Corrections have been made to the originally published versions of several manuscripts in this issue.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxab060:
Page i62, Column 2, paragraph 1, line 2, the reference to Hornung and Reed 1990 has been deleted.
On page i65, the fourth column heading of Table 5 has been changed from Non-parametric (N, %) to OBSM (N, %).
The Funding section has been amended from:
This study was supported by the NIH Common Fund and the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (ZO1 ES 102945).
This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund and the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (ZO1 ES 102945). Dr. Sudipto Banerjee acknowledges funding from the following grants: NIH/NIEHS RO1ES027027-01; NIH/NIESH R01ES030210-01; NSF DMS-1513654, NSF IIS1562303, NSF DMS-1916349.
The Acknowledgements section has been amended from
We thank Wendy McDowell and Caitlin Roush of McDowell Safety and Health Services, LLC for their assistance in compiling the study information.
We thank Wendy McDowell and Caitlin Roush of McDowell Safety and Health Services, LLC for their assistance in compiling the study information. We thank BP for providing the data used in these analyses.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxab064:
On page i73, column 1, paragraph 1, line 8, PM2.5 has been inserted before (Pratt et al., 2021).
On page i74, in Table 1, Time Period, TP1b, Definition and description, line 2, the date has been amended from 15 July 2020 to 15 July 2010.
In Table 1, Area/Near shore has been updated to < from ≥.
On page i76, column 1, paragraph 1, equation 1. Originally, the iid was under the ~ sign, which was incorrect.
In Table 2, line 1, the Number of Original Measurements in line 1 of data has changed from 540 to 521. Total N after Imputation from has changed from 1004 to 956.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxaa072:
Caroline P. Groth’s affiliation has been amended from
‘Department of Biostatistics’ to ‘Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics’.
In two instances, ‘95th iles’ has been amended to ‘95th %iles’.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxaa113:
Caroline P. Groth’s affiliation has been amended from
‘Department of Biostatistics’ to ‘Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics’.
In Table 2, erroneously formatted text and heading ‘THC:n-hexane correlations for samples where both’ have been removed.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxab038:
The following text has been added to the Acknowledgement section:
We thank BP for providing the data used in these analyses.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxab066:
On page i159, column 1, paragraph 3, line 2, ‘above’ has been replaced with ‘below’.
On page i167, column 1, paragraph 1, line 22, 95% CI has been inserted before 0.54.
The following text has been added to the Acknowledgement section:
We also thank BP for providing us with these data for analysis.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxaa084:
On page i173, column 2, paragraph 2, line 1, 53 000 has been changed to 55 000.
On page i173, column 2, paragraph 2, line 13, a new sentence has been added: Dispersants and oil mist were also evaluated (Arnold et al., 2021; Stenzel et al., 2021a; Stewart et al., 2021b).
On page i178, column 2, paragraph 1, line 7, 3960 has been changed to 3432.
On page i178, column 2, paragraph 4, line 6, 100 has been changed to 3400.
On page i179, column 1, paragraph 1, line 12, the sentence ‘The maximum 1-h, maximum 12-h, and average 24-h air concentrations estimated by AERMOD were averaged across all receptors within each grid square on each day.’ has been changed to
‘The maximum 1-h, maximum 12-h, and average 24-h air concentrations estimated by AERMOD were averaged across all receptors within each defined area (grid squares) on each day.’
On page i179, column 1, paragraph 1, line 18, % has been inserted before iles.
On page i179, column 1, paragraph 1, line 19, 66 has been changed to 62.
On page i183, Table 3, Footnote b, “in footnote a” has been amended to “in footnotes a and c”.
On page i184, column 2, paragraph 1, the following sentence has been deleted: ‘These assigned areas were not based on measured distances from sources and varied over time.’
The Acknowledgements section has been amended to include the following sentence:
We thank BP for providing the data used for these analyses.
The following references have been deleted:
Allen AA, Mabile NJ, Jaeger D et al. (2011) The use of controlled burning during the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon MC-252 oil spill response. In Int Oil Spill Conf 2011, Abs194. Available at Accessed 25 August 2020.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. (2018) Mobile sources—exhaust emissions—off-road transport, machinery and ships [WWW document]. Available at Accessed 4 October 2018.
