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. 2022 May 2;12(5):676. doi: 10.3390/life12050676

Herbal Medicines against Hydatid Disease: A Systematic Review (2000–2021)

Mughees Aizaz Alvi 1,2, Sadiq Khan 2,, Rana Muhammad Athar Ali 2,, Warda Qamar 3, Muhammad Saqib 2, Noman Yousaf Faridi 4, Li Li 1, Bao-Quan Fu 1,5, Hong-Bin Yan 1,*, Wan-Zhong Jia 1,5,*
Editors: Kun Li, William Harold Witola, Tauseef ur Rehman
PMCID: PMC9145516  PMID: 35629345


Echinococcosis is a serious public health issue that affects people and livestock all over the world. Many synthetic and natural products have been examined in vitro and in vivo on Echinococcus species but only a few are used clinically, however, they may cause some complications and side effects. To overcome these limitations, new horizons of herbal drugs to cure echinococcosis are opening with every passing day. To summarize the developments during the last 21 years, we conducted this review of the literature to identify medicinal herbs utilized throughout the world that have anti-Echinococcus activity. From 2000 to 2021, data were carefully obtained from four English databases: Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, and OpenGrey. Botanical name, extraction technique, extract quantities, efficacy, duration of treatment, year of publication, and half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values were all well noted. Ninety-one published papers, with 78 in vitro and 15 in vivo, fulfilled our selection criteria. Fifty-eight different plant species were thoroughly tested against Echinococcus granulosus. Zataria multiflora, Nigella sativa, Berberis vulgaris, Zingiber officinale (ginger), and Allium sativum were the most often utilized anti-Echinococcus herbs and the leaves of the herbs were extensively used. The pooled value of IC50 was 61 (95% CI 60–61.9) according to the random effect model and a large degree of diversity among studies was observed. The current systematic study described the medicinal plants with anti-Echinococcus activity, which could be investigated in future experimental and clinical studies to identify their in vivo efficacy, lethal effects, and mechanisms of action.

Keywords: medicinal plants, Echinococcus granulosus, efficacy, in vitro, in vivo

1. Introduction

Helminth parasite infections are classified as neglected tropical diseases (NTD) due to the lower research budget allocation [1]. Helminths are classified into two major phyla: Platyhelminthes including cestodes and trematodes, as well as nematodes [2]. Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a chronic cestode zoonosis affecting humans as well as livestock animals [3]. It raises a significant public health issue in central Asia, China, South America, Europe, Australia, and Africa. The occurrence of this disease depends upon culture characteristics, and the health and economic status of community [4]. The definitive host (dog) harbors the mature Echinococcus parasite in the intestine, whose eggs release via feces and spread in environment, whereas cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and pigs are the intermediate hosts of this parasite, ingesting infectious mature eggs resulting in hydatid cysts in various parts of the body, especially on the liver and lungs [5,6]. CE infestation leads to economic losses in the form of condemnation of carcasses, decreased milk production, and fecundity, as well as increased weight loss and mortality [7].

The choice of treatment regimen depends upon the size, location, and number of hydatid cysts. At the present time, treatment options for cystic echinococcosis are active anthelmintics, surgery, and percutaneous aspiration [8,9]. However, these treatment strategies have major limitations. Many scolicidal agents such as povidone iodine, formalin, hydrogen peroxide, silver nitrate, cetrimide, and albendazole may be applied during surgery to the hydatid cysts to deactivate live protoscoleces and control the reoccurrence of infection but many complications have been reported [10,11]. Albendazole and mebendazole are the chemical drugs to cure hydatid cysts in human. These drugs are used in high doses for a long time to cure disease which ultimately results in hepatic toxicity and other adverse outcomes [12,13].

Herbal medicines are being used against a number of bacterial and parasitic diseases and are proven to be promising anti-parasitic agents [14,15,16]. With special reference to Echinococcus species, scientists are investigating to find new scolicidal agents with increased safety and efficacy.

Many synthetic and natural products have been examined in vitro and in vivo against Echinococcus species but only a few are used clinically, however, they may cause some complications and side effects [17]. Recently some herbal drugs to cure Echinococcus are being developed with low adverse effects, low cost, and high accessibility [18].

