Approximately 30 years after the publication of the first Sicilian checklist of macrofungi, a new updated version is presented here. The census of macromycetes was carried out through periodic observations in different agricultural and forest ecosystems, in urban areas, in public and private gardens, and in botanical gardens. The 1919 infraspecific taxa included in 508 genera belonging to 152 families were collected in the Sicilian territory. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are the most represented ecological category, followed by saprotrophs on wood, saprotrophs on litter, and terricolous saprotrophs. The interest in this rich group of organisms is evidenced by the nutritional and therapeutic value of a high percentage of species. The actions linked to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and The Network for the Study of Mycological Diversity will further increase the number of macrofungi for Sicily in the future.
Keywords: biodiversity, basidiomycota, ascomycota, ecology, distribution, number of fungi, Sicily, open science, the network for the study of mycological diversity
1. Introduction
The checklists are modern tools for evaluation of fungal diversity and valuable papers to highlight ecological data, and tips for management and exploitation of protected areas, agro- and forest ecosystems. Relevant studies were published around the world—in Europe and in Italy [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].
The assessment of fungal diversity in the Italian regions is still incomplete and needs further investigation. In most Italian regions, it is difficult to document the exact number of mushrooms due to lack of mycologists. Even greater difficulty is faced in the evaluation of the presence of hypogeous macrofungi as few research groups have dogs trained to harvest.
The territories included in the Med-Checklist consider the Italian peninsula as a separate region from a floristic point of view, and its two major islands, Sicily and Sardinia, are separately coded [9]. The environmental peculiarities of Sicily in close relation to different habitats and ecosystems [10] determine high levels of biodiversity in all groups of organisms (plants, lichens, fungi, bryophytes, algae, and insects).
On the basis of literature data reported from 1814 to 1991, a preliminary survey on fungal diversity in Sicily was carried out by Venturella [11], with an estimate of approximately 750 macromycetes. Subsequently, Venturella et al. [12] published a report on the state of fungal diversity in Italy and analyzed the number of macrofungi for each region. This study showed that Sicily boasts a high number of macrofungi compared to other Italian regions.
From 1991 to present, the study of macromycete diversity has continued unabated through an intensive exploration of forest ecosystems, natural parks, nature reserves, public and private gardens, botanical gardens, cultivated and uncultivated lands.
Based on data collected during 30 years of long-term observation, an up-to-date assessment of fungal diversity of Sicily is reported in this paper.
2. An Outline of Vegetation Types of Sicily
The physiographic uniqueness of Sicily (southern Italy) coupled with the paleogeographic vicissitudes, over time have determined the progressive evolution of a rich vascular flora (ca. 3000 species) and the presence of a number of rare species or in any case of considerable taxonomic significance [13]. In agreement with Fenaroli and Giacomini [14] and Di Martino and Raimondo [15], Sicily is considered as a floristic area in itself, well characterized by a considerable endemic contingent (approximately l% of the entire flora), which can be defined as a Sicilian domain according to phyto-corological criteria.
The forest area of Sicily corresponds to 512,121 hectares and includes 58 types of forest vegetation [16]. The coastal and hilly belt is characterized by evergreen oak forests with Quercus ilex L. subsp. ilex, Q. coccifera L., and Q. suber L. as well as semi-evergreen oaks Quercus pubescens Willd. s.l. and Q. virgiliana (Ten.) Ten. In the warmer areas near the sea, forests can be replaced by aspects of Mediterranean maquis such as those characterized by Juniperus turbinata Guss., J. oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus, J. macrocarpa Sm., Pistacia lentiscus L. and other sclerophyllous shrubs such as Cistus creticus L., C. salvifolius L. and C. monspeliensis L.
In the areas most subject to disturbance, the vegetation is currently represented by Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Poir.) T. Durand & Schinz and other types of grassland and shrub communities. Even rarer are the natural forests of Mediterranean conifers such as Pinus halepensis Mill., P. pinea L. and P. pinaster Aiton, which are considered pioneer plants. In the hills, the natural forest vegetation, in the hottest and driest conditions, consists of mixed forests of deciduous oaks with dominance of Q. pubescens, while in cooler climatic conditions, with a marked oceanic climate, are more diffused Q. cerris L., Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl and the endemic Q. gussonei (Borzí) Brullo. These species have in some cases been replaced for agricultural purposes or for the use of wood by Corylus avellana L., Fraxinus ornus L., and Castanea sativa Mill. The degradation aspects are represented by mesophilic shrubs dominated by different taxa belonging to the family of Rosaceae such as Pyrus pyraster. (L.) Burgsd. and P. amygdaliformis Vill. The forest vegetation of the mountain area is characterized by forests of Fagus sylvatica L. sometimes mixed with Acer pseudoplatanus L., Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl., Taxus baccata L. and llex aquifolium L. An exclusive characteristic of Sicily is the presence of forests of Q. ilex that reach an altitude of 1500 m well above the maximum elevation found in other parts of Italy. Of considerable interest is also the presence of different endemic trees and shrubs and evidence of relict forest vegetation such as Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei, Betula aetnensis Raf., Celtis aetnensis (Tornab.) Strobl, Populus tremula L., Pinus laricio Poir., Quercus gussonei (Borzì) Brullo, Zelkova sicula Di Pasquale, Garfi & Quézel, and Genista aetnensis (Raf. ex Biv.) DC. Upland shrubs such as Sorbus graeca (Spach) Schauer and Berberis aetnensis C. Presl. are found in some areas lacking tree forest vegetation. Woody species that vegetate above the edge of the forest are found only on Mount Etna, but also in the Madonie. This vegetation is dominated by the shrubs of Astragalus nebrodensis on the Madonie and by A. siculum on Mount Etna.
The presence of Fagus sylvatica L. in Sicily can therefore be considered a remnant of the glaciations, when conditions had to be favorable even at lower altitudes.
The vegetation of the watercourses is characterized by typical riparian species such as Salix pedicellata Desf., S. alba L. and S. purpurea L., associated with Populus nigra L., P. alba L., Laurus nobilis L., Sambucus ebulus L., Cornus sanguinea L., Prunus mahaleb L. and Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Desf. [17].
In the sandy dunes, some plant associations such as Salsolo kali–Cakiletum maritimae Costa & Mansanet 1981, corr. Rivas-Martínez et al. 1992 and Salsolo kali–Euphorbietum peplis Géhu et al. 1984 are distributed.
3. Materials and Methods
The census of macromycetes was carried out through periodic observations, weekly or fortnightly (monthly during summer), in different agricultural and forest ecosystems, in urban areas, in public and private gardens, and in botanical gardens. For each species, the fresh basidiomata and ascomata were collected and subsequently identified on the basis of macroscopic (pileus, flesh, lamellae, stipe, and type of occurrence: solitary, grouped, clustered, cespitose, color of spore prints, etc.) and microscopic characters (spores, basidia, asci, cystidia, pileipellis, element of the stipe surface, etc.), also with the help of distilled water, immersion oil, chemical reagents (Melzer’s reagent, KOH, Ammoniated Congo Red, Cotton blue-lactic acid), and analytical keys related to the different genera. Most specimens were identified solely on the basis of morphological characteristics; for some critical groups (e.g., Daldinia and Pleurotus), reference was made to previous studies using molecular analysis [18,19,20]. The dried specimens, prepared in a universal dryer 475 Watt stainless steel structure with 5 baskets, are kept in the Herbarium SAF of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF) of the University of Palermo. The nomenclature of fungi follows Index Fungorum while that of plants refers to Euro + Med PlantBase.
4. Results
The 1919 infraspecific taxa included in 508 genera belonging to 152 families were collected in the Sicilian territory (Table 1).
Table 1.
List of recorded taxa with indications on family, province and ecological category. Provinces: AG = Agrigento, CL = Caltanissetta, CT = Catania, EN = Enna, ME = Messina, PA = Palermo, RG = Ragusa, SR = Siracusa, and TP = Trapani. Ecological categories: Em = Ectomycorrhizal, Pm = Parasite on mushrooms, Pn = Necrotroph parasites, Sbg = Saprotrophs on burnt ground, Sd = Saprotrophs on dung, Sc = Saprotrophs on cones, Scl = Saprotrophs on cladodes, Scu = Saprotrophs on cupules, Se = Saprotrophs on esuviae, Sh = Saprotrophs on humus, Sl = Saprotrophs on litter, Sle = Saprotrophs on leaves, Sm = Saprotrophs on mosses, St = Terricolous saprotrophs, Sw = Saprotrophs on wood, and UNK = Unknown.
Taxon | Family | Provinces | Ecological Categories |
Abortiporus biennis (Bull.) Singer | Podoscyphaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Agaricus altipes (F.H. Møller) F.H. Møller | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Agaricus aridicola Geml, Geiser & Royse ex Mateos, J. Morales et al. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Agaricus arvensis Schaeff. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Agaricus augustus Fr. var. augustus | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Agaricus benesii (Pilát) Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus bernardii Quél. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus bisporatus Contu | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, ME, | St |
Agaricus bisporus (J. E. Lange) Imbach | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus bitorquis (Quél.) Sacc. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus bohusii Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus bresadolanus Bohus | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus brunneolus (J.E. Lange) Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | St |
Agaricus campestris L. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Agaricus cappellianus Hlaváček | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus chionodermus Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus comtulus Fr. | Agaricaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus cupreobrunneus (Jul. Schäff. & Steer) Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Agaricus cupressicola Bon & Grilli | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus devoniensis P.D. Orton | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, RG, SR | St |
Agaricus fuscofibrillosus (F.H. Møller) Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | St |
Agaricus gennadii (Chatin & Boud.) P.D. Orton | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, ME | St |
Agaricus impudicus (Rea) Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | St |
Agaricus iodosmus Heinem. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus langei (F.H. Møller) F.H. Møller | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus lanipes (F.H. Møller & Jul. Schäff.) Hlaváček | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus lepiotoides Berk. & Broome | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus litoralis (Wakef. & A. Pearson) Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Agaricus luteomaculatus F.H. Møller | Agaricaceae | PA, TP | St |
Agaricus lutosus F.H. Møller | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | St |
Agaricus menieri Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, PA, RG | St |
Agaricus moelleri Wasser | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus moellerianus Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | St |
Agaricus osecanus Pilát | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus phaeolepidotus F.H. Møller | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus pilatianus (Bohus) Bohus | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus placomyces Peck | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus porphyrizon P.D. Orton | Agaricaceae | PA, TP | St |
Agaricus praeclaresquamosus A.E. Freeman var. praeclaresquamosus | Agaricaceae | PA, TP | St |
Agaricus pseudopratensis (Bohus) Wasser | Agaricaceae | CL, ME, PA, SR | St |
Agaricus semotus Fr. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | St |
Agaricus subperonatus (J.E. Lange) Singer | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus sylvaticus Schaeff. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Agaricus sylvicola (Vittad.) Peck | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus pilatianus (Bohus) Bohus | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, EN, PA, TP | St |
Agaricus urinascens (Jul. Schäff. & F.H. Møller) Singer | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA | St |
Agaricus xanthodermus Genev. subsp. xanthodermus | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Agaricus xanthodermus var. griseus (A. Pearson) Bon & Cappelli | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Agrocybe molesta (Lasch) Singer | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agrocybe pediades (Fr.) Fayod | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Agrocybe praecox (Pers.) Fayod | Strophariaceae | CL, PA, TP | St |
Agrocybe putaminum (Maire) Singer | Strophariaceae | PA, TP | St |
Agrocybe vervacti (Fr.) Singer | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Albatrellopsis confluens (Alb. & Schwein.) Teixeira | Albatrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Albatrellus ovinus (Schaeff.) Kotl. & Pouzar | Albatrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Aleuria aurantia (Pers.) Fuckel | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Aleurodiscus disciformis (DC.) Pat. | Stereaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sh |
Aleurodiscus dextrinoideocerussatus Manjón, M.N. Blanco & G. Moreno | Stereaceae | PA, TP | Sh |
Alessioporus ichnusanus (Alessio, Galli & Littini) Gelardi, Vizzini & Simonini | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Alutaceodontia alutacea (Fr.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden | Schizoporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Amanita albogrisescens Contu | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita baccata (Fr.) Gillet | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita badia (Schaeff.) Bon & Contu | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita battarrae (Boud.) Bon | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita beckeri Huijsman | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita boudieri Barla | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita caesarea (Scop.) Pers. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita ceciliae (Berk. & Broome) Bas | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Amanita cistetorum Contu & Pacioni | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Amanita citrina Pers. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita codinae (Maire) Bertault | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita crocea (Quél.) Singer | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita decipiens (Trimbach) Jacquet. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita dryophila Consiglio & Contu | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita echinocephala (Vittad.) Quél. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita eliae Quél. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita excelsa (Fr.) Bertill. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita franchetii (Boud.) Fayod | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita fulva Fr. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita gemmata (Fr.) Bertill. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita gracilior Bas & Honrubia | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita lactea Malençon, Romagn. & D.A. Reid | Amanitaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Amanita lepiotoides Barla | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita lividopallescens (Gillet) Bigeard & H. Guill. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita mairei Foley | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita magnivolvata Aalto | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita ovoidea (Bull.) Link | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita pachyvolvata (Bon) Krieglst. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita pantherina (DC.) Krombh. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita phalloides (Vaill. ex Fr.) Link | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita ponderosa Malençon & R. Heim | Amanitaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Amanita porphyria Alb. & Schwein. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita proxima Dumée | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Amanita rubescens Pers. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita singeri Bas | Amanitaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Amanita strobiliformis (Paulet ex Vittad.) Bertill. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita submembranacea (Bon) Gröger | Amanitaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Amanita subnudipes (Romagn.) Tulloss | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita tarda (Trimbach) Contu | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amanita vaginata (Bull.) Lam. | Amanitaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Amanita verna Bull. ex Lam. | Amanitaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Amanita vittadinii var. vittadinii (Moretti) Vittad. | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Amaropostia stiptica (Pers.) B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Amaurodon viridis (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Amphinema byssoides (Pers.) J. Erikss. | Atheliaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Ampulloclitocybe clavipes (Pers.) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Amylocorticiellum subillaqueatum (Litsch.) Spirin & Zmitr. | Amylocorticiaceae | ME, PA | Sw |
Amylocorticium cebennense (Bourdot) Pouzar | Amylocorticiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Amyloporia xantha (Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer | Fomitopsidaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Amylostereum chailletii (Pers.) Boidin | Echinodontiaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Amylostereum laevigatum (Fr.) Boidin | Echinodontiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Annulohypoxylon cohaerens (Pers.) Y.M. Ju, J.D. Rogers & H.M. Hsieh | Hypoxylaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Anthostoma gastrinum (Fr.) Sacc. | Diatrypaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Anthracobia macrocystis (Cooke) Boud. | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sbg |
Anthracobia melaloma (Alb. & Schwein.) Arnould | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sbg |
Antrodia albida (Fr.) Donk | Fomitopsidaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Antrodia gossypium (Speg.) Ryvarden | Fomitopsidaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Antrodia mappa (Overh. & J. Lowe) Miettinen & Vlasák | Fomitopsidaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Apioperdon pyriforme (Schaeff.) Vizzini | Lycoperdaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Armillaria cepistipes Velen. | Physalacriaceae | CT, ME | Pn |
Armillaria gallica Marxm. & Romagn. | Physalacriaceae | CT, ME, PA | Pn |
Armillaria lutea Gillet | Physalacriaceae | CT, ME, PA | Pn |
Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm. | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Pn |
Arrhenia baeospora (Singer) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sm |
Arrhenia elegans (Pers.) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sm |
Arrhenia lilacinicolor (Bon) P.-A. Moreau & Courtec. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Arrhenia rickenii (Hora) Watling | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, SR, TP | Sm |
Arrhenia spathulata (Fr.) Redhead | Hygrophoraceae | CT, PA, RG, SR | Sm |
Artomyces pyxidatus (Pers.) Jülich | Auriscalpiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Ascobolus furfuraceus Pers. | Ascobolaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Ascotremella faginea (Peck) Seaver | Gelatinodiscaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Aspidella solitaria (Bull.) E.-J. Gilbert | Amanitaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Aspropaxillus candidus (Bres.) M.M. Moser | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Aspropaxillus giganteus (Sowerby) Kühner & Maire | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Aspropaxillus lepistoides (Maire) Kühner & Maire | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Asterophora lycoperdoides (Bull.) Ditmar | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | Pm |
Asterophora parasitica (Bull.) Singer | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | Pm |
Asterostroma cervicolor (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Massee | Peniophoraceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Asterostroma gaillardii Pat., | Peniophoraceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.) Morgan | Diplocystidiaceae | PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Athelia acrospora Jülich | Atheliaceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Atheliachaete galactites (Bourdot & Galzin) Ţura, Zmitr., Wasser & Spirin | Phanerochaetaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Atheniella flavoalba (Fr.) Redhead, Moncalvo, Vilgalys, Desjardin & B.A. Perry | Mycenaceae | PA, ME, TP | Sl |
Atractosporocybe inornata (Sowerby) P. Alvarado, G. Moreno & Vizzini | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Aureoboletus gentilis (Quél.) Pouzar | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Aureoboletus moravicus (Vaček) Klofac | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Auricularia auricula-judae (Bull.) Quél. | Auriculariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Auricularia mesenterica (Dicks.) Pers. | Auriculariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Auriscalpium vulgare Gray | Auriscalpiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sc |
