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Open Access Emergency Medicine : OAEM logoLink to Open Access Emergency Medicine : OAEM
. 2022 May 30;14:249–272. doi: 10.2147/OAEM.S366006

Emergency Medical Services Prehospital Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US: A Brief Literature Review

Christian Angelo I Ventura 1,2,3,, Edward E Denton 3,4,5, Jessica Anastacia David 6, Brianna J Schoenfelder 7, Lillian Mela 8, Rebecca P Lumia 9, Rachel B Rudi 3, Barnita Haldar 3,10
PMCID: PMC9165654  PMID: 35669176


This study aimed to analyze prehospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the US through a brief systematic review of available literature in context with international prehospital counterparts. An exploration of the NCBI repository was performed using a search string of relevant keywords which returned n=5128 results; articles that met the inclusion criteria (n=77) were reviewed and analyzed in accordance with PRISMA and PROSPERO recommendations. Methodical quality was assessed using critical appraisal tools, and the Egger’s test was used for risk of bias reduction upon linear regression analysis of a funnel plot. Sources of heterogeneity as defined by P < 0.10 or I^2 > 50% were interrogated. Findings were considered within ten domains: structural/systemic; clinical outcomes; clinical assessment; treatment; special populations; dispatch/activation; education; mental health; perspectives/experiences; and transport. Findings suggest, EMS clinicians have likely made significant and unmeasured contributions to care during the pandemic via nontraditional roles, ie, COVID-19 testing and vaccine deployment. EMS plays a critical role in counteracting the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to the worsening opioid epidemic, both of which disproportionately impact patients of color. As such, being uniquely influential on clinical outcomes, these providers may benefit from standardized education on care and access disparities such as racial identity. Access to distance learning continuing education opportunities may increase rates of provider recertification. Additionally, there is a high prevalence of vaccine hesitancy among surveyed nationally registered EMS providers. Continued rigorous investigation on the impact of COVID-19 on EMS systems and personnel is warranted to ensure informed preparation for future pandemic and infectious disease responses.

Keywords: EMS, COVID-19, prehospital, pandemic response, EMT, paramedic


Prehospital clinical care under the purview of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) has been traditionally understudied in the United States, as illustrated by the scarcity of literature as compared to other allied health professions. Under the federal oversight of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), EMS models of care vary drastically, shaped largely by geographic assignment, local community partners, and additional presiding authorities. Common models include municipality-based, private nonprofit, and private for-profit services.1

Within these structural differences exist a subset variance of agencies’ scope of practice. In accordance with the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, the Basic Life Support (BLS) scope extends to Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), while the Advanced Life Support (ALS) scope is characteristic of Advanced EMTs (AEMTs) and Paramedics (EMT-Ps).2 As of January 2022, COVID-19, the respiratory infection caused by novel SARS-CoV-2, is a leading cause of death in the US.3 This global pandemic has established an unprecedented call for rigorous investigation of resource capacity and competency amid allied health care industries to ascertain structural deficits and strengths that have implications for future pandemic response. Further, preliminary mixed-method studies on EMS pandemic response in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic have identified deficits in the domains of resource availability, continued education, administrative protocols, and decontamination practices.4

Although evidently there is an apparent scarcity of academic literature centering US EMS systems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be useful to summatively review existing literature of satisfactory methodical quality to highlight research areas that warrant further investigatory attention, as no review of this scope and nature currently exists. In this study, we aimed to systematically review peer-reviewed literature indexed in PubMed pertaining to COVID-19 considerations, effects, and implications on US EMS systems and clinicians within the context of prehospital international counterparts by employing artificial intelligence and conventional PRISMA and PROSPERO recommendations.


Search Strategy

On 07 March 2022 a PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) repository search was conducted using the keywords “COVID,” “COVID-19,” “SARS-COV-2,” “CORONAVIRUS,” “EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES,” “EMS”, “EMT”, “PREHOSPITAL,” “OUT OF HOSPITAL,” and “PARAMEDIC.” The returned English results were uploaded to for comprehensive abstract and full text review.5

Data Extraction

Duplicate results were assessed for and removed. Editorials, commentaries, and non-peer reviewed manuscripts were excluded. Two investigators independently reviewed abstracts to identify articles eligible for full text review. The investigators then independently reviewed full text articles to identify studies that met the PICOS-guided inclusion criteria.6 Studies were excluded if there were concerns regarding methodical quality or integrity of the data as per discretion of the two investigators and a third consultant. SIGN appraisal tools were used to exclude retrospective and cohort-based studies that did not meet an acceptable level of evidence for inclusion in the review.7 Conflicts were resolved through discussion and by mediation from a third or fourth consultant when necessary. Study methods were consistent with PRISMA recommendations, and although PROSPERO registration was not sought, the work remained faithful to conventional review standards.8,9


Stata/BE software was used to assess aggregate prevalence of data. Heterogeneity was defined as P < 0.10 or I^2 > 50% which warranted a fixed effects approach.10 Otherwise, a random effects approach was assumed. We then sought to investigate sources of heterogeneity. During full text review, studies were primarily taxonomized in one of the following ten domains: i. structural/systemic, ii. clinical outcomes, iii. clinical assessment, iv. treatment, v. special populations, vi. dispatch/activation, vii. education, viii. mental health, ix. perspectives/experiences, x. transport.

Methodical Quality

Investigators determined risk of bias for prevalence studies based upon appropriateness of sampling, sampling methods, use of standard assessment methods, and setting characteristics. The criteria were adapted from either the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Studies Reporting Prevalence Data or the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tool for Quasi-Experimental Studies.11,12 A 95% confidence interval was used to standardize prevalence and pooling of data, and the linear regression based Egger’s test was used to analyze the presence of any publication bias after a funnel plot was created and assessed.13 P > 0.05 deemed no risk of publication bias. Microsoft Excel was used to calculate standard deviation and mean. Sensitivity analyses assessed for source of heterogeneity and stability of results. Because the work did not involve the use of human research subjects, it did not require approval or review by an institutional review board or bioethics committee.

Diversity in the Research Team

The work represents a cross-institutional and multi-disciplinary collaboration amongst public health oriented researchers, EMS clinicians, and physician scientists.


The NCBI repository returned n=5128 results, with n=77 utilized for analysis and inclusion in this study. Results were excluded if they did not satisfy the inclusion criteria. Figure 1 depicts an overview of the exclusion schema. AI identified n=111 duplicative results, n=4916 results were excluded due to irrelevance with respect to the area of investigation, and n=24 studies were excluded after investigators performed full text reviews and found studies to be of unsatisfactory evidence levels in accordance with SIGN appraisal guidelines. Table 1 depicts characteristics of studies selected for inclusion, with high confidence in stability and quality of the aggregate data.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Schematic selection of relevant articles for inclusion in review.