In this review, we collected the published literature on those plants which had active components for killing protoscoleces of E. granulosus. The main objective of this review was to explore ongoing trends in research investigating the scolicidal potential of herbal plants against E. granulosus and to fill the current knowledge gap in order to improve and clarify future research streams where more attention should be focused.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Search Method

We conducted a systematic review of the literature on the treatment of E. granulosus using medicinal plants by adopting Table S1 PRISMA guidelines [19]. From 2000 to 2021, a comprehensive search was conducted across all scientific databases, including four English databases: Science Direct, Scopus, Pub Med, and OpenGrey. The searched topics were plant extract, herbal extract, medicinal plants, traditional medicine, and herbal medicine, whose effects on echinococcosis occurred when used alone or in combination. Some of the specific keywords used for retrieval of the published data from 2000–2021 included “scolicidal agents”, “natural scolicidal and protoscolicidal compounds”, “medicinal/herbal drugs used against E. granulosus”, “in vitro or in vivo activity of plants against E. granulosus”, “natural compounds against protoscoleces”, and “antihydatid agents”. Other pertinent issues, such as the Echinococcus parasite, were also looked at and added if the relevant results could be found.

2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Reference screening was done based on the titles, and irrelevant and redundant references were deleted. Figure 1 shows a flow chart of article identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion criteria. The last search was performed on 25 January 2022.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flow chart indicating the screening process for the systematic review.

Studies with full text availability were considered for the current review. Studies which reported in vitro/in vivo scolicidal activity of plants against protoscoleces of E. granulosus were taken into account in this review. Studies reporting synthetic scolicidal agents, report related to activity of nanoparticles against E. granulosus, and studies describing agents used against other helminths did not fulfill the inclusion criteria and were excluded. Moreover, epidemiological and molecular investigations on E. granulosus did not meet the inclusion criteria.

A total of 18,745 publications were identified from the searches and reviewed. A total of 385 papers were retrieved after removal of duplicate papers, as well as articles dealing with parasites other than E. granulosus. Selected articles were screened and 232 papers dealing with nanoparticles, synthetic drugs, abstracts, book chapters and other languages were removed. Papers for which the full text was not available were also excluded. After further screening, 144 papers satisfied the inclusion criteria and were considered for qualitative analysis, of which 91 were finalized for quantitative analysis. We identified 78 papers with in vitro, 15 with in vivo and 19 with compound studies, whereas the IC50 value was measured only in six studies.

All articles pertaining to echinococcosis and therapeutic herbal plants were chosen. In addition, the reference lists of all related papers were examined to ensure that no significant data was missing. The search was conducted in the English language. Repetitive publications and papers with a poor technique were all removed from consideration.

2.3. Study Selection

Initially, three investigators (MAA, SK and RMAA) retrieved the articles and assessed their titles and abstracts for the eligibility criteria. Then, the relevant full text published articles were reviewed by three investigators (WQ, MS and NYF). In the case of any controversy, two more investigators (LL and HBY) were invited to discuss the article. Information including the species of plant used, part(s) used, extraction method, phytochemical component, concentration (mg/mL), exposure time (min), scolicidal efficacy (%), and year of publication of the work were considered in the selection process.

2.4. Data Extraction

The following details were gathered: initial author, parasite species, herbal plant, in vitro study, in vivo experiment, dose rate, efficacy, exposure time, part used, year of publication, and half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value.

2.5. Statistical Analysis

Descriptive analysis was applied to review the scolicidal activity of herbal plants. The dose rate, time duration, efficacy and part of the plant used were the minimum requirements to conduct the analysis. All of the data were extracted and arranged using an Excel spreadsheet (Office 365 Version 2019; Microsoft Corporation, WA, USA). The research papers were described in the form of tables. The subgroup analysis was conducted using MedCalc software version 20.014. The mean of the IC50 value with a 95% CI was calculated using the random effect model and represented in the form of a forest plot. Cochran’s Q and I2 statistics were estimated to access the heterogenicity. The graphs were made with Datawrapper (, accessed on 19 March 2022).

3. Results

Out of 153 research articles, searched from 2000 to 2021, we found 91 publications (78 in vitro and 15 in vivo) that matched our eligibility criteria and were included in the present systematic review. Our systematic review excluded unpublished data, duplicated publications, the same data published elsewhere, and inaccessible data. In total, ninety-one different categories of data were retrieved, retaining information on the plant species, extraction method, plant part, concentration, exposure time, efficacy, and species of Echinococcus. All plant extracts were tested in vitro as well as in vivo. Limited reports also possessing information on the IC50 value were also retained. We attempted to summarize several pieces of research in the list of anti-Echinococcus herbs and natural products. The majority of echinococcicidal compounds investigated came from natural sources. Characters such as the plant part, extraction method, methodology being in vitro or in vivo, active components, toxicity, and IC50 value were subjected to subgroup analysis.

A total of 63 plant species used against the scoleces of hydatid cysts (in vitro and in vivo) were included in this systematic review, among which, a few were used more frequently (Figure 2) and the methanolic extraction was the most common method employed (Figure 3).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Plant-wise comparison of in vitro and in vivo studies.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Comparison of extraction methods used in 91 studies.

