The modern healthcare system faces an unrelenting threat from microorganisms, evidenced by global outbreaks of new viral diseases, emerging antimicrobial resistance, and the rising incidence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). An effective response to these threats requires rapid and accurate diagnostic tests that can identify causative pathogens at the point-of-care (POC). Such tests could eliminate diagnostic uncertainties, facilitating patient triaging, minimizing empiric use of antimicrobial drugs, and enabling targeted treatments. Current standard methods, however, often fail to meet the needs of rapid diagnosis in POC settings. Culture-based assays entail long processing times and require specialized laboratory infrastructure; nucleic-acid (NA) tests are often limited to centralized hospitals due to assay complexity and high costs.
Here we discuss two new POC tests developed in our groups to enable rapid diagnosis of infection. The first is nanoPCR that takes advantages of core-shell magnetoplasmonic nanoparticles (MPNs): i) Au shell significantly accelerates thermocycling via volumetric, plasmonic light-to-heat conversion, ii) magnetic core enables sensitive in-situ fluorescent detection via magnetic clearing. By adopting a Ferris wheel module, the system expedites multi-samples in parallel with minimal setup. When applying to COVID-19 diagnosis, nanoPCR detected SARS-CoV-2 RNA down to 3.2 copy/μL within 17 min. In particular, nanoPCR diagnostics accurately identified COVID-19 cases in clinical samples (n = 150), validating its clinical applicability.
The second is a polarization anisotropy diagnostic (PAD) system that exploits the principle of fluorescence polarization (FP) as a detection modality. Fluorescent probes were designed to alter their molecular weight upon recognizing target NAs. This event modulates probes’ tumbling rate (Brownian motion), which leads to changes in FP. The approach is robust against environmental noise and benefits from the ratiometric nature of the signal readout. We applied PAD to detect clinically relevant HAI bacteria (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus). The PAD assay demonstrated detection sensitivity down to the single bacterium level and determined both drug resistance and virulence status.
In summary, these new tests have a potential to become powerful tools for rapid diagnosis in the infectious disease space. They do not require highly skilled personnel or labor-intensive analyses, and the assays are quick and cost effective. These attributes will make nanoPCR and PAD well-aligned with a POC workflow to aid physicians to initiate prompt and informed patient treatment.
Graphical Abstract
The threat of infectious diseases is globally omnipresent.5–9 The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has claimed more than 2.6 million lives within the first 15 months of its outbreak; the global economy reportedly has lost over $7 trillion dollars in 2020 gross domestic product.10 Emerging antimicrobial-resistance (AMR) is another lurking threat. In the US alone, close to three million people are infected with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, and more than 30,000 people die as a result of such infections.11–13 The economic burden is also substantial. The annual cost from healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is over $30 billion dollars in the US.14,15
The most effective way to combat infectious diseases is to implement rapid, accurate diagnostic tests at the point-of-care (POC).16–18 Such tests would eliminate diagnostic delays and uncertainties, enabling the timely initiation of the most appropriate therapies and minimizing emergence of resistance through indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Unfortunately, current diagnostic methods often fail to meet these goals, because the assays are either too lengthy or not readily available at the POC settings. For example, culture-based tests for bacterial detection and AMR monitoring, albeit the gold standard, have drawbacks for on-site use, including long processing time (several days), personnel cost, and needs for specialized equipment and species-specific protocols.19 As an alternative, nucleic-acid (NA) assays have been increasingly adopted for clinical diagnostics.20–23 These tests can produce comprehensive information for pathogens; the target sequence library is rapidly expanding with advances in whole-genome sequencing.24 Technical constraints, however, limit the use of NA tests to centralized hospital laboratories: most tests currently cost > $100 in order to recoup the large capital expenditure on equipment ($10,000 – $150,000). Furthermore, NA-based systems are bulky and/or house sophisticated optics which require routine calibration.
