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. 2022 Apr 13;23(3):bbac122. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbac122

An evidence-based lexical pattern approach for quality assurance of Gene Ontology relations

Rashmie Abeysinghe 1, Yuntao Yang 2, Mason Bartels 2, W Jim Zheng 2, Licong Cui 2,
PMCID: PMC9116247  PMID: 35419584


Gene Ontology (GO) is widely used in the biological domain. It is the most comprehensive ontology providing formal representation of gene functions (GO concepts) and relations between them. However, unintentional quality defects (e.g. missing or erroneous relations) in GO may exist due to the large size of GO concepts and complexity of GO structures. Such quality defects would impact the results of GO-based analyses and applications. In this work, we introduce a novel evidence-based lexical pattern approach for quality assurance of GO relations. We leverage two layers of evidence to suggest potentially missing relations in GO as follows. We first utilize related concept pairs (i.e. existing relations) in GO to extract relationship-specific lexical patterns, which serve as the first layer evidence to automatically suggest potentially missing relations between unrelated concept pairs. For each suggested missing relation, we further identify two other existing relations as the second layer of evidence that resemble the difference between the missing relation and the existing relation based on which the missing relation is suggested. Applied to the 15 December 2021 release of GO, this approach suggested a total of 866 potentially missing relations. Local domain experts evaluated the entire set of potentially missing relations, and identified 821 as missing relations and 45 indicate erroneous existing relations. We submitted these findings to the GO consortium for further validation and received encouraging feedback. These indicate that our evidence-based approach can be utilized to uncover missing relations and erroneous existing relations in GO.

Keywords: Gene Ontology, ontology quality assurance, lexical patterns, missing relations, erroneous relations


Ontologies are artifacts used to provide common controlled knowledge representation enabling knowledge sharing and reasoning in a particular domain. An ontology contains a set of classes (or concepts) that represent entities in a domain and a set of relations that define the semantic relations between the classes [1]. Ontologies have been extensively used in biomedical and health-related research and applications.

Gene Ontology (GO) is one such resource providing a computational representation of the current scientific knowledge on gene functions of different organisms [2]. The GO resource offers GO itself as well as GO annotations. The GO itself is the logical structure comprising terms for biological processes, molecular functions and cellular components as well as different types of relations that denote how each term is related to other terms (note that ‘class’, ‘concept’ and ‘term’ are interchangeably used in the context of GO). GO annotations link a specific gene product with a GO concept to describe its normal biological role [3, 4]. The 15 December 2021 release of GO, which is used in this paper, contains over 50 000 concepts. GO relationships include is-a, part of, has part, regulates, negatively regulates and positively regulates that link concepts with each other [5].

Modern biomedical ontologies such as GO can be large and complex. Although extreme care is always taken by human curators to make an ontology as accurate as possible, due to the size and complexity, introduction of unintentional errors or defects is difficult to avoid. Some identified defects are fixed as part of the ontology management life-cycle. However, systematic methods to uncover and fix quality defects in biomedical ontologies are still scarce. Manual efforts to audit biomedical ontologies are not really sustainable. Hence, automated or semi-automated auditing algorithms for ontology quality assurance are highly desirable.

Various approaches have been investigated to assess qualities of biomedical ontologies such as concept orientation, consistency, non-redundancy, soundness and comprehensive coverage [6, 7]. Amith et al. have categorized recent ontology quality assurance approaches to 10 categories including structure-based, lexical-based, semantic-based, abstraction-network-based and big data approaches [8].

Many lexical-based approaches leverage the ‘lexically suggest, logically define’ principle which states that the knowledge represented lexically in concept labels should be represented as axioms in the ontology [9]. For instance, van Damme et al. have proposed a method which clusters concepts by lexical regularities that their concept labels contain and extracts information from each cluster to suggest logical axioms for concepts in SNOMED CT [10]. Agrawal et al. have extensively investigated approaches where lexically similar concept sets are identified where inconsistent modeling may be prevalent [11–14]. Bodenreider has introduced a method to identify missing hierarchical relations in SNOMED CT by reasoning on logical definitions constructed by leveraging lexical features of concept labels [15].

With respect to GO, most of the quality assurance efforts have focused on enriching the ontology [16–18]. Other studies have tried to audit GO from different points of view. For instance, Ochs et al. have investigated two types of abstraction networks, called area taxonomy and partial-area taxonomy, to identify groups of anomalous concepts in the biological process subhierarchy of GO [19]. Abstraction networks are a form of compact summarizations of ontologies that have been extensively explored for ontology quality assurance [20–21]. Mougin has explored reasoning over relationships to detect redundant relations in GO, and identified missing necessary and sufficient conditions based on compositional structure of GO concept names [22]. Xing et al. developed a scalable approach combining the algorithmic ideas of dynamic programming and topological sort to exhaustively identify redundant hierarchical is-a relations in large ontologies including GO [23]. In previous works, we investigated a lexical-based inference approach [24] and a subsumption-based sub-term inference framework [25] to identify missing and erroneous hierarchical is-a relations in GO.