3.1. Parts of Medicinal Plants Used as Scolicidal Agents

The most commonly used part was discovered to be the leaves, which were employed in 25.6 percent of the research, followed by seeds (15.1 percent), aerial parts (13.9 percent), fruit (10.4 percent), and roots (5.8 percent) (Figure 4). Other parts were comprised of rhizomes, branches, essential oil, flowers, peels and bark. A single plant species was used in all formulations against Echinococcus scoleces except one report in which two plant fruits (grape and apple) were used.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Comparison of parts of medicinal plants used in this systematic review.

3.2. In Vitro Activity of Medicinal Plants against Protoscoleces

Our systematic review revealed a total of 58 species that were used in the in vitro studies as an echinococcicidal agent (Figure 5). Zataria multiflora extract was used most commonly to kill the protoscoleces, followed by Nigella sativa, Berberis vulgaris, Zingiber officinale, and Allium sativum (Table 1). Herbs among plant forms, methanolic extract among extraction, and leaves among herbs, were extensively used in the in vitro studies. Plants such as Zataria multiflora, Ferula assafoetida and Berberis vulgaris were found to have a higher efficacy in the in vitro experiments. Zataria multiflora killed all scoleces at a concentration of 1 mg/mL in 5 min. Ferula assafoetida and Berberis vulgaris were found to have 100% efficacy at concentrations of 60 μg/mL and 2 mg/mL for 10 min.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Year-wise comparison of in vitro and in vivo studies.

Table 1.

In vitro efficacy of medicinal plants against protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus.

