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. 2022 Jun 16;27(12):3878. doi: 10.3390/molecules27123878
Ach Acetylcholine
AchE Acetylcholinesterase
AkT Protein kinase B
ALS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALT Alanine transaminase
ANOVA Analysis of variance
AST Aspartate transaminase
Bax Bcl-2 associated X protein
Bcl-2 B cell lymphoma-2
BDNF Brain-derived growth factor
cAMP Cyclic AMP
Caspase-3 Cysteine-aspartic proteases, cysteine aspartases or cysteine-dependent aspartate-directed proteases-3
CNS Central nervous system
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
ELT Escape latency time
FST Forced swim test
GABA Gamma amino butyric acid
GLP-1 Glucagon like peptide-1
GLP-1R Glucagon like peptide-1 receptor
GLUT Glucose transporter
GSH Reduced glutathione
GST Grip strength test
HDL High-density lipoprotein
IBD Intestinal bowel disease
IGF-1 Insulin-like growth factor-1
IGF-1R Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor
IL-1β Interleukin-1β
IRS-1 Insulin receptor substrate-1
LDH Lactate dehydrogenase
LDL Low-density lipoprotein
LPS Lipopolysaccharide
MBP Myelin basic protein
MDA Malondialdehyde
MeHg Methylmercury
MND Motor neuron disease
MS Multiple sclerosis
MWM Morris water maze
NGF Nerve growth factor
NO2 Nitrite
ODC Oligodendrocytes
PC12 Pheochromocytoma cell 12
PI3K Phosphoinositol 3-kinase
rh-IGF-1 Recombinant human-IGF-1
ROS Reactive oxygen species
SMA Spontaneous motor activity
SOD-1 Superoxide dismutase 1
TACE TNF-α converting enzyme
TG Triglycerides
TNF-α Tumor necrosis factor-α
TSTQ Time spent in target quadrant
4-HI 4-hydroxyisoleucine
5-HIAA 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid
5-HT Serotonin