The following references have been updated:
Cimorelli AJ, Perry SG, Cimorelli AJ et al. (2004) AERMOD: description of model formulation. EPA-454/R-03-004. pp. 91. Available at aermod/aermod_mfd.pdf. Accessed 25 August 2020
Cimorelli AJ, Perry SG, Venkatram A et al. (2004) AERMOD: description of model formulation. EPA-454/R-03-004. pp. 91. Available at Document Display | NEPIS | US EPA. Accessed 8 Feb 2022.
Fingas MF, Halley G, Ackerman F et al. (1995) The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment—NOBE. In Int Oil Spill Conf Proc 1995. pp. 123–32. Available at Accessed 25 August 2020
Available at Accessed 11 Feb 2022
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxab056:
On page i211, Table 4 heading. ‘AM’ has been inserted between PG and (ppb).
On page i212, Under Table 4, the following have been added as definitions: RV, Research Vessel; SM, Supplemental materials; ST, Supplemental table located in the supplemental materials.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxz037:
On page i221, Table 1, Viscosity*/emission, Changes for the GULF STUDY. After ‘Increased weighting of high category to reflect increased retention with increased viscosity (Cinalli et al., 1992 and Gorman Ng et al. 2013). Intermediate levels (medium low and medium high) added to increase differentiation among GuLF STUDY participants’, the following sentence has been inserted:‘The effect of viscosity was attenuated when cotton clothing was used as Gorman Ng et al (2013) found that viscosity had a limited effect on uptake by cotton materials (see supplementary materials).’
On page i223, column 2, a sentence has been added after ‘categories’: ‘The effect of viscosity was attenuated when cotton clothing was used as Gorman Ng et al (2013) found that viscosity had a limited effect on uptake by cotton materials (see supplementary materials).’
The following reference has been amended:
English JS. (2004) Current concepts of irritant contact dermatitis. Occup Environ Med; 61: 722–6, 674.
English JS. (2004) Current concepts of irritant contact dermatitis. Occup Environ Med; 61: 722–6.
In manuscript 10.1093/annweh/wxab073:
On page i236, the sentence ‘These processes occurred from the wellhead as the oil surfaced to (and including) land.’ has been deleted and the following sentence inserted: ‘These processes occurred from the time the oil was released in the subsea water and continued while it was on the water surface and on land.’
On page i237, column 1, paragraph 1, line 5, ‘and as a single substance, PAHs’ has been amended to ‘and PAHs as a single substance. For…’
On page i237, column 1, paragraph 1, line 7, 66.6/33.4 has been updated to 33.4/66.6.
On page i237, column 1, paragraph 1, line 8, ‘(the two dispersants used)’ has been amended to ‘(based on the amounts of the two dispersants used).’
On page i237, column 1, fourth bullet point, h/min has been amended to h, min.
On page i238, column 2, paragraph 1, line 3, job/activity/task/state has been changed to job/activity/task/location.
On page i239, column 1, ongoing paragraph, line 7, job/activity/task/state has been changed to job/activity/task/location.
On page i239, paragraph 2, last line, ‘activities/tasks’ was added after ‘jobs’.
On page i239, paragraph 3, last line, a new sentence was added: ‘Because multiple jobs/activities/tasks were reported (median=6 per participant), multiple estimates were assigned per time period.’
On page i242, column 2, paragraph 2, the following was inserted after the VP score: ‘(the score being the inverse of VP)’.
On page i243, column 2, ongoing paragraph, line 3, ‘(i.e. the first comparison of TP2 and TP5)’ was inserted after ‘former’.
On page i243 column 2, ongoing paragraph, line 4, the word ‘tasks’ was deleted.
On page i244, column 1, paragraph 1, line 8, ‘regardless of the substance’ was inserted after ‘weights’.
On page i245, column 2, paragraph 1, line 7, ‘state’ was changed to ‘location’.
Finally, for all of the above papers, some of the references to the other supplement papers in this issue and their in-text citations have been updated.
19 May 2022 Notice amended to state: In the originally published versions of and there were errors in the issue information in the PDF page headers. These errors have been corrected.