π cross section

To interpret results for the 3π channel we need to consider the cross section e+e-3π. Its general form can be written as

σ(e+e-3π)(s)=s-s+dst-t+dtd2σ(s,t;s)dsdt,d2σ(s,t;s)dsdt=α2(stu-Mπ2(s-Mπ2)2)192πs3×|F(s,t,u;s)|2s+2me2sσe(s), C.14

with s+t+u=s+3Mπ2 and integration boundaries

s-=4Mπ2,s+=(s-Mπ)2,t±=12[s+3Mπ2-s±σπ(s)λ1/2(s,Mπ2,s)]. C.15

The scalar function F(s,t,u;s) is normalized as

F(0,0,0;0)=F3π=14π2Fπ3, C.16

and decomposes as

F(s,t,u;s)=a(s)f3π(s,t,u),f3π(s,t,u)=Ω11(s)+Ω11(t)+Ω11(u), C.17

as long as rescattering effects are neglected [121]. The simplest form of the normalization function consistent with Eq. (C.16) and including the ω resonance reads

a(s)=F3π3(1-c3πss-Mω2+iMωΓω), C.18

where VMD predicts c3π=1. A similar form holds for the 3π decay width:

Γω=1128(2π)3Mω3s-s+dst-t+dt×(stu-Mπ2(Mω2-Mπ2)2)|cω|2|f3π(s,t,u)|2, C.19

where we have written the normalization in terms of another constant cω, but assumed the same dependence on the Mandelstam variables as in Eq. (C.17). Numerically, this gives

Γω2.865×10-7GeV7|cω|2. C.20

The peak cross section can then be expressed as

σ(e+e-3π)(Mω2)=16π2α2F3π2|c3π|29|cω|2Mωσe(Mω2)×Γω(Mω2+2me2)|s-Mω2+iMωΓω|2. C.21

Matching to the expected form (C.13) gives

|c3π|=3|cω|gωγF3π0.98, C.22

demonstrating that, phenomenologically, c3π indeed comes out close to the VMD expectation. Finally, we remark that the form of the cross section (C.21) indeed matches onto |tR(s)23|2 from Eq. (C.8) as long as Γω|gω3|2, which clarifies the role of this parameter. To work out the explicit relation one would need to assign ξi and Γi for i=3π, but since we will not consider 3π final states in the following, we do not pursue this avenue any further.

Appendix C.4: Pseudoscalar decays

In the formalism developed so far, the pseudoscalar decays of P=π0,η,η into π+π-γ, +-γ, or 3πγ can be derived from Eq. (A.5), with a suitable choice of source terms Mk. To avoid the complications from ρω mixing, we first consider the two-channel case {+-,3π}, before generalizing to the full system in Appendix D.

For the 3π channel, the ansatz (A.6) applies, i.e., we can write

M3=a+gω3s-Mω,02b+g3e2c, C.23

with constants a, b, c to be determined in the following. Accordingly, to ensure consistency with Eq. (C.1), we have

M2=ce2s. C.24

Using Eq. (A.2), we find

Fi(s)=(Γout(s))i(1+tR(s)Σ(s))ijMj(s), C.25

in particular,

F2(s)=11-Π(s)(e2sc+Πω(s)sg3(a+gω3s-Mω,02b)). C.26

To interpret this form factor in the context of P+-γ decays, we first consider the analog of Eq. (B.16) for a coupled-channel system of {+-,Pγ}

σ(+-Pγ)=2π64π2s14σPγ(s)σ(s)|t(s)24|2×23π2α36sσPγ3(s)|FPγγ(s,0)|2|1-Π(s)|2ξ2(s)σ(s), C.27

where we defined the phase-space factor σPγ(s)=(s-MP2)/s. In addition, VR(s) is the same as in Eq. (B.14) and Γout(s)Pγ=eFPγγ(s,0), leaving only ξPγ(s) to be determined. The matching in Eq. (C.27) yields

ξPγ2(s)=12(s-MP2)2. C.28

The same relation can also be derived from the Pγ contribution to the VP function Π(s), supporting this assignment for a Pγ state, in terms of which the differential decay width becomes

dΓ(P+-γ)ds=α3(MP2-s)ξ2(s)ξPγ2(s)σ(s)12MP3s2×|FPγγ(s,0)|2. C.29

Due to the final-state photon also the three-particle phase space can be simplified, producing

dΓ(P+-γ)ds=1(2π)332MP3(MP2-s)σ(s)12×|MP+-γ(s)|2×23, C.30

where we have written the general relativistic amplitude as MP+-γ(s) in analogy to the scattering reactions studied before. The matching of Eqs. (C.29) and (C.30) then determines