Table 1.

Characteristics of Studies Selected for Inclusion

# Author(s) Title Design Sample Country/Region Summary of Key Findings Primary Domain
1 Slavova et. al14 Signal of increased opioid overdose during COVID-19 from emergency medical services data Cohort Incidences of opioid overdose Kentucky, US ● Post-COVID emergency declaration, daily opioid
overdose runs increased.
● EMS conditions for other chief complaints remained
static or declined.
● 50% increase in suspected opioid overdose death
Clinical Outcomes
2 Tien et. al15 Critical care transport in the time of COVID-19 Case Performance of region-based medical transport service Ontario, CA ● Ornge, a critical care transport service, has
transported 325 patients either confirmed or
suspected to have COVID-19.
● This was divided into three types of transport:
critical care land ambulances (52.3%), PC-12 Next
Generation fixed wing aircraft (28.9%), and AW-139
rotary wing aircraft (16.6%).
● No staff members tested positive for COVID-19
during this period.
● Though not typical for critical care transport, Ornge
has also transported 450 COVID-19 test samples.
3 Dahmen et. al16 COVID-19 Stress test for ensuring emergency healthcare: strategy and response of emergency medical services in Berlin Case Emergency calls by region-based medical transport service Berlin, DE ● Increase in visits to patients with acute respiratory
● 11% of all visits were to patients suspected of having
● The average call time increased by 1 minute and 36
seconds due to extended screening processes.
● The average visit time increased by 17 minutes when
patients experienced acute respiratory problems.
4 Levy et. al17 Correlation between Emergency Medical Services Suspected COVID-19 Patients and Daily Hospitalizations Retrospective, correlational Statewide EMS electronic medical records Maryland, US ● 26,855 patients out of 225,355 emergency calls were
considered to be suspected COVID-19 cases.
● 91.2% of these patients were moved to hospitals and
25.6% had abnormal initial pulse oximetry.
● Cross correlation was found between transports and
daily hospitalizations, with a 9-day lag in
hospitalization rate (p < 0.01).
Clinical Outcomes
5 Şan et. al18 Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Emergency Medical Services Retrospective, correlational Provincial EMS electronic medical records Ankara, TR ● 90.9% increase in calls during the COVID-19
● Of these, 15.2% were suspected to have COVID-19
and 2.9% were eventually diagnosed.
● Frequency of cases for children 0–18 decreased,
while 18+ saw an increase.
● Symptoms of fever and cough increased by 14.1% and
956.3%, respectively.
● Other cases such as myocardial infarction or
cerebrovascular disease decreased in frequency.
6 Handberry et. al19 Changes in Emergency Medical Services Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, January 2018-December 2020 Longitudinal Nationwide 911 activations from NEMSIS data US ● Decrease in overall volume of EMS cases during the
early pandemic.
● However, there was an increase in on-scene death
(1.3% to 2.4%), cardiac arrest (1.3% to 2.2%), and
opioid use or overdose (0.6% to 1.1%) during the
early height of the pandemic.
7 Roto-Cámara et. al20 Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Out-of-Hospital Health Professionals: A Living Systematic Review Systematic Review Peer-reviewed literature Global ● 6.8% of participants examined experience post
traumatic stress, between 15–20% experience
anxiety, and around 15% have a history of depression.
● Female out-of-hospital health professionals, and
those who worked closely with COVID-19 patients
were more likely to have stress or anxiety during this
● Health professionals with history of illnesses that
could make them more susceptible to infection were
more likely to have depressive symptoms.
Mental Health
8 Al Amiry, Maguire21 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Calls During COVID-19: Early Lessons Learned for Systems Planning (A Narrative Review) Narrative Review Peer-reviewed literature Global ● Call volume and response time dramatically
increased, most notably Israel with a 1900% increase
in calls and India with an up to 12 hour response
● Length of call time increased, eg from 8 minutes to 1
hour in Italy.
● Fewer calls were made for cases of stroke and
cardiac arrest, which lead to collateral mortality (eg
300% increase in mortality in Italy one month post-
9 Satty et. al22 EMS responses and non-transports during the COVID-19 pandemic Case Control 911 call responses by 22 regiospecific EMS agencies Pennsylvania, US ● 26.5% decrease in EMS response in 2020, compared
to responses per year from 2016–2019.
● Slight increase in respiratory illnesses and patients’
abnormal vital signs.
● 48% increase in non-transports in April 2020
compared to April 2019.
10 Grawey et. al23 ED EMS time: A COVID-friendly alternative to ambulance ride-alongs Qualitative Medical students Wisconsin, US ● ED-EMS time is an effective alternative to EMS ride
● Medical students report increased understanding of
EMS capabilities and prehospital considerations.
● Method limits patient contact, maintains PPE, and
limits COVID-19 exposure.
11 Fernandez et. al24 COVID-19 Preliminary Case Series: Characteristics of EMS Encounters with Linked Hospital Diagnoses Cohort National EMS electronic medical records US ● EMS COVID-19 Suspicion was present in 78% of
hospital diagnosed COVID-19 patients.
● EMS COVID-19 Suspicion had a 20% positive
predictive value compared to hospital codes.
● EMS PPE use was documented at higher rates on
records that has a hospital COVID-19 diagnosis.
Clinical Outcomes
12 Gregory et. al25 COVID-19 Vaccinations in EMS Professionals: Prevalence and Predictors Cross Sectional National Survey of EMS Professionals US ● 70% of EMS professionals are vaccinated in the US.
● The majority of those who did not receive the
vaccine reported concerns of safety as well as feeling
it was not necessary.
● 84% of those who had not yet received the vaccine
do not plan to receive it in the future.
13 Ardebili et. al26 Healthcare providers experience of working during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Qualitative Medical Professionals of 3 major cities IR ● 4 major themes present in interviews included:
‘Working in the pandemic era’, ‘Changes in personal
life and enhanced negative affect’, ‘Gaining
experience, normalization and adaptation to the
pandemic’ and ‘Mental Health Considerations’.
14 Jaffe et. al27 Responses of a Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Service During Military Conflict Versus COVID-19: A Retrospective Comparative Cohort Study Cohort Emergency Ambulance Calls to A National EMS Organization IL ● During conflict call amounts decreased with an
increase in calls post-conflit compared to pre-
● During COVID lockdown call amounts increased
with a decrease in calls post-conflit compared to pre-
● There was a significant decrease in MVC and other
injuries only during the lockdown.
15 Vanhaecht et. al28 COVID-19 is having a destructive impact on health-care workers’ mental well-being Cross Sectional Survey of Healthcare workers in a cit. Flanders, BE ● Negative psychological symptoms increased during
the pandemic and Positive symptoms were
experienced less frequently.
● 18% of healthcare workers felt there was a need for
psychological guidance and 27% wanted more
leadership support.
● Strongest correlation between COVID-19 and
psychological symptoms was in 30–49 years, females,
nurses and residential care centers.
Mental Health
16 Jensen et. al29 Strategies to Handle Increased Demand in the COVID-19 Crisis: A Coronavirus EMS Support Track and a Web-Based Self-Triage System Cross Sectional City EMS Agency Call Records Copenhagen, DK ● Total EMS call volume increased by 23.3% between
2019 and 2020.
● 4.4% increase was seen in the 112 emergency line
and a 25.1% increase in the 1813 medical helpline.
● The wait time of the medical helpline increased from
2m:23s to 12m:2s from 2019 to 2020.