Australohydnum dregeanum (Berk.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden | Irpicaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Baeospora myosura (Fr.) Singer | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sc |
Balsamia platyspora Berk. | Helvellaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Balsamia vulgaris Vittad. | Helvellaceae | CT, PA, SR | Em |
Battarrea phalloides (Dicks.) Pers. | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, PA | St |
Bertia moriformis (Tode) De Not. | Bertiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Biscogniauxia mediterranea (De Not.) Kuntze | Graphostromataceae | CT, ME, PA | Pn |
Biscogniauxia nummularia (Bull.) Kuntze | Graphostromataceae | CT, ME, PA | Pn |
Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P. Karst. | Phanerochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Pn |
Bolbitius titubans (Bull.) Fr. | Bolbitiaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Boletopsis grisea (Peck) Bondartsev & Singer | Bankeraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Boletopsis leucomelaena (Pers.) Fayod | Bankeraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Boletus aereus Bull. | Boletaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Boletus edulis Bull. | Boletaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Boletus pinophilus Pilát & Dermek | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Boletus reticulatus Schaeff. | Boletaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Boletus rhodopurpureus Smotl. | Boletaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Boletus speciosus Frost | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Bonomyces sinopicus (Fr.) Vizzini | Pseudoclitocybaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Botryobasidium isabellinum (Fr.) D.P. Rogers | Botryobasidiaceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Botryobasidium pruinatum (Bres.) J. Erikss. | Botryobasidiaceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Bovista aestivalis (Bonord.) Demoulin | Lycoperdaceae | AG, PA, TP | Sl |
Bovista nigrescens Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Bovista plumbea Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | AG, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Bovista tomentosa (Vittad.) De Toni | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Bovistella utriformis (Bull.) Demoulin & Rebriev | Lycoperdaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Britzelmayria multipedata (Peck) D. Wächt. & A. Melzer | Psathyrellaceae | AG, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Brunneoporus malicola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Audet | Fomitopsidaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Buchwaldoboletus hemichrysus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Buchwaldoboletus lignicola (Kallenb.) Pilát | Boletaceae | CT, PA, TP | Sw |
Bulgaria inquinans (Pers.) Fr. | Phacidiaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Butyriboletus appendiculatus (Schaeff.) D. Arora & J.L. Frank | Boletaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Butyriboletus fechtneri (Velen.) D. Arora & J.L. Frank | Boletaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Butyriboletus pseudoregius (Heinr. Huber) D. Arora & J.L. Frank | Boletaceae | AG, CT, CL, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Butyriboletus regius (Krombh.) D. Arora & J.L. Frank | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Byssocorticium atrovirens (Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer | Atheliaceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Byssomerulius corium (Pers.) Parmasto | Irpicaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Byssomerulius hirtellus (Burt) Parmasto | Irpicaceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Byssonectria deformis (P. Karst.) U. Lindem. & M. Vega | Pyronemataceae | ME, PA, TP | Sbg |
Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Singer | Callistosporiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Caloboletus calopus (Pers.) Vizzini | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Caloboletus radicans (Pers.) Vizzini | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Calocera cornea (Batsch) Fr. | Dacrymycetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Calocera viscosa (Pers.) Fr. | Dacrymycetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Calocybe chrysenteron (Bull.) Singer | Lyophyllaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Calocybe favrei (R. Haller Aar. & R. Haller Suhr) Bon | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | St |
Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk | Lyophyllaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Calocybe gangraenosa (Fr.) V. Hofst., Moncalvo, Redhead & Vilgalys | Lyophyllaceae | AG, ME, PA | St |
Calocybe hypoxantha (Joss. & Riousset) Bon | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | St |
Calocybe ionides (Bull.) Donk | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Calocybe littoralis Ballero & Contu | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Calocybe onychina (Fr.) Donk | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Calonarius callochrous (Pers.) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Calonarius flavovirens (Rob. Henry) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Calonarius frondosophilus (Bidaud) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Calonarius olearioides (Rob. Henry) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Calongea prieguensis (Mor.-Arr., J. Gómez & Calonge) Healy, Bonito & Trappe | Pezizaceae | ME | UNK |
Calvatia candida (Rostk.) Hollós | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME | St |
Calvatia cyathiformis (Bosc) Morgan | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Calvatia gigantea (Batsch) Lloyd | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Calycina citrina (Hedw.) Gray | Pezizellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Calycina herbarum (Pers.) Gray | Pezizellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Candolleomyces candolleanus (Fr.) D. Wächt. & A. Melzer | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Candolleomyces leucotephrus (Berk. & Broome) D. Wächt. & A. Melzer | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Cantharellula umbonata (J.F. Gmel.) Singer | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cantharellus alborufescens (Malençon) Papetti & S. Alberti | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cantharellus amethysteus (Quél.) Sacc. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cantharellus cibarius Fr. var. cibarius | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Cantharellus cinereus (Pers.) Fr. | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Cantharellus ferruginascens P.D. Orton | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Cantharellus friesii Quél. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat | Hydnaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cantharellus melanoxeros Desm. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Cantharellus pallens Pilát | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cellulariella warnieri (Durieu & Mont.) Zmitr. & Malyshev | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ceraceomyces tessulatus (Cooke) Jülich | Amylocorticiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Ceriporia alachuana (Murrill) Hallenb. | Irpicaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Ceriporia aurantiocarnescens (Henn.) M. Pieri & B. Rivoire | Irpicaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Ceriporia excelsa S. Lundell ex Parmasto | Irpicaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Ceriporia griseoviolascens M. Pieri & B. Rivoire | Irpicaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Ceriporia purpurea (Fr.) Donk | Irpicaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Ceriporiopsis mucida (Pers.) Gilb. & Ryvarden | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Cerioporus leptocephalus (Jacq.) Zmitr. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Cerioporus meridionalis (A. David) Zmitr. & Kovalenko | Polyporaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Cerioporus squamosus (Huds.) Quél. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Cerioporus varius (Pers.) Zmitr. & Kovalenko | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Cerrena unicolor (Bull.) Murrill | Cerrenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Chalciporus piperatus (Bull.) Bataille | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Chalciporus rubinus (W.G. Sm.) Singer | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Chamaemyces fracidus (Fr.) Donk | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Cheilymenia aurantiacorubra K.S. Thind & S.C. Kaushal | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Cheilymenia fimicola (Bagl.) Dennis | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Cheilymenia granulata (Bull.) J. Moravec | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Cheilymenia pulcherrima (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Cheilymenia raripila (W. Phillips) Dennis | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Cheilymenia stercorea (Pers.) Boud. | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Chlorociboria aeruginascens (Nyl.) Kanouse ex C.S. Ramamurthi, Korf & L.R. Batra | Chlorociboriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Chlorophyllum brunneum (Farl. & Burt) Vellinga | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Chlorophyllum molybdites (G. Mey.) Massee | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Chlorophyllum rhacodes (Vittad.) Vellinga | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Choiromyces meandriformis Vittad. | Tuberaceae | CT, ME, PA | UNK |
Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.) Pouzar | Cyphellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Chroogomphus fulmineus (R. Heim) Courtec. | Gomphidiaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Chroogomphus helveticus (Singer) M.M. Moser | Gomphidiaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Chroogomphus rutilus (Schaeff.) O.K. Mill. | Gomphidiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Ciboria amentacea (Balb.) Fuckel | Sclerotiniaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ciboria batschiana (Zopf) N.F. Buchw. | Sclerotiniaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ciboria polygoni-vivipari Eckblad | Sclerotiniaceae | CT, ME, PA, RG, TP | Sw |
Cinereomyces lindbladii (Berk.) Jülich | Gelatoporiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring | Phallaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Clathrus ruber P. Micheli ex Pers. | Phallaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clavaria acuta Sowerby | Clavariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clavaria atrofusca Velen. | Clavariaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Clavaria fragilis Holmsk. | Clavariaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Clavaria fumosa Pers. | Clavariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clavariadelphus flavoimmaturus R.H. Petersen | Clavariadelphaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clavariadelphus pistillaris (L.) Donk | Clavariadelphaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clavariadelphus truncatus Donk | Clavariadelphaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clavulina amethystina (Bull.) Donk | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Clavulina cinerea (Bull.) J. Schröt. | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Clavulina coralloides (L.) J. Schröt. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Clavulina cristata (Holmsk.) J. Schröt. var. cristata | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Clavulina rugosa (Bull.) J. Schröt. | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Clavulinopsis corniculata (Schaeff.) Corner | Clavariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Clavulinopsis fusiformis (Sowerby) Corner | Clavariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Clavulinopsis laeticolor (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) R.H. Petersen | Clavariaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Clitocella ammophila (Malençon) Consiglio | Entolomataceae | CL, CT, PA, RG | Em |
Clitocella popinalis (Fr.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann | Entolomataceae | CL, CT, ME, PA, RG, TP | Em |
Clitocybe agrestis Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Clitocybe amarescens Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | CL, CT, ME, PA, RG, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe concava (Scop.) Gillet | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe cistophila Bon & Contu | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Clitocybe costata Kühner & Romagn. | Incertae Sedis | AG, PA, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe dealbata (Sowerby) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe diatreta (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Clitocybe fasciculata H.E. Bigelow & A.H. Sm. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Clitocybe fragrans (With.) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe hydrogramma (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Clitocybe infundibuliformis (Schaeff.) Quél. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe leucodiatreta Bon | Incertae Sedis | CL, PA, RG, SR | Sl |
Clitocybe metachroa (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Clitocybe nebularis (Batsch) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Clitocybe obsoleta (Batsch) Quél. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, PA, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe odora (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe phaeophthalma (Pers.) Kuyper | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe phyllophila (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | CL, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe rivulosa (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | CL, CT, PA, RG, SR | Sl |
Clitocybe subspadicea (J.E. Lange) Bon & Chevassut | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Clitocybe truncicola (Peck) Sacc. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Clitocybe umbilicata P. Kumm. | Incertae Sedis | AG, PA, TP | Sl |
Clitocybe vibecina (Fr.) Quél. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitopaxillus alexandri (Gillet) G. Moreno, Vizzini, Consiglio & P. Alvarado | Pseudoclitocybaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Clitopilus cystidiatus Hauskn. & Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Clitopilus geminus (Paulet) Noordel. & Co-David | Entolomataceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, SR, TP | Em |
Clitopilus prunulus (Scop.) P. Kumm. | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Collybia butyracea (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Omphalotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Collybia cirrhata (Schumach.) Quél. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Collybia cookei (Bres.) J.D. Arnold | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Collybia nivea (Mont.) Dennis | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Collybia ozes (Fr.) P. Karst. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Colus hirudinosus Cavalier & Séchier | Phallaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Coniophora arida (Fr.) P. Karst. | Coniophoraceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Coniophora olivacea (Fr.) P. Karst. | Coniophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Coniophora puteana (Schumach.) P. Karst. | Coniophoraceae | AG, PA | Sw |
Conocybe aporos Kits van Wav. | Bolbitiaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Conocybe aurea (Jul. Schäff.) Hongo | Bolbitiaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Conocybe blattaria (Fr.) Kühner | Bolbitiaceae | CT, EN, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Conocybe dunensis T.J. Wallace | Bolbitiaceae | CL, PA | Sl |
Conocybe filaris (Fr.) Kühner | Bolbitiaceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sl |
Conocybe intrusa (Peck) Singer | Bolbitiaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Conocybe pilosella (Pers.) Kühner | Bolbitiaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner | Bolbitiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Conocybe rugosa (Peck) Watling | Bolbitiaceae | CT, EN, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Conocybe tenera (Schaeff.) Fayod | Bolbitiaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Contumyces vesuvianus (V. Brig.) Redhead, Moncalvo, Vilgalys & Lutzoni | Rickenellaceae | CT, EN, ME, PA, TP | Sm |
Coprinellus angulatus (Peck) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinellus disseminatus (Pers.) J.E. Lange | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinellus domesticus (Bolton) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Coprinellus ephemerus (Bull.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Coprinellus impatiens (Fr.) J.E. Lange | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Coprinellus micaceus (Bull.) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Coprinellus radians (Desm.) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Coprinellus silvaticus (Peck) Gminder | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Coprinellus xanthothrix (Romagn.) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Coprinopsis atramentaria (Bull.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinopsis kimurae (Hongo & Aoki) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Coprinopsis lagopus (Fr.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinopsis marcescibilis (Britzelm.) Örstadius & E. Larss. | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Coprinopsis melanthina (Fr.) Örstadius & E. Larss. | Psathyrellaceae | CL, PA | Sl |
Coprinopsis nivea (Pers.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Coprinopsis patouillardii (Quél.) Gminder | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinopsis picacea (Bull.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinopsis radiata (Bolton) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Coprinopsis stercorea (Fr.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Coprinopsis strossmayeri (Schulzer) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Psathyrellaceae | PA | Sw |
Coprinus alopecia Lasch | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Coprinus astroideus (Fr.) Fr. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, PA, TP | Sl |
Coprinus sterquilinus (Fr.) Fr. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Coprinus vosoustii Pilát | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Coprotus lacteus (Cooke & W. Phillips) Kimbr., Luck-Allen & Cain | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Cordyceps militaris (L.) Fr. | Cordycipitaceae | TP | Se |
Corinectria fuckeliana (C. Booth) C. González & P. Chaverri | Nectriaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Coriolopsis gallica (Fr.) Ryvarden | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Coronicium gemmiferum (Bourdot & Galzin) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Pterulaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Corticium roseum Pers. | Corticiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Cortinarius alboviolaceus (Pers.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius anomalus (Fr.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius anthracinus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius arcuatorum Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius atrovirens Kalchbr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius balteatocumatilis Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius bisporiger Contu | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius bulliardii (Pers.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius caerulescens (Schaeff.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius caesiocanescens M.M. Moser | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius caligatus Malençon | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius callochrous (Pers.) Gray | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius camphoratus (Fr.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius cedretorum Maire | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Cortinarius cinnabarinus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius collinitus (Sowerby) Gray | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius cotoneus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Cortinarius croceus (Schaeff.) Gray | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius crystallinus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius cyaneus (Bres.) M.M. Moser | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius decipiens (Pers.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius diabolicus (Fr.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius dibaphus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius diosmus Kühner | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius duracinus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius elatior Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Cortinarius elegantior (Fr.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius elegantissimus Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius fulvo-ochrascens Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius glaucopus (Schaeff.) Gray | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius herculeus Malençon | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius hinnuleus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius hinnuloides Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius iliopodius (Bull.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius infractus (Pers.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius luridus Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius meridionalis Bidaud, Moënne-Locc. & Reumaux | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius olearioides Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius olivascentium Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius orellanus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius phaeophyllus P. Karst. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius praestans (Cordier) Gillet | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius pulchripes J. Favre | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius purpurascens Fr. var. purpurascens | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius rapaceus Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius rigens (Pers.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius rubellus Cooke | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius salor Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius saporatus Britzelm. | Cortinariaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius saturninus (Fr.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius scutulatus (Fr.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius semisanguineus (Fr.) Gillet | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius sodagnitus Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius splendens Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius trivialis J.E. Lange | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Cortinarius variecolor (Pers.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius venetus (Fr.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius violaceus (L.) Gray | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius volvatus A.H. Sm. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Cortinarius zinziberatus (Scop.) Fr. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cortinarius xanthophyllus (Cooke) Rob. Henry | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Craterellus cornucopioides (L.) Pers. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Craterellus lutescens (Fr.) Fr. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Craterellus tubaeformis (Fr.) Quél. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Craterellus undulatus (Pers.) E. Campo & Papetti | Hydnaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Crepidotus applanatus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Crepidotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Crepidotus autochthonus J.E. Lange | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Crepidotus bresadolae Pilát | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Crepidotus calolepis (Fr.) P. Karst. | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Crepidotus caspari Velen. | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Crepidotus cesatii (Rabenh.) Sacc. | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Crepidotus epibryus (Fr.) Quél. | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Crepidotus mollis (Schaeff.) Staude var. mollis | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Crepidotus subverrucisporus Pilát | Crepidotaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Crepidotus variabilis (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Crepidotaceae | AG, PA, SR, TP | Sw |