Year Botanical Name (Common Name) Extraction Method Part Used Phytochemical Component Concentration (mg/mL) Exposure Time (min) Scolicidal Efficacy (%) References
2005 Peganum harmala (Syrian rue) Ethanolic Seeds N/A 62.5 2880 100 [20]
2008 Allium Sativum (Garlic) Ethanolic/chloroform Garlic cloves Silver nitrate 200 15 70 [21]
2008 Coriandrum sativum (Coriander) Hydrochloric acid + diethyl ether Seeds Phenols 750 10,080 100 [22]
2010 Allium sativum(Garlic) Methanolic Garlic cloves Mannitol 50 10 100 [23]
2011 Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Methanolic Rhizome N/A 100 30 100 [24]
2012 Mentha spp. Hydrodistillation Leaves Isomenthol 0.005 25,920 100 [25]
2012 Corylus spp. Hydro-alcoholic Seeds N/A 50 20 98 [26]
2012 Olea europaea (Olive) Aqueous Leaves N/A 1 120 96.7 [27]
2012 Zataria multiflora (Shirazi thyme) Methanolic Leaves Carvacrol and Thymol 25 1 100 [28]
2012 Rhus coriaria (Sumac) Methanolic As a whole N/A 30 20 98.89 [29]
2012 Trachyspermum ammi (Ajowan) Hydrodistillation Fruits Thymol 5 10 100 [30]
2012 Satureja khuzistanica (Jamzad) Hydrodistillation Leaves and flowers Carvacrol 5 60 100 [31]
2013 Hymenocarter longiflorus (Lamiaceae) Methanolic Aerial parts Monoterpene hydrocarbons (2.25%), Hydrocarbons (17.44%), Oxygenated monoterpene (19.27%) 0.0125 2880 100 [32]
2013 Ferula assafoetida (Assafoetida) Hydrodistillation Latex E-1-propenyl-sec-butyl Disulfide (62.7%), β-ocimene (21.7%) and β-pinene (5%) 0.06 10 100 [33]
2013 Ocimum bacilicum (Sweet basil) Methanolic Leaves N/A 100 60 24.10 [34]
2013 Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) Aqueous Fruit N/A 4 30 100 [35]
2013 Pestalotiopsis spp. Methanolic Leaves, stems and roots N/A 30 30 92 [36]
2013 Mallotus philippinensis (Kamala Tree) Methanolic Fruit N/A 20 120 100 [37]
2014 Thymus vulgaris (Garden thyme) Hydrodistillation Leaves Thymol 0.5 103,680 100 [38]
2014 Nigella sativa (Black Cumin) Methanolic Seeds Thymoquinone 50 30 100 [39]
2014 Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) Methanolic Root Berberine 2 10 100 [40]
2014 Nigella sativa (Black Cumin) Hydrodistillation Seeds Thymoquinone 10 10 100 [41]
2015 Teucrium polium (Felty germander) Ethanolic Flowers N/A 100 50 100 [42]
2015 Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Methanolic Root N/A 100 40 100 [43]
2015 Zataria multiflora (Shirazi thyme) Diethyl ether Essential oil Thymol (66.9%), Carvacrol (15.2%), Carvone (7.3%), Neo-dihydrocarveol (2%), and 1,8-Cineole (1.6%) 1 5 100 [44]
2016 Bunium persicum (Black Caraway) Hydrodistillation Seeds g-terpinene (46.1%), Cuminaldehyde (15.5%), r-Cymene (6.7%), and Limonene (5.9%) 0.0125 10 100 [45]
2016 Pistacia khinjuk (Khiniuk) Methanolic Fruits Terpenoids, Flavonoids, and Tannins 100 10 100 [46]
2016 Salvadora persica (Miswak) Ethanolic Root Indole alkaloids, Flavonoids, Tropaedoin, Triterpenes, Phytosterols, and Isothiocyanates 50 10 100 [47]
2016 Zataria multiflora (Shirazi thyme) Methanolic Leaves Carvacrol and Thymol 10 10 100 [48]
2016 Myrtus communis (True myrtle) Hydrodistillation Leaves α-pinene (24.7%), 1,8-Cineole (19.6%), and Linalool (12.6%) 0.1 5 100 [49]
2016 Nectaroscordum tripedale (Sicilian Honey Garlic) Ethanolic Leaves Terpenoids, Flavonoids, Tannins and Fatty acids 50 10 100 [50]
2016 Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Aqueous As a whole [6]-gingerol 100 1440 100 [51]
2017 Curcuma longa (Turmeric) Ethanolic As a whole N/A 30 30 100 [52]
2017 Bunium Persicum (Black Caraway) Hydrodistillation Seeds Β-terpinene (28%) 15 10 100 [53]
2017 Poikilacanthus glandulosus (Ariza) Ethanolic Branches Polyphenols and Flavonoids 0.01 15 100 [54]
2017 Ephedra (Mormon tea) Methanolic Root, stem and leave N/A 1 60 99.09 [55]
2017 Artemisia sieberi (Wormwood) Hydrodistillation Aerial parts Alpha-Thujone (31.5%) 0.005 120 99.30 [56]
2017 Zataria multiflora (Shirazi thyme) Hydrodistillation Aerial parts Thymol (41.8%), Carvacrol (28.8%), and p-Cymene (8.4%) 0.1 10 100 [57]
2017 Blepharocalyx salicifolius (Kunth) Aqueous Leaves Gallic acid and Rutin 200 5 100 [58]
2017 Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon) Hydrodistillation Bark Cinnamaldehyde (91.8%), Metoxicinamate (1.57%), and α pinene (1.25%) 0.05 5 100 [59]
2017 Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea tree) N/A Tree oil Terpinen-4-ol (35.4%), α-Terpinene (11%), γ-Terpinene (20.4%) and 1,8-Cineole (3.4%) 20 5 90 [60]
2018 Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) Methanolic Aerial parts N/A 100 40 100 [61]
2018 Artemisia (Wormwood) Methanolic NA N/A 100 15 97.24 [62]
2018 Cucurbita maxima (Pumpkin) Methanolic Seeds Spinasterol 50 60 100 [63]
2019 Artemisia sieberi (Wormwood) Aqueous As a whole N/A 50 20 100 [64]
2019 Myrtus communis (True myrtle) Methanolic Leaves N/A 100 20 100 [65]
2019 Eucalyptus globulus (Bluegum) NA Leaves Eucalyptol (79.32%) 5 3 100 [66]
2019 Olea europaea (Olive) Ethanolic Leaves N/A 150 25 100 [67]
2019 Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) Ethanolic Aerial parts Flavonoids, Alkaloids and Saponins 50 30 97.92 [68]
2019 Citrullus colocynthis (Colocynth) Methanolic Fruits N/A 16 120 100 [69]
2019 Eucalyptus globules (Bluegum) Aqueous Leaf Eucalyptol (79.32%) 10 5760 94 [70]
2019 Allium sativum (Garlic) Chloroformic Fresh garlic N/A 200 1 100 [71]
2019 Satureja hortensis (Summer savory) Aqueous Aerial parts Carvacrol and γ-terpinene 1 20 100 [72]
2019 Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Ethanolic Rhizomes sheets N/A 200 30 100 [73]
2019 Punica granatum (Pomegranate) Alcoholic Stem and root N/A 9 1440 100 [74]
2019 Curcuma longa (Turmeric) Hydrodistillation Rhizome α-turmerone (27.1%) β- turmerone (21.8%), l-phellandrene (8.8%), and ρ-cymene (5.4%) 0.1 5 100 [75]
2019 Pelargonium roseum Hydrodistillation Leaves N/A 0.05 60 100 [76]
2020 Lepidium sativum (Garden cress) Aqueous Leaves N/A 100 15 100 [77]
2020 Taxus baccata (Common yew) Hydroalcoholic As a whole Octane (13.36%), 4-methoxycarbonyl 3,5-diphenyl-1 (8.30%), and 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid (10.75%) 150 60 66.60 [78]
2020 Cucurbita moschata (Pumpkin) Hydroalcoholic Seeds N/A 1 60 16 [79]
2020 Grape + apple vinegar N/A As a whole N/A 5 5 100 [80]
2020 Cannabis sativa (Hemp) N/A Aerial parts N/A 0.01 10 26.08 [81]
2020 Mentha species (Lamiaceae) Methanolic Aerial parts Phenolic, Flavonoid and Flavonol contents 200 10 99.54 [82]
2020 Curcuma zadoaria (White turmeric) Hydrodistillation Rhizome Pentadecane (29.6%), Delta-3-Carene (14.7%), and Cis-Cinnamic Acid (8.4%) 0.15 7 100 [83]
2020 Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle) Aqueous As a whole N/A 2 5 100 [84]
2020 Ziziphora tenuior (Mint) Ethanolic Shoots Thymol 100 240 40.25 [85]
2021 Capparis Spinosa (Caper) Methanolic Fruit Flavonoids, Tannins, Terpenoids, Glycosides and Alkaloids 300 20 100 [86]
2021 Piper longum (Long pepper) Methanolic Fruits Phenolics, Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Tannins, Terpenoids, and Glycoside 100 60 100 [87]
2021 Atriplex halimus (Orache) Aqueous Leaves Phenolic and Flavonoids 60 120 99.36 [88]
2021 Sideritis perfoliate (Ironwort) Methanolic Leaves and flowers Fumaric acid (260.13 mg/L), Syringic acid (27.92 mg/L) and Caffeic acid (26.84 mg/L), and a Flavonoid, luteolin (11.23 mg/L) 25 60 100 [89]
2021 Ruta graveolens (Common rue) Methanolic Aerial parts Phenolic (25.53%), Flavonoids (6.6%) and Tannins (8.0%) 40 720 100 [90]
2021 Saussurea costus (Costus) Ethanolic Root N/A 250 60 100 [91]
2021 Zataria spp. (Satar) Hydrodistillation Leaves Carvacrol and Thymol 100 1 100 [92]
2021 Allium noeanum (Reut) Ethanolic Leaves Flavonoid 0.49 0.5 100 [93]
2021 Ferula macrecolea (Koma) Hydrodistillation Leaves Terpinolene (77.72%), n-Nonanal (4.47%), and Linalool (4.35%) 0.3 10 100 [94]
2021 Cassia fistula (Golden shower) Ethanolic Fruits N/A 100 60 67.74 [95]
2021 Silybum marianum (Milk thistle) Ethanolic Seeds Silydianin (14.41%), Isosilybin A (10.50%), and Silychristin (10.46%) 0.5 60 77 [96]