● There appears to be no correlation between call
volume and web triage system usage.
17 Firew et. al30 Protecting the front line: a cross-sectional survey analysis of the occupational factors contributing to healthcare workers’ infection and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA Cross Sectional National survey of healthcare workers US ● 29% of respondents could be considered a probable
case from symptoms or test results.
● Healthcare workers with COVID-19 appear to have
higher levels of depressive symptoms.
● Emergency Department workers have the highest
likelihood of contracting COVID-19.
Mental Health
18 Jouffroy et. al31 Hypoxemia Index Associated with Prehospital Intubation in COVID-19 Patients Case Control Clinical care reports of COVID-19 patients cared for by regional ALS prehospital service Paris, FR ● A hypoxemia index (HI) < 1.3 correlated with a 3
fold increase in prehospital endotracheal intubation
of patients with COVID-19.
● Hypoxemia index may be a reliable indicator for
prehospital endotracheal intubation in respiratorily
compromised patients with COVID-19.
Clinical Outcomes
19 Ventura et. al4 Emergency Medical Services resource capacity and competency amid COVID-19 in the United States: preliminary findings from a national survey Cohort Survey of Practicing US EMS clinicians US ● There is a lack of knowledge among EMS providers
on the risk and transmission of COVID 19.
● There is a lack of equipment and PPE available to EMS
● EMS agencies are often not providing training or
resources to employees in regard to COVID-19.
20 Tabah et. al32 Personal protective equipment and intensive care unit healthcare worker safety in the COVID-19 era (PPE-SAFE): An international survey Cross Sectional Survey International Healthcare Workers Global ● 52% of Healthcare workers reported missing at least
one piece of PPE.
● 30% report having to reuse single-use PPE.
● Significant adverse effects from long PPE use was
21 Prezant et. al33 System impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on New York City’s emergency medical services Longitudinal City EMS Agency Call Records New York City, US ● On March 30, 2020 call volumes increased 60%
compared to the same dates in 2019.
● The proportion of high acuity calls increased 42.3% in
2020 from 36.4% in 2019.
● High acuity call response time had an increase in
3min compared to low acuity calls which had an
increase of 11min.
● The most common call types were respiratory and
cardiovascular related.
22 Berry et. al34 Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Transport of COVID-19 Patients in the “First Wave”: A National Survey Cross Sectional National Survey of Helicopter EMS services US ● 85% of programs reported that they chose to
transport known or suspected COVID-19 patients.
● 93% reported providing COVID-19 training to its
● PAPR or N95 protective equipment was provided in
Covid-19 suspected cases by 77% of programs and
95% included pilots in distribution.
23 Xie et. al35 Predicting Covid-19 emergency medical service incidents from daily hospitalization trends Case Documented EMS incidents within a specific region Texas, US ● On March 17th, the daily number of non-pandemic
EMS incidents dropped significantly.
● On May 13th, the daily number of EMS calls climbed
back to 75% of the number in pre-Covid-19 time.
● For every 2.5 cases where EMS takes a Covid-19
patient to a hospital, one person is admitted.
● The mean daily number of non-pandemic EMS
demand was significantly less than the period before
Covid-19 pandemic.
Clinical Outcomes
24 Gonzalez et. al36 Proctologic emergency consultation during COVID-19: Comparative cross-sectional cohort study Cross Sectional Retrospective review of patient data ES ● 191 patients were reviewed from 2019–2020.
● There was a 56% decrease in protocologic
emergency consultation, but the need for surgery
was 2x more frequent.
● There was no difference in outpatients regimen after
emergency surgery.
Clinical Assessment
25 Greenhalgh et. al37 Where did all the trauma go? A rapid review of the demands on orthopaedic services at a UK Major Trauma Centre during the COVID-19 pandemic Cohort Database of Trauma Patients at a Regional Trauma Center UK ● There was a 50.7% decrease in the number of
referrals to the orthopedic team.
● There was a 43.2% decrease in the number of trauma
operations carried out at the MTC trust.
● There was a 53.6% decrease in the number of
pediatric referrals.
● There was a 35.4% decrease in the number of major
trauma patients.
● Covid-19 had a big effect of the provision of trauma
and orthopedic surgery.
Clinical Outcomes
26 Bourn et. al38 Initial prehospital Rapid Emergency Medicine Score (REMS) to predict outcomes for COVID-19 patients Cohort Prehospital and hospital records from ESO Data Collaborative Texas, US ● Initial prehospital Rapid Emergency Response Score
was modestly predictive of ED and hospital
dispositions for pts with Covid-19.
● Prediction was stronger for outcomes closer to the
first set of EMS vital signs.
● In 13,890 Covid-19 pts, the median Rapid Emergency
Response Score was 6.
Clinical Outcomes
27 Nishikimi et. al39 Intubated COVID-19 predictive (ICOP) score for early mortality after intubation in patients with COVID-19 Cohort Hospital medical records of Intubated patients with COVID-19 New York City, US ● The predictors of death within 14 days after
intubation included old age, hx of chronic kidney
disease, lower mean arterial pressure or increased
dose of required vasopressors, higher urea nitrogen
level, higher ferritin, higher oxygen index, and
abnormal pH levels.
Clinical Outcomes
28 Feng et. al40 Impact of COVID-19 on emergency patients in the resuscitation room: A cross-sectional study Cross Sectional Emergency room patients in 2019 and 2020 Nanning, CN ● There was a decrease in the number of emergency
patients in the resuscitation room during the Covid-
19 Pandemic in intrinsic/extrinsic diseases and
pediatric cases.
● There was a decrease in the length of stay of
emergency patients in the resuscitation room.
● Comparison made between 2020 and 2019 in
Nanning, China.
Clinical Outcomes
29 Garcia-Castrillo et. al41 European Society For Emergency Medicine position paper on emergency medical systems’ response to COVID-19 Review Literature of current and previous pandemic recommendations EU ● Current literature states that only critical patients
with COVID-19 should be admitted to the
emergency department.
● It is suggested that pre-hospital personnel be used to
perform initial assessment on COVID-19 patients
and possible contacts and if transportation or home
isolation is indicated.
● It is also stated that an additional consultation line
should not be used for noncritical cases instead of
the emergency line.
30 Albrecht et. al42 Transport of COVID-19 and other highly contagious patients by helicopter and fixed-wing air ambulance: a narrative review and experience of the Swiss air rescue Review Air Ambulance Crew Narratives CH ● Lots of different means are being used for the
aeromedical transport of infectious pts.
● A method of transporting infectious pts are either
● Small Patient Isolation Units are beneficial, ex:
transport can easily be changed without
contamination and still allowing access to pt.
31 US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention43 Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems and 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for COVID-19 in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention N/A N/A US ● Face masks are used as an alternative to respirators
when the supply chain is low.
● Eye protection, gowns, and gloves should continue to
be worn.
● Recommended EPA-registered disinfectants are on a
reference list on the EPA website.
32 Yang et. al44 Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Receiving Emergency Medical Services in King County, Washington Cohort COVID-19 patient records of a country EMS service Washington, US ● Most patients with Covid-19 who went to