Relational defects such as missing or erroneous is-a relations in GO directly affect the quality of downstream research and applications that rely on the relational structure of GO. For instance, when retrieving genes and gene products annotated with a given GO concept, if the concept has a missing subtype, then the genes and gene products associated with this subtype will be excluded from the result; and if the concept has an erroneous subtype, then the genes and gene products associated with the subtype will be wrongly included in the result. More specifically, suppose we want to find all the genes and gene products associated with the GO concept ‘epithelial cell differentiation’ (with ID GO:0030855) using QuickGO [26]. Currently, QuickGO returns 45714 distinct gene products associated with GO:0030855. However, the current version (15 December 2021 release) of GO does not list the concept ‘melanocyte differentiation’ (GO:0030318), which is associated with 2357 distinct gene products, as a subtype of GO:0030855 (i.e. a missing is-a relation). Excluding the overlapping 158 gene products, the remaining 2199 gene products associated with ‘melanocyte differentiation’ (GO:0030318) will be missing from the search result. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the quality of GO relations. In this paper, we introduce a novel evidence-based approach to uncovering missing relations and erroneous existing relations in GO (including but not limited to is-a relations).


The basic idea of our evidence-based approach is leveraging lexical patterns exhibited in related concept pairs (i.e. existing relations) in GO to identify potentially missing relations between unrelated concept pairs. We represent each GO concept’s name with a sequence of words along with part-of-speech tags. Such representation enables us to automatically generate lexical patterns from related concept pairs, serving as the first layer evidence to suggest potentially missing relations between unrelated concept pairs. For each suggested missing relation, we further identify a concept quadruple consisting of concepts in two existing relations as the second layer of evidence, which resembles the difference among the concept quadruple consisting of concepts in the missing relation and the existing relation based on which the missing relation is suggested.

Concept name representation

Given a concept Inline graphic in GO, we represent its concept name as a sequence of words Inline graphic along with a sequence of part-of-speech tags Inline graphic corresponding to each word, where Inline graphic is the number of words in the concept name, Inline graphic is the Inline graphic-th word in the concept name and Inline graphic is the part-of-speech tag of Inline graphic. For instance, GO concept Inline graphicnitric oxide biosynthetic process’ (GO:0006809) can be represented as

graphic file with name DmEquation1.gif

For the part-of-speech tagging, we used the English transformer pipeline of the open-source natural language processing library spaCy [27].

Computing related concept pairs

GO concepts are connected with various relationships including is-a, part-of, has-part, regulates, negatively-regulates and positively-regulates [5, 28]. A related concept pair is a pair of concepts that are directly or indirectly connected with a relationship. To obtain all the related concept pairs in GO, we first extract directly related concept pairs using the GOATOOLS python library [29], and then obtain indirectly related concept pairs by computing transitive closure leveraging the reasoning rules given in Table 1. For example, one of the reasoning rules is that if Inline graphicis-aInline graphic and Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic, then it can be inferred Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic. Note that these inference rules may involve more complex cases combining multiple rules. For instance, if Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic and Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, then it can be inferred Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic using the reasoning rules (2) and (7) in Table 1.

Table 1.

Gene Ontology reasoning rules for relationships is-a, part-of, has-part, regulates, negatively-regulates (n-regulates) and positively-regulates (p-regulates) [5, 28]

Relationship Reasoning rules
is-a (1) Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, Inline graphicis-aInline graphic Inline graphic is-a Inline graphic
(2) Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic Inline graphic part-of Inline graphic
(3) Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, Inline graphichas-partInline graphic Inline graphic has-part Inline graphic
(4) Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, Inline graphicregulatesInline graphic Inline graphic regulates Inline graphic
(5) Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, Inline graphicn-regulatesInline graphic Inline graphic n-regulates Inline graphic
(6) Inline graphicis-aInline graphic, Inline graphicp-regulatesInline graphic Inline graphic p-regulates Inline graphic
part-of (7) Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic, Inline graphicis-aInline graphic Inline graphic part-of Inline graphic
(8) Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic, Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic Inline graphic part-of Inline graphic
has-part (9) Inline graphichas-partInline graphic, Inline graphicis-aInline graphic Inline graphic has-part Inline graphic
(10) Inline graphichas-partInline graphic, Inline graphichas-partInline graphic Inline graphic has-part Inline graphic
regulates (11) Inline graphicregulatesInline graphic, Inline graphic is-a Inline graphic Inline graphic regulates Inline graphic
(12) Inline graphicregulatesInline graphic, Inline graphicregulatesInline graphic Inline graphic regulates Inline graphic
n-regulates (13) Inline graphicn-regulatesInline graphic, Inline graphicis-aInline graphic Inline graphic n-regulates Inline graphic
p-regulates (14) Inline graphicp-regulatesInline graphic, Inline graphicis-aInline graphic Inline graphic p-regulates Inline graphic
(15) Inline graphicp-regulatesInline graphic, Inline graphicp-regulatesInline graphic Inline graphic p-regulates Inline graphic
(16) Inline graphicn-regulatesInline graphic, Inline graphicn-regulatesInline graphic Inline graphic p-regulates Inline graphic

graphic file with name bbac122fx1.jpg

Given a concept Inline graphic, Algorithm 1 presents our procedure to obtain all the concepts that Inline graphic connects to via the is-a relationship; and Algorithm 2 demonstrates how to compute all the concepts that Inline graphic connects to via the part-of relationship. The concept pairs connected via other relationships can be similarly obtained. Note that such transitive closure for a given concept can be obtained through GOATOOLS (or other tools such as Owlready2 and OWL API) for the is-a relationship.

