Extended Data Fig. 8. Datasets for the examination of haplotype-specific expression.
The sequencing reads from genomes (J-haplotype oocytes, V-haplotype oocytes, diploid S2 worms) and transcriptomes (pp, ww from the diploid S2 worms) were aligned to Smed_chr_ref_v1. Shown in the figure are reads for the gene CPEB-2. Two variants with J and V alleles are marked by colored bars. In the genome of the adult worm S2 (i.e., DNA), both J and V alleles are present at equal ratios. In the genome of oocytes (J or V haplotype, i.e., DNA), the variants have only one allele. These observations validate the heterozygous variants. In the transcriptomes (i.e., RNA) of penis papillae (pp) and whole worms (ww) from S2 adults, both J and V alleles are present. In the three transcriptomes of pp, J alleles were more highly expressed. In the three transcriptomes of ww, the J:V allele ratios vary and do not significantly depart from equal expression.