emergency services were older and had multiple
chronic health conditions.
● Saying that Covid-19 is a febrile respiratory illness
does not necessarily fit for early diagnostic suspicion,
at least for prehospital settings.
● As of June 1, 2020, mortality among the study cohort
was 52.4%.
Clinical Assessment
33 Murphy et. al45 Occupational exposures and programmatic response to COVID-19 pandemic: an emergency medical services experience Cohort Mixed Washington, US ● Of 700 EMS clinicians 0.4% tested positive during the
duration of the investigation.
● Less than 0.5% experienced COVID related illness
within 14 days of exposure.
34 Spangler et. al46 Prehospital identification of Covid-19: an observational study Observational Patient care reports Uppsala, SE ● Patients who tested positive for Covid-19 had worse
outcomes than those who tested negative.
● 30 day mortality rates were 24% vs 11% in Covid-19
positive vs negative.
● Suspicion of Covid-19 in a prehospital setting should
not be solely relied on to rule out using isolation
Clinical Assessment
35 Albright et. al47 A Dispatch Screening Tool to Identify Patients at High Risk for COVID-19 in the Prehospital Setting Case Control Prehospital care reports and electronic health charts Massachusetts, US ● In MA, the rate of positive Covid-19 tests was 2%.
● Reporting shortness of breath was the most
common symptom that resulted in a positive
screening for Covid-19.
● Most positive tests did not belong to high-risk
36 Cash et. al48 Emergency Medical Services Personnel Awareness and Training about Personal Protective Equipment during the COVID-19 Pandemic Cross-sectional Mixed US ● Despite increased CDC guidance for N95 fit testing
for EMS, there are still substantial gaps in PPE training
use among EMS.
● Part-time workers, 911 response service, working at
non-fire based EMS services, and working in rural
areas are associated with lower odds of awareness/
37 Moeller et. al49 Symptom presentation of SARS-CoV-2-positive and negative patients: a nested case-control study among patients calling the emergency medical service and medical helpline Case Clinical data from patient care reports Copenhagen, DK ● Loss of smell/taste as a symptom of Covid-19 was
almost always reported for patients younger than 60.
● Fever and cough were the most common symptoms
in all age groups.
● Loss of appetite and feeling unwell were symptoms
that were more common for patients over 60 years
Clinical Assessment
38 Jouffroy et. al50 Prehospital management of acute respiratory distress in suspected COVID-19 patients Cohort EMS and Hospital Patient Care Records Paris, FR ● 15% of 256 patients with COVID-19 symptoms
died at the scene but there was a low prevalence
of prior cardiovascular risk factors.
● Out of the 185 patients analyzed 44% were
transported via BLS and 42% received non-
invasive ventilation.
● 56% were transported via ALS and 52% of these
patients received noninvasive ventilation and 18%
received intubation.
39 Shekhar et. al51 COVID-19 and the Prehospital Incidence of Acute Cardiovascular Events (from the Nationwide US EMS) Mixedl Mixed US ● 10.33% decrease in EMS calls between January and
March 2020.
● 4.62% decrease from February to March 2020.
● STEMI and CVA alerts decreased across all months.
● Incidence of VF/VT and asystole decreased from
January to March, but increased from March to April.
Clinical Outcomes
40 Glenn et. al52 Refusals After Prehospital Administration of Naloxone during the COVID-19 Pandemic Cohort Incidences of refusals following naloxone administration US ● The amount of patients that refused transport
following prehospital administration of naloxone
increased during the pandemic.
● During the COVID-19 pandemic, over twice as
many patients who received naloxone in a
prehospital setting refused transport than prior to
the pandemic.
● 29.7% of patients who did not receive naloxone
refused transport prior to the pandemic, while
41.3% refused during the pandemic.
Clinical Outcomes
41 Jarvis et. al53 Examining emergency medical services’ prehospital transport times for trauma patients during COVID-19 Cohort Trauma patients transported via EMS to six US trauma centers US ● There was no significant difference in total EMS
prehospital times between 2019 and during COVID-
19 pandemic.
● Times during transport were less during the
pandemic than in 2019.
● Less trauma patients were transported during the
pandemic than in 2019.
42 March et. al54 Effects of COVID-19 on EMS Refresher Course Completion and Delivery Case Commission Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education database of continuing education records US ● There was a 179% increase in completion of EMS
refresher courses from 2018 to 2020.
● There was a 185% increase in asynchronous
online refresher course completion from 2018 to
● No significant difference in mean monthly live in person
and virtual instructor-led training in the months between
2018 and 2020.
● Study suggests EMS refresher course completions
are more likely when given via asynchronous
methods rather than live in person methods as a
result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
43 Saberian et. al55 How the COVID-19 Epidemic Affected Prehospital Emergency Medical Services in Tehran, Iran Case Control Records of EMS activations, employees, and time codes Tehran, UQ ● Tehran prehospital personnel experienced a 347%
increase in EMS calls and 21% increase in EMS
● After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tehran
EMS saw an increase in chief complaints of fever by
211% and respiratory distress by 245%.
● To keep up with the increased EMS demand, Tehran
increased the amount of EMS providers available,
decreased time between shifts, and raised amount of
overtime hours.
● In-service education continued during the pandemic.
44 Oulasvirta et. al56 Paediatric prehospital emergencies and restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based study Cohort EMS contacts involving children between 0 and 15 years old Helsinki, FL ● There was a decrease in pediatric EMS calls by
30.4% from March 2020 to May 2020.
● After the onset of the pandemic, a majority of
pediatric EMS contacts were a result of trauma
or a need for intensive care.
● There was a decrease in number of transports of
pediatric patients following contact with EMS
personnel after onset of the pandemic.
● Pediatric patients that made contact with EMS
were more likely to be critically ill between
March 2020 and May
2020 than prior to this period.
Special Populations
45 Hadley et. al57 911 EMS Activations by Pregnant Patients in Maryland (USA) during the COVID-19 Pandemic Retrospective Records of EMS calls related to obstetric emergencies Maryland, US ● There was a decrease in EMS calls in response to
obstetric issues during
the pandemic than was seen in the months prior.
● High fraction (as compared to population
demographics) of obstetric-related EMS calls were
from African-American women during the pandemic.
● Percent of EMS contacts with female patients
remained unchanged in the periods during and prior
to the pandemic.
Special Populations
46 Hart et. al58 Recommendations for Prehospital Airway Management in Patients with Suspected COVID-19 Infection Systematic Review Peer-reviewed literature US ● Providers should always don and secure Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to making
contact with a patient suspected of having
● EMS should not try endotracheal intubation more
than once, as to prevent additional exposure to
infection, and should attempt with video
laryngoscopy rather than direct
laryngoscopy if possible.
● After ET or SGA placement, HEPA filter should
be placed on ET tube or SGA to prevent
potential COVID-19 exposure to other
● For BLS crews who are unauthorized to perform
intubation or SGA placement techniques, it is
recommended to perform two-person
resuscitation techniques to ensure a tight seal of
BVM on patient’s mouth to prevent