Crinipellis scabella (Alb. & Schwein.) Kuyper | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Cristinia helvetica (Pers.) Parmasto | Stephanosporaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Cristinia rhenana Grosse-Brauckm. | Stephanosporaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Cryptomarasmius corbariensis (Roum.) T.S. Jenkinson & Desjardin | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sle |
Crucibulum crucibuliforme (Scop.) V.S. White | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Crucibulum laeve (Huds.) Kambly | Incertae Sedis | AG, CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Cuphophyllus fornicatus (Fr.) Lodge, Padamsee & Vizzini | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Cuphophyllus pratensis (Pers.) Bon | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Cuphophyllus russocoriaceus (Berk. & T.K. Mill.) Bon, | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Cuphophyllus virgineus (Wulfen) Kovalenko | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Cupreoboletus poikilochromus (Pöder, Cetto & Zuccher.) Simonini, Gelardi & Vizzini | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cyanoboletus flavosanguineus (Lavorato & Simonini) Pierotti | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Cyanoboletus pulverulentus (Opat.) Gelardi, Vizzini & Simonini | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Cyanosporus caesius (Schrad.) McGinty | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Cyanosporus subcaesius (A. David) B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Cyathicula cyathoidea (Bull.) Thüm. | Helotiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Cyathus olla (Batsch) Pers. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Cyathus stercoreus (Schwein.) De Toni | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Cyathus striatus (Huds.) Willd. | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Cyclocybe cylindracea (DC.) Vizzini & Angelini | Tubariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Cylindrobasidium laeve (Pers.) Chamuris | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Cylindrobasidium evolvens (Fr.) Jülich | Physalacriaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Cystidiopostia hibernica (Berk. & Broome) B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Cystoderma amianthinum (Scop.) Fayod | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sm |
Cystoderma carcharias (Pers.) Fayod | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Cystodermella adnatifolia (Peck) Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sm |
Cystodermella ambrosii (Bres.) Smith & Singer | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Cystodermella cinnabarina (Alb. & Schwein.) Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Cystodermella granulosa (Batsch) Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Cystodermella terryi (Berk. & Broome) Bellù | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Cystolepiota cystophora (Malencon) M. Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Cystostereum pini-canadense (Schwein.) Parmasto | Cystostereaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Dacrymyces capitatus Schwein. | Dacrymycetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Dacrymyces minor Peck | Dacrymycetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Dacrymyces stillatus Nees | Dacrymycetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Dacrymyces variisporus McNabb | Dacrymycetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Daedalea quercina (L.) Pers. | Fomitopsidaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton) J. Schröt. | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Daedaleopsis nitida (Durieu & Mont.) Zmitr. & Malysheva | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Daldinia concentrica (Bolton) Ces. & De Not. | Hypoxylaceae | AG, CL, CT, PA, RG, TP | Sw |
Daldinia martinii M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollw. | Hypoxylaceae | PA | Sw |
Daldinia raimundi M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollw. | Hypoxylaceae | PA | Sw |
Daldinia vernicosa Ces. & De Not. | Hypoxylaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Daleomyces phillipsii (Massee) Seaver | Pezizaceae | CT, ME | Sbg |
Dasyscyphella nivea (R. Hedw.) Raitv. | Lachnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Deconica coprophila (Bull.) P. Karst. | Strophariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Deconica merdaria (Fr.) Noordel. | Strophariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Deconica montana (Pers.) P.D. Orton | Strophariaceae | CT, ME | Sd |
Delicatula integrella (Pers.) Fayod | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sm |
Dematophora necatrix R. Hartig | Xylariaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Dendrothele acerina (Pers.) P.A. Lemke | Incertae Sedis | PA, TP | Sw |
Desarmillaria tabescens (Scop.) R.A. Koch & Aime | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Pn |
Descolea alba (Klotzsch) Kuhar, Nouhra & M.E. Sm. | Bolbitiaceae | PA, RG | UNK |
Dialonectria episphaeria (Tode) Cooke | Nectriaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Diatrype disciformis (Hoffm.) Fr | Diatrypaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Diatrype stigma (Hoffm.) Fr. | Diatrypaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Diatrypella quercina (Pers.) Cooke | Diatrypaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Discina ancilis (Pers.) Sacc. | Discinaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Discina fastigiata (Krombh.) Svrček & J. Moravec | Discinaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Discina melaleuca Bres. | Discinaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Disciotis venosa (Pers.) Arnould, | Morchellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Disciseda bovista (Klotzsch) Henn. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Dissingia confusa (Harmaja) K. Hansen & X.H. Wang | Helvellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Dissingia leucomelaena (Pers.) K. Hansen & X.H. Wang | Helvellaceae | CL, PA, RG, TP | Sl |
Dumontinia tuberosa (Bull.) L.M. Kohn | Sclerotiniaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Echinoderma asperum (Pers.) Bon | Agaricaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Echinoderma echinaceum (J.E. Lange) Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Efibula tuberculata (P. Karst.) Zmitr. & Spirin | Irpicaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Eichleriella deglubens (Berk. & Broome) Lloyd | Auriculariaceae | ME, PA | Sw |
Elaphomyces anthracinus Vittad. | Elaphomycetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Elaphomyces citrinus Vittad. | Elaphomycetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Elaphomyces granulatus Fr. | Elaphomycetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Elaphomyces maculatus Vittad. | Elaphomycetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Elaiopezia polaripapulata (J. Moravec) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Entocybe nitida (Quél.) T.J. Baroni, Largent & V. Hofst. | Entolomataceae | ME, CT | Sl |
Entocybe turbida (Fr.) T.J. Baroni, V. Hofst. & Largent | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Entoloma aethiops (Scop.) G. Stev. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Entoloma aprile (Britzelm.) Sacc. | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Entoloma asprellum (Fr.) Fayod | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Entoloma atrocoeruleum Noordel. | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Entoloma bloxamii (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma caeruleum (P.D. Orton) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma caesiocinctum (Kühner) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Entoloma chalybeum (Pers.) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Entoloma clypeatum (L.) P. Kumm. | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Entoloma conferendum (Britzelm.) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma corvinum (Kühner) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma griseoluridum (Kühner) M.M. Moser | Entolomataceae | CT, PA, TP | Sl |
Entoloma hirtipes (Schumach.) M.M. Moser | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma incanum (Fr.) Hesler | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma indutoides (P.D. Orton) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma juncinum (Kühner & Romagn.) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Entoloma kuehnerianum Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Entoloma lividoalbum (Kühner & Romagn.) Kubička | Entolomataceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Entoloma mougeotii (Fr.) Hesler | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma papillatum (Bres.) Dennis | Entolomataceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Entoloma plebeioides (Schulzer) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma plebejum (Kalchbr.) Noordel. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA, RG, TP | Sl |
Entoloma rhodopolium (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Entoloma sericeum Quél. | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Entoloma serrulatum (Fr.) Hesler | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Entoloma sinuatum (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Entolomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Entoloma undatum (Gillet) M.M. Moser | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Erastia salmonicolor (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Niemelä & Kinnunen | Incertae sedis | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Eutypella prunastri (Pers.) Sacc. | Diatrypaceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Exidia glandulosa (Bull.) Fr. | Auriculariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Exidia thuretiana (Lév.) Fr. | Auriculariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Exidiopsis calcea (Pers.) K. Wells | Auriculariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Exidiopsis effusa Bref. | Auriculariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Exidiopsis galzinii (Bres.) Killerm. | Auriculariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Exidiopsis leucophaea (Bres.) K. Wells | Auriculariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Faerberia carbonaria (Alb. & Schwein.) Pouzar | Incertae Sedis | PA, TP | Sbg |
Fayodia anthracobia (J. Favre) Knudsen | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sbg |
Fibroporia vaillantii (DC.) Parmasto | Fibroporiaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Fibulomyces mutabilis (Bres.) Jülich | Atheliaceae | PA | Sw |
Fischerula macrospora Mattir. | Morchellaceae | PA | UNK |
Fistulina hepatica (Schaeff.) With. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Flammulaster carpophilus (Fr.) Earle ex Vellinga | Tubariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Fomes fomentarius (L.) Fr. | Polyporaceae | CT, EN, ME, PA | Sw |
Fomitiporia junipericola Rivoire & Pirlot | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Fomitiporia punctata (P. Karst.) Murrill | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Fomitiporia pseudopunctata (A. David, Dequatre & Fiasson) Fiasson | Hymenochaetaceae | ME | Sw |
Fuscoporia contigua (Pers.) G. Cunn. | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Fuscoporia torulosa (Pers.) T. Wagner & M. Fisch. | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Fuscopostia leucomallella (Murrill) B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai | Incertae sedis | PA | Sw |
Galerina graminea (Velen.) Kühner | Hymenogastraceae | CL, CT, PA | Sl |
Galerina hypnorum (Schrank) Kühner | Hymenogastraceae | TP | Sl |
Galerina graminea (Velen.) Kühner | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Galerina marginata (Batsch) Kühner | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Galerina stylifera (G.F. Atk.) A.H. Sm. & Singer | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Galerina triscopa (Fr.) Kühner | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Gamundia leucophylla (Gillet) H.E. Bigelow | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Ganoderma adspersum (Schulzer) Donk | Polyporaceae | AG, TP | Sw |
Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat. | Polyporaceae | PA | Sw |
Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ganoderma tsugae Murrill | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ganoderma valesiacum Boud. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Geastrum ambiguum Mont. | Geastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Geastrum campestre Morgan | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Geastrum coronatum Pers. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Geastrum elegans Vittad. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geastrum fimbriatum Fr. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA, RG | Sl |
Geastrum floriforme Vittad. | Geastraceae | TP | Sl |
Geastrum fornicatum (Huds.) Hook. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Geastrum kotlabae V.J. Staněk | Geastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Geastrum lageniforme Vittad. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Geastrum nanum Pers. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Geastrum pectinatum Pers. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geastrum rufescens Pers. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geastrum saccatum Fr. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geastrum striatum DC. | Geastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geastrum triplex Jungh. | Geastraceae | AG, PA | Sl |
Genea fragrans (Wallr.) Sacc. | Pyronemataceae | EN, ME, PA, SR | UNK |
Genea hispidula Berk. ex Tul. & C. Tul. | Pyronemataceae | PA | Em |
Genea lespiaultii Corda | Pyronemataceae | EN, ME, PA, SR | Em |
Genea sphaerica Tul. & C. Tul. | Pyronemataceae | CT, PA | Em |
Genea verrucosa Vittad. | Pyronemataceae | AG, ME, PA, TP, SR | Em |
Geoglossum barlae Boud. | Geoglossaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geoglossum cookeanum Nannf. ex Minter & P.F. Cannon | Geoglossaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geoglossum peckianum Cooke | Geoglossaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Geoglossum simile Peck | Geoglossaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Geoglossum umbratile Sacc. | Geoglossaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Geopora arenicola (Lév.) Kers | Pyronemataceae | PA, RG, SR | Sl |
Geopora arenosa (Fuckel) S. Ahmad | Pyronemataceae | CL, SR | Sl |
Geopora clausa (Tul. & C. Tul.) Burds. | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geopora cooperi Harkn. | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geopora foliacea (Schaeff.) S. Ahmad | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Geopora sumneriana (Cooke ex W. Phillips) M. Torre | Pyronemataceae | AG, PA, TP | Sl |
Geopyxis carbonaria (Alb. & Schwein.) Sacc. | Pyronemataceae | AG, PA, TP | Sbg |
Geoscypha ampelina (Gillet) Van Vooren & Dougoud | Pezizaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Gliophorus irrigatus (Pers.) A.M. Ainsw. & P.M. Kirk | Hygrophoraceae | TP | Sl |
Gliophorus psittacinus (Schaeff.) Herink | Hygrophoraceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Gloeocystidiellum luridum (Bres.) Boidin | Stereaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Gloeocystidiellum porosum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Donk | Stereaceae | PA | Sw |
Gloeodontia columbiensis Burt ex Burds. & Lombard | Incertae Sedis | PA, TP | Sw |
Gloeophyllum abietinum (Bull.) P. Karst. | Gloeophyllaceae | PA | Sw |
Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen) P. Karst. | Gloeophyllaceae | AG, CL, PA, TP | Sw |
Gloiothele citrina (Pers.) Ginns & G.W. Freeman | Peniophoraceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Gloiothele lactescens (Berk.) Hjortstam | Peniophoraceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Gomphidius glutinosus (Schaeff.) Fr. | Gomphidiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Gomphidius tyrrhenicus D. Antonini & M. Antonini | Gomphidiaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Grifola frondosa (Dicks.) Gray | Grifolaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Gymnopilus hybridus (Gillet) Maire | Hymenogastraceae | AG | Sw |
Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.) P.D. Orton | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Gymnopilus luteofolius (Peck) Singer | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Gymnopilus penetrans (Fr.) Murrill | Hymenogastraceae | CL, CT, ME, TP | Sw |
Gymnopilus sapineus (Fr.) Murrill | Hymenogastraceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Gymnopilus stabilis (Weinm.) Kühner & Romagn. ex Bon | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Gymnopilus suberis (Maire) Singer | Hymenogastraceae | PA, TP, RG, SR | Sw |
Gymnopus alkalivirens (Singer) Halling | Omphalotaceae | PA | Sw |
Gymnopus androsaceus (L.) Della Magg. & Trassin. | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Gymnopus aquosus (Bull.) Antonín & Noordel. | Omphalotaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Gymnopus brassicolens (Romagn.) Antonín & Noordel. | Omphalotaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill | Omphalotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Gymnopus erythropus (Pers.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Gymnopus foetidus (Sowerby) P.M. Kirk | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Gymnopus fusipes (Bull.) Gray | Omphalotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Gymnopus hariolorum (Bull.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Gymnopus impudicus (Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Gymnopus ocior (Pers.) Antonín & Noordel. | Omphalotaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Gyrodon lividus (Bull.) Sacc. | Paxillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Gyromitra esculenta (Pers.) Fr. | Discinaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Gyromitra gigas (Krombh.) Cooke | Discinaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Gyromitra infula (Schaeff.) Quél. | Discinaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Gyromitra leucoxantha (Bres.) Harmaja | Discinaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Gyroporus castaneus (Bull.) Quél. | Gyroporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Gyroporus cyanescens (Bull.) Quél. | Gyroporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Hapalopilus rutilans (Pers.) Murrill | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Hebeloma album Peck | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma ammophilum Bohus | Hymenogastraceae | CL, CT, PA | Sl |
Hebeloma anthracophilum Maire | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma birrus (Fr.) Gillet | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Hebeloma bulbiferum Maire | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma cistophilum Maire | Hymenogastraceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél. | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma fastibile (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma favrei Romagn. & Quadr. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma hiemale Bres. | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma leucosarx P.D. Orton | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Hebeloma malenconii Bellù & Lanzoni | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Hebeloma mesophaeum (Pers.) Quél. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma populinum Romagn. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma pusillum J.E. Lange | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma radicosum (Bull.) Ricken | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma sacchariolens Quél. | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma sarcophyllum (Peck) Sacc. | Hymenogastraceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma sinapizans (Paulet) Gillet | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Hebeloma subcaespitosum Bon | Hymenogastraceae | SR | Sl |
