Figure 3.
The THz EO signals obtained by rotating the QWP
(A) Typical EO signal Sx(t) and Sy(t) were measured at various pump helicity via rotating the QWP, characterized by the angle θ. Here, y(θ = 0°), LCP (θ = 45°), and RCP (θ = 135°) represent the y-direction, left-handed, and right-handed circularly polarized light, respectively. (For clarity, the error bars are not shown here, which is about 4×10−7).
(B and C) The peak value of Sx(t) and Sy(t) (at t = 0 ps) as functions of θ. The red solid curves show the fitting based on Equations (3) and (4). The error bars in B and C are the standard deviation of the experimental data.