Data were derived from a total of 213 children with PHIV and HIV-1 plasma RNA (viral load; VL) <400 copies/mL for ≥9 months prior to P1104s entry, including 28 with samples at Tc only, 156 at Tc and Te, and 29 at Te only. Dark box plots show plasma concentrations at the time when children reached sustained controlled viremia (Tc) and light box plots at time of P1104s entry (Te). The order in which the analytes are listed is based on a previously published factor analysis[16]. Data are expressed in ng/ml of plasma for sCD14, sCD163, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, sE-selectin, sP-selectin, CRP, fibrinogen and MMP9, and pg/ml for all other markers. Fibrinogen and sCD14 significantly increased from Tc to Te and all other markers significantly decreased.