Hebeloma subsaponaceum P. Karst. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma subtortum P. Karst. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma testaceum Quél. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Hebeloma theobrominum Quadr. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Hebeloma versipelle (Fr.) Gillet | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Helvella acetabulum (L.) Quél. | Helvellaceae | AG, CL, PA | Sl |
Helvella atra J. König | Helvellaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Helvella costifera Nannf. | Helvellaceae | PA | Sl |
Helvella crispa (Scop.) Fr. | Helvellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Helvella elastica Bull. | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Helvella ephippium Lév. | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Helvella fibrosa (Wallr.) Korf | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Helvella fusca Gillet | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Helvella juniperi M. Filippa & Baiano | Helvellaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Helvella lacunosa Afzel. | Helvellaceae | AG, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Helvella leucopus Pers. | Helvellaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Helvella panormitana Inzenga | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Helvella solitaria P. Karst. | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Helvella spadicea Schaeff. | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Hemileccinum depilatum (Redeuilh) Šutara | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hemileccinum impolitum (Fr.) Šutara | Boletaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Hemimycena cucullata (Pers.) Singer | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Hemimycena lactea (Pers.) Singer | Mycenaceae | AG, PA, TP | Sm |
Henningsomyces candidus (Pers.) Kuntze | Incertae Sedis | PA TP | Sw |
Hericium cirrhatum (Pers.) Nikol. | Hericiaceae | PA | Sw |
Hericium coralloides (Scop.) Pers. | Hericiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Hericium erinaceus (Bull.) Pers. | Hericiaceae | ME, PA | Sw |
Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. | Bondarzewiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea (Fr.) Singer | Pleurotaceae | ME, PA | St |
Hohenbuehelia mastrucata (Fr.) Singer | Pleurotaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hohenbuehelia petaloides (Bull.) Schulzer | Pleurotaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Hohenbuehelia tremula (Schaeff.) Thorn & G.L. Barron | Pleurotaceae | CT, ME | St |
Hortiboletus engelii (Hlaváček) Biketova & Wasser | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hortiboletus rubellus (Krombh.) Simonini, Vizzini & Gelardi | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Humaria hemisphaerica (F.H. Wigg.) Fuckel | Pyronemataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Hydnangium carneum Wallr. | Hydnangiaceae | EN, PA, RG, TP | UNK |
Hydnellum aurantiacum (Batsch) P. Karst. | Bankeraceae | CT, ME | St |
Hydnellum concrescens (Pers.) Banker | Bankeraceae | PA, TP | St |
Hydnellum ferrugineum (Fr.) P. Karst. | Bankeraceae | PA, TP | St |
Hydnellum glaucopus (Maas Geest. & Nannf.) E. Larss., K.H. Larss. & Kõljalg | Bankeraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hydnellum lepidum (Maas Geest.) E. Larss., K.H. Larss. & Kõljalg | Bankeraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hydnocristella himantia (Schwein.) R.H. Petersen | Lentariaceae | PA, TP | St |
Hydnocystis bombycina (Vittad.) Healy & M.E. Sm. | Pyronemataceae | ME, PA | UNK |
Hydnocystis piligera Tul. | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA | UNK |
Hydnoporia corrugata (Fr.) K.H. Larss. & Spirin | Hymenochaetaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Hydnoporia tabacina (Sowerby) Spirin, Miettinen & K.H. Larss. | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Hydnum albidum Peck | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Hydnum amarescens Quél. | Hydnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Hydnum magnorufescens Vizzini, Picillo & Contu | Hydnaceae | CT, ME | St |
Hydnum repandum L. | Hydnaceae | PA, TP | St |
Hydropus floccipes (Fr.) Singer | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Hygrocybe acutoconica (Clem.) Singer | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens R. Haller Aar. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hygrocybe ceracea (Sowerby) P. Kumm. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hygrocybe cereopallida (Clémençon) P. Roux & Eyssart. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | St |
Hygrocybe chlorophana (Fr.) Wünsche | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Hygrocybe citrina (Rea) J.E. Lange | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Hygrocybe citrinovirens (J.E. Lange) Jul. Schäff. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Hygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Hygrophoraceae | AG, PA | St |
Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Hygrocybe conicoides (P.D. Orton) P.D. Orton & Watling | Hygrophoraceae | PA, SR | St |
Hygrocybe flavescens (Kauffman) Singer | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Hygrocybe glutinipes (J.E. Lange) R. Haller Aar. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hygrocybe marchii (Bres.) F.H. Møller | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | St |
Hygrocybe mollis (Berk. & Broome) M.M. Moser | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | St |
Hygrocybe mucronella (Fr.) P. Karst. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Hygrocybe nigrescens (Quél.) Kühner | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Hygrocybe punicea (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Hygrocybe quieta (Kühner) Singer | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | St |
Hygrocybe spadicea (Scop.) P. Karst. | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Hygrocybe splendidissima (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hygrocybe subpapillata Kühner | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen) Maire | Hygrophoropsidaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Hygrophorus agathosmus (Fr.) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus arbustivus Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus atramentosus (Alb. & Schwein.) H. Haas & R. Haller Aar. ex Bon | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus calophyllus P. Karst. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus camarophyllus (Alb. & Schwein.) Dumée, Grandjean & Maire | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus chrysodon (Batsch) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus cossus (Sowerby) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus discoxanthus (Fr.) Rea | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus discoideus (Pers.) Fr | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Hygrophorus eburneus (Bull.) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus erubescens (Fr.) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus fagi G. Becker & Bon | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Hygrophorus gliocyclus Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Hygrophorus hyacinthinus Quél. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Hygrophorus hypothejus (Fr.) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus latitabundus Britzelm. | Hygrophoraceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus leucophaeo-ilicis Bon & Chevassut | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus lindtneri M.M. Moser | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus melizeus (Fr.) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus nemoreus (Pers.) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus (Fr.) Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus penarius Fr. | Hygrophoraceae | PA, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus persoonii Arnolds | Hygrophoraceae | PA, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus pseudodiscoideus (Maire) Malençon & Bertault | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus roseodiscoideus Bon & Chevassut | Hygrophoraceae | AG, PA | Em |
Hygrophorus russula (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Kauffman | Hygrophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Hygrophorus speciosus Peck | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dicks.) Lév. | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Hymenogaster bulliardii Vittad. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hymenogaster calosporus Tul. & C. Tul. | Hymenogastraceae | TP | Em |
Hymenogaster citrinus Vittad. | Hymenogastraceae | PA | Em |
Hymenogaster griseus Vittad. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Hymenogaster hessei Soehner | Hymenogastraceae | PA, SR | Em |
Hymenogaster luteus Vittad. | Hymenogastraceae | PA, SR | Em |
Hymenogaster lycoperdineus Vittad. | Hymenogastraceae | AG, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Hymenogaster muticus Berk. & Broome | Hymenogastraceae | AG, TP | Em |
Hymenogaster olivaceus Vittad. | Hymenogastraceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Hymenogaster populetorum Tul. & C. Tul. | Hymenogastraceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz | Hymenogastraceae | PA, SR | Em |
Hymenogaster thwaitesii Berk. & Broome | Hymenogastraceae | PA | Em |
Hymenogaster vulgaris Tul. & C. Tul. | Hymenogastraceae | PA | Em |
Hymenopellis radicata (Relhan) R.H. Petersen | Physalacriaceae | PA | Sw |
Hymenopellis xeruloides (Bon) R.H. Petersen | Physalacriaceae | SR | Sw |
Hymenoscyphus calyculus (Fr.) W. Phillips | Helotiaceae | PA, SR | Sw |
Hymenoscyphus fructigenus (Bull.) Gray | Helotiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Hyphoderma medioburiense (Burt) Donk | Hyphodermataceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Hyphoderma setigerum (Fr.) Donk | Hyphodermataceae | PA | Sw |
Hyphodermella corrugata (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Phanerochaetaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Hyphodontia arguta (Fr.) J. Erikss. | Hyphodontiaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Hyphodontia pallidula (Bres.) J. Erikss. | Hyphodontiaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Hyphodontia quercina (Pers.) J. Erikss. | Hyphodontiaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Hyphodontia spathulata (Schrad.) Parmasto | Hyphodontiaceae | EN | Sw |
Hypholoma capnoides (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Strophariaceae | PA | Sw |
Hypholoma dispersum Quél. | Strophariaceae | PA | Sw |
Hypholoma fasciculare (Huds.) P. Kumm. | Strophariaceae | AG, PA, TP | Sw |
Hypholoma lateritium (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Strophariaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Hypocrea gelatinosa (Tode) Fr. | Hypocreaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Hypoderma ferulae Lantieri | Rhytismataceae | PA | Sw |
Hypoderma siculum Lantieri, P.R. Johnst. & Medardi | Rhytismataceae | PA | Sw |
Hypomyces rosellus (Alb. & Schwein.) Tul. | Hypocreaceae | PA | Sw |
Hypoxylon fragiforme (Pers.) J. Kickx f. | Hypoxylaceae | PA | Sw |
Hypoxylon fuscum (Pers.) Fr. | Hypoxylaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Hypoxylon rubiginosum (Pers.) Fr. | Hypoxylaceae | PA | Sw |
Hypsizygus tessulatus (Bull.) Singer | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Hypsizygus ulmarius (Bull.) Redhead | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Hysterangium clathroides Vittad. | Hysterangiaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Hysterangium coriaceum R. Hesse | Hysterangiaceae | PA | Em |
Hysterangium inflatum Rodway | Hysterangiaceae | AG, CL, PA, TP | Em |
Hysterangium stoloniferum Tul. & C. Tul. | Hysterangiaceae | PA | Em |
Hysterium angustatum Alb. & Schwein. | Hysteriaceae | PA | Sw |
Hysterium pulicare Pers. | Hysteriaceae | PA | Sw |
Hysterographium fraxini (Pers.) De Not. | Incertae sedis | PA, TP | Sw |
Ileodictyon gracile Berk. | Phallaceae | TP | Sl |
Imleria badia (Fr.) Vizzini | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Imperator luteocupreus (Bertéa & Estadès) Assyov, Bellanger et al. | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Imperator rhodopurpureus (Smotl.) Assyov, Bellanger, Bertéa et al. | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Imperator torosus (Fr.) Assyov, Bellanger, Bertéa et al. | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Imperator xanthocyaneus (Ramain) Klofac | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Infundibulicybe alkaliviolascens (Bellù) Bellù | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Infundibulicybe geotropa (Bull.) Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Infundibulicybe gibba (Pers.) Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Infundibulicybe gigas (Harmaja) Harmaja | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Infundibulicybe meridionalis (Bon) Pérez-De-Greg. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Inocutis tamaricis (Pat.) Fiasson & Niemelä | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Inocybe amethystina Kuyper | Inocybaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Inocybe asterospora Quél. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Inocybe aurantioumbonata Franchi & M. Marchetti | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe auricoma (Batsch) Sacc. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe brunnea Quél. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe caesariata (Fr.) P. Karst. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Inocybe castaneicolor A. La Rosa, Bizio, Saitta & Tedersoo | Inocybaceae | CL, ME | Em |
Inocybe cincinnata (Fr.) Quél. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Inocybe curvipes P. Karst. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Inocybe dulcamara (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Inocybaceae | PA, SR | Em |
Inocybe dunensis P.D. Orton | Inocybaceae | SR | Em |
Inocybe eutheles (Fr.) Quél. | Inocybaceae | TP | Em |
Inocybe flocculosa Sacc. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Inocybe fraudans (Britzelm.) Sacc. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe fuscidula Velen. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe geophylla (Sowerby) P. Kumm. | Inocybaceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Inocybe godeyi Gillet | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe grammopodia Malençon | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe griseolilacina J.E. Lange | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe halophila R. Heim | Inocybaceae | SR | Em |
Inocybe hirtella Bres. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe lacera (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe muricellata Bres. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe napipes J.E. Lange | Inocybaceae | TP | Em |
Inocybe nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Lapl. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe obscurobadia (J. Favre) Grund & D.E. Stuntz | Inocybaceae | AG, CL | Em |
Inocybe ochroalba Bruyl. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe olida Maire | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe phaeodisca Kühner | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe phaeoleuca Kühner | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe praetervisa Quél. | Inocybaceae | AG | Em |
Inocybe pyriodora (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Inocybaceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Inocybe roseipes Malençon | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe rufuloides Bon | Inocybaceae | SR | Em |
Inocybe scabelliformis Malençon | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inocybe sericeopoda Furrer-Ziogas | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe serotina Peck | Inocybaceae | CL | Em |
Inocybe sindonia (Fr.) P. Karst. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe splendens R. Heim | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe tenebrosa Quél. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inocybe whitei (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. | Inocybaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Inonotus hispidus (Bull.) P. Karst. | Hymenochaetaceae | ME, PA | Sw |
Inonotus rickii (Pat.) D.A. Reid | Hymenochaetaceae | PA | Sw |
Inosperma adaequatum (Britzelm.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inosperma bongardii (Weinm.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Inosperma cervicolor (Pers.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CL, PA, TP | Em |
Inosperma cookei (Bres.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | PA | Em |
Inosperma erubescens (A. Blytt) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Inosperma geraniodorum (J. Favre) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inosperma maculatum (Boud.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Inosperma pisciodorum (Donadini & Riousset) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Irpiciporus pachyodon (Pers.) Kotl. & Pouzar | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Jackrogersella cohaerens (Pers.) L. Wendt, Kuhnert & M. Stadler | Hypoxylaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Jimgerdemannia flammicorona (Trappe & Gerd.) Trappe, Desirò, M.E. Sm. et al. | Endogonaceae | ME | Em |
Junghuhnia nitida (Pers.) Ryvarden | Steccherinaceae | ME, PA | Sw |
Kavinia alboviridis (Morgan) Gilb. & Budington | Lentariaceae | PA | Sw |
Kretzschmaria deusta (Hoffm.) P.M.D. Martin | Xylariaceae | PA | Sw |
Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Schaeff.) Singer & A.H. Sm. | Strophariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Kurtia argillacea (Bres.) Karasiński | Incertae sedis | PA, TP | Sw |
Laccaria amethystina Cooke | Hydnangiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P.D. Orton | Hydnangiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Laccaria bisporigera Contu & Ballero | Hydnangiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Laccaria fraterna (Sacc.) Pegler | Hydnangiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Cooke | Hydnangiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Laccaria lateritia Malençon | Hydnangiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Laccaria macrocystidiata (Migl. & Lavorato) Pázmány | Hydnangiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Laccaria proxima (Boud.) Pat. | Hydnangiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Laccaria purpureobadia D.A. Reid | Hydnangiaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Laccaria tetraspora Singer | Hydnangiaceae | CT, PA, TP | Em |
Laccariopsis mediterranea (Pacioni & Lalli) Vizzini | Physalacriaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lachnellula subtilissima (Cooke) Dennis | Lachnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Lachnum bicolor (Bull.) P. Karst. | Lachnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Lachnum virgineum (Batsch) P. Karst. | Lachnaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Bull.) Pat. | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lactarius acerrimus Britzelm. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactarius acris (Bolton) Gray | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Lactarius atlanticus Bon | Russulaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius aurantiacus (Pers.) Gray | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius azonites (Bull.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius badiosanguineus Kühner & Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius blennius (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius camphoratus (Bull.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius chrysorrheus Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactarius circellatus Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Lactarius cistophilus Bon & Trimbach | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius controversus Pers. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius cremor Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Lactarius decipiens Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius deliciosus (L.) Gray | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactarius fluens Boud. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius fuliginosus (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius fulvissimus Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius glyciosmus (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Lactarius hepaticus Plowr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius ilicis Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius lacunarum Romagn. ex Hora | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius mairei Malençon | Russulaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius mediterraneensis Llistos. & Bellù | Russulaceae | ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius pallidus Pers. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius pterosporus Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius pubescens Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Lactarius pyrogalus (Bull.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius quietus (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius rubrocinctus Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactarius sanguifluus (Paulet) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius semisanguifluus R. Heim & Leclair | Russulaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius serifluus (DC.) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius subdulcis (Pers.) Gray | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactarius subumbonatus Lindgr. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius tesquorum Malençon | Russulaceae | CL, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius uvidus (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius violascens (J. Otto) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Lactarius zonarius (Bull.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Lactifluus bertillonii (Neuhoff ex Z. Schaef.) Verbeken | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Lactifluus glaucescens (Crossl.) Verbeken | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactifluus luteolus (Peck) Verbeken | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Lactifluus pergamenus (Sw.) Kuntze | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lactifluus piperatus (L.) Roussel | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactifluus rugatus (Kühner & Romagn.) Verbeken | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactifluus vellereus (Fr.) Kuntze | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactifluus volemus (Fr.) Kuntze | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lactocollybia epia (Berk. & Broome) Pegler | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Laeticutis cristata (Schaeff.) Audet | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill | Laetiporaceae | AG, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Lanmaoa fragrans (Vittad.) Vizzini, Gelardi & Simonini | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Lamprospora ammophila (Saut.) Boud. | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME | Sm |