The workflow of POC testing consists of i) sample preprocessing to extract NA from biological samples (i.e. blood, swab, saliva, urine), ii) NA assay to amplify the signal, iii) signal detection, and iv) decision making. The key challenge is to streamline the entire process so that the test can be completed while patients are waiting. Aiming at this goal, we have been developing new biosensing modalities whose functions range from sample preprocessing,1,25 rapid NA amplification,2 to signal detection.3,4,26–34 Our recent efforts have focused on exploring new, integrated technologies that improve signal transduction and/or assay speed; this led to the development of i) a nanoPCR approach that significantly sped up conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) through plasmonic heating,2 and ii) a fluorescence polarization (FP) method that yielded robust results compared to direct fluorescence.3,4,28 Here, we will review the development of these assay systems, covering the detection principles, devices for sample preprocessing and signal detection, clinical applications, and future directions.
2. Disposable fluidic cartridges for sample processing
Purifying or conditioning native clinical samples is a key step that significantly influences the accuracy of downstream analyses. Various commercial kits are available for such sample pre-processing, but most of them require benchtop equipment (e.g., centrifuge) and involve multiple fluidic transfers. To streamline liquid handling while minimizing external setups, we adopted microfluidics and developed self-contained devices. Figure 1A shows a fluidic chip designed for sample purification. We sandwiched a fluidic chip between two magnetic arrays, capturing magnetically labeled cells in flow.1 This system, in conjunction with target-specific magnetic nanoparticles, was used to enrich pathogens (positive selection) or remove other blood cells (negative selection); these processes effectively concentrated pathogen targets and thereby improved assay sensitivity.
For on-site NA detection, we adapted the principle of solid-phase NA extraction into fluidic devices. The extraction used silica as substrates; negatively charged NAs would bind to silica surface in the presence of chaotropic salts. Following wash steps, adsorbed NAs are eluted with low salt solution. We used either pure silica beads,2,3 or plastic microbeads coated with silica.25 Figure 1B shows a fluidic chip implemented in poly(methylmethacrylate) via injection molding.3 The chip had a fluidic chamber containing glass beads (30 μm in diameter). Samples and other reagents were sequentially injected for NA extraction. When compared to a commercial column filter, the fluidic chip showed comparable performance in RNA quality.3 More recently, we have designed a plunger-type kit (Figure 1C) that eliminated the need for external fluidic connection.2 The kit had multiple chambers preloaded with NA extraction reagents and a silica filter. After initial sample loading, we sequentially pushed plungers to perform pathogen lysis, RNA capture, washing, and elution. RNA extraction yields, measured by RT-qPCR, were comparable between the plunger-type kit and commercial filters (Figure 1D), but the operation was equipment-free and fast (3 min) with the plunger kit.
3. NanoPCR for rapid thermocycling and detection
Thermoplasmonics, which exploits light-to-heat conversion mediated by plasmonic substrates,35 is an emerging technique to replace slow conductive heating process. We specifically explored the use of hybrid magnetoplasmonic nanoparticles (MPNs) that consisted of a magnetic core and a gold (Au) shell (Figure 2A). The choice was motivated by the observation that most plasmonic effect is confined near the surface of metallic nanoparticles. We reason that MPNs would enable i) efficient plasmonic heating through the Au shell and ii) rapid clearing of particles through the magnetic interaction between the core and external magnetic fields.