Extracting lexical patterns from concept pairs

We extract lexical patterns from pairs of concepts having at least one word in common. Given a pair of concepts (Inline graphic, Inline graphic) with

graphic file with name DmEquation4.gif

such that Inline graphic and Inline graphic have a set of common words Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the total number of commons words, we can generate a lexical pattern of (Inline graphic, Inline graphic):

graphic file with name DmEquation5.gif

where Inline graphic is obtained by replacing each common word Inline graphic in Inline graphic with an abstract label Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is obtained by replacing each common word Inline graphic in Inline graphic with Inline graphic.

For instance, considering the following two concepts in Figure 1A:

graphic file with name DmEquation6.gif

Figure 1.

Figure 1

(A) Existing is-a relation between concept Inline graphicnitric oxide biosynthetic process’ (GO:0006809) and concept B = ‘cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process’ (GO:0044271) that is leveraged to generate the lexical pattern Inline graphic; (B) Missing is-a relation (dashed arrow in red) between concept Inline graphicnitric oxide metabolic process’ (GO:0046209) and concept Inline graphiccellular nitrogen compound metabolic process’ (GO:0034641) with the same lexical pattern; (C) and (D): Pair of existing is-a relations that resembles the difference between (A) and (B).

they have two words in common, that is, Inline graphicbiosynthetic’, ‘processInline graphic. After replacing ‘biosynthetic’ with Inline graphic and ‘process’ with Inline graphic, the obtained lexical pattern is

graphic file with name DmEquation7.gif

Similarly, in Figure 2B, for concepts

graphic file with name DmEquation8.gif

Figure 2.

Figure 2

(A) Erroneous existing is-a relation (red cross) between concept Inline graphiccellular response to corticosterone stimulus’ (GO:0071386) and concept Inline graphiccellular response to mineralocorticoid stimulus’ (GO:0071389) that is leveraged to generate the lexical pattern Inline graphic; (B) Invalid missing is-a relation between GO:2000853 and GO:2000856 with the same lexical pattern; (C) and (D): Pair of existing is-a relations that resembles the difference between (A) and (B).

they have four common words (i.e. Inline graphicnegative’, ‘regulation’, ‘of’, ‘secretionInline graphic). After replacing ‘negative’ with Inline graphic, ‘regulation’ with Inline graphic, ‘of’ with Inline graphic and ‘secretion’ with Inline graphic, the obtained lexical pattern is

graphic file with name DmEquation9.gif

Generating difference patterns from concept quadruples

For two concept pairs with the same lexical pattern, we further generate a difference pattern to represent their different parts. More formally, given two concept pairs Inline graphic and Inline graphic, we consider Inline graphic as a candidate concept quadruple if the following conditions are met:

  • (1) Inline graphic and Inline graphic contain the same number of words, and have the same part-of-speech tags, i.e. Inline graphic;

  • (2) Inline graphic and Inline graphic contain the same number of words, and have the same part-of-speech tags, i.e. Inline graphic; and

  • (3) the lexical pattern of concept pair Inline graphic is the same as that of concept pair Inline graphic, i.e. Inline graphic.

For a candidate concept quadruple Inline graphic with

graphic file with name DmEquation10.gif

we can generate a difference pattern:

graphic file with name DmEquation11.gif

where Inline graphic is defined as

graphic file with name DmEquation12.gif

Inline graphic is defined as

graphic file with name DmEquation13.gif

Inline graphic is defined as

graphic file with name DmEquation14.gif

and Inline graphic is defined as

graphic file with name DmEquation15.gif

Here, Inline graphicInline graphic is an abstract label denoting that the corresponding word locates at the Inline graphic-th position of concept pair Inline graphic’s left concept Inline graphic or concept pair Inline graphic’s left concept Inline graphic; and Inline graphic is an abstract label denoting that the corresponding word locates at the Inline graphic-th position of concept pair Inline graphic’s right concept Inline graphic or concept pair Inline graphic’s right concept Inline graphic. Intuitively speaking, Inline graphic is obtained by replacing words in Inline graphic but not in Inline graphic with abstract labels; Inline graphic is obtained by replacing words in Inline graphic but not in Inline graphic with abstract labels; Inline graphic is obtained by replacing words in Inline graphic but not in Inline graphic with abstract labels; and Inline graphic is obtained by replacing words in Inline graphic but not in Inline graphic with abstract labels.

For example, consider the following four concepts in Figure 1C and Figure 1D:

graphic file with name DmEquation16.gif

Concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic have the same number of words and the same part-of-speech tags. So does concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic. In addition, concept pair Inline graphic and concept pair Inline graphic have the same lexical pattern:

graphic file with name DmEquation17.gif

Therefore, Inline graphic forms a candidate concept quadruple. For concept Inline graphic, since words ‘hypochlorous’ and ‘acid’ do not appear in Inline graphic, they are replaced by labels Inline graphic and Inline graphic respectively, resulting in Inline graphic; for concept Inline graphic, since words ‘reactive’, ‘oxygen’ and ‘species’ does not appear in Inline graphic, they are replaced by labels Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively, resulting in Inline graphic; and similarly, we can obtain Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Therefore, the difference pattern of Inline graphic is

graphic file with name DmEquation18.gif

Note that the difference pattern represents the difference between two pairs of concepts. In this example, we can see that the different parts are [Inline graphic] in concept pair Inline graphic and [Inline graphic] in concept pair Inline graphic.