Lamprospora dictydiola Boud. | Pyronemataceae | RG | Sm |
Lamprospora miniata De Not. | Pyronemataceae | RG | Sm |
Lanzia echinophila (Bull.) Korf | Rutstroemiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Scu |
Lasiobolus cuniculi Velen. | Ascodesmidaceae | PA | Sd |
Laxitextum bicolor (Pers.) Lentz | Hericiaceae | PA | Sw |
Leccinellum corsicum (Rolland) Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Leccinellum crocipodium (Letell.) Della Magg. & Trassin. | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leccinellum griseum (Quél.) Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leccinellum lepidum (H. Bouchet ex Essette) Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Leccinellum pseudoscabrum (Kallenb.) Mikšík | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leccinum albostipitatum den Bakker & Noordel. | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Leccinum aurantiacum (Bull.) Gray | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leccinum duriusculum (Schulzer ex Kalchbr.) Singer | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leccinum melaneum (Smotl.) Pilát & Dermek | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leccinum scabrum (Bull.) Gray | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leccinum variicolor Watling | Boletaceae | PA | Em |
Leccinum versipelle (Fr. & Hök) Snell | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Leccinum vulpinum Watling | Boletaceae | PA | Em |
Legaliana badia (Pers.) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Legaliana badiofuscoides (Donadini) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | PA | Sw |
Lentinellus cochleatus (Pers.) P. Karst. | Auriscalpiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lentinellus flabelliformis (Bolton) S. Ito | Auriscalpiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lentinellus micheneri (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pegler | Auriscalpiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Lentinellus ursinus (Fr.) Kühner | Auriscalpiaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Lentinus arcularius (Batsch) Zmitr. | Polyporaceae | ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Lentinus brumalis (Pers.) Zmitr. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lentinus scleropus (Pers.) Fr. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Lentinus substrictus (Bolton) Zmitr. & Kovalenko | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lentinus tigrinus (Bull.) Fr. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lenzites betulinus (L.) Fr. | Polyporaceae | CT, PA | Sw |
Leotia lubrica (Scop.) Pers. | Leotiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Lepiota brunneoincarnata Chodat & C. Martín | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lepiota brunneolilacea Bon & Boiffard | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lepiota castanea Quél. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lepiota clypeolaria (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lepiota cortinarius J.E. Lange | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lepiota cristata (Bolton) P. Kumm. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lepiota echinella Quél. & G.E. Bernard | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepiota erminea (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepiota felina (Pers.) P. Karst. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Lepiota forquignonii Quél. | Agaricaceae | PA | Sl |
Lepiota griseovirens Maire | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Lepiota helveola Bres. | Agaricaceae | AG, PA | Sl |
Lepiota ignivolvata Bousset & Joss. ex Joss. | Agaricaceae | PA | Sl |
Lepiota kuehneri Huijsman ex Hora | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Lepiota lilacea Bres. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepiota magnispora Murrill | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, ME | Sl |
Lepiota oreadiformis Velen. | Agaricaceae | PA | Sl |
Lepiota pseudohelveola Kühner var. pseudohelveola | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepiota pseudolilacea Huijsman | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepiota subincarnata J.E. Lange | Agaricaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Lepiota wasseri Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Lepiota xanthophylla P.D. Orton | Agaricaceae | TP | Sl |
Lepista amara (Alb. & Schwein.) Maire | Incertae sedis | AG, PA, TP | Sl |
Lepista densifolia (J. Favre) Singer & Clémençon | Incertae sedis | PA, TP | Sl |
Lepista glaucocana (Bres.) Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepista irina (Fr.) H.E. Bigelow | Incertae sedis | PA, TP | Sl |
Lepista nuda (Bull.) Cooke | Incertae sedis | AG, PA, TP | Sl |
Lepista ovispora (J.E. Lange) Gulden | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepista panaeolus (Fr.) P. Karst. | Incertae sedis | AG, PA | Sl |
Lepista personata (Fr.) Cooke | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepista rickenii Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lepista sordida (Schumach.) Singer | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Leptosporomyces fuscostratus (Burt) Hjortstam | Atheliaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Leptosporomyces septentrionalis (J. Erikss.) Krieglst. | Atheliaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Leratiomyces squamosus (Pers.) Bridge & Spooner | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus americanus (Peck) Vellinga | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus badhamii (Berk. & Broome) Singer | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Leucoagaricus barssii (Zeller) Vellinga | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus boudierianus Bon | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus bresadolae (Schulzer) Bon & Boiffard var. bresadolae | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Leucoagaricus carneifolius (Gillet) Wasser | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus cinerascens (Quél.) Bon & Boiffard | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus leucothites (Vittad.) Wasser | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Leucoagaricus littoralis (Menier) Bon & Boiffard | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, PA, RG | Sl |
Leucoagaricus macrorhizus Locq. ex E. Horak | Agaricaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Leucoagaricus menieri (Sacc.) Singer | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, RG, TP | Sl |
Leucoagaricus pilatianus (Demoulin) Bon & Boiffard | Agaricaceae | CL, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus salmoneophyllus Bon & Guinb. | Agaricaceae | CL | Sl |
Leucoagaricus serenus (Fr.) Bon & Boiffard | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucoagaricus singeri (Bon ex Contu & Signor.) Consiglio & Contu | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sl |
Leucoagaricus subcretaceus Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Leucoagaricus subvolvatus (Malençon & Bertault) Bon | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Leucoagaricus volvatus Bon & A. Caball. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sl |
Leucoagaricus wichanskyi (Pilát) Bon & Boiffard | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucocoprinus birnbaumii (Corda) Singer | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Leucocoprinus brebissonii (Godey) Locq. | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Leucocoprinus cepistipes (Sowerby) Pat. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucocoprinus cretaceus (Bull.) Locq. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucocoprinus flos-sulphuris (Schnizl.) Cejp | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucocortinarius bulbiger (Alb. & Schwein.) Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Em |
Leucocybe candicans (Pers.) Vizzini, P. Alvarado, G. Moreno & Consiglio | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucocybe connata (Schumach.) Vizzini, P. Alvarado, G. Moreno & Consiglio | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucocybe houghtonii (W. Phillips) Halama & Pencakowski | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Leucogaster nudus (Hazsl.) Hollós | Albatrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | UNK |
Leucoinocybe lenta (Maire) Antonín, Borovička, Holec & Kolařík | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Leucopaxillus agrippinae Buda, Consiglio, Setti & Vizzini | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Leucopaxillus gentianeus (Quél.) Kotl. | Tricholomataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Leucopaxillus paradoxus (Costantin & L.M. Dufour) Boursier | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Lichenomphalia umbellifera (L.) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys | Hygrophoraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Limacella furnacea (Letell.) E.-J. Gilbert | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Limacella subfurnacea Contu | Amanitaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Limacellopsis guttata (Pers.) Zhu L. Yang, Q. Cai & Y.Y. Cui | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lindtneria chordulata (D.P. Rogers) Hjortstam | Stephanosporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lophiostoma compressum (Pers.) Ces. & De Not. | Lophiostomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lophiostoma viridarium Cooke | Lophiostomataceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Lophodermium arundinaceum (Schrad.) Chevall. | Rhytismataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lycoperdon atropurpureum Vittad. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lycoperdon caudatum J. Schröt. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Lycoperdon echinatum Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Lycoperdon ericaeum Bonord. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Scop.) Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Lycoperdon lividum Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lycoperdon mammiforme Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Lycoperdon marginatum Vittad. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Lycoperdon molle Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | PA, TP | Sl |
Lycoperdon nigrescens Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Lycoperdon perlatum Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Lycoperdon pratense Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lycoperdon radicatum Durieu & Mont. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lycoperdon spadiceum Schaeff. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lycoperdon umbrinum Pers. | Lycoperdaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Lyomyces crustosus (Pers.) P. Karst. | Schizoporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lyomyces juniperi (Bourdot & Galzin) Riebesehl & Langer | Schizoporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Lyophyllum aemiliae Consiglio | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, TP | St |
Lyophyllum amariusculum Clémençon | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | St |
Lyophyllum buxeum (Maire) Singer | Lyophyllaceae | AG, CT, PA, RG | St |
Lyophyllum caerulescens Clémençon ex Kibby | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | St |
Lyophyllum crassifolium (Sacc.) Singer | Lyophyllaceae | AG, PA | St |
Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.) Singer | Lyophyllaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Lyophyllum deliberatum (Britzelm.) Kreisel | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Lyophyllum immundum (Berk.) Kühner | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Lyophyllum infumatum (Bres.) Kühner | Lyophyllaceae | PA, TP | St |
Lyophyllum littorale (Ballero & Contu) Contu | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Lyophyllum loricatum (Fr.) Kühner | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Lyophyllum paelochroum Clémençon | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Lyophyllum tenebrosum Clémençon | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | St |
Macrocystidia cucumis (Pers.) Joss. | Macrocystidiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Macrolepiota excoriata (Schaeff.) Wasser | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Macrolepiota fuligineosquarrosa Malençon | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Macrolepiota fuliginosa (Barla) Bon | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Macrolepiota mastoidea (Fr.) Singer | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Macrolepiota olivascens Singer & M.M. Moser | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Macrolepiota permixta (Barla) Pacioni | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Macrolepiota venenata Bon | Agaricaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Mallocybe gymnocarpa (Kühner) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Mallocybe heimii (Bon) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | PA, SR | Em |
Mallocybe leucoblema (Kühner) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Mallocybe terrigena (Fr.) Matheny, Vizzini & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Marasmiellus candidus (Fr.) Singer | Omphalotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Marasmiellus confluens (Pers.) J.S. Oliveira | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Marasmiellus peronatus (Bolton) J.S. Oliveira | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Marasmiellus quercophilus (Pouzar) J.S. Oliveira | Marasmiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Marasmiellus ramealis (Bull.) Singer | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Marasmiellus trabutii (Maire) Singer | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sl |
Marasmius bulliardii Quél. | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Marasmius cohaerens (Pers.) Cooke & Quél. | Marasmiaceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sl |
Marasmius collinus (Scop.) Singer | Marasmiaceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sl |
Marasmius epiphylloides (Rea) Sacc. & Trotter | Marasmiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sle |
Marasmius epiphyllus (Pers.) Fr. | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sle |
Marasmius epodius Bres. | Marasmiaceae | CL, PA, SR | Sl |
Marasmius hudsonii (Pers.) Fr. | Marasmiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sle |
Marasmius oreades (Bolton) Fr. | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Marasmius rotula (Scop.) Fr. | Marasmiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Marasmius torquescens Quél. | Marasmiaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Marasmius wynneae Berk. & Broome | Marasmiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Marcelleina mediterranea Lantieri & Pfister | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Megacollybia platyphylla (Pers.) Kotl. & Pouzar | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Melanogaster ambiguus (Vittad.) Tul. & C. Tul. | Paxillaceae | EN | Em |
Melanogaster broomeanus Berk. | Paxillaceae | PA | Em |
Melanogaster macrosporus Velen. | Paxillaceae | AG, PA | Em |
Melanogaster tuberiformis Corda | Paxillaceae | PA | Em |
Melanogaster variegatus (Vittad.) Tul. & C. Tul. | Paxillaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Melanoleuca bresadolana Bon | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Melanoleuca brevipes (Bull.) Pat. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca cinereifolia (Bon) Bon | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca cognata (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca curtipes (Fr.) Bon | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Melanoleuca diverticulata G. Moreno & Bon | Incertae sedis | CL, CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca exscissa (Fr.) Singer | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca graminicola Kühner & Maire | Incertae Sedis | AG, PA, TP | Sl |
Melanoleuca grammopodia (Bull.) Murrill | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca humilis (Pers.) Pat. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca leucophylloides (Bon) Bon | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Melanoleuca melaleuca (Pers.) Murrill | Incertae Sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Melanoleuca meridionalis G. Moreno & Barrasa | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca microcephala (P. Karst.) Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca polioleuca (Fr.) Kühner & Maire | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca pseudobrevipes Bon | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Melanoleuca pseudoevenosa Bon ex Bon & G. Moreno | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca pseudoluscina Bon | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Melanoleuca rasilis(Fr.) Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Melanoleuca schumacheri (Fr.) Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca strictipes (P. Karst.) Jul. Schäff. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca stridula (Fr.) Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca subpulverulenta (Pers.) Singer | Incertae Sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca tristis M.M. Moser | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanoleuca turrita (Fr.) Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Melanophyllum haematospermum (Bull.) Kreisel | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Melastiza chateri (W.G. Sm.) Boud. | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sbg |
Melastiza cornubiensis (Berk. & Broome) J. Moravec | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sbg |
Mensularia nodulosa (Fr.) T. Wagner & M. Fisch. | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mensularia radiata (Sowerby) Lázaro Ibiza | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Meripilus giganteus (Pers.) P. Karst. | Meripilaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Merismodes anomala (Pers.) Singer | Niaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Metacapnodium dingleyae S. Hughes | Metacapnodiaceae | ME | Sw |
Mollisia cinerea (Batsch) P. Karst. | Mollisiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Mollisia melaleuca (Fr.) Sacc. | Mollisiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Montagnea arenaria (DC.) Zeller | Agaricaceae | AG, PA, SR, TP | Sl |
Montagnea candollei (Fr.) Fr. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Morchella costata Pers. | Morchellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Morchella deliciosa Fr. | Morchellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Morchella elata Fr. | Morchellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. | Morchellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Morchella hortensis Boud. | Morchellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Morchella semilibera DC. | Morchellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Morchella tridentina Bres. | Morchellaceae | CT, ME | St |
Morchella vulgaris (Pers.) Gray | Morchellaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mucidula mucida (Schrad.) Pat. | Physalacriaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mucronella calva (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mutinus caninus (Huds.) Fr. | Phallaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Mycena acicula (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena aetites (Fr.) Quél. | Mycenaceae | PA, TP | St |
Mycena alcalina (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena algeriensis Maire | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena amicta (Fr.) Quél. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena arcangeliana Bres. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena aurantiomarginata (Fr.) Quél. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena capillaripes Peck | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena cinerella (P. Karst.) P. Karst. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena crocata (Schrad.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena epipterygia (Scop.) Gray | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena filopes (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycena flavescens Velen. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena galericulata (Scop.) Gray | Mycenaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Mycena galopus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena haematopus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | PA, TP | St |
Mycena inclinata (Fr.) Quél. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mycena leptocephala (Pers.) Gillet | Mycenaceae | PA, TP | St |
Mycena maculata P. Karst. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena megaspora Kauffman | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycena meliigena (Berk. & Cooke) Sacc. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycena pelianthina (Fr.) Quél. | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Mycena polygramma (Bull.) Gray | Mycenaceae | AG, PA | St |
Mycena pseudocorticola Kühner | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena pseudoinclinata A.H. Sm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mycena pura (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Mycena renati Quél. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena rosea Gramberg | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Mycena rosella (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycena seynii Quél. | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sc |
Mycena stipata Maas Geest. & Schwöbel | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycena strobilicola J. Favre & Kühner | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sc |
Mycena supina (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena tintinnabulum (Paulet) Quél. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena villicaulis Maas Geest. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycena viridimarginata P. Karst. | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycena vitilis (Fr.) Quél. | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Mycena vulgaris (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Mycena xantholeuca Kühner | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Mycenastrum corium (Guers.) Desv. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | St |