N/A = Not available.

3.3. In Vivo Activity of Medicinal Plants against Scoleces

Several medicinal herbs and pure phytochemicals are being studied for their anti-E. granulosus preventative and therapeutic properties, in order to develop novel CE treatments with fewer or milder adverse effects. Two plant species, Zataria multiflora and Allium sativum, were potentially employed in the in vivo studies for their validation against E. granulosus protoscoleces in this study. Leaf extracts, peels and other parts were tested to validate the in vivo anti-Echinococcus activity (Table 2).

Table 2.

In vivo efficacy of medicinal plants against protoscoleces of E. granulosus.

Year Botanical Name (Common Name) Extraction Method Part Used Phytochemical Component Experimental Animal Concentration
Exposure Time (min) Scolicidal Efficacy (%) References
2014 Zataria multiflora (Shirazi thyme) Diethyl ether Aerial parts Gallic acid (1.1618 mg/g), Catechin(2.808 mg/g), Caffeic acid (5.531 mg/g), and Quercetin (9.961 mg/g) Mice 0.04 43,200 Significant [97]
2014 Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Ethanolic As a whole N/A Mice 150 60 100 [98]
2014 Zataria multiflora (Shirazi thyme) Methanolic Leaves Thymol (66.9%), Carvacrol (15.2%), and Carvone (7.3%) Mice 8 43,200 100 [99]
2015 Artemisia Herba-alba (Wormwood) Ethanolic Leaves and flowers Alkaloids, Phenols Mice 0.28 1440 55.17 [100]
2016 Pistacia vera (Pistachio) Hydrodistillation Branch Essential oil Mice 200 10 100 [101]
2016 Punica granatum (Pomegranate) Aqueous Peels N/A Mice 16 2880 100 [102]
2017 Zataria multiflora (Shirazi thyme) Hydrodistillation Essential oil Thymol Mice 2 10 100 [103]
2018 Allium sativum (Garlic) Methanolic Garlic cloves 1% Alliin Mice 80 43,200 Significant [104]
2018 Sophora moorcroftiana N/A Seeds N/A Mice 0.25 60,480 76.1 [105]
2019 Punica granatum (Pomegranate) Aqueous Peel N/A Mice 0.65 86,400 66.7 [106]
2019 Algerian propolis (Propolis) Ethanolic N/A Polyphenol, Flavonoid Mice 25 10 100 [107]
2020 Nigella sativa (Black cumin) Ionotropic gelation technique Seed N/A Mice 1.14 86,400 100 [108]
2020 Zataria multiflora Essential oil and oleic acid Essential oil N/A Mice 20 10 100 [109]
2021 Allium sativum (Garlic) Methanolic N/A N/A Mice 50 10 100 [110]
2021 Annona squamosa (Sugar apple) Alcoholic Leaves N/A Rats 100 2880 100 [111]