Evidence-based identification of relational defects

We focus on identifying relational defects regarding the following set of GO relationships: Inline graphic {is-a, part-of, has-part, regulates, negatively-regulates, positively-regulates}. For each relationship Inline graphic, we extract lexical patterns for all the related concept pairs connected via Inline graphic. Then we generate difference patterns for candidate concept quadruples Inline graphic where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are related concept pairs connected via Inline graphic. We leverage these lexical patterns and difference patterns as two layers of evidence to identify potentially missing Inline graphic relations as follows.

Given a pair of concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic that are not related via any GO relationship, if

  • (1) there exists a related concept pair Inline graphic connected via Inline graphic, such that
    graphic file with name DmEquation19.gif
  • (2) there exists a candidate concept quadruple Inline graphic where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are related concept pairs connected via Inline graphic, such that
    graphic file with name DmEquation20.gif

then we suggest a potentially missing Inline graphic relation between concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Here, the related concept pair Inline graphic serves as the first layer of evidence, and the concept quadruple Inline graphic serves as the second layer of evidence. Note that a potentially missing relation may be derived by multiple first and second layers of evidence.

More specifically, for concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic, given that they have common words and are related via Inline graphic, we assume that the different words between Inline graphic and Inline graphic are highly likely to make their Inline graphic relation hold, which is leveraged as the first layer of evidence for suggesting an Inline graphic relation between concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic, because Inline graphic have the same lexical pattern as Inline graphic (i.e. the different words between Inline graphic and Inline graphic are the same as the different words between Inline graphic and Inline graphic). For instance, for concept Inline graphicnitric oxide biosynthetic process’ (GO:0006809) and concept Inline graphiccellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process’ (GO:0044271) in Figure 1A related by is-a, we assume that ‘nitric oxide’ in Inline graphic and ‘cellular nitrogen compound’ in Inline graphic are highly likely to make the is-a relation hold; and this serves as the first layer of evidence for us to suggest a potentially missing is-a relation between concept Inline graphicnitric oxide metabolic process’ (GO:0046209) and concept Inline graphiccellular nitrogen compound metabolic process’ (GO:0034641) in Figure 1B.

Although concept pair Inline graphic have the same lexical pattern with concept pair Inline graphic, the common words of Inline graphic and Inline graphic are distinct from that of Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Therefore, we seek further evidence of such distinction among other related Inline graphic concept pairs in candidate concept quadruples (i.e. difference pattern). For the above example Inline graphic in Figure 1A and Figure 1B, the difference pattern is ‘biosynthetic process’ versus ‘metabolic process’; and there exists a candidate concept quadruple Inline graphic where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are related is-a concept pairs (see Figure 1C and Figure 1D), such that Inline graphic have the same difference pattern (‘biosynthetic process’ versus ‘metabolic process’), the second layer of evidence.

Note that in some instances, the same lexical pattern could be obtained through different relationship types. We discard such patterns as they would suggest multiple types of missing relations among the same two concepts (e.g. Inline graphicis-aInline graphic and Inline graphicpart-ofInline graphic both being suggested), which is unlikely to be true.

In addition, it is possible that a suggested missing relation can be inferred by other suggested missing relations and existing GO relations using the reasoning rules in Table 1. To identify such cases, we check whether each suggested missing relation is included in the transitive closure computed with all the other suggested missing relations and existing relations in GO. Such suggestions are redundant and hence removed. For example, consider the following two suggestions for missing relationships: (1) regulates relation between concepts ‘regulation of NK T cell differentiation(GO:0051136) and ‘NK T cell activation’ (GO:0051132); (2) is-a relation between the concepts ‘regulation of NK T cell differentiation’ (GO:0051136) and ‘regulation of NK T cell activation’ (GO:0051133). However, GO currently has the regulates relation between concepts: ‘regulation of NK T cell activation’ (GO:0051133) and ‘NK T cell activation’ (GO:0051132) which together with (2) infers (1) through reasoning rule (4) in Table 1.

For the potentially missing relations automatically suggested by our approach, manual review by domain experts is required to assess their validity. If a suggested missing Inline graphic relation between concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic is agreed by domain experts, then it is considered a valid missing relation (e.g. is-a relation between ‘nitric oxide metabolic process’ and ‘cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process’ in Figure 1B). However, if a suggested missing Inline graphic relation between concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic is disagreed by domain experts, then the concept pair Inline graphic that is leveraged as the first layer of evidence to suggest the missing relation is further examined as follows: if the Inline graphic relation between concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic is agreed by domain experts, then we consider the suggested missing Inline graphic relation between Inline graphic and Inline graphic is a false positive suggested by our approach; but if the Inline graphic relation between concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic is disagreed by domain experts, then it is considered as a valid erroneous existing relation.