MP+-γ(s)=e2sξ(s)ξPγ(s)eFPγγ(s,0)ξ(s)ξPγ(s)eF2(s), C.31

where the last step gives the identification with the outcome of our coupled-channel formalism. The parameter c=FPγγ thus determines the TFF normalization, and defining, in analogy to Eq. (C.6), a~=-(s-Mω,02)a/gω3, we find the relation

FPγγ(s,0)=FPγγ+Πω(s)a~-bgωγe2. C.32

This again strongly suggests to set Pω(s)=0 in Eq. (C.7), because then the matching

a~-b-c3πgωγFPγγ C.33

reproduces precisely the expected momentum dependence(C.18). Our final result for the P+-γ amplitude, related to the decay width by Eq. (C.30), reads

MP+-γ(s)=ξ(s)ξPγ(s)1-Π(s)e3FPγγs×(1-c3πss-Mω2+iMωΓω). C.34

Appendix C.5: Radiative corrections to the ω pole parameters

As final step before generalizing to the full system we consider the modifications to the ω parameters when including VP corrections. Such modifications arise because of

graphic file with name 10052_2022_10247_Equ82_HTML.gif C.35

Expanding the first factor in e,

graphic file with name 10052_2022_10247_Equ83_HTML.gif C.36

we find that the new ω parameters are given by

M¯ω=(1+e2gωγ22)Mω+O(e4),Γ¯ω=(1+e2gωγ22)Γω+O(e4), C.37

and the couplings are renormalized according to

g¯ω3=gω3Z,g¯ωγ=gωγZ,Z=1+e2gωγ2. C.38

Numerically, these shifts are rather small, with Z-1=3.3×10-4, i.e., the change in gωγ is completely negligible. As concerns the pole parameters [28, 31],

ΔMω=M¯ω-Mω=0.13MeV,ΔΓω=Γ¯ω-Γω=1.4keV, C.39

the shift in the mass is comparable to current experimental uncertainties, while the main effect in the width comes instead from the interaction with the 2π channel. Using the approximation (C.12), one finds

ΔΓω=e2gωγ22Γω+Mω2Γρ-Γωe2gργ2(e2gωγ2-2ϵρω)=-0.06MeV. C.40

Appendix D: Full system

In this section, we present our final results for the full system {2π,+-,3π} with γ and ω mediators in the resonance potential. We write the expressions in terms of the VP-subtracted ω parameters Mω, Γω, with the understanding that they are related to the physical pole parameters including VP by means of Eqs. (C.39) and (C.40). This convention simplifies expressions, and at the same time makes the factorization of VP manifest. We show the results for a single lepton species , with straightforward generalization to multiple generations.

Appendix D.1: Scattering channels

The ansatz for the full potential reads

VR(s)=-4παs11g3s11g3sg3sg3s(g3s)2-1s-Mω,02gω220gω2gω3000gω2gω30gω32,Σ(s)=diag(Σπ(s),Σ(s),Σ3π(s)), D.1

where gω2 parameterizes the isospin-breaking coupling of the 2π channel to the ω. In practice, we will neglect higher orders in gω2, given that at this level also other subleading effects, such as the ωπ0γ channel, would need to be considered. The full VP function becomes

Π(s)=Π(s)+Ππ(s)(1+2sϵρωMω2-s-iMωΓω)+Πω(s)+O(gω22), D.2

with Πω(s) as defined in Eq. (C.3), and the ρω mixing parameter

ϵρω=gω2gωγ. D.3

The full amplitudes are

tR(s)=11-Π(s)t^R(s)+O(gω22),t^R(s)11=-e2s(1+2ϵρωsMω2-s-iMωΓω)+ϵρω2gωγ21Mω2-s-iMωΓω,t^R(s)12=-e2s(1+ϵρωsMω2-s-iMωΓω),t^R(s)22=-e2s,t^R(s)13=e2gω3gωγs-Mω2+iMωΓω(1-ϵρω(1-Π(s))e2gωγ2),t^R(s)23=e2gω3gωγs-Mω2+iMωΓω(1-ϵρωΠπ(s)e2gωγ2),t^R(s)33=Πω(s)Σ3π(1-2ϵρωΠπ(s)e2gωγ2)-gω32(1-Π(s)-Ππ(s))s-Mω2+iMωΓω. D.4

tR(s)23 and tR(s)33 indeed generalize Eq. (C.8), and in the conventions (C.6) the sign in the ρω-mixing correction in e+e-π+π- agrees with Ref. [83]. Note that the expansion in gω2 is clearly not appropriate for the isospin-violating corrections to π+π- scattering, where terms of order O(gω22) should be counted at the same order as O(e2gω2). For completeness, we have therefore retained the corresponding correction in tR(s)11.