N/A= Not available.

3.4. Active Phytochemical Compounds against Scoleces

A total 17 phytochemical compounds were collected from different herbal plants against E. granulosus mentioned in this systematic review. Out of these active compounds, seven phytochemicals, comprising of flavonoids, thymol, carvacrol, phenol, alkaloids, gallic acid and polyphenol, were commonly used both in the in vitro as well as in vivo studies. Flavonoid, thymol and carvacrol showed the highest scolicidal activity at concentrations of 0.49, 1, and 10 mg/mL for 0.5, 5. and 10 min in the in vitro studies (Table 1). Flavonoids and thymol also revealed significant scolicidal activity in the in vivo studies (Table 2).

3.5. Herbal Scolicidal Plants Toxicity

Tests on herbal plant extracts were conducted to evaluate their toxicity levels. The most appropriate scolicidal herbs are those that do not have any toxicity and kill all scoleces with a minimum concentration in a very short period of time. Results of this systematic review revealed that only one species (Zataria multiflora) was tested for toxicity and it proved to be safe, and no toxicity was observed when it was used in pregnant mice [97,99].

3.6. IC50 Value Analysis

Out of 91 articles, the IC50 value was identified in only six studies. When analysis was performed to identify the pooled value using Medcalc software, the Q statistic value was found to be very high (Q 1945, DF 16, I-square 99%, p < 0.001), indicating that there was a lot of variation between the investigations. The pooled mean of IC 50 was 61 according to the random effect model (95% CI 60–61.9), as shown in Figure 6. We could not compare our results with others because the selection criteria and randomization standard differed between the studies.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Forest plot indicating pooled IC50 value along with 95% CI.

A comprehensive comparison of the variation in IC50 could not be made because the extraction methods used in all the studies were different (Table 3). Furthermore, the parts of the plants used in the subject studies also varied. Additionally, the duration of exposure in these studies was also different.

Table 3.

Studies with IC50 having effects against protoscoleces.

Plant Part of Plant Used Extraction Method IC50
Piper longum Dry fruits Methanolic extract 20 mg/mL for 60 min
Ruta graveolens L. Stems and leaves Methanolic Extract 40 mg/mL for 120 min
Atriplex halimus Leaves Aqueous extract 40 mg/mL for 90 min
Algerian propolis Buds of poplar and cone-bearing trees Ethanolic extract 74.65 ± 9.79 µg/mL
Iranian Mentha Stems, leaves, and fruits Physiological serum 200 mg/mL 30 min

4. Discussion

For a long time, herbal medicines have occupied a pivotal position in complementary and alternative medicine throughout the world [112]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 70% of the world’s population rely on folk remedies for the treatment of some of their health care issues [75].

The global trend in research is facing a shift as it is more focused towards the exploration of new medicines rather than the cultivation of plant species that have a therapeutic significance [113]. Until the advent of the 18th century, the therapeutic properties of many plants were known, but little knowledge existed about the active compounds [114]. Despite the advantages of herbal medicines, traditional medicine may pose serious drawbacks, such as the use of medicinal plants without taking sanitary conditions into account or considering the possible harmful effects on health [115]. Furthermore, insufficient research methodologies lead to the proliferation of products, giving rise to false perspectives [116].

In this study, a total of 91 plants were recorded therapeutically and examined for their efficacy against the protoscoleces of E. granulosus in this literature review. In comparison to shrubs and trees, herbs were discovered to be the most commonly used type of plants against helminth infections. The dominance of herbs over the other forms of plants can be linked to their widespread availability and strong efficacy against a variety of diseases, when compared to shrubs and trees [117]. Herbs are commonly applied in natural medicines all over the world and they contain a huge number of active ingredients, which accounts for their great efficacy and keeps them as the first choice of scientists and as alternative medicines [118]. When comparing trees with herbs and shrubs, our findings revealed that trees are the plant-life type that is used least often, which might be attributed to concerns related to biodiversity and ecological effects. Due to overharvesting, some tree species have been designated as endangered. In these circumstances, current procedures such as cloning, callus cultivation, natural cultivation, genetically modified cultures, and multiplication should be utilized to obtain chemical elements of therapeutic importance and to solve the resource imbalance [119].