For instance, Figure 2B shows a potentially missing is-a relation between concepts Inline graphicnegative regulation of corticosterone secretion’ (GO:2000853) and Inline graphicnegative regulation of mineralocorticoid secretion’ (GO:2000856) suggested by our approach by leveraging an existing is-a relation between concepts Inline graphiccellular response to corticosterone stimulus’ (GO:0071386) and Inline graphiccellular response to mineralocorticoid stimulus’ (GO:0071389) as shown in Figure 2A. However, the suggested is-a relation between ‘negative regulation of corticosterone secretion’ and ‘negative regulation of mineralocorticoid secretion’ is disagreed by domain experts, since mineralocorticoid is considered a subtype of corticosterone (not the other way around) [30]. Further, the is-a relation between the evidence concept pair ‘cellular response to corticosterone stimulus’ and ‘cellular response to mineralocorticoid stimulus’ is also disagreed by domain experts, and thus an erroneous existing is-a relation.


To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, all the potential missing relations obtained are manually reviewed by our local domain experts (authors YY, MB and WJZ who have expertise in systems biology and genomics). Any disagreements among the experts are resolved through discussion. For each potentially missing relation, the domain experts are provided with the concept names and web links (in QuickGO [26]) of the two concepts involved in the relation. If a potentially missing relation is confirmed as valid by domain experts, then we consider it as a true missing relation; otherwise, domain experts are further provided with the concept pair that was leveraged as the first layer of evidence to suggest the missing relation. If the evidence concept pair is confirmed to have a valid relation by domain experts, then we consider the original missing relation as a false positive; however, if the evidence concept pair is confirmed to be an invalid relation, then we consider the evidence concept pair as an erroneous existing relation.


In this work, we used the 15 December 2021 release of GO with 50 757 concepts. We focused on auditing the following GO relationships: is-a, part-of, has-part, regulates, negatively-regulates and positively-regulates.

The distribution of each relationship in terms of the number of direct relations, number of direct and indirect relations and number of extracted lexical patterns can be found in Table 2. Take the is-a relationship as an example, there were 70 759 direct is-a relations, a total of 496 502 direct and indirect is-a relations and 290 849 lexical patterns extracted.

Table 2.

The numbers of relations, lexical patterns and potentially missing relations for each relationship

No. of direct No. of direct & No. of lexical No. of potentially
relations indirect relations patterns missing relations
is-a 70 759 496 502 290 849 702
part-of 8118 204 180 38 099 144
regulates 3550 162 927 23 901 19
has-part 808 17 349 3516 1
Total 83 235 880 958 356 365 866

In total, our approach suggested 2722 cases of potentially missing relations in GO, among which 1856 relations can be inferred by others (these redundant relations can be found in the Supplementary file ‘Redundant relations.xlsx’). Removal of such redundant relations resulted in 866 potentially missing relations. The number of potentially missing relations suggested for each relationship can also be found in Table 2. For instance, 702 potentially missing is-a relations were suggested. Note that the approach suggested only two negatively-regulates potential missing relations which were both found to be redundant. The method did not suggest any positively-regulates potential missing relations.

The 866 potentially missing relations were suggested by 764 unique lexical patterns. Out of these, 688 lexical patterns suggested only one potentially missing relation, while 76 suggested more than one potentially missing relation. Table 3 shows 10 examples of lexical patterns and the number of potentially missing relations each pattern suggested. For instance, lexical pattern Inline graphic was leveraged to suggest five potentially missing is-a relations.

Table 3.

Ten examples of lexical patterns suggesting the most potentially missing relations and the number of potentially missing relations suggested by each pattern.

Lexical pattern Relationship No. of potentially
missing relations suggested
Inline graphic is-a 6
Inline graphic is-a 6
Inline graphic is-a 5
Inline graphic is-a 5
Inline graphic is-a 4
Inline graphic is-a 4
Inline graphic is-a 4
Inline graphic is-a 4
Inline graphic is-a 3
Inline graphic is-a 3

Evaluation results

The entire set of 866 potentially missing relations suggested by this approach was evaluated by local domain experts. Table 4 shows the number of potentially missing relations suggested by our approach, number of valid missing relations according to local domain experts and number of valid erroneous existing relations according to local domain experts, for each relationship. For instance, there were 702 potentially missing is-a relations suggested by our approach, of which 661 were identified by local domain experts to be valid missing is-a relations and 41 revealed valid erroneous existing is-a relations. Out of 866 potentially missing relations suggested by our approach, 821 were identified by local domain experts to be valid missing relations and 45 revealed valid erroneous existing relations (see Supplementary files ‘Missing relations.xlsx’ and ‘Erroneous relations.xlsx’ for details).

Table 4.

The numbers of potentially missing relations suggested by our approach, valid missing relations according to local domain experts and valid erroneous existing relations according to local experts.