Appendix D.2: Decays and transition form factors

Generalizing Eqs. (C.23) and (C.24), we make the following ansatz for the source terms

M(s)=ce2s11g3s+bs-Mω,02gω20gω3+-P(s)0a, D.5

with parameters a, b, c to be interpreted as before, and only the role of the function P(s) to be clarified. As a first step, the result for the P+-γ amplitude generalizes to

MP+-γ(s)=ξ(s)ξPγ(s)1-Π(s)e3sFPγγ(s,0),FPγγ(s,0)=FPγγ+P(s)Σπ(s)×(1+ϵρωsMω2-s-iMωΓω)+FPγγwPωγsMω2-s-iMωΓω(1+ϵρωsgωγ2Σπ(s))+O(e2ϵρω). D.6

Here, we have eliminated the parameter c3π in favor of the ω contribution to the slope of the TFF5

c3πMω2bPω=Mω2FPγγdFPγγω(s,0)ds|s=0=wPωγ, D.7

where the weights are given by [18]

wPVγ2=9MV2MP3Γ(Ve+e-)Γ(VPγ)2α(MV2-MP2)3Γ(Pγγ)ifMV>MP,3MP6Γ(Ve+e-)Γ(PVγ)2αMV(MP2-MV2)3Γ(Pγγ)ifMP>MV. D.8

Determining the signs by the comparison to VMD [18], the numerical values based on Table 1 are

wηωγ=0.072(2),wηϕγ=0.158(6), D.9

and in terms of couplings gPVγ,

gPVγ2=24Γ(VPγ)α(MVMV2-MP2)3ifMV>MP,8Γ(PVγ)α(MPMP2-MV2)3ifMP>MV, D.10

one finds

wPVγ2=gPVγ2gVγ2FPγγ2. D.11

In analogy to Eq. (C.30), we have

dΓ(Pπ+π-γ)ds=1(2π)332MP3(MP2-s)σπ(s)12×|MPπ+π-γ(s)|2×23, D.12


MPπ+π-γ(s)=-eFπV(s)ξπ(s)ξPγ(s)1-Π(s)(P(s)+O(e2)+FPγγwPωγϵρωgωγ21Mω2-s-iMωΓω), D.13

where we have neglected non-resonant corrections O(e2) in the isospin-conserving part and the coefficient of the ω admixture can be written as gPωγϵρω/gωγ due to Eq. (D.11). The resulting spectrum becomes

dΓ(Pπ+π-γ)ds=16παΓ0|FπV(s)|2|P(s)+gPωγϵρωgωγ1Mω2-s-iMωΓω|2,Γ0=2s3(MP2-s16πMPσπ(s))3 D.14

as given in Eq. (3.4), in agreement with Refs. [78, 83] upon the identification 2P(s)=A(1+βs+γs2) (and separating the factor e2=4πα). The function P(s) thus emerges as a parameterization of the Pπ+π-γ spectrum.

Appendix D.3: Dispersion relations

The previous discussion now allows us to write down dispersion relations for the pseudoscalar TFF including a consistent treatment of ρω mixing. Reading off the discontinuities from Eq. (D.6),

ImππFPγγ(s,0)=s48πσπ3(s)|FπV(s)|2[P(s)×(1+sϵρωMω2-s-iMωΓω)+FPγγwPωγϵρωgωγ21Mω2-s-iMωΓω],Im3πFPγγ(s,0)=πsδ(s-Mω2)[FPγγwPωγ×(1+ϵρωgωγ2sΣπ(s))+ϵρωP(s)Σπ(s)], D.15

we first observe that, as expected, the sum of the double discontinuities vanishes:

Im[ImππFPγγ(s,0)]=-Im[Im3πFPγγ(s,0)]=sϵρω48σπ3(s)|FπV(s)|2δ(s-Mω2)×(FPγγwPωγgωγ2-sP(s)). D.16

Next, we replace

P(s)Σπ(s)s48π24Mπ2dsσπ3(s)P(s)|FπV(s)|2s-s-iϵ, D.17

which does not affect the cancellation of the double discontinuities, but ensures that all dispersive integrals related to Σπ(s) have the same convergence properties. In the end, this step amounts to a choice of subtraction scheme, which, in the coupled-channel formalism, corresponds to polynomial ambiguities.