It was found that leaves were used more frequently, compared with other parts, in medicinal confirmation of therapeutic activity against E. granulosus. Herbalists favor leaves because they seek a constant raw material supply [120]. Furthermore, leaves may be easily picked without causing significant damage to plants, which may explain why leaves are the most commonly used plant element [121]. According to reports, leaves contain several bioactive constituents that have a variety of medical properties [118]. On the other hand, Albuquerque (2006) observed that such extensive usage of leaves in herbal medicine might potentially limit plant development, resulting in fewer plant recipes [122]. Flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and other phytochemical substances are found in plant seeds, and it appears that these phytochemical components are important in the bioactivity of medicinal plants [123]. Roots serve as nutrient storage sites for plants, which may indicate why they are widely utilized in herbal medicine [124]. Root harvest, on the other hand, frequently results in the plant’s mortality and poses a serious risk to conservation [125].

Moreover, collecting entire plants for anti-parasitic activity assessment is controversial from a conservation standpoint [126]. The frequent usage of essential oils and methanolic extracts highlights the importance of solvents in extracting bioactive chemicals from various plants and their components. Methanol is particularly good at extracting bioactive chemicals from plants due to its polarity [127]. This might be one of the reasons for the widespread use of this solvent in herbal preparations. However, on the other hand, essential oils have been shown to have anthelmintic properties [128]. Furthermore, they possess terpenes that disrupt parasitic biochemical and physiological processes. Despite the fact that combinations of multiple plants and their preparations are often more efficacious than a single extract, only one polyherbal preparation was identified against the protoscoleces of E. granulosus [80]. This is an evident research gap and polyherbal preparations should be examined in future studies. In vitro testing of the medicinal herbs described demonstrates their efficacy against the protoscoleces of E. granulosus, and the leaves were dominant across plant components and herbs were prominent across plant life forms.

The results show that most of the research was concentrated on the in vitro rather than in vivo assessment of plants against E. granulosus protoscoleces. This might be due to the fact that in vitro plant testing is less expensive, takes less time, and produces rapid results, allowing for large-scale plant testing. Furthermore, these studies directly examined the influence of anthelmintic plants on parasite hatching, maturation, and movement, without compromising the host’s basic physiological functions [129]. Another benefit of in vitro investigations is that, if credible findings are obtained, the isolate may be tested in vivo [130]. However, herbal extracts that are active in vitro may or may not be successful in vivo [131]. This type of difference in activity in the evaluation of new antiparasitic substances is fairly common and it can be linked to a variety of factors, including the bioavailability, intrinsic pharmaceutics of the compound evaluated, the possible damage, or poor solubility of the compounds in the rumen of ruminants and parasite protective mechanisms [132]. This constraint emphasizes the necessity of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic investigations in the discovery of potential novel anthelminthic drugs against E. granulosus for industrial use.

Zataria multiflora essential oils showed a remarkable anti-hydatid action with short exposure times [44]. This powerful activity of Zataria multiflora oil is likely related to the significant phenolic monoterpene ingredients. The antimicrobial action of phenolic monoterpenes may be due to their innate hydrophobic nature and the presence of a hydroxyl group; hence, these chemicals damage cells by penetrating the cell membrane [133]. Although the mode of action of phenolic monoterpenes versus protoscoleces has yet to be determined, research on other eukaryotic cells has shown that phenolic monoterpenoids primarily act on plasma and mitochondrial membranes, causing cell death. They penetrate through the membrane, damaging the lipid bilayer and, as a result, changing the cell permeability, which increases ion leakage and lowers the membrane electric potential. This change in the plasma membrane electric potential probably causes leaking of ATP, amino acids, proteins, and electrolytes, particularly potassium and calcium, resulting in membrane damage and cell death [134]. Furthermore, changing the molecular structure of the mitochondrial membrane causes protein, radical, calcium, and cytochrome c leaks, leading to apoptosis [135].

In terms of exposure time and efficacy, Ferula assafoetida essential oils were more successful than the other plants mentioned in this systematic review. The essential oils from these herbs, which contain disulfide compounds, were tested against several eukaryotic malignant cells for their ability to cause cell death, which depicts its scolicidal action [136].

The pharmacological mechanism of action of most anti-hydatid plants are unknown, and more research is needed in this sector to provide complete information on the scientific basis of indigenous medicinal plants, in order to produce a new scolicidal medicine.