3.1. Synthesis and characterization of MPNs.
MNPs had a 16-nm magnetic core (Zn0.4Fe2.6O4) and a 12 nm-thick Au shell (Figure 2A).2,36 We further coated particles with phosphine-sulfonate ligands to impart negative surface charges for colloidal stability. MPNs showed plasmon resonance at a wavelength of λ = 535 nm (Figure 2B). Numerical simulation showed that the electrical field enhancement would be confined to the inner and the outer surfaces of Au shell under plasmonic resonance condition (Figure 2C). The field enhancement and the absorption cross-section of a MPN would be similar to those of a 40 nm AuNP.2
MPNs in solution quickly heated the entire sample upon light illumination (Figure 3A). The heating was effective when the incident wavelength matched with the MPNs’ plasmonic resonance, confirming the underlying thermoplasmonic mechanism (Figure 3B).35,37,38 Using MPNs as a heating source, we could achieve rapid thermocycling required for PCR: i) the cycling time from 58 to 90 and back to 58 °C was 8.91 sec and ii) the coefficient of variations were < 2% (Figure 3C). Sample cooling (~6.5 s from 90 to 58 °C) was based on a convective heat transfer to air.
3.2. NanoPCR instrument
To facilitate its POC operation, we have built a compact nanoPCR system (15×15×18.5 cm3, 3 kg; Figure 4A). The system integrated a light source for plasmonic heating, a rotating sample holder (i.e., ‘Ferris wheel’), a movable magnet assembly, and fluorescent detection optics. As a light source, we used a circular array of low-power laser diodes (80 mW) rather than a single high-power laser (Figure 4A, right); such an arrangement promoted uniform heating and eliminated the need to cool the light source. For multi-sample processing, we employed a Ferris wheel scheme (Figure 4B). The rotating wheel sequentially placed a sample under focused light while others being cooled. By syncing wheel rotation with an illumination timing (2.43 s under light; 6.48 s with air cooling), we were able to perform PCR reactions in multiple samples using a single light source (Figure 4C). A microcontroller coordinated all the system operation, including thermocycling, MPN collection, fluorescent measurement, and data display.
3.3. COVID-19 diagnosis
We set up the overall nanoPCR protocol for rapid COVID-19 diagnoses (Figure 5A). Because SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus, an initial reverse transcription (RT) step was necessary to convert RNA into complementary DNA using reverse transcriptase. To achieve the constant temperate (42 °C) required for reverse transcriptase activity, we modulated the on/off duty cycle of the light source (Figure 5A, inset). Following the RT (5 min) step, the nanoPCR system carried out fast thermocycling (6 min) on three targets: nucleocapsid genes (N1 and N2) of SARS-CoV-2 and human ribonuclease P30 subunit gene (RPP30).17 The nanoPCR (11 min) and a conventional benchtop (2 hr) systems showed comparable performances; the gel electrophoresis on PCR products showed matching bands in size and intensity (Figure 5B). For in-situ fluorescence detection after thermal cycling, the nanoPCR system moved the magnet assembly to sample tubes, which sedimented MPNs to the tube bottom. This step minimized the optical interference from MPNs whose absorbance (λpeak = 535 nm) overlaps with fluorescent emission (λpeak = 517 nm) of amplicons. Indeed, the fluorescent signal was barely detectable after thermocycling and only to appear after magnetic pulling (Figure 5C). We set the pulling time to 3 min, which recovered ≥ 50% of the signal from its saturation level. The limit of detection (LOD) was determined to be 3.2 copy/μL from the dilution series of N1 samples (Figure 5D), which was comparable to that of conventional RT-qPCR (2.0 copy/μL). In addition, the designed N1 and N2 probes had negligible cross-reactivity with other zoonotonic coronaviruses, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV (Figure 5E).
3.4. Clinical application of nanoPCR
As a pilot clinical application, we used nanoPCR to diagnose COVID-19 in clinical specimens (i.e., nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swabs and sputum). We tested 100 samples as a discovery cohort (50 COVID-19 patients and 50 controls) and another 50 samples (25 COVID-19 patients and 25 controls) as a validation cohort. Due to the safety concern, we used RNA extracts from clinical specimens. Each RNA sample was divided into two aliquots; one was processed by nanoPCR and the other by conventional RT-qPCR (Figure 6A). We compared nanoPCR’s fluorescence intensity, I with −Log2Ct, where Ct is the cycle cutoff of RT-qPCR. These two quantities would be proportional to target gene concentrations, and indeed showed a good concordance (Figure 6B). We next evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of nanoPCR. As an analytical metrics, we defined FN1 and FN2 for N1 and N2 genes, respectively, by normalizing target-induced fluorescent intensities with that of the positive control (RPP30). Both FN1 and FN2 values were significantly higher (P < 0.0001, two-sided t-test) in COVID-19 patients than non-COVID-19 controls (Figure 6C).
