A, B) Calcium responses of sugar GRNs expressing GCaMP6s in a UAS-P2X2 background to proboscis presentation of PEG as a negative control, ATP, or sucrose as a positive control, GCaMP6s ΔF/F traces (
A), and maximum ΔF/F graph (
B), n = 6. (
C, D) Calcium responses of sugar GRNs expressing GCaMP6s and P2X2 to PEG, ATP, or sucrose delivery, ΔF/F traces (
C), and maximum ΔF/F graph (
D), n = 5. (
E, F) GCaMP6s responses of sugar GRNs in flies expressing P2X2 in bitter GRNs to PEG, ATP, and sucrose, ΔF/F traces (
E), and maximum ΔF/F graph (
F), n = 6. (
G, H) GCaMP6s responses of sugar GRNs in flies expressing P2X2 in water GRNs to PEG, ATP, or sucrose presentation, ΔF/F traces (
G), and maximum ΔF/F graph (
H), n = 7. (
I, J) GCaMP6s responses of sugar GRNs in flies expressing P2X2 in water GRNs and Gal80 in sugar GRNs to inhibit P2X2 misexpression to PEG, ATP, or sucrose presentation, ΔF/F traces (
I), and maximum ΔF/F plots (
J), n = 11. Period of stimulus presentation is indicated by shaded bars, three stimulations/fly. Data from first stimulation of (
C) and (
K) is shown in
Figure 4A–D. Traces of individual flies are shown in gray, the average in black, with the SEM indicated by the gray shaded area. Repeated-measures ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple-comparisons test, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.