In vivo tests are necessary to analyze the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of the target extract, as well as the host immune reaction to the target extract. In vivo investigations provide a variety of advantages, but they also have certain drawbacks. In vivo investigations are clearer and more explicit than in vitro research, but they are more time consuming, expensive, and difficult to replicate, due to pharmacodynamic interactions within the host [137]. In conclusion, both strategies have critical tasks to perform, and one does not preclude the other [138].

In vivo, Zataria multiflora was applied to fight protoscoleces. The utilization of this plant parts (leaves) was consistent with the indigenous medicinal practice, which demonstrates the current scientific beliefs in ethnomedicine. The mouse is the most widely utilized in in vivo echinococcosis research. This may be due to the great resemblance of its genome to that of humans. Furthermore, because of its short generation time, tiny size, and ease of breeding, it is a cost-effective tool for in vivo investigations for obtaining functional information on human health and disorders [139]. We reported the isolation and evaluation of eight compounds for scolicidal activity versus protoscoleces. Primary and secondary metabolites are physiologically active chemicals found in plants. Primary components include chlorophyll, proteins, and carbohydrates, whereas secondary compounds include flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, and phenols [140]. These many bioactive chemicals interact synergistically to create a therapeutic action [141]. Furthermore, the high activity of plant extracts might be due to a greater therapeutic connection between the distinct main components, which can connect with many molecular targets at different phases of parasite growth [142].

With the advancements occurring in the field of medicine, researchers are more directed towards investigating/determining the active compounds of plants to treat certain diseases [113]. Most of the studies conducted to evaluate the protoscolicidal activity of different herbs during the last two decades have investigated their in-vitro activity. A few studies were done in-vivo in animal models. In humans, hydatid cyst surgery and the infiltration of protoscolicidal agents has serious side effects of spilling over, that may lead to other complications. More attention is required to be paid to the toxicity of these drugs, as well as the search for other suitable alternative drugs [143]. An appropriate protoscolicidal agent should show its activity at lower doses with high efficiency in a shorter period of time. Furthermore, a good protoscolicidal agent is considered to be steady in the cystic contents and must possess the least toxicity [144]. For a promising protoscolicidal agent, additional in-vivo studies are recommended to prove them a good scolicidal agent in a clinical setting.

In this study, we found that there is a lack of information on the toxicology and pharmacology of several medicinal plants and their components. Additional study is needed to determine the toxicity and pharmacology of the herbs and chemicals with potential scolicidal action.

5. Conclusions

In conclusion, the current study found that a variety of herbal extracts have impacts on Echinococcus stages, as well as anti-Echinococcus abilities in vitro and in vivo. As a result, extracts might potentially be used instead of pharmaceutical medications. However, most of the authors reported that their researched plants had yielded positive results, although their studies contained flaws that influenced the results of their findings. Some of the flaws in this research are detailed, such as the absence of randomized double-blind clinical trials in all human investigations. In addition, several of the studies were conducted in vitro rather than in vivo. The majority of the data published came from animal models but have not been trialed on humans. Herbal therapy has presented a vast and positive vision of novel, safe, and potent anti-Echinococcus herbal medicines, according to all published research. To confirm their actions, it is necessary to generalize the data gained from in vitro and in vivo investigations on the effectiveness of plant extractions and metabolites against Echinococcus species. The current thorough examination of herbal plants’ anti-Echinococcus activity, as well as their toxic effects and mode of action, has the most potential for confirming their therapeutic efficacy against echinococcosis. Overall, the systematic review gives valuable information regarding natural medicines with anti-Echinococcus activity, which will be used in clinical and experimental trials, as well as plant combination treatment research. As a result, additional clinical trials are needed to determine whether herbal plant treatment is beneficial and safe. It is important to identify their active ingredients, as well as any potential adverse consequences, in order to develop well-tolerated and safe therapies against echinococcosis.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Table S1: PRISMA 2009 checklist. [19]

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.A.A., L.L., H.-B.Y. and W.-Z.J.; methodology, M.A.A., R.M.A.A., S.K., W.-Z.J. and M.S.; formal analysis, M.A.A., W.Q., N.Y.F. and M.S.; investigation, M.A.A., R.M.A.A., S.K. and W.Q.; funding acquisition, W.-Z.J. and B.-Q.F.; data curation, M.A.A., R.M.A.A., N.Y.F. and H.-B.Y.; writing & original draft preparation, M.A.A., R.M.A.A. and S.K.; reviewing and editing, W.-Z.J., H.-B.Y. and B.-Q.F.; visualization, M.A.A.; supervision, W.-Z.J.; project administration: W.-Z.J. and B.-Q.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data is contained within the article or Supplementary Materials.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Funding Statement

We acknowledge funding received from National Key Research and Development Program (2021YFE0191600), Cultivation of Achievements of State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology (SKLVEB2020CGPY01) and Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund (1610312020016).


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