We further constructed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for FN1 and FN2, graphically plotting the true positive rate (sensitivity) against the false positive rate (1 – specificity) at varying FN1 and FN2 values. ROC curves characterize the diagnostic capability of a binary classifier system and can be used to determine the optimal cutoff values for diagnostic decision making. The diagnostic accuracy was excellent with an area under the curve of 1 in ROC curve analyses (Figure 6D). The cutoff values were determined to be 0.15 for FN1 and 0.05 for FN2, that maximized the sum of sensitivity and specificity. When these cutoffs were applied to the validation set, nanoPCR maintained its high diagnostic power. Overall, nanoPCR correctly classified all clinical samples (n = 150; Figure 6E).
4. Fluorescence polarization system
FP measurement relies on differential rotational motion of fluorescent molecules according to their molecular weight (Figure 7A).39 Large molecules tumble slowly in solution so their emission will have a polarization angle that is very similar to that of the excitation light. In contrast, small molecules will rotate quickly, thereby their fluorescent emission effectively depolarized. FP’s analytical metric (r) is the ratio of light intensities, r = (I∥ – I⊥) / (I∥ + 2·I⊥), where I∥ (I⊥) is the parallel (perpendicular) component of fluorescence intensities relative to the exciting light. Small fluorescent molecules will have negligible r as I∥ is close to I⊥. Conversely, large molecules (or molecules bound to a stationary target) will show high r values. FP readout is advantageous over measuring raw fluorescence. The stability requirement for the excitation light source can be less stringent as FP is independent of the incident light intensity. FP detection is also robust to environmental noise (e.g., electrical and optical signal fluctuations). Dual optical detectors, each capturing an orthogonal polarization component, can compensate one another in the event of common noise. These detectors can also be monitored to reject single-channel noise that causes the signal variance to increase asymmetrically between channels (Figure 7B).
We adopted FP as a signal transduction mechanism in NA detection. Assays were designed to change the molecular weight of fluorescent probes when target NAs were present. One approach was to detach fluorescent dyes from fluorescent DNA probes, wherein freed dyes led to low r values. This method was used in our initial work on bacterial profiling,3 which will be discussed in the following sections. More recently, we have combined the clustered-regularly-interspaced-short-palindromic-repeats (CRISPR) technique with FP measurements. When CRISPR-associated protein and guide-RNA complexes recognized target NA, they became active and indiscriminately cut down fluorescent DNA probes to fragments (lower r values). This alternative method enabled SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection within 20 min and with an LOD of 3 copy/μL. Details on this assay can be found in our recent report.4
4.1. Miniaturized FP detection system
To provide FP assays in the POC settings, we have advanced portable detection systems (Figures 8A, B).3,4 An important design factor was to adopt the lock-in method to achieve high signal-to-noise. During the fluorescent detection, we controlled the excitation light source to generate an on-off or a sinusoidal intensity patterns. The emission light would follow the same intensity profile of the excitation, and could be extracted from the noisy background by referencing (“locking-in”) the excitation light. Figure 8C shows an example of a miniaturized FP setup. We used a light-emitting diode (LED) as an affordable light source. The illumination light was linearly polarized and focused onto a sample to excite its fluorophores. The emission light was then measured by a pair of photodiodes. We modulated the intensity of the excitation light at a carrier frequency of 1 kHz. The emission signals were then frequency-locked in the detection circuit.
