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. 2022 Jun 1;606(7914):542–549. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04805-y

Extended Data Fig. 2. Effects of the Consensus condition on the second dose uptake and on intentions to uptake a third (booster) dose (Main Experiment, Sample of adult Czech population).

Extended Data Fig. 2

This figure plots estimated treatment effects on 1) the second dose uptake (two doses were designed as a complete vaccination cycle for the most commonly used vaccines), and on 2) intentions to uptake a third (booster) dose. Markers show the estimated effects, the whiskers denote the 95%-confidence interval based on standard errors clustered at the individual level. Estimated effects and t-test (two-sided) p-values are reported in the Figure. No adjustments for multiple comparisons. Diamonds and triangles report estimates from a linear probability regression that controls for the pre-registered set of control variables. Squares and circles report estimates from a double-selection LASSO linear regression (dsregress command in Stata 17) selecting from a set of covariates in Extended Data Table 1. All regressions include wave fixed effects. In the upper part of the Figure we report the timing and control mean. We report estimates for the full sample (diamonds and squares) and for a restricted sample of respondents participating in all 11 waves (triangles and circles). Full sample: Consensus condition n = 807–904, Control condition n = 800–897, depending on survey wave. Fixed sample: Consensus condition n = 614; Control condition n = 598.