47 Mohammadi et. al59 Management of COVID-19-related challenges faced by EMS personnel: a qualitative study Qualitative Detailed interviews with pre-hospital emergency care personnel IR ● EMS providers are unsure how to approach
patients suspected of COVID-19 infection due to
a lack of standard, comprehensive treatment
● EMS personnel experience psychological strain as
a result of inadequate equipment and increased
work hours during the COVID-19 pandemic.
● EMS personnel are frustrated with the lack of
public education of COVID-19 which leaves many
patients unable to take proper precautions to
prevent exposing providers to infection.
48 Lancet et. al60 Prehospital hypoxemia, measured by pulse oximetry, predicts hospital outcomes during the New York City COVID-19 pandemic Longitudinal Adult patients transported by EMS in NYC New York, US ● Prehospital oxygen saturation level is an indicator of
mortality and length of stay in hospital.
● In patients over 65 years old, an oxygen saturation
above 90% showed a 26% chance of death in hospital,
while a saturation below 90% showed a 54% chance
of death.
● In patients under 66, a prehospital oxygen saturation
above 90% revealed 11.5% chance of death, while
oxygen saturation under 90% revealed a 31% chance
of death in hospital.
Clinical Outcomes
49 Powell et. al61 Prehospital Sinus Node Dysfunction and Asystole in a Previously Healthy Patient with COVID-19 Case Female with nodal dysfunction and asystole following COVID-19 infection US ● A 47 year old patient with no history of prior illness
experienced nodal dysfunction and asystole episodes,
characterized by hypoxia due to pneumonia.
● Post-recovery, no other arrhythmias were observed.
Clinical Assessment
50 Velasco et. al62 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Incidence, Prehospital Evaluation, and Presentation of Ischemic Stroke at a Nonurban Comprehensive Stroke Center Retrospective Patients presenting with ischemic stroke symptoms as obtained by prehospital quality improvement database US ● There was a decrease in the number of transports of
patients experiencing stroke symptoms from 2019 to
● The median amount of transport time between EMS
dispatch and hospital arrival for patients diagnosed
with a stroke increased from 2019 to 2020.
● There is a decrease in patient transport volumes and
increase in time taken to access appropriate care
from 2019 to 2020 in nonurban areas.
Clinical Outcomes
51 Solà-Muñoz et. al63 Impact on polytrauma patient prehospital care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study Cross Sectional Records of EMS activations as a result of polytrauma patients Catalonia, ES ● There was a 52% decrease in polytraumatic
patients treated after the onset of the pandemic.
● There was a decrease in EMS dispatches to traffic
accidents and pedestrian-vehicle collisions from
before the pandemic to the first few months of
the pandemic.
● There was an increase in injuries caused by
weapons and burns after the onset of the
● The COVID-19 pandemic decreased the amount
of polytraumatic patients treated by EMS, and saw
a difference in the severity and category of
Clinical Outcomes
52 Siman-Tov et. al64 An assessment of treatment, transport, and refusal incidence in a National EMS’s routine work during COVID-19 Comparative Patient care reports IL ● Incidence of infectious disease, cardiac arrest,
psychiatric, and labor and delivery calls increased
from March and April 2019 to 2020
● Incidence of neurology and trauma calls decreased in
the same period.
● Refusal by patients for transport to a hospital
increased from 13.4% to 19.9%, accompanied by an
increase in deaths 8 days post-refusal.
53 Marincowitz et. al65 Prognostic accuracy of triage tools for adults with suspected COVID-19 in a prehospital setting: an observational cohort study Cohort Patient care reports GB ● 65% of patients were transported to hospital and
EMS decision to transfer patients achieved a
sensitivity of 0.84.
● NEWS2, PMEWS, PRIEST tool and WHO algorithm
identified pts at risk of adverse outcomes with a high
● Using NEWS2, PMEWS, PRIEST tool, and the WHO
algorithm can improve sensitivity of EMS triage of
patients with suspected COVID-19 infection.
Clinical Assessment
54 Ong et. al66 An international perspective of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation during the COVID-19 pandemic Comparative Mixed Global ● Studies in Italy, New York City, and France showed a
significant increase in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests
with the arrival of the pandemic.
● The difficulties that the first responder system faced
during Covid-19 were dispatcher overload, increased
response times, and adherence to PPE requirements,
superimposed on PPE shortages.
● New noninvasive, adjunct tools, warrant
consideration with the rise in OCHA during the
55 Yu et. al67 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency medical service response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Taiwan: a retrospective observational study Observational Patient care reports TW ● There was a longer EMS response time for patients
with out-of-hospital cardiac arrests during the
● The rate of prehospital ROSC was lower in 2020.
● Significantly fewer cases had favorable neurological
function in 2020.
56 Azbel et. al68 Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on trauma-related emergency medical service calls: a retrospective cohort study Cohort Patient care reports FL ● During lockdown, there was a 12.2% decrease in the
number of weekly total EMS calls.
● There was also a 23.3% decrease in the number of
weekly trauma related calls
● There was also a 41.8%. decrease in the weekly
number of injured patients met by EMS while
intoxicated with alcohol.
● After the lockdown, numbers returned to normal
Clinical Outcomes
57 Seo et. al69 Pre-Hospital Delay in Patients With Acute Stroke During the Initial Phase of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak Cohort Patient care reports Seoul, KR ● In the initial phase after the Covid-19 outbreak, EMS
response times for acute strokes were delayed.
● Clinical outcomes of patients with acute stroke
● The ICU admission and mortality rate increased in
the early phase of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Clinical Outcomes
58 Mälberg et. al70 Physiological respiratory parameters in pre-hospital patients with suspected COVID-19: A prospective cohort study Cohort Clinical data from patient care reports Uppsala, SE ● The odds of having COVID-19 increased with higher
respiratory rate, lower tidal volume and negative
inspiratory pressure.
● Patients taking smaller, faster breaths with less
pressure had higher odds of having COVID-19.
● Smaller, faster breaths and higher dead space
percentage increased the odds of hospital admission.
Clinical Assessment
59 Ng et. al71 Impact of COVID-19 ‘circuit-breaker’ measures on emergency medical services utilisation and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in Singapore Case control Patient care reports SG ● EMS call volume and total out-of-hospital cardiac
arrests remained comparable to past years.
● There was a decline in prehospital ROSC rates, but
not statistically lower than pre-COVID periods.
● There is a growing body of literature internationally
on the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on EMS utilization and outcomes.
Clinical Outcomes
60 Cash et. al72 Emergency medical services education research priorities during COVID-19: A modified Delphi study Case Mixed US ● The top 4 research priorities were prehospital
internship access, impact of lack of field and clinical
experience, student health and safety, and EMS
education program availability and accessibility.
61 Borkowska et. al73 Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest treated by emergency medical service teams during COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective cohort study Cohort Clinical data from patient care reports PL ● The average age of patients with out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest was 67.8 years.
