In the above-named article by Guerrieri GM, Ben Dor R, Li X, Wei SM, Martinez PE, Neiman LK, Rubinow DR, and Schmidt PJ (J Clin Metab. 2021; 106(10): 3007–3018; doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgab407), there were transcription errors in the bottom two lines of Table 1:
In the row labelled “Thyroid TX,” the entry in the “Number (%)” column should read “1 (5)” and the entry in the column “Perimenopausal Depression (n=20)” should read “2 (10).”
In the row labelled “Past MDE,” the entry in the “Number (%)” column should read “0”and the entry in the column “Perimenopausal Depression (n=20)” should read “12 (60).”
The errors have been corrected online.