4.2. FP assays for bacteria detection
We have adopted the FP principle to identify major pathogens that cause HAIs. After bacterial NA extraction, target sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) or mRNA were pre-amplified with asymmetric RT-PCR. The assay, termed PAD (polarization anisotropy diagnostics),3 detected amplified NAs with a dual-probe set composed of a detection probe and a reporter DNA. The detection probe (detection key) had a DNA polymerase-specific aptamer adjoined with an overhang sequence complementary to target NAs. Upon hybridization with target NA, the detection key became stable to bind to DNA polymerase, suppressing polymerase activity.28,40 The reporter DNA then remained intact, maintaining high fluorescence anisotropy (r) due to slow rotational motion. Conversely, in the absence of target NA, the uninhibited DNA polymerase catalyzed primer extension reactions on the reporter DNA so that fluorophores were cut out from reporter probes. The free fluorophores rotated rapidly, leading to low r value (Figure 9A).
We have designed three types of PAD probes. Each type was specialized in analyzing either bacterial infection, bacterial species, or antibiotic-resistance and virulence status. To detect bacterial infection, we designed a single, universal probe (UNI key) that targets a conserved region of 16S rRNA in different bacterial species (Figure 9B). Applying the designed assay (UNI-PAD), we observed consistent signal values in concentration-matched samples regardless of bacterial species (E. coli, K. pneumoniae, A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus; Figure 9C); this result supported the use of UNI-PAD in estimating total bacterial load.
To differentiate pathogens, we designed a set of detection probes (HAI keys). Each key targeted the hypervariable region of 16S rRNA in different bacterial species. The sequence homology among genus types was kept < 50% to minimize cross-reactivity. The HAI keys assumed high specificity. For example, Escherichia key (Figure 10A) showed high PAD signal only with its intended target, whereas off-target signals were negligible even in high biological background (Figure 10B). Similarly, other HAI keys displayed excellent specificity with minimal crosstalk (Figure 10C). We further made probes for antimicrobial resistance (AMR keys). These keys targeted bacterial genes that make pathogens antibiotic-resistant or highly virulent. As a model system, we profiled samples for mecA (key factor conferring methicillin-resistance on S. aureus); PVL, nuc, and femB (virulence factors contributing to the pathogenicity of S. aureus). We used two representative MRSA strains: healthcare–associated MRSA (HA-MRSA; mecA+, PVL−) and community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA; mecA+, PVL+). Control samples were MSSA (mecA−), E. coli and P. aeruginosa (mecA−, PVL−, nuc−, femB−). The AMR-PAD correctly genotyped bacteria, agreeing with RT-qPCR and culture results (Figure 10D).
4.3. Proof-of-principle clinical study
Using the first PAD prototype, we performed a pilot clinical study to detect pathogens in human samples.3 The PAD test (2 hr) results showed an excellent match with the culture (3–5 days) (Figure 11). The UNI-PAD correctly detected infection; samples negative with UNI-PAD were also negative with HAI-PADs, suggesting the potential use of universal detection for sample triaging. Among six UNI-PAD–positive samples, HAI-PAD detected HAI pathogens in five samples, and the differentiation results matched the bacterial culture readouts. One patient (No. 6) was positive with bacterial load but was negative with HAI keys; the patient was later found to be infected with Providencia rettgeri (non-targeted in this system). For the S. aureus-infected sample (No. 2), AMR-PAD identified no mecA, which matched the MRSA-negative pathology.
We have discussed two complementary components in POC NA tests, namely nanoPCR for rapid NA amplification and FP system for reliable signal detection. The key merit of nanoPCR is its fast assay speed achieved through the use of hybrid MPNs. Volumetric, plasmonic heating through Au shells in MPNs enables fast thermocycling; magnetic cores allow for in-situ fluorescent detection via magnetic pulling. As such, nanoPCR is faster than conventional RT-PCR instruments as well as other commercial POC system (e.g., Accula SARS-CoV-2 Test, GeneXpert, Talis One COVID-19 assay, HiberGene’s HG COVID-19 test) that are based on RT-PCR or isothermal amplification.41–44 Furthermore, we have engineered a compact nanoPCR device for POC operations, integrating a ferris wheel module and detection optics. The resulting system automatically processed multiple samples with a single button push. These technical advances along with a pilot clinical testing highlight nanoPCR as a promising, clinical POC diagnostics.