● Among resuscitated patients, 73.8% were cardiac
etiology. 9.4% of patients had ROSC, 27.2% of
patients were admitted to hospital with ongoing
chest compression.
● In the case of 63.4% cardiopulmonary resuscitation
was ineffective and death was determined.
● The presence of shockable rhythms was associated
with better prognosis.
Clinical Outcomes
62 Kalani et. al74 Self-Referred Walk-in (SRW) versus Emergency Medical Services Brought Covid-19 Patients Cohort Mixed Jahrom, IR ● 27.1% of COVID-19 patients in the ER were brought
in by EMS while 72.9% were self referred walk ins.
● Survival rates were lower among patients brought in
by EMS.
● Critically ill patients were more likely to utilize EMS
therefore EMS usually brought in patients with lower
chances of survival.
Clinical Outcomes
63 Talikowska et. al75 No apparent effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidence and outcome in Western Australia Case Control Incidences of OOHCA events AU ● There was no significant change in the number of
OOHCAs during the 2020 period compared to a
period of similar length in 2017.
● There was no significant change in bystander CPR
rates between the two periods.
● There was no significant change in survival rates for
Clinical Outcomes
64 Saberian et. al76 Changes in COVID-19 IgM and IgG antibodies in emergency medical technicians (EMTs) Correlational Acquired clinical data Tehran, IR ● There were less seropositive participants than
seronegative ones.
● 9.5% only tested positive for IgG.
● 1.1% were only positive for IgM.
● 32.4% were positive for both.
● There was a significant. reduction is seropositivity
after the second phase.
Clinical Outcomes
65 Ageta et. al77 Delay in Emergency Medical Service Transportation Responsiveness during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Minimally Affected Region Case Patient care reports Okayama, JP ● Prehospital time can be divided into three
components: response time, on-scene time, and
transportation time.
● The duration of response time and on-scene time
increased in April 2020 from April 2019 from 32.2 to
33.8 minutes and 8.7 to 9.3 minutes, respectively (p <
● However, there was no significant change in duration
of transportation.
66 Hunt et. al78 Novel Negative Pressure Helmet Reduces Aerosolized Particles in a Simulated Prehospital Setting Experimental Particle counts Michigan, US ● A personal negative pressure helmet (“AerosolVE”)
was developed to filter and trap virus particles from
the patient.
● The amount of particles trapped inside the helmet
were significantly higher than those outside.
● An average of less than one particle was found
externally to the filter.
67 Tanaka et. al79 Evaluation of the physiological changes in prehospital health-care providers influenced by environmental factors in the summer of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic Correlational Acquired clinical data JP ● A positive correlation was found between WGBT,
and pulse rate.
● Forehead temperature increased upon entrance to a
33°C environment.
● Hot environments posed a higher risk of heat stroke
while wearing PPE.
Clinical Outcomes
68 Melgoza et. al80 Emergency Medical Service Use Among Latinos Aged 50 and Older in California Counties, Except Los Angeles, During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic Period Cohort Data from the California Emergency Medical Services Information System (CEMSIS) California, US ● Latinos are disproportionately affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic, as they make up 32% of the
Californian population, but comprised 52% of
COVID-19 cases and 64% of COVID-19 deaths.
● Latinos also comprised a larger proportion of
respiratory distress calls than Whites, but a
statistically significant smaller proportion than Blacks.
Special Populations
69 Goldberg et. al81 Home-based Testing for SARS-CoV-2: Leveraging Prehospital Resources for Vulnerable Populations Case Case Study US ● An EMS-created COVID-19 home testing program
was established.
● From its inception to April 2020, the program had
tested 477 homebound patients, with an average of
about 15 per day.
● Mass testing locations were also established for up to
900 tests per day.
70 Saberian et. al82 The Geographical Distribution of Probable COVID-19 Patients Transferred by Tehran Emergency Medical Services; a Cross Sectional Study Cross-sectional Electronic patient care data Tehran, IR ● The mean age of patients increased over the three
month study period, from 53.2 to 54.5 to 56.0.
● The average incidence rate of COVID-19 was 4.6 per
10,000 people, with municipalities varying greatly in
71 Tušer et. al83 Emergency management and internal audit of emergency preparedness of pre-hospital emergency care Case Mixed CZ ● Documents, communications technology, and
processes for identification in triage are not uniform
across the nation.
● Healthcare providers and staff are ill-informed on
resource points in life-threatening (for themselves or
the patient) situations.
72 Masuda et. al84 Variation in community and ambulance care processes for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis Meta-analysis Peer-reviewed Literature US ● Out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest was more
common throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with
an odds ratio of 1.38.
● Defibrillation by bystanders while waiting for an EMS
response was significantly lower (OR = 0.69).
● Delays in EMS arrival were more common.
73 Hasani-Sharamin et. al85 Characteristics of Emergency Medical Service Missions in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Death Cases in the Periods of Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Cross-sectional Mission data Tehran, IR ● The number of OOHCAs in 2019 was greater than
that of 2018 or 2020.
● Respiratory distress and infection were more
common in 2020 than 2019.
● History of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease
was more common in 2020.
Clinical Outcomes
74 Jaffe et. al86 The Role of Israel’s Emergency Medical Services During a Pandemic in the Pre-Exposure Period Case Mixed IL ● Out of 121 protected transports, 36.3% were
referred to by medical sources.
● Out of 121 protected transports, 63.7% were
identified as “suspected COVID-19” by dispatchers.
● EMS can work effectively in the pre-exposure period
through instructing home quarantine, providing
protected transport, and staffing border control
75 Masterson et. al87 Rapid response and learning for later: establishing high quality information networks and evaluation frameworks for the National Ambulance Service response to COVID-19 - The ENCORE COVID Project Protocol Case Survey responses from a national ambulance service IE ● The aim of this project was to disseminate pandemic
related information using an evidence based
● The project intends to systematically evaluate
information frameworks for the Irish National
Ambulance Service.
76 Le Borgne et. al88 Pre-Hospital Management of Critically Ill Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Retrospective Multicenter Study Cohort Patient enrollment from regiospecific EMS calls FR ● Of patients with suspected COVID-19 no difference
was found in hospital mortality between silent
hypoxemia and hypoxemia with clinical acute
respiratory failure.
● 53.4 of patients suspected to have COVID-19
presented with signs of respiratory distress
● All patients presenting with COVID-19 symptoms
required high flow oxygen therapy.
77 Natalzia et. al89 Evidence-based crisis standards of care for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in a pandemic Cohort Cardiac arrest events in the CARES database US ● Favorable outcomes were associated with initial
shockable rhythms or arrest witnessed by EMS.
● A proposed crisis standard of care protocol
suggested to only initiate out-of-hospital
resuscitation in these patients resulted in a
prevalence of 70.5% favorable neurological
● Incidences of favorable neurological outcome
correlated with 6.3 free available beds