Mycetinis alliaceus (Jacq.) Earle ex A.W. Wilson & Desjardin | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Mycetinis scorodonius (Fr.) A.W. Wilson & Desjardin | Omphalotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Mycoacia aurea (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mycoacia fuscoatra (Fr.) Donk | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mycoacia nothofagi (G. Cunn.) Ryvarden | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mycoacia uda (Fr.) Donk | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Mycoaciella bispora (Stalpers) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda | Geastraceae | PA, TP | St |
Myxomphalia maura (Fr.) Hora | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Nectria aurantiaca (Bab.) Jacz. | Nectriaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Fr. | Nectriaceae | AG, PA | Sw |
Nemania serpens (Pers.) Gray | Xylariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Neoantrodia serialis (Fr.) Audet | Fomitopsidaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Neoboletus erythropus (Pers.) C. Hahn | Boletaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Neoboletus luridiformis (Rostk.) Gelardi, Simonini & Vizzini | Boletaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Neoboletus xanthopus (Klofac & A. Urb.) Klofac & A. Urb. | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Neobulgaria pura (Pers.) Petr. | Gelatinodiscaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Neoclitocybe nivea Singer | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | St |
Neofavolus alveolaris (DC.) Sotome & T. Hatt | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Neolentinus cyathiformis (Schaeff.) Della Magg. & Trassin. | Gloeophyllaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Neolentinus lepideus (Fr.) Redhead & Ginns | Gloeophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Neonectria coccinea (Pers.) Rossman & Samuels | Nectriaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Neottiella hetieri Boud. | Pyronemataceae | RG | St |
Neournula pouchetii (Berthet & Riousset) Paden | Chorioactidaceae | AG | St |
Nothopanus candidissimus (Sacc.) Kühner | Pleurotaceae | PA | Sw |
Octaviania asterosperma Vittad. | Boletaceae | PA | Em |
Octospora convexula (Pers.) L.R. Batra | Pyronemataceae | RG, SR | Sm |
Octospora grimmiae Dennis & Itzerott | Pyronemataceae | PA | Sm |
Octospora humosa (Fr.) Dennis | Pyronemataceae | RG | Sm |
Octospora leucoloma Hedw. | Pyronemataceae | RG | Sm |
Octospora lutziana (Boud.) Caillet & Moyne | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME | Sm |
Octospora maireana (Seaver) Yei Z. Wang | Pyronemataceae | PA | Sm |
Octospora rustica (Velen.) J. Moravec | Pyronemataceae | PA | Sm |
Odontia fibrosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Kõljalg | Thelephoraceae | PA | Sw |
Odonticium flavicans (Bres.) Nakasone | Incertae sedis | PA | Sw |
Omphalina pyxidata (Bull.) Quél. | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sm |
Omphalotus illudens (Schwein.) Bresinsky & Besl | Omphalotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Omphalotus olearius (DC.) Singer | Omphalotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Onnia tomentosa (Fr.) P. Karst. | Hymenochaetaceae | PA | Sw |
Orbilia coccinella Fr. | Orbiliaceae | PA | Sw |
Ossicaulis lignatilis (Pers.) Redhead & Ginns | Lyophyllaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Otidea alutacea (Pers.) Massee | Otideaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Otidea bufonia (Pers.) Boud. | Otideaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Otidea cochleata (L.) Fuckel | Otideaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Otidea leporina (Batsch) Fuckel | Otideaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Otidea onotica (Pers.) Fuckel | Otideaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Oxyporus latemarginatus (Durieu & Mont.) Donk | Oxyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Panaeolina foenisecii (Pers.) Maire | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Panaeolus acuminatus (P. Kumm.) Quél. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Panaeolus ater (J.E. Lange) Kühner & Romagn. ex Bon | Incertae sedis | PA, TP | Sd |
Panaeolus caliginosus (Jungh.) Gillet | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sd |
Panaeolus cinctulus (Bolton) Sacc. | Incertae sedis | CL, CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Panaeolus cyanescens Sacc. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Panaeolus fimiputris (Bull.) Quél. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Panaeolus guttulatus Bres. | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Panaeolus papilionaceus (Bull.) Quél. | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Panaeolus rickenii Hora | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Panaeolus semiovatus (Sowerby) S. Lundell & Nannf. | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Panellus stipticus (Bull.) P. Karst. | Mycenaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Panus conchatus (Bull.) Fr. | Panaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Panus neostrigosus Drechsler-Santos & Wartchow | Panaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Paragalactinia berthetiana (Donadini) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Paragalactinia infuscata (Quél.) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Paragalactinia michelii (Boud.) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, TP | Sm |
Paragalactinia succosa (Berk.) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Paralepista ameliae (Arcang.) Vizzini | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Paralepista flaccida (Sowerby) Vizzini | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Parasola auricoma (Pat.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Parasola conopilea (Fr.) Örstadius & E. Larss. | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Parasola hemerobia (Fr.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Parasola kuehneri (Uljé & Bas) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Parasola megasperma (P.D. Orton) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Parasola misera (P. Karst.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Parasola plicatilis (Curtis) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sl |
Parmastomyces mollissimus (Maire) Pouzar | Fomitopsidaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Patellaria atrata (Hedw.) Fr. | Patellariaceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sw |
Paxillus ammoniavirescens Contu & Dessì | Paxillaceae | CT, ME | St |
Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. | Paxillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Paxillus ionipus Quél. | Paxillaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Paxillus obscurisporus C. Hahn | Paxillaceae | CT, ME | St |
Paxillus rubicundulus P.D. Orton | Paxillaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Paxina clypeata (Pers.) Linder | Helvellaceae | CT, ME, TP | St |
Peniophora boidinii D.A. Reid | Peniophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Peniophora cinerea (Pers.) Cooke | Peniophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Peniophora incarnata (Pers.) P. Karst. | Peniophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Peniophora lycii (Pers.) Höhn. & Litsch. | Peniophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Peniophora meridionalis Boidin | Peniophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Peniophora nuda (Fr.) Bres. | Peniophoraceae | PA | Sw |
Peniophora pini (Schleich.) Boidin | Peniophoraceae | PA | Sw |
Peniophora quercina (Pers.) Cooke | Peniophoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Peniophora versicolor (Bres.) Sacc. & P. Syd. | Peniophoraceae | PA | Sw |
Peniophora versiformis (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Bourdot & Galzin | Peniophoraceae | TP | Sw |
Peniophorella praetermissa (P. Karst.) K.H. Larss. | Rickenellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Peniophorella pubera (Fr.) P. Karst. | Rickenellaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Penttilamyces romellii (Ginns) Zmitr., Kalinovskaya & Myasnikov | Coniophoraceae | PA | Sw |
Perrotia flammea (Alb. & Schwein.) Boud. | Lachnaceae | PA | Sw |
Peziza ammophila Durieu & Lév. | Pezizaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, RG, SR; TP | St |
Peziza arvernensis Roze & Boud. | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Peziza brunneoatra Desm. | Pezizaceae | TP | St |
Peziza cerea Sowerby | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Peziza domiciliana Cooke | Pezizaceae | SR | St |
Peziza echinospora P. Karst. | Pezizaceae | CT, ME | St |
Peziza fimeti (Fuckel) E.C. Hansen | Pezizaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Peziza hortensis P. Crouan & H. Crouan | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Peziza lobulata (Velen.) Svrček | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Peziza maximovicii (Velen.) Svrček | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Peziza micropus Pers. | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Peziza praetervisa Bres. | Pezizaceae | CT, ME | St |
Peziza proteana (Boud.) Seaver | Pezizaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Peziza pseudoammophila Bon & Donadini | Pezizaceae | CL, PA, RG, SR | St |
Peziza pseudoviolacea Donadini | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Peziza repanda Pers. | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Peziza sepiatra Cooke | Pezizaceae | SR | St |
Peziza subviolacea Svrček | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Peziza varia (Hedw.) Alb. & Schwein. | Pezizaceae | CL, PA, RG | St |
Peziza vesiculosa Bull. | Pezizaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Peziza violacea (Bull.) Relhan | Pezizaceae | PA | St |
Phaeolepiota aurea (Matt.) Maire | Incertae sedis | AG, ME | Sl |
Phaeomarasmius erinaceus (Fr.) Scherff. ex Romagn. | Tubariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Phanerochaete laevis (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phanerochaete martelliana (Bres.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phanerochaete sordida (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phaeoclavulina abietina (Pers.) Giachini | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Phaeoclavulina flaccida (Fr.) Giachini | Gomphaceae | CT, ME | St |
Phaeoclavulina myceliosa (Peck) Franchi & M. Marchetti | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Phaeoclavulina quercus-ilicis (Schild) Giachini | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Phaeolus schweinitzii (Fr.) Pat. | Laetiporaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phaeophlebiopsis ravenelii (Cooke) Zmitr. | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Phaeotremella foliacea (Pers.) Wedin, J.C. Zamora & Millanes | Tremellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Phallus hadriani Vent. | Phallaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Phallus impudicus L. | Phallaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Phanerochaete jose-ferreirae (D.A. Reid) D.A. Reid | Phanerochaetaceae | TP | Sw |
Phanerochaete martelliana (Bres.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phanerochaete sordida (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phanerochaete velutina (DC.) P. Karst. | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phellinopsis conchata (Pers.) Y.C. Dai | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Phellinus erectus A. David, Dequatre & Fiasson | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Phellinus igniarius (L.) Quél. | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Phellinus pomaceus (Pers.) Maire | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Phellinus rhamni (Bondartseva) H. Jahn | Hymenochaetaceae | PA | Sw |
Phellinus rimosus (Berk.) Pilát | Hymenochaetaceae | PA | Sw |
Phellodon niger (Fr.) P. Karst. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Phlebia lilascens (Bourdot) J. Erikss. & Hjortstam | Meruliaceae | PA | Sw |
Phlebia margaritae Duhem & H. Michel | Meruliaceae | TP | Sw |
Phlebia rufa (Pers.) M.P. Christ. | Meruliaceae | PA | Sw |
Phlebia segregata (Bourdot & Galzin) Parmasto | Meruliaceae | PA | Sw |
Phlebia tremellosa (Schrad.) Nakasone & Burds. | Meruliaceae | TP | Sw |
Phlebiopsis gigantea (Fr.) Jülich | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Phlebiopsis ravenelii (Cooke) Hjortstam | Phanerochaetaceae | PA | Sw |
Phlebiopsis roumeguerei (Bres.) Jülich & Stalpers | Phanerochaetaceae | PA | Sw |
Phlegmacium amoenolens (Rob. Henry ex P.D. Orton) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Phlegmacium balteatocumatile (Rob. Henry ex P.D. Orton) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Phlegmacium moenne-loccozii (Bidaud) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Phlegmacium triumphans (Fr.) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Phlegmacium variiforme (Malençon) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Phloeomana alba (Bres.) Redhead | Porotheleaceae | PA | Sw |
Phloeomana minutula (Sacc.) Redhead | Porotheleaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Pholiota aurivella (Batsch) P. Kumm. | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pholiota carbonaria (Fr.) Singer | Strophariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sbg |
Pholiota conissans (Fr.) M.M. Moser | Strophariaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Pholiota decussata (Fr.) M.M. Moser | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, TP | St |
Pholiota gummosa (Lasch) Singer | Strophariaceae | PA, TP | St |
Pholiota lenta (Pers.) Singer | Strophariaceae | PA | St |
Pholiota lucifera (Lasch) Quél. | Strophariaceae | PA | Sw |
Pholiota spumosa (Fr.) Singer | Strophariaceae | PA | St |
Pholiota squarrosa (Vahl) P. Kumm. | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pholiota tuberculosa (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Strophariaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Phylloporia ribis (Schumach.) Ryvarden | Hymenochaetaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Phylloporus pelletieri (Lév.) Quél. | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Phylloscypha boltonii (Quél.) Van Vooren & Hairaud | Pezizaceae | CL, SR | St |
Phylloscypha phyllogena (Cooke) Van Vooren | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Picipes badius (Persoon) Zmitr. & Kovalenko | Polyporaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Picipes melanopus (Pers.) Zmitr. & Kovalenko | Polyporaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Pilatotrama ljubarskyi (Pilát) Zmitrovich | Polyporaceae | SR | Sw |
Pisolithus albus (Cooke & Massee) Priest | Sclerodermataceae | PA | Em |
Pisolithus arhizus (Scop.) Rauschert | Sclerodermataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Pithya cupressina (Batsch) Fuckel | Sarcoscyphaceae | RG, SR | Sw |
Plectania melastoma (Sowerby) Fuckel | Sarcosomataceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Plectania rhytidia (Berk.) Nannf. & Korf | Sarcosomataceae | PA | Sw |
Pleurotus cornucopiae (Paulet) Rolland | Pleurotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pleurotus dryinus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Pleurotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél. var. eryngii | Pleurotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél. var. elaeoselini Venturella, Zervakis & La Rocca | Pleurotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél. var. ferulae (Lanzi) Sacc. | Pleurotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél. var. thapsiae Venturella, Zervakis & Saitta | Pleurotaceae | PA | St |
Pleurotus fuscosquamulosus D.A. Reid & Eicker | Pleurotaceae | PA | Sw |
Pleurotus nebrodensis (Inzenga) Quél. | Pleurotaceae | PA | St |
Pleurotus opuntiae (Durieu & Lév.) Sacc. | Pleurotaceae | CT, ME, PA | Scl |
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. | Pleurotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Plicaria carbonaria Fuckel | Pyronemataceae | PA | Sbg |
Plicaria endocarpoides (Berk.) Rifai | Pyronemataceae | AG, PA | St |
Pluteus atromarginatus (Konrad) Kühner | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus aurantiorugosus (Trog) Sacc. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Pluteaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Pluteus chrysophaeus (Schaeff.) Quél. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus cinereofuscus J.E. Lange | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus ephebeus (Fr.) Gillet | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus exiguus (Pat.) Sacc. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Pluteus hiatulus Romagn. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus inquilinus Romagn. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus minimus (Henn.) Sacc. & P. Syd. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus nanus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus petasatus (Fr.) Gillet | Pluteaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Pluteus pusillulus Romagn. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus romellii (Britzelm.) Sacc. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pluteus salicinus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Pluteus satur Kühner & Romagn. | Pluteaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Pluteus semibulbosus (Lasch) Quél. | Pluteaceae | TP | Sw |
Pluteus thomsonii (Berk. & Broome) Dennis | Pluteaceae | PA | Sw |
Pluteus umbrosus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Pluteaceae | PA | Sw |
Podoscypha multizonata (Berk. & Broome) Pat. | Podoscyphaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Polyozellus griseopergamaceus (M.J. Larsen) Svantesson & Kõljalg | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME | St |
Polyporus lipsiensis (Batsch) E.H.L. Krause | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Poronia punctata (L.) Fr. | Xylariaceae | PA | Sd |
Porpoloma macrorhizum (Quél.) Bon | Pseudoclitocybaceae | TP | Em |
Porostereum spadiceum (Pers.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Postia rennyi (Berk. & Broome) Rajchenb. | Dacryobolaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Postia tephroleuca (Fr.) Jülich | Dacryobolaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Praetumpfia obducens (Schumach.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr | Melanommataceae | PA | Sw |
Propolis farinosa (Pers.) Fr. | Marthamycetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Protostropharia semiglobata (Batsch) Redhead, Moncalvo & Vilgalys | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Psathyrella ammophila (Durieu & Lév.) P.D. Orton | Psathyrellaceae | CL, CT, PA, RG, SR | St |
Psathyrella artemisiae (Pass.) Konrad & Maubl. | Psathyrellaceae | PA | St |
Psathyrella bipellis (Quél.) A.H. Sm. | Psathyrellaceae | PA | St |
Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Maire | Psathyrellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Psathyrella conopilea (Fr.) A. Pearson & Dennis | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Psathyrella corrugis (Pers.) Konrad & Maubl. | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella cotonea (Quél.) Konrad & Maubl. | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella flexispora T.J. Wallace & P.D. Orton | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | St |
Psathyrella lacrymabunda (Bull.) M.M. Moser ex A.H. Sm. | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella multipedata (Peck) A.H. Sm. | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella niveobadia (Romagn.) M.M. Moser | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | St |
Psathyrella orbitarum (Romagn.) M.M. Moser | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | St |
Psathyrella pennata (Fr.) A. Pearson & Dennis | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella piluliformis (Bull.) P.D. Orton | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella pseudocasca (Romagn.) Kits van Wav. | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | St |
Psathyrella saponacea F.H. Møller | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella spadiceogrisea (Schaeff.) Maire | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Psathyrella sphagnicola (Maire) J. Favre | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME | St |
Psathyrella tephrophylla (Romagn.) Bon | Psathyrellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Pseudoboletus parasiticus (Bull.) Šutara | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Bull.) Singer | Pseudoclitocybaceae | AG, PA | Sl |
Pseudocraterellus undulatus (Pers.) Rauschert | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Pseudoinonotus dryadeus (Pers.) T. Wagner & M. Fisch. | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pseudopeziza medicaginis (Lib.) Sacc. | Drepanopezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Pseudopeziza trifolii (Biv.) Fuckel | Drepanopezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Pseudosperma arenicola (R. Heim) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | PA, SR | Em |
Pseudosperma flavellum (P. Karst.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Pseudosperma rimosum (Bull.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | AG, PA, TP | Em |
Pseudosperma squamatum (J.E. Lange) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Inocybaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Pseudotomentella tristis (P. Karst.) M.J. Larsen | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Psilocybe aurantiaca (Cooke) Noordel. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sd |
Psilocybe coronilla (Bull.) Noordel. | Hymenogastraceae | AG, PA, TP | Sd |
Psilocybe cyanescens Wakef. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sd |
Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Hymenogastraceae | CT, ME | Sd |
Pterula multifida (Chevall.) Fr. | Pterulaceae | CT, ME | St |
Pulcherricium coeruleum (Lam.) Parmasto | Phanerochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Pulchroboletus roseoalbidus (Alessio & Littini) Gelardi, Vizzini & Simonini | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Pulvinula archeri (Berk.) Rifai | Pulvinulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pulvinula johannis Lantieri | Pulvinulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.) P. Karst. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Pyronema domesticum (Sowerby) Sacc. | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sbg |
Radulomyces confluens (Fr.) M.P. Christ. | Radulomycetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Radulomyces molaris (Chaillet ex Fr.) M.P. Christ. | Radulomycetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ramaria aurea (Schaeff.) Quél. | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramaria botrytis (Pers.) Bourdot | Gomphaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Ramaria fennica (P. Karst.) Ricken | Gomphaceae | CT, ME | St |