No. of potentially No. of valid No. of valid
missing relations missing relations erroneous relations
is-a 702 661 41
part-of 144 143 1
has-part 1 1 0
regulates 19 16 3
Total 866 821 45

Table 5 lists 10 examples of valid relational defects in the random sample, including a missing part-of relation between ‘cardiac right atrium formation’ (GO:0003217) and ‘heart formation’ (GO:0060914), and an erroneous is-a relation between ‘hypochlorous acid metabolic process’ (GO:0002148) and ‘organic acid metabolic process’ (GO:0006082).

Table 5.

Ten examples of valid missing relations (M) or erroneous existing relations (E) according to local domain experts.

Source concept Relationship Target concept Type
ganglion formation (GO:0061554) is-a animal organ formation (GO:0048645) M
positive regulation of RIG-I signaling pathway (GO:1900246) is-a positive regulation of defense response (GO:0031349) M
geranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process (GO:0033384) is-a cellular lipid biosynthetic process (GO:0097384) M
hypochlorous acid metabolic process (GO:0002148) is-a organic acid metabolic process (GO:0006082) E
negative regulation of cell septum assembly (GO:1901892) is-a negative regulation of cytokinesis (GO:0032466) E
cardiac right atrium formation (GO:0003217) part-of heart formation (GO:0060914) M
endocardial cushion fusion (GO:0003274) part-of endocardial cushion formation (GO:0003272) M
regulation of cellotriose catabolic process (GO:2000936) regulates polysaccharide catabolic process (GO:0000272) M
regulation of glycogen catabolic process (GO:0005981) regulates glucose catabolic process (GO:0006007) M
polyadenylation-dependent ncRNA catabolic process (GO:0043634) has-part ncRNA processing (GO:0034470) M

Time complexity and running time

We analyze the time complexity of our approach as follows. Given an ontology, let Inline graphic be the number of concepts in the ontology, Inline graphic be the number of relations (direct and indirect) in the ontology and Inline graphic be the maximum number of words contained in concepts. Then, the time complexity for generating lexical patterns from related concept pairs is Inline graphic. For generating difference patterns from existing relations, the time complexity is Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the number of generated lexical patterns and Inline graphic is the maximum number of relations exhibiting a lexical pattern. For the last step to identify potential missing relations, the time complexity is Inline graphic. Therefore, the time complexity for the overall approach is Inline graphic. Note that in the 15 December 2021 release of GO used in this work, the maximum number of words contained in concepts Inline graphic is 27, while the average number is 4.54. On the other hand, the maximum number of relations exhibiting a lexical pattern Inline graphic is 566, while the average number is 1.17.

In this work, we ran this approach 10 times on an iMac with an M1 processor and 16GB of RAM. The average time taken was 94 min.


In this paper, we introduced an evidence-based approach leveraging automatically extracted lexical patterns to facilitate identification of two types of relational defects in GO: missing relations and erroneous existing relations. A vast majority of potentially missing relations suggested by our approach are is-a relations. This is expected as the majority of relations in GO are is-a relations. According to local domain experts, 94.8% of potentially missing relations (821 out of 866) are valid missing relations and 5.2% of them (45 out of 866) revealed valid erroneous existing relations. This indicates the effectiveness of our approach that leverages lexical patterns and difference patterns derived from existing GO relations as two layers of evidence.

For the erroneous existing relations identified, considering the is-a relation between ‘hypochlorous acid metabolic process’ (GO:0002148) and ‘organic acid metabolic process’ (GO:0006082), this is invalid since hypochlorous acid is not an organic acid as it does not contain a carbon. Among the 45 erroneous existing relations identified, seven were is-a relations with ‘hypochlorous acid metabolic process’ (GO:0002148) as the parent. Local domain experts suggested that some erroneous existing relations may be better represented using a different relationship. For instance, the concepts ‘negative regulation of cohesin loading’ (GO:0071923) and ‘negative regulation of sister chromatid cohesion’ (GO:0045875) may be better connected through a part-of relation than the existing is-a relation. There were 16 such cases among the erroneous existing relations identified.

Part-of-speech tagging tool selection

Note that we chose spaCy for performing part-of-speech tagging of concept names. We also experimented with two other NLP libraries: NLTK [31] and StanfordNLP [32], and compared their results of potentially missing relations with spaCy’s. The comparison showed that a vast majority of cases identified by NLTK and StanfordNLP (83.74% and 81.22% respectively) were also identified by spaCy. On the other hand, a considerable number of cases identified by spaCy were not identified by NLTK and StanfordNLP (40.6% and 41.84%, respectively).

Concept distance in missing relations

We define a distance measure to quantify the closeness of concepts involved in the missing relations. Given a missing relation between source concept Inline graphic and target concept Inline graphic, the distance between Inline graphic and Inline graphic is defined as

graphic file with name DmEquation21.gif

where Inline graphic denotes the set of minimal common ancestors of concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic, and Inline graphic denotes the length of the shortest path between concepts Inline graphic and Inline graphic. For instance, considering the missing relation between source concept ‘ganglion formation’ (GO:0061554) and target concept ‘animal organ formation’ (GO:0048645) in Table 5, they have one minimal common ancestor ‘anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis’ (GO:0048646), which is their direct parent. Therefore, the distance between these two concepts is 2.