Of the included studies, 44% were US-based. Primary taxonomy schema revealed the following prevalence of data: n=16 structural/systemic, n=23 clinical outcomes, n=7 clinical assessment, n=4 treatment, n=3 special populations, n=2 dispatch/activation, n=6 education, n=3 mental health, n=6 perspectives/experiences, and n=7 transport (see Table 1).


Structural Considerations

Of the studies selected for inclusion in the “structural/systemic” domain, only 25% pertained to regions within the US. Only one study at the start of the pandemic (April 2020) rigorously assessed resource capacity and clinical competency at the national level, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Study participants were licensed practicing EMS clinicians in all 50 US states including the District of Columbia. Ventura et al report regular dissatisfactory decontamination practices both prior to and during the pandemic, required prolonged use of N95 respirators past the recommended efficacy period, and overall inadequate education for infection control and clinical considerations for COVID-19 patients.4 Notably, this captures a vulnerable representation of the US EMS system when there was minimal consensus on COVID-19 clinical symptomatology, transmissibility, appropriate precautionary measures, and discovery of vaccines. Globally, highly populated regions in the US, Germany, Turkey, Ireland and Denmark observed an increase in emergency medical calls of varying chief complaints, with many agency and regiospecific ambulance agencies reporting call volumes exceeding 60% compared to 2019.14,16,33 Based upon analysis of 911 de-identified patient care reports from the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS), between January 2018 to December 2020, Methley et al report an increase in frequency of on-scene death (1.3% to 2.4%), cardiac arrest (1.3% to 2.2%), and opioid related emergencies (0.6% to 1.1%) at the national level.6 States such as Kentucky observed higher rates of opioid related 911 calls, with a 50% increase in suspected opioid overdose death calls, while calls for other chief complaints remained static or declined.14 This is consistent with an apparent national trend of a worsening opioid epidemic, which we hypothesize has been only exacerbated by COVID-19. In February 2022, the American Medical Association issued a statement alleging an increase in drug related deaths in all US states and territories.90 To that end, it is critical to acknowledge that recent studies suggest black and brown communities are likely to be disproportionately harmed by both the opioid epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic, as rates of morbidity and mortality are generally higher in this clinical population.91–94 Because EMS clinicians are crucial in overdose resuscitation and sustaining life of patients experiencing opioid overdose, prehospital providers may be uniquely responsible for understanding foundational systemic issues, such as racial inequity, and how they translate to emergency clinical care, which is not currently requisite by national EMS curriculum standards despite the measurable impact of care and access disparities experienced by patients of color.95–105

Mental Health

It has been well established in the literature that the COVID-19 pandemic has correlated with worse mental health outcomes in healthcare workers (HCWs).20 The strongest correlation among COVID-19 and psychological symptoms appeared in female-identifying HCWs ages 30–49 years.28 There is a continued need for strong psychological support and further investigation into determinants of poor mental health outcomes to develop evidence driven preventive measures.