To derive a dispersive representation for the TFF, we start from the once-subtracted version

FPγγ(s,0)=FPγγ+sπ4Mπ2ds×i=ππ,3πImiFPγγ(s,0)s(s-s). D.18

To keep track of the ω propagator consistently at all stages of the calculation, it is useful to replace

sMω2-s-iMωΓωsπdsπδ(s-Mω2)s-s-iϵ D.19

and only restore the finite width in the end.6 Combining denominators in the various dispersion integrals, one can show that indeed the ω propagator factorizes, leading to a form very similar to Eq. (D.6):

FPγγ(s,0)=FPγγ+[1+ϵρωsMω2-s-iMωΓω]×s48π24Mπ2dsσπ3(s)P(s)|FπV(s)|2s-s-iϵ+FPγγwPωγsMω2-s-iMωΓω[1+ϵρωs48π2gωγ2×4Mπ2dsσπ3(s)|FπV(s)|2s(s-s-iϵ)]. D.20

This is our final result for a dispersive representation of FPγγ(s,0) that includes corrections from ρω mixing in a consistent manner, with crucial ingredient the function P(s) as determined by the Pπ+π-γ spectrum (3.4). In particular, from the limit s one can read off the sum rule

FPγγ=1-ϵρω48π24Mπ2dsσπ3(s)P(s)|FπV(s)|2+FPγγwPωγ×[1-ϵρω48π2gωγ24Mπ2dsσπ3(s)|FπV(s)|2s]. D.21

The isoscalar part of the TFF also involves a contribution from the ϕ, which simply amounts to adding

FPγγϕ(s,0)=FPγγwPϕγsMϕ2-s-iMϕΓϕ D.22

to the right-hand side of Eq. (D.20) (and FPγγwPϕγ to the one of Eq. (D.21)). The combination of Eqs. (D.20) and (D.22) is the form (2.3) gitven in the main text.

As a final cross check, we show that Eq. (D.20) reproduces the correct VMD limit. To this end, we first approximate the dispersive integrals by their narrow-width limit, in analogy to Eq. (C.12). The second integral already takes VMD form, while for the former we need |P(Mρ2)|. This quantity can be related to Γ(Pργ) by integrating Eq. (3.4) and again replacing the integral by its narrow-width limit. In this way, we can remove |P(Mρ2)| in favor of wPργ, see Eq. (D.8), and using the VMD relations gρππ=1/gργ, gργ=3gωγ, we obtain

FPγγVMD(s,0)=FPγγ[1+(1+ϵρωsMω2-s-iMωΓω)×wPργsMρ2-s-iMρΓρ+wPωγsMω2-s-iMωΓω×(1+9ϵρωsMρ2-s-iMρΓρ)], D.23

in agreement with the expected VMD result.

Data Availability

This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: There is no data because the work is of theoretical nature.]



Note that constraining the relative shifts in the ω masses from the expected uncertainty in the energy calibration, in a similar fashion as it was done here in the combined fit for the case of KLOE, only leads to marginal changes in the results compared to the ones displayed in Table 3 for the other pion VFF data sets, see Ref. [27].


Note that, here and below, repeated indices related to ξi and Γi are not summed over.


The factor 2/3 arises from the angular integral -11dzz2, as does represent the correct angular dependence for the bosonic amplitude in Eq. (B.5), but in general only the integrated quantities are reproduced correctly, since part of the angular dependence is moved into the centrifugal barrier factors, e.g., in contrast to ξπ, the ξ do not correspond to the center-of-mass momentum. Accordingly, we only keep the differential form when adequate, and otherwise simply display the integrated result.


The sign in gωγ is motivated by the 2π channel and the definition of the ρω mixing parameter, to match the sign conventions of Ref. [83].


For simplicity, we only consider P=η,η, otherwise, the different isospin structure for the π0 TFF would need to be taken into account. In particular, Eq. (D.8) produces wπ0ωγ0.5, consistent with c3π=2wπ0ωγ in this case.


This can be done more rigorously by using a smeared-out version of the δ-function instead, but the results are identical. See also the discussion leading to Eq. (C.12).


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