Figure 3 shows a distribution plot of the distances between concept pairs involved in the 821 missing relations assessed by local domain experts. It can be seen that most of the missing relations are observed among concepts closed to each other. Especially, for is-a, part-of and has-part, a majority of missing relations are observed among concept-pairs with a distance of 3 (i.e. uncle–nephew pairs). On the other hand, regulates relations are generally observed among rather distant concept-pairs (distances between 9 and 12). This may indicate that it is more likely to find missing relations by analyzing local subgraphs of an ontology, such as uncle–nephew subgraphs [33] and non-lattice subgraphs [34–37].

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Distribution plot of the distances between concept pairs in missing relations validated by domain experts.

Comparison with related work

A major difference between this work and other lexical pattern-based work to audit GO is that the lexical patterns are generated automatically rather than being manually crafted. For instance, in a previous study, we used three conditional rules (monotonicity, intersection and sub-concept rules) that were manually defined to uncover missing and erroneous is-a relations in GO [25]. Such manual creation of lexical patterns may take extensive exploration of existing concepts and relations of an ontology which is very time-consuming and may require thorough domain knowledge about the ontology. Therefore, automated generation of such patterns from existing relations in the ontology is a considerable improvement in lexical-pattern-based ontological auditing. In addition, only is-a relations were investigated in [25], while this work covers a variety of relationships including is-a, part-of, has-part, regulates, negatively-regulates and positively-regulates. It should also be noted that a vast majority (85.8%) of relational defects identified by this approach is not identifiable by the manually curated rules in [25]. Additionally, the local domain expert evaluation in this work is much more rigorous because the entire set of 866 potentially missing relations suggested by our approach has been assessed. In the previous work [25], only a random subset of 210 samples was assessed.

Ontology auditing approaches are discovery oriented in their nature and different approaches are intended to address different types of issues. This makes it harder to compare different approaches in terms of their performance, as there is a lack of gold standard for quality issues in an ontology. However, purely based on the percentage of valid quality issues assessed by local domain experts, our approach in this work outperforms the previous approach using manually crafted lexical patterns in [25], where the monotonicity, intersection and subconcept rules revealed only 60.61%, 60.49% and 46.03% valid quality issues, respectively, based on local domain experts’ evaluation of 210 instances.

Another advantage of our work over approaches like the one employed by Agrawal et al. [11] is that the manual effort needed to uncover quality defects is considerably less in our approach. Agrawal et al. approach requires an extensive manual evaluation of the problematic areas of the ontology to locate the exact quality issues. However, this work directly provides the two concepts where a missing relation may exist and the experts only need to validate whether it is accurate.

GO consortium feedback

We have reached out to the GO consortium and submitted our suggested changes as a whole (821 missing relations and 45 erroneous existing relations) for further validation and incorporation to GO. The initial review by the GO editorial team indicated that most of the missing relations and erroneous existing relations we identified seem correct. And they have also independently identified some of the issues we found, and are already working on addressing them, including adding missing axioms for some GO terms, working with external ontology teams (e.g. Chemical Entities of Biological Interest [ChEBI] [38]) and restructuring specific parts of the ontology.

Meanwhile, we have put 20 sample issues (15 missing relations and five erroneous existing relations) in the GO-ontology tracking system on GitHub [39]. As of 10 March 2022, seven issues have received feedback, where six of them were agreed by the GO editorial team and revealed different remediation solutions (see Table 6). For instance, the missing part-of relation between ‘bone growth’ (GO:0098868) and ‘bone development’ (GO:0060348) has been directly added to GO; and the erroneous existing is-a relation between ‘purine nucleobase biosynthetic process’ (GO:0009113) and ‘pigment biosynthetic process’ (GO:0046148) has been directly removed from GO. In the case of the missing is-a relation between ‘xylan catabolic process’ (GO:0045493) and ‘hemicellulose catabolic process’ (GO:2000895), the issue was found to be a missing is-a relation between concepts ‘xylan’ (CHEBI:37166) and ‘hemicellulose’ (CHEBI:61266) in the external ontology ChEBI that GO reuses. We have reported this missing is-a relation to ChEBI (which has been added), and thus the former relation can be inferred in GO.

Table 6.

Six valid missing relations (M) or erroneous existing relations (E), which were further validated by the GO editorial team and incorporated into GO.

Relation Type Solution
bone growth (GO:0098868) M Relation added
bone development (GO:0060348)
xylan catabolic process (GO:0045493) M External ontology changed
hemicellulose catabolic process (GO:2000895)
positive regulation of establishment of turgor in appressorium (GO:0075041) M GO:0075041 obsoleted
positive regulation of appressorium maturation (GO:0075037)
purine nucleobase biosynthetic process (GO:0009113) E Relation removed
pigment biosynthetic process (GO:0046148)
rhizobactin 1021 biosynthetic process (GO:0019289) E Relation removed
catechol-containing compound biosynthetic process (GO:0009713)
positive regulation of prosthetic group metabolic process (GO:0051200) E GO:0051200 obsoleted
positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process (GO:0032270)

Note that certain issues uncovered by our approach have helped with identification of additional issues in GO. For instance, while reviewing the missing is-a relation between ‘positive regulation of establishment of turgor in appressorium’ (GO:0075041) and ‘positive regulation of appressorium maturation’ (GO:0075037), the GO editorial team has decided to obsolete not only GO:0075041, but also eight additional concepts including ‘regulation of establishment of turgor in appressorium’ (GO:0075040) and ‘negative regulation of establishment of turgor in appressorium’ (GO:0075042).