EMS Activation

911 dispatchers at public safety answering points (PSAPs) are critical to functional operations of the EMS system. Albright et al investigated the efficacy of a dispatch screening tool to identify high suspicion of COVID-19 in patients based upon a questionnaire deployed by the 911 call taker in a study based in Massachusetts. The authors report a sensitivity of 74.9% (CI, 69.21–80.03) and a specificity of 67.7% (CI, 66.91–68.50) where n=263.47 Amiry and Maguire report an exponential increase in emergency medical calls globally during the pandemic, so further investigation into ways PSAPs can best support responding clinicians using evidence based practices may be warranted.21

Clinical Assessment, Treatment, and Outcomes

In a cohort study based in King County, Washington, US, Yang et al found that EMS responded to approximately 16% of COVID-confirmed cases. From study initiation to June 2020 (four months), the study cohort mortality was 52.4%. Fever, tachypnea, and hypoxia was only present in a limited quantity of patients.44 This is consistent with international prehospital consensus that suspicion of COVID-19 based solely on symptomatology should not be solely relied on for contemplating precautionary measures and isolation procedures. In a prehospital study in Denmark, patients under 60 years old were more likely to present with a loss of taste and/or smell upon assessment, however fever and cough were equally distributed across all age groups.49 In England, Marincowitz et al studied the accuracy of prognostic triage tools used prehospitally in the Yorkshire and Humber region. The WHO algorithm, PRIEST, NEWS2, and PMEWS tools all had high sensitivity for detecting COVID-19 infection.65 In Uppsala, Sweden, Mälberg et al report correlational findings of physiological respiratory parameters with patients suspected of having COVID-19. They found that the odds of COVID-19 diagnosis increased with respiratory rate, lower tidal volume, and negative inspiratory pressure.65 In Paris, France, Jouffroy et al report that pulse oximetry may be a reliable indicator for the need of mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 patients.38 It is important to acknowledge, however, that clinically significant inaccuracy of pulse oximetry for detecting hypoxia in darker skin patients has been well established in the literature.106,107 While many methods for assessing risk of COVID-19 infection exist, a universal guidance for prehospital assessment has not been established.

As COVID-19 is categorized as a respiratory illness, the majority of available articles on prehospital treatment had a significant focus on airway and breathing management. A study out of Paris reported that of the 15% of suspected COVID-19 patients who were found to be in cardiac arrest upon arrival, while the majority did not have prior cardiovascular risk factors present. This suggests that it is critical to provide sufficient respiratory support in the prehospital setting. It was found that of the suspected COVID-19 patients who were assessed by EMS personnel, 42% of BLS cases and 52% of ALS cases provided non-invasive ventilation, however, prehospital intubation was significantly less common as it was only present in 18% of ALS cases.50, Jouffroy et al report that of all COVID−19 suspected patients, 53.4% showed signs of respiratory distress. Most of these patients presented with respiratory rates of approximately 30/min and oxygen saturations of 72%. Additionally, all patients required some method of high flow oxygen treatment.88

Studies, such as one conducted by Hart et al, provides recommendations for personal protection protocols for EMS providers. They suggest that if endotracheal intubation is needed, it should only be attempted once and with the assistance of video laryngoscopy to minimize time exposure to aerosols. A HEPA filter should then be added following the placement of an advanced airway to further minimize risk for contamination of the provider and all other equipment present in the ambulance. In the event that advanced airway intervention is not possible or clinically indicated, it is suggested to use two individuals for BVM ventilation to ensure that an air-tight seal is made with the mask. In agreement with other established protocols, they stress that donning of PPE should be performed before any contact is made with a suspected COVID-19 patient.58

As mentioned previously, there is a shortage of available resources not just pre-hospital but in-hospital as well. Considerations need to be made to ensure resources are used in the most efficient manner. Natalzia et al proposes a protocol to maximize cardiac arrest resources in EMS in which one should only initiate resuscitation of a patient in cardiac arrest if the arrest is witnessed or a shockable rhythm is present. They state that this protocol could account for 70.5% of favorable neurological outcomes and provide 6.3 additional available hospital beds per patient.89


As part of their initial education program, EMS students must generally acquire co-requisite field experience.1 During the early era of the COVID-19 pandemic, it may have been difficult to participate in field experience opportunities due to facility policy limitations designed to reduce transmission. Grawey et al examined an alternative model to the traditional ambulance “ride along” by providing a field-like experience in an emergency department setting. Grawey et al report that this alternative experience was likely as effective as traditional prehospital clinical internships. Additionally, they found university medical students to have increased knowledge regarding EMS roles and responsibilities, which may have beneficial implications for transfer of care.23 With regard to continuing education, the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) saw a 179% increase in EMS refresher courses during 2018 to 2020, with a 185% increase in asynchronous online learning.54 This may suggest that distance learning as a method for recertifying provider credentials may increase rates of recertification, in contrast with in-person continuing education programs.

Vaccine Perspectives and Prevalence

US EMS clinicians have also assumed nontraditional healthcare roles during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as in the case of a scope of practice expansion which allowed EMS clinicians to administer the COVID-19 to patients in states like New York, Massachusetts, and Vermont. Because EMS clinicians are highly trained in specific psychomotor clinical skills and knowledgeable in fundamental methods of patient assessment and treatment, it is likely that EMS in general has served unmeasurable utility through contributions in traditional and nontraditional roles. In April 2021, Gregory et al conducted a cross sectional study of nationally certified EMS clinicians rostered with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Of a sample size of n=2584, 70% reported receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Of the sampled population, 53% had concerns regarding the safety of COVID vaccines, 39% felt it was not necessary, and 84% of providers who did not receive any dose of the COVID vaccine did not plan to get it in the future.25 The significant vaccine hesitancy amongst EMS clinicians poses a compelling public health concern, and approaches to mediate this, such as through local education and role modeling, may be necessary.108


Little literature exists on the interrogated area of investigation, and studies that are relevant to the area are often preliminary and may require continued study and design modifications to increase external validity. While all attempts to achieve a high level of internal validity were made as captured by robust quality assessments at each level of investigation, it was not possible to accommodate for every confounder. While this review is not exhaustive, the authors affirm satisfaction in the methods and results available at the time of study.


US EMS clinicians are healthcare workers that have often held many roles and responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Within the subset domains of i. structural/systemic, ii. clinical outcomes, iii. clinical assessment, iv. treatment, v. special populations, vi. dispatch/activation, vii. education, viii. mental health, ix. perspectives/experiences, and x. transport, there is minimal high quality literature that faithfully reflect the status of modern American EMS in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The available data reflect strides in contemporary approaches to assessment, treatment, transport, and education, but fall short in accounting for care and access disparities influenced by social determinants. Continued investigation on the impact of COVID-19 on EMS systems and personnel is warranted to ensure informed, appropriate, and evidence-based preparation for future pandemic and infectious disease response.


The authors would like to sincerely thank Paramedic Catherine Smith, EMT Rosa Turinetti, and Judith Inumerable for their expert opinions and experiences.

Funding Statement

The work is not funded by any specific source.

Institutional Disclaimer

The work is solely that of the authors and does not necessarily represent the views, policies, or opinions of their affiliated institutions, employers, or partners. It was not reviewed or endorsed by any specific institution in particular.

Author Contributions

All authors contributed to data analysis, drafting or revising the article, have agreed on the journal to which the article will be submitted, gave final approval of the version to be published, and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.


The investigators report no known conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.


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