Fig. 2. Virological and pharmacokinetic follow-up of individual participants.
a, Plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (black line; left y-axis) and bNAb serum concentrations (3BNC117, red; 10-1074, blue; right y-axis) for group 1 participants who maintained viral suppression (n = 13) or resumed ART (n = 4) during the dosing period as well as group 2 (n = 6) participants. Red and blue triangles indicate 3BNC117 and 10-1074 infusions, respectively. Grey shaded areas indicate time on ART. The lower limit of detection of HIV-1 RNA was 20 copies per ml. Asterisk indicates participants with protocol deviations regarding analytical treatment interruption. Participant 5115 resumed ART before week 31 but did not achieve full viral suppression owing to non-compliance to a daily regimen. Participant 5128 resumed ART at week 48 and achieved full viral suppression at an additional week 52 study visit. b, Kaplan–Meier plots summarizing time to viral rebound after ART discontinuation (left) or after the last antibody infusions (right) for all group 1 participants receiving up to seven infusions (n = 16, green line). The dotted blue line indicates a cohort of individuals who received three infusions of the antibody combination12 (n = 15 participants). The y-axis indicates the percentage of participants who maintained viral suppression. The x-axis indicates the number of weeks after the start of analytical treatment interruption (ATI) (left) and the number of weeks after the last infusion (right). Participant 5122M was excluded from the analysis owing to COVID-19 related re-initiation of ART. Participant 5104 showed two viral blips of <500 copies per ml that were subsequently controlled before rebounding with sustained viraemia at week 33. c, Kaplan–Meier plots summarizing time to viral rebound for group 1 (green line) and group 2 (dotted green line) participants, respectively. Grey shaded area indicates time on ART for group 2 participants. Participant 5216 decided against ART interruption and was excluded from the analysis. Log–rank (Mantel–Cox) test was used to determine statistical significance in b, c.