Ramaria flava (Schaeff.) Quél. | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramaria flavescens (Schaeff.) R.H. Petersen | Gomphaceae | CT, ME | St |
Ramaria formosa (Pers.) Quél. | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramaria gracilis (Pers.) Quél. | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramaria pallida (Schaeff.) Ricken | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramaria pseudogracilis R.H. Petersen | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramaria stricta (Pers.) Quél. | Gomphaceae | AG, PA, TP | St |
Ramaricium albo-ochraceum (Bres.) Jülich | Gomphaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramariopsis kunzei (Fr.) Corner | Clavariaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramariopsis pulchella (Boud.) Corner | Clavariaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Ramariopsis subtilis (Pers.) R.H. Petersen | Clavariaceae | CT, ME, TP | St |
Reddellomyces donkii (Malençon) Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk | Tuberaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Resupinatus applicatus (Batsch) Gray | Pleurotaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead | Pleurotaceae | PA | Sw |
Rickenella fibula (Bull.) Raithelh. | Rhickenellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Rheubarbariboletus armeniacus (Quél.) Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Rheubarbariboletus persicolor (H. Engel, Klofac, H. Grünert & R. Grünert) Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Rhizoctonia fusispora (J. Schröt.) Oberw., R. Bauer, Garnica & R. Kirschner | Ceratobasidiaceae | PA | Sw |
Rhizomarasmius setosus (Sowerby) Antonín & A. Urb. | Physalacriaceae | CT, ME | Sle |
Rhizopogon luteolus Fr. | Rhizopogonaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Rhizopogon obtextus (Spreng.) R. Rauschert | Rhizopogonaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th. Fr. | Rhizopogonaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Rhodocollybia butyracea (Bull.) Lennox | Omphalotaceae | PA, TP | St |
Rhodocollybia maculata (Alb. & Schwein.) Singer | Omphalotaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Rhodocybe truncata (Schaeff.) Singer | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Rhodophana nitellina (Fr.) Papetti | Entolomataceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Rhodotus palmatus (Bull.) Maire | Physalacriaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Rigidoporus ulmarius (Sowerby) Imazeki | Meripilaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Ripartites tricholoma (Alb. & Schwein.) P. Karst. | Incertae sedis | PA | St |
Roridomyces roridus (Fr.) Rexer | Mycenaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Rosellinia aquila (Fr.) Ces. & De Not. | Xylariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Rosellinia mammiformis (Pers.) Ces. & De Not. | Xylariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Rubroboletus legaliae (Pilát & Dermek) Della Magg. & Trassin. | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Rubroboletus lupinus (Fr.) Costanzo, Gelardi, Simonini & Vizzini | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Rubroboletus rhodoxanthus (Krombh.) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Rubroboletus rubrosanguineus (Cheype) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Rubroboletus satanas (Lenz) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Ruhlandiella peregrina Lantieri & Pfister | Pezizaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula acrifolia Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula adusta (Pers.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula albonigra (Krombh.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula alnetorum Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula alutacea (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula amarissima Romagn. & E.-J. Gilbert | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula amoena Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula amoenicolor Romagn. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula amoenolens Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Russula anatina Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula anthracina Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula atropurpurea (Krombh.) Britzelm. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula atrorubens Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula aurea Pers. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula aurora Krombh. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula badia Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula caerulea Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula carminipes J. Blum | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula cavipes Britzelm. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula cessans A. Pearson | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula chloroides (Krombh.) Bres. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula cicatricata Romagn. ex Bon | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula citrinochlora Singer | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula clariana R. Heim ex Kuyper & Vuure | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula claroflava Grove | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula cuprea Krombh. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula curtipes F.H. Møller & Jul. Schäff. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula cyanoxantha (Schaeff.) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula decipiens (Singer) Kühner & Romagn. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula decolorans (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula delica Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula densifolia Secr. ex Gillet | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula elegans Bres. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula emetica (Schaeff.) Pers. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula emeticicolor Jul. Schäff. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula faginea Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula farinipes Romell | Russulaceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Russula foetens Pers. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula font-queri Singer | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula fragrans Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula fragilis Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula fragrantissima Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula galochroides Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula gracilis Burl. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula grata Britzelm. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula graveolens Romell | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula grisea Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula helios Malençon ex Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula heterophylla (Fr.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula ilicis Romagn., Chevassut & Privat | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula illota Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula insignis Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula integra (L.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula intermedia P. Karst. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula laeta Jul. Schäff. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula langei Bon | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula luteotacta Rea | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula maculata Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula medullata Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula melliolens Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula minutula Velen. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula mollis Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula monspeliensis Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Russula mustelina Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula nitida (Pers.) Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula nobilis Velen. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula nuragica Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula ochroleuca Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula odorata Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Russula olivacea (Schaeff.) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula olivaceoviolascens Gillet | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula pallidospora J. Blum ex Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula paludosa Britzelm. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula parazurea Jul. Schäff. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula pectinata Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula pectinatoides Peck | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula persicina Krombh. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula praetervisa Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula prinophila Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, TP | Em |
Russula puellaris Fr. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula purpurascens Bres. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula queletii Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula rhodomelanea Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula raoultii Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula ravida Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula risigallina (Batsch) Sacc. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula rosea Pers. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula roseipes Secr. ex Bres. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula rubroalba (Singer) Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula rubrocarminea Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula sanguinaria (Schumach.) Rauschert | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula sanguinea Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula sardonia Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula seperina Dupain | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula sericatula Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula silvestris (Singer) Reumaux | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula sororia (Fr.) Romell | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula sphagnophila Kauffman | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula straminea Malençon | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula subterfurcata Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula tyrrhenica Sarnari | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula torulosa Bres. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula turci Bres. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula unicolor Romagn. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula velenovskyi Melzer & Zvára | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula versicolor Jul. Schäff. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Russula vesca Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula veternosa Fr. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula vinosa Lindblad | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula vinosopurpurea Jul. Schäff. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Russula violacea Quél. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula violeipes Quél. | Russulaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Russula virescens (Schaeff.) Fr. | Russulaceae | PA, TP | Em |
Russula werneri Maire | Russulaceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Russula xerampelina (Schaeff.) Fr. | Russulaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Russula zvarae Velen. | Russulaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Saccobolus glaber (Pers.) Lambotte | Ascobolaceae | PA | Sd |
Saccothecium sepincola (Fr.) Fr. | Saccotheciaceae | PA | Sw |
Saproamanita vittadinii (Moretti) Redhead, Vizzini, Drehmel & Contu | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Sarcodon amarescens (Quél.) Quél. | Bankeraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Sarcodon cyrneus Maas Geest. | Bankeraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Sarcodon imbricatus (L.) P. Karst. | Bankeraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Sarcodon laevigatus (Sw.) P. Karst. | Bankeraceae | CT, ME | St |
Sarcodon leucopus (Pers.) Maas Geest. & Nannf. | Bankeraceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Sarcodontia crocea (Schwein.) Kotl. | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Sarcodontia spumea (Sowerby) Spirin | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Sarcoscypha austriaca (Beck ex Sacc.) Boud. | Sarcoscyphaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Sarcoscypha coccinea (Gray) Boud. | Sarcoscyphaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Sarcoscypha macaronesica Baral & Korf | Sarcoscyphaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Sarcosphaera coronaria (Jacq.) J. Schröt. | Pezizaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Schenella pityophila (Malençon & Riousset) Estrada & Lado | Geastraceae | PA | St |
Schenella simplex T. Macbr. | Geastraceae | EN | St |
Schizophyllum commune Fr. | Schizophyllaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Schizopora paradoxa (Schrad.) Donk | Schizoporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Scleroderma areolatum Ehrenb. | Sclerodermataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Scleroderma bovista Fr. | Sclerodermataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Scleroderma cepa Pers. | Sclerodermataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Scleroderma citrinum Pers. | Sclerodermataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Scleroderma flavidum Ellis & Everh. | Sclerodermataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Scleroderma meridionale Demoulin & Malençon | Sclerodermataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Scleroderma polyrhizum (J.F. Gmel.) Pers. | Sclerodermataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Scleroderma verrucosum (Bull.) Pers. | Sclerodermataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Sclerogaster compactus (Tul. & C. Tul.) Sacc. | Sclerogastraceae | CT, ME, PA | UNK |
Scopuloides rimosa (Cooke) Jülich | Meruliaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Scutellinia hyperborea T. Schumach. | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Scutellinia legaliae Lohmeyer & Häffner | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Scutellinia minor (Velen.) Svrček | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Scutellinia scutellata (L.) Lambotte | Pyronemataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Scutellinia trechispora (Berk. & Broome) Lambotte | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Scutiger pes-caprae (Pers.) Bondartsev & Singer | Albatrellaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Scytinostroma hemidichophyticum Pouzar | Peniophoraceae | PA | Sw |
Scytinostroma portentosum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Donk | Peniophoraceae | PA | Sw |
Sebacina dimitica Oberw. | Sebacinaceae | PA | Em |
Sebacina epigaea (Berk. & Broome) Bourdot & Galzin | Sebacinaceae | PA | Em |
Septobasidium rameale (Berk.) Bres. | Septobasidiaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Sepultariella patavina (Cooke & Sacc.) Van Vooren, U. Lindem. & Healy | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME, PA, SR | Sbg |
Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen) J. Schröt. | Serpulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Setchelliogaster tenuipes (Setch.) Pouzar | Bolbitiaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA, SR, TP | Em |
Sidera lenis (P. Karst.) Miettinen | Incertae sedis | PA | Sw |
Simocybe sumptuosa (P.D. Orton) Singer | Crepidotaceae | PA | Sw |
Sistotrema brinkmannii (Bres.) J. Erikss. | Hydnaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Sistotrema confluens Pers. | Hydnaceae | AG, PA | Sw |
Sistotrema muscicola (Pers.) S. Lundell | Hydnaceae | CL | Sw |
Sistotrema oblongisporum M.P. Christ. & Hauerslev | Hydnaceae | CL | Sw |
Skeletocutis nivea (Jungh.) Jean Keller | Incrustoporiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Skeletocutis percandida (Malençon & Bertault) Jean Keller | Incrustoporiaceae | PA | Sw |
Skeletocutis subincarnata (Peck) Jean Keller | Incrustoporiaceae | PA | Sw |
Skvortzovia georgica (Parmasto) G. Gruhn & Hallenb. | Incertae sedis | PA | Sw |
Smardaea planchonis (Dunal ex Boud.) Korf & W.Y. Zhuang | Pyronemataceae | RG, SR | Sm |
Sordaria fimicola (Roberge ex Desm.) Ces. & De Not. | Sordariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Sordaria humana (Fuckel) G. Winter | Sordariaceae | PA | Sd |
Sparassis crispa (Wulfen) Fr. | Sparassidaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Spathularia flavida Pers. | Cudoniaceae | PA | St |
Sphaerobolus stellatus Tode | Geastraceae | PA | Sw |
Spinellus fusiger (Link) Tiegh. | Phycomycetaceae | CT, ME | Pm |
Steccherinum fimbriatum (Pers.) J. Erikss. | Steccherinaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Steccherinum ochraceum (Pers.) Gray | Steccherinaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Steccherinum oreophilum Lindsey & Gilb. | Steccherinaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Steccherinum straminellum (Bres.) Melo | Steccherinaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Stereum gausapatum (Fr.) Fr. | Stereaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Stereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers. | Stereaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Stereum insignitum Quél. | Stereaceae | PA | Sw |
Stereum ochraceoflavum (Schwein.) Sacc. | Stereaceae | CL | Sw |
Stereum rugosum Pers. | Stereaceae | ME, PA | Sw |
Stereum sanguinolentum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. | Stereaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Stereum subtomentosum Pouzar | Stereaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Strobilurus stephanocystis (Kühner & Romagn. ex Hora) Singer | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Strobilurus tenacellus (Pers.) Singer | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Stropharia aeruginosa (Curtis) Quél. | Strophariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sd |
Stropharia caerulea Kreisel | Strophariaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sd |
Subulicystidium longisporum (Pat.) Parmasto | Hydnodontaceae | PA | Sw |
Subulicystidium perlongisporum Boidin & Gilles | Hydnodontaceae | PA | Sw |
Suillellus adalgisae (Marsico & Musumeci) N. Schwab | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Suillellus caucasicus (Singer ex Alessio) Blanco-Dios | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Suillellus comptus (Simonini) Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Suillellus luridus (Schaeff.) Murrill | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillellus mendax (Simonini & Vizzini) Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Suillellus permagnificus (Pöder) Blanco-Dios | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Suillellus queletii (Schulzer) Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus alkaliaurantians Pantidou & Watling | Suillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus bellinii (Inzenga) Kuntze | Suillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus bovinus (L.) Roussel | Suillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus collinitus (Fr.) Kuntze | Suillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel | Suillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus lakei (Murrill) A.H. Sm. & Thiers | Suillaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Suillus luteus (L.) Roussel | Suillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus mediterraneensis (Jacquet. & J. Blum) Redeuilh | Suillaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Suillus placidus (Bonord.) Singer | Suillaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Szczepkamyces campestris (Quél.) Zmitr. | Polyporaceae | AG, PA | Sw |
Syzygospora tumefaciens (Ginns & Sunhede) Ginns | Filobasidiaceae | CT, ME, PA | Pm |
Tapinella atrotomentosa (Batsch) Šutara | Tapinellaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Tapinella panuoides (Fr.) E.-J. Gilbert | Tapinellaceae | AG, CT, PA, RG, TP | Sw |
Tarzetta catinus (Holmsk.) Korf & J.K. Rogers | Tarzettaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Tarzetta cupularis (L.) Lambotte | Tarzettaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | St |
Tephrocybe ambusta (Fr.) Donk | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sbg |
Tephrocybe anthracophila (Lasch) P.D. Orton | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sbg |
Tephrocybe atrata (Fr.) Donk | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sbg |
Tephrocybe confusa (P.D. Orton) P.D. Orton | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | Sbg |
Tephrocybe putida (P. Karst.) M.M. Moser | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME | Sbg |
Tephrocybe rancida (Fr.) Donk | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sbg |
Terana coerulea (Lam.) Kuntze | Phanerochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Terfezia arenaria (Moris) Trappe | Pezizaceae | PA | Em |
Terfezia boudieri Chatin | Pezizaceae | PA | Em |
Thaxterogaster purpurascens (Fr.) Niskanen & Liimat. | Cortinariaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Thelephora anthocephala (Bull.) Fr. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME | Sl |
Thelephora caryophyllea (Schaeff.) Pers. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Thelephora palmata (Scop.) Fr. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Thelephora terrestris Ehrh. | Thelephoraceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Thelephora wakefieldiae Zmitr., Shchepin, Volobuev & Myasnikov | Thelephoraceae | PA | Sl |
Tomentella badia (Link) Stalpers | Thelephoraceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tomentella bryophila (Pers.) M.J. Larsen | Thelephoraceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tomentella clavigera Litsch. | Thelephoraceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tomentella coerulea Höhn. & Litsch. | Thelephoraceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk | Thelephoraceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tomentella italica (Sacc.) M.J. Larsen | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tomentella lapida (Pers.) Stalpers | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tomentella lateritia Pat. | Thelephoraceae | PA | Em |