However, the GO editorial team did not agree with a missing is-a relation between ‘histone methylation’ (GO:0016571) and ‘peptidyl-lysine methylation’ (GO:0018022). The first layer of evidence leveraged by our approach to suggest this relation is an existing is-a relation between ‘histone acetylation’ (GO:0016573) and ‘peptidyl-lysine acetylation’ (GO:0018394). According to the GO editorial team, histones can also be methylated on residues other than lysine, while it looks like that aetlyation is only on lysines [44].

Limitations and future directions

When generating lexical patterns for concept pairs, we require that the two concepts in a concept pair need to share at least one common word. Therefore, the suggested missing relations are among such concept pairs with common words. Since over 99% of concepts in GO have at least one unrelated concept with common words, almost all the GO concepts were considered for missing relation identification by this approach. However, there might be other missing relations among concept pairs that do not share any common words that this approach misses. In the future, we plan to explore whether leveraging ancestors’ lexical features could help identify relational defects for concept pairs without common words.

In addition, certain lexical patterns generated by our approach may be similar and could be further grouped or generalized. For instance, the following two lexical patterns (see Table 3) are similar:

graphic file with name DmEquation22.gif
graphic file with name DmEquation23.gif

These two lexical patterns could be grouped and generalized to a single lexical pattern:

graphic file with name DmEquation24.gif

where Inline graphic represents one or more common words between the two concepts. Such generalization may uncover additional potentially missing relations as the pattern does not require a specific number of common words.

Since a lexical pattern can be generated by a pair of concepts with an indirect relation (through reasoning rules in Table 1), an identified missing relation using this lexical pattern may also be indirect. That is, there may be an intermediate missing relation (which is more specific) from which the former missing relation can be inferred. Given the significant amount of manual effort needed to uncover such intermediate missing relations, it is highly desirable to develop automated or semi-automated methods that can identify such root cause issues that lead to the indirect missing relations.

Although our approach is capable of automatically suggesting potentially missing relations based on two layers of evidence, the manual evaluation by domain experts showed that a few cases revealed erroneous existing relations. It remains a challenge to automatically identify such erroneous existing relations to further reduce manual effort by domain experts.

Additionally, although we have submitted all the findings evaluated by local domain experts to the GO consortium, it requires GO editorial team’s further adjudication and diligence to come up with specific remediation measures (e.g. directly adding a missing relation, directly removing an erroneous existing relation, obsoleting a concept, adding another missing relation in an external ontology that GO reuses) and perform GO content modification.

Since our approach only requires the concept names and relational structures of an ontology, which are fundamental to biomedical ontologies, it is generally applicable to audit relations in other biomedical ontologies. We plan to apply it to other biomedical ontologies like SNOMED CT and National Cancer Institute thesaurus, and evaluate the effectiveness of this approach for other ontologies.


In this work, we presented an evidence-based approach to identify relational defects regarding is-a, part-of, has-part, regulates, negatively regulates and positively regulates relationships in GO. We were able to automatically extract lexical patterns from concept pairs and difference patterns from concept quadruples as two layers of evidence to suggest potentially missing relations. Both local domain experts’ evaluation and GO consortium’s encouraging feedback indicated the effectiveness of our evidence-based approach, which can be utilized to uncover missing relations and erroneous existing relations in GO.

Key Points

  • Biomedical ontology quality assurance is a critical component of ontology management to ensure that an ontology provides accurate knowledge representation to downstream applications that rely on them.

  • We developed a two-layered, evidence-based approach to extract lexical patterns from existing relations and automatically suggest potentially missing relations in Gene Ontology.

  • Local domain experts’ evaluation and GO consortium’s feedback indicate that our evidence-based approach can be utilized to uncover missing relations and erroneous existing relations in GO.

Supplementary Material



This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01LM013335 and R01NS116287 to L.C.; 1UL1TR003167 to W.J.Z.); the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (RP170668 to W.J.Z.); and the National Science Foundation (2047001 to L.C.).

Author Biographies

Rashmie Abeysinghe is a Research Scientist at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA. His research interests include biomedical ontologies, machine learning, information extraction and big data analytics.

Yuntao Yang is a PhD student in the School of Biomedical Informatics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA. His research interests include data science and translational bioinformatics.

Mason Bartels is an MS student in the School of Biomedical Informatics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA. His research interests include genomics and translational bioinformatics.

W. Jim Zheng is a Professor in the School of Biomedical Informatics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA. His research interests include large scale data integration and mining, translational bioinformatics and precision medicine.

Licong Cui is an Assistant Professor in the School of Biomedical Informatics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA. Her research interests include biomedical ontologies and neuroinformatics.

Author contributions statement

L.C. and R.A. conceived this study. R.A. designed and implemented the algorithms, generated and analyzed the results and prepared the evaluation sample. Y.Y., M.B. and W.J.Z. performed the evaluation. R.A. and L.C. analyzed the evaluation results. R.A. and L.C. wrote the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.


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