FP is a powerful analytical approach that has been broadly used in chemistry,45 drug development,46,47 and now infectious disease diagnostics. The sensing is inherently robust against environmental noise; incorporating the optical lock-in method further enhances such robustness. These merits in turn make FP detection systems relatively simple and cheap to design. Second, the assay is cost-effective. It uses a dual-probe scheme wherein target NAs are recognized by a detection probe but the signal is generated by a common reporter. This method lowers the reagent cost ($2 per assay), while allowing the assay to achieve detection accuracy comparable to bacterial culture, the clinical gold standard. Third, the assay is simple as reactions can take place in a single tube without any washing steps. These advantages make the FP platform well-suited to the POC workflow, facilitating rapid infection care in hospitals and ambulatory clinics. Our pilot studies proved the concept that PAD system can comprehensively interrogate bacterial HAI.
Further improvements will bring these technologies closer to clinical translation. i) We need to improve sample preprocessing devices to enable continuous workflow. This will reduce the likelihood of errors from sample contamination and user intervention. ii) The assay throughput should be increased to detect different targets at once. A straightforward approach would be to integrate multiple sensors, leveraging on system’s small size and low cost. A more innovative solution might be to engineer both detection optics and probes compatible with multiple fluorescent wavelengths, which would allow for the detection of a plurality of targets in a convenient one-pot assay format. iii) A probe library should be expanded to incorporate additional causative pathogens, antibiotic-resistance, and host responses. A highly specific diagnosis based on a comprehensive panel of probes will allow clinicians to effectively triage patients having similar symptoms to respond quickly and decisively to emerging outbreaks.
This work was supported in part by the US National Institutes of Health (R01CA229777, R21DA049577, U01CA233360, R01CA239078, R01CA237500, R01CA239078, R01CA237500); the US Department of Defense (W81XWH1910199, W81XWH1910194); MGH Scholar Fund; and Institute for Basic Science (IBS-R026-D1).
Chang Yeol Lee is a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Systems Biology (CSB), Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Institute for Basic Science, Center for NanoMedicine (IBS-CNM). He received his Ph.D. in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from KAIST. His research focuses on nucleic acid-based biosensors for infection diagnosis.
Ismail Degani is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. His research interests include signal processing, deep learning, and diagnostic platform development.
Jiyong Cheong is Ph.D. candidate in Nano-BioMedical Engineering (nanoBME), Advanced Science Institute (ASI), Yonsei University. He received his B.S. in Biotechnology and Life Science from Yonsei University. His research interests are in creating a platform for nanomaterial-based molecular diagnostics.
Ralph Weissleder is the Thrall Professor of Radiology and Professor of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School (HMS), Director of CSB-MGH, and attending clinician (Interventional Radiology) at MGH. His research interests include the development of novel molecular diagnostics, systems analyses, and clinical translation.
Jae-Hyun Lee is Associate Professor at ASI, Yonsei University. He graduated from Yonsei University with his Ph.D. in chemistry in 2012. His current research interests are the fabrication of nanoscale devices and nano-bio interfaces at single cellular level.
Jinwoo Cheon is the Horace G. Underwood Professor of Chemistry at Yonsei University and the Director of IBS-CNM. His research interests include inorganic nanocrystal chemistry and nanomedicine.
Hakho Lee is Associate Professor in Radiology (HMS), Director of the Biomedical Engineering Program at the CSB, MGH, and Hostetter MGH Research Scholar. His research focuses on developing novel biomedical sensors for clinical applications.
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