Tomentella lilacinogrisea Wakef. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tomentella oligofibula M.J. Larsen, Beltrán-Tej. & Rodr.-Armas | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tomentella pilosa (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tomentella subtestacea Bourdot & Galzin | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tomentella stuposa (Link) Stalpers | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tomentella subcinerascens Litsch. | Thelephoraceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tomentella subclavigera Litsch. | Thelephoraceae | PA | Em |
Tomentella terrestris (Berk. & Broome) M.J. Larsen | Thelephoraceae | PA | Em |
Trametes gibbosa (Pers.) Fr. | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Trametes hirsuta (Wulfen) Lloyd | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Trametes ochracea (Pers.) Gilb. & Ryvarden | Polyporaceae | PA | Sw |
Trametes pubescens (Schumach.) Pilát | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Trametes suaveolens (L.) Fr. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Trametes trogii Berk. | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd | Polyporaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Trechispora cohaerens (Schwein.) Jülich & Stalpers | Hydnodontaceae | PA | Sw |
Trechispora farinacea (Pers.) Liberta | Hydnodontaceae | PA | Sw |
Trechispora fastidiosa (Pers.) Liberta | Hydnodontaceae | PA | Sw |
Trechispora microspora (P. Karst.) Liberta | Hydnodontaceae | TP | Sw |
Trechispora nivea (Pers.) K.H. Larss. | Hydnodontaceae | PA | Sw |
Trechispora stellulata (Bourdot & Galzin) Liberta | Hydnodontaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Trechispora stevensonii (Berk. & Broome) K.H. Larss. | Hydnodontaceae | PA | Sw |
Tremella mesenterica Retz. | Tremellaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Tremellodendropsis tuberosa (Grev.) D.A. Crawford | Tremellodendropsidaceae | CT, ME | St |
Trichaptum abietinum (Pers. ex J.F. Gmel.) Ryvarden | Incertae sedis | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Trichaptum biforme (Fr.) Ryvarden | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum (Ehrenb.) Ryvarden | Incertae sedis | PA, TP | Sw |
Tricharina gilva (Boud. ex Cooke) Eckblad | Pyronemataceae | PA | St |
Tricharina praecox (P. Karst.) Dennis | Pyronemataceae | CT, ME | St |
Trichoglossum hirsutum (Pers.) Boud. | Geoglossaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Trichoglossum tetrasporum Sinden & Fitzp. | Geoglossaceae | ME, PA | Sl |
Tricholoma acerbum (Bull.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma albatum Velen. | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma albobrunneum (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma album (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma apium Jul. Schäff. | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma argyraceum (Bull.) Gillet | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma atrosquamosum Sacc. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma aurantium (Schaeff.) Ricken | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma basirubens (Bon) A. Riva & Bon | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma batschii Gulden ex Mort. Chr. & Noordel. | Tricholomataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma bresadolanum Clémençon | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma bufonium (Pers.) Gillet | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tricholoma caligatum (Viv.) Ricken | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma cedretorum (Bon) A. Riva | Tricholomataceae | AG, PA | Em |
Tricholoma chrysophyllum A. Riva, C.E. Hermos. & Jul. Sánchez | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tricholoma columbetta (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma equestre (L.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma evenosum (Sacc.) Rea | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma focale (Fr.) Ricken | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma fracticum (Britzelm.) Kreisel | Tricholomataceae | AG, PA | Em |
Tricholoma fulvum (DC.) Bigeard & H. Guill. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tricholoma gausapatum (Fr.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma imbricatum (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma lascivum (Fr.) Gillet | Tricholomataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma leucoterreum Mariotto & Turetta | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tricholoma orirubens Quél. | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma pardinum (Pers.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma pessundatum (Fr.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | AG, PA | Em |
Tricholoma populinum J.E. Lange | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma portentosum (Fr.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma psammopus (Kalchbr.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | AG, PA | Em |
Tricholoma pseudonictitans Bon | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma quercetorum Contu | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tricholoma roseoacerbum A. Riva | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma saponaceum (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma scalpturatum (Fr.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma sciodes (Pers.) C. Martín | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma sejunctum (Sowerby) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | AG, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma stans (Fr.) Sacc. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, TP | Em |
Tricholoma stiparophyllum (N. Lund) P. Karst. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholoma striatum (Schaeff.) Quél. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Tricholoma sulphurescens Bres. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tricholoma sulphureum (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma terreum (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma terreum (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. var. album Antonín & A. Vágner | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma ustale (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma ustaloides Romagn. | Tricholomataceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tricholoma virgatum (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Tricholomataceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Tricholomella constricta (Fr.) Zerova ex Kalamees | Lyophyllaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Tricholomopsis rutilans (Schaeff.) Singer | Incertae sedis | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Tricholosporum goniospermum (Bres.) Guzmán ex T.J. Baroni | Incertae sedis | CT, ME | Sl |
Trichophaea woolhopeia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Boud. | Pyronemataceae | PA, TP | St |
Truncospora ochroleuca (Berk.) Pilát | Polyporaceae | PA, TP | Sw |
Tubaria conspersa (Pers.) Fayod | Tubariaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Tubaria dispersa (Pers.) Singer | Tubariaceae | CT, PA | St |
Tubaria furfuracea (Pers.) Gillet | Tubariaceae | CL, CT, ME, PA, TP | St |
Tuber aestivum Vittad. | Tuberaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tuber bellonae Quél. | Tuberaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tuber borchii Vitt. | Tuberaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tuber brumale Vittad. | Tuberaceae | ME, PA, SR | Em |
Tuber dryophilum Tul. & C. Tul. | Tuberaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tuber excavatum Vittad. | Tuberaceae | ME, PA, SR, TP | Em |
Tuber foetidum Vittad. | Tuberaceae | AG, PA, SR | Em |
Tuber gennadii (Chatin) Pat. | Tuberaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Tuber magnatum Picco | Tuberaceae | EN | Em |
Tuber mesentericum Vittad. | Tuberaceae | ME, PA, SR | Em |
Tuber nitidum Vittad. | Tuberaceae | PA, TP, SR | Em |
Tuber oligospermum (Tul. & C. Tul.) Trappe | Tuberaceae | CT, PA | Em |
Tuber panniferum Tul. & C. Tul. | Tuberaceae | ME, PA, TP, SR | Em |
Tuber puberulum Berk. & Broome | Tuberaceae | AG, ME, PA, SR, TP | Em |
Tuber rufum Pollini | Tuberaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Tubulicium vermiferum (Bourdot) Oberw. ex Jülich | Hydnodontaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Tubulicrinis calothrix (Pat.) Donk | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Tubulicrinis medius (Bourdot & Galzin) Oberw. | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Tubulicrinis subulatus (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk | Hymenochaetaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Tulostoma brumale Pers. | Agaricaceae | CL, CT, PA | Sm |
Tulostoma fimbriatum Fr. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Tulostoma kotlabae Pouzar | Agaricaceae | CT, ME | Sm |
Tulostoma melanocyclum Bres. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Tulostoma squamosum (J.F. Gmel.) Pers. | Agaricaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sm |
Tylopilus felleus (Bull.) P. Karst. | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Typhula contorta (Holmsk.) Olariaga | Typhulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Typhula fistulosa (Holmsk.) Olariaga | Typhulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Typhula juncea (Alb. & Schwein.) P. Karst. | Typhulaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Vanderbylia fraxinea (Bull.) D.A. Reid | Polyporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Vararia ochroleuca (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk | Peniophoraceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Verpa conica (O.F. Müll.) Sw. | Morchellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Verpa digitaliformis Pers. | Morchellaceae | CT, ME, PA | St |
Vitreoporus dichrous (Fr.) Zmitr. | Irpicaceae | AG, PA | Sw |
Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.) Singer | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Volvariella caesiotincta P.D. Orton | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Volvariella cookei Contu | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Volvariella hypopithys (Fr.) Shaffer | Pluteaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Volvariella media (Schumach.) Singer | Pluteaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Volvariella surrecta (Knapp) Singer | Pluteaceae | CT, ME | Sw |
Volvariella volvacea (Bull.) Singer | Pluteaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Volvopluteus gloiocephalus (DC.) Vizzini, Contu & Justo | Pluteaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sl |
Vuilleminia comedens (Nees) Maire | Vuilleminiaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Vuilleminia coryli Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles | Vuilleminiaceae | ME, PA | Sw |
Vuilleminia cystidiata Parmasto | Vuilleminiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Vuilleminia megalospora Bres. | Vuilleminiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Vuilleminia pseudocystidiata Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles | Vuilleminiaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Xanthoporia radiata (Sowerby) Ţura, Zmitr., Wasser, Raats & Nevo | Hymenochaetaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Xenasma pruinosum (Pat.) Donk | Xenasmataceae | AG, CT, ME, PA, TP | Sw |
Xenasmatella vaga (Fr.) Stalpers | Xenasmataceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Xerocomellus chrysenteron (Bull.) Šutara | Boletaceae | AG, CL, EN, CT, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Xerocomellus cisalpinus (Simonini, H. Ladurner & Peintner) Klofac | Boletaceae | AG, CL, EN, CT, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Xerocomellus communis Xue T. Zhu & Zhu L. Yang | Boletaceae | CT, ME | Em |
Xerocomellus dryophilus (Thiers) N. Siegel, C.F. Schwarz & J.L. Frank | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Xerocomellus porosporus (Imler ex Watling) Šutara | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA, TP | Em |
Xerocomellus pruinatus (Fr. & Hök) Šutara | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Xerocomellus truncatus (Singer, Snell & E.A. Dick) Klofac | Boletaceae | AG, CL, EN, CT, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Xerocomus ferrugineus (Schaeff.) Alessio | Boletaceae | AG, CT, ME, PA | Em |
Xerocomus rubellus Quél. | Boletaceae | CT, ME, PA | Em |
Xerocomus subtomentosus (L.) Quél. | Boletaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Em |
Xeromphalina campanella (Batsch) Kühner & Maire | Mycenaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Xerula pudens (Pers.) Singer | Physalacriaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Xylaria hypoxylon (L.) Grev. | Xylariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Xylaria longipes Nitschke | Xylariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Xylaria polymorpha (Pers.) Grev. | Xylariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Xylaria sicula Pass. & Beltrani | Xylariaceae | AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR, TP | Sw |
Xylodon detriticus (Bourdot) K.H. Larss., Viner & Spirin | Schizoporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Xylodon nesporii (Bres.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden | Schizoporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Xylodon rimosissimus (Peck) Hjortstam & Ryvarden | Schizoporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Xylodon sambuci (Pers.) Ţura, Zmitr., Wasser & Spirin | Schizoporaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sw |
Zhuliangomyces illinitus (Fr.) Redhead | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Zhuliangomyces lenticularis (Lasch) Redhead | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Zhuliangomyces ochraceoluteus (P.D. Orton) Redhead | Amanitaceae | CT, ME, PA | Sl |
Families with the highest number of species are Russulaceae (164 taxa) and Agaricaceae (125 taxa).
According to Index Fungorum, 131 taxa of uncertain taxonomic classification are reported in Table 1 as Incertae sedis. Other families, with number of infraspecific taxa greater than 50 (Figure 1), are Boletaceae (78), Cortinariaceae (72), Hygrophoraceae (63), Inocybaceae (58), Hymenogastraceae (56), Tricholomataceae (54), Amanitaceae (51), Pyronemataceae (51), and Psathyrellaceae (51).
Figure 1.
Most representative families with number of taxa greater than 50.
The highest number of infraspecific taxa (Figure 2) is found in the province of Palermo (1610) followed by in Messina (1546) and Catania (1517). The province with the lowest number of infraspecific taxa is Caltanissetta (330).
Figure 2.
Number of taxa per provinces.
The taxa listed in Table 1 belong to 15 ecological categories. For ten taxa, the ecological category to be assigned is unclear and is therefore listed as Unknown (UNK).
Ectomycorrhizal fungi (637 taxa) are the most represented ecological category (Figure 3), followed by saprotrophs on wood (484 taxa), saprotrophs on litter (386 taxa), terricolous saprotrophs (279 taxa), saprotrophs on mosses (39 taxa) saprotrophs on dung (39 taxa), saprotroph on burnt ground (19 taxa), necrotroph parasites (8 taxa), saprotrophs on leavers (5 taxa), and saprotrophs on humus (2 taxa). Three saprotrophic species characterized by particular substrates such as exuviae of different insects [Cordyceps militaris (L.) Fr.], cupules of Castanea sativa Miller [Lanzia echinophila (Bull.) Korf], and cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica [Pleurotus opuntiae (Durieu & Lév.) Sacc.] complete the list.
Figure 3.
Number of taxa per ecological categories.
5. Discussion
Fungi are recognized worldwide as fundamental components in every type of ecosystem [21]. After a long period in which fungi have received insufficient consideration in biodiversity studies [22], in the last twenty-five years, there has been a growing interest in this group of living organisms, which are of great importance as a food source for future generations [23], potential remedies for human and animal diseases [24], and for the protection of the environment [25].
The climatic features of Sicily are favorable to the development of basidiomata and ascomata of different fungal species. The observations carried out during the present study showed a constant presence throughout the year of macrofungi in ecosystems. Most species are collected in fall, although the presence of macrofungi appears to be strongly affected in some years by prolonged periods of drought. In the woods of the hinterland, it is possible to have optimal conditions of temperature and humidity able to favor the appearance of macrofungi even in the summer. In Sicily, spring is not a season of abundance for fungal fruiting and ascomycetes predominate among species. In winter and summer, pathogenic basidiomycetes and wood saprotrophs can be predominantly observed.
Due to the presence of the three major regional parks (Madonie Park, Nebrodi Park, and Etna Park) in these territories, the largest number of infraspecific taxa is found in the provinces of Palermo, Messina and Catania. In the other provinces, reafforestations are prevalent and thus the composition of fungal coenoses is reduced in quality and quantity.
The greatest number of species is found within beech forests. The low night temperatures, the summer storms and the presence of occult precipitations determine, starting from the second decade of August, the early appearance of macrofungi that are generally found, at lower altitudes, in autumn within the forest ecosystems. A rich number of lignicolous species, mostly pathogenic and to a lesser extent saprotrophic, has also been surveyed within beech forests, growing on trees, branches of different sizes that have fallen to the ground and stumps. A similar condition of prevalence of mycorrhizal species is found in oak and holly forests and in chestnut groves. In the latter type of forest, an important role in the decomposition of the abundant litter layer is provided by Marasmius bulliardii while it is very common to observe Fistulina hepatica at the base of chestnut trees. In Quercus ilex forests, fungi responsible for wood decay (Armillaria mellea, Fuscoporia torulosa, Cyclocybe cylindracea, Laetiporus sulphureus, and Daldinia raimundi) are observed on stumps and trunks. Compared with other oak forests, fewer macrofungi are reported Quercus suber forests and in the maquis. This is due to the greater state of degradation of the forest coenosis due to frequent fires that cause a significant reduction in the number of mycorrhizal species and saprotrophs, the latter negatively affected by the drastic reduction in plant residues. In pastures, grasslands, and garrigues, the number of mycorrhizal species is limited to those of shrubs of the genus Cistus (Lactarius cistophilus and Leccinellum corsicum). Saprotrophs on litter and lignicolous species are widespread in riparian vegetation.
The high percentage of mycorrhizal species within the natural forests and reforestations of Sicily allows to exclude at the moment a decline in forest ecosystems. In some forested areas, frequent fires cause a reduction in mycorrhizal species and saprotrophs on litter due to the drastic reduction in plant residues. Conversely, silvicultural practices and the resulting failure to remove woody debris of different sizes promote the appearance of crusty, shelf-like, or gelatinous lignicolous macrofungi.
The presence of prized and edible truffles, especially within the holm oak and pine woods, is of relevant interest especially for the areas of the Sicilian hinterland characterized by a depressed economy [26]. These prized truffles and other mushrooms of excellent edibility and high organoleptic qualities (e.g., Pleurotus ssp.) represent a valuable example for the economic enhancement of fungal diversity in Sicily. Of great interest is the presence on the Sicilian territory of rare species classified according to IUCN criteria as Vulnerable (Alessioporus ichnusanus) [27], Least Concern (Poronia punctata) [28], and Endangered (Pleurotus nebrodensis) [29]. Mushrooms are considered healthy food components to be preserved for future generations in terms of nutritional, bioactive and therapeutic value. Among the species surveyed in Sicily, there are medicinal mushrooms, such as Grifola frondosa, Ganoderma lucidum, and Ericium erinaceus, with proven pharmacological activities including antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, cytotoxic, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiallergic, antidepressive, antihyperlipidemic, antidiabetic, digestive, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, nephroprotective, osteoprotective, and hypotensive activities.
6. Conclusions
Although the number of fungal species is still in constant flux, Sicily is among the Italian regions with the highest diversity of fungal species, many of which are of potential applicative interest and economic interest. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the level of knowledge and attention on the part of local communities towards this group of organisms. The data reported in this survey strongly increase the knowledge on distribution and ecology of macromycetes in Sicily and may help better valorize such non-timber products. The outcome of the checklist carried out in Sicily could provide the Regional Administration with useful information for the conservation and exploitation of fungi in natural habitats, with particular reference to forest ecosystems. Legislation should limit the level of danger existing for the conservation of fungal diversity and support such strategies with more rigorous limits against wild edible mushroom overharvesting. The cultivation of some prized edible mushrooms, i.e., Pleurotus and Tuber species, can provide an important income in agroecosystems, especially in rural or marginal areas.
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) and The Network for the Study of Mycological Diversity (NSMD), recently launched, will contribute to implement the monitoring of mycological biodiversity within national terrestrial habitats.
These actions will be carried out with the contribution of institutions such as the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Working Group for Mycology of the Italian Botanical Society through an Open Science initiative.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, G.V. and M.L.G.; data curation, V.F. and G.M.; investigation, V.F., G.V., F.C., G.M., M.L.G. and P.C.; methodology, G.V.; supervision, G.V.; validation, G.V.; visualization, F.C.; writing—original draft, G.V., M.L.G. and P.C.; writing—review and editing, G.V., F.C. and M.L.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement
Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Funding Statement
This research received no external funding.
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