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. 2022 Jun 28;14(13):2688. doi: 10.3390/nu14132688

Table 7.

Impact of chokeberry on blood clotting in intervention studies.

Number of Participants (n)
Characteristics of the Group Type of Chokeberry Product Dose of Chokeberry Product per Day Time of Intervention (Weeks) Changes in Diet Results References
n = 58
Mild hypocholesterolemia (TC > 200 mg/dL) without pharmacological treatment (mean age 54.1, BMI 27.7 kg/m2) Organic chokebery juice (A. M. Lech, Dzieciolowo, Poland) 250 mL 18 (12 weeks with drinking chokeberry juice) No changes fibrinogen↓ [103]
n = 47
MetS (n = 25, age 42–65, BMI 31.05 kg/m2),
healthy (n = 22, BMI 24.15 kg/m2)
Chokeberry extract (Agropharm, Pieńków, Poland) 3 × 100 mg 8 No changes fibrinogen↑ [77]
n = 52
MetS (n = 38, age 42–65, BMI 31.1 kg/m2),
healthy (n = 14, age 42–65, BMI 24.4 kg/m2)
Chokeberry extract (Agropharm, Pieńków,
3 × 100 mg 8 Low-fat diet platelet aggregation↔,
clot preparation ↔
n = 38
Mildly elevated BP: SBP 130–159 mmHg,
DBP 85–99 mmHg (mean age 55.8, BMI < 35 kg/m2) without DM2
Cold-pressed 100% chokeberry juice (KiantamaLtd,
Finland) or convection oven-dried chokeberry
powder (Finnish Berry Powders Ltd., Finland)
300 mL of chokeberry juice or 3 g of dried chokeberry powder 8 No changes CEPI-CT↔,
n = 144 patients
MetS according to the AHA guidelines (age 50–60, BMI 30.1–34.4 kg/m2)
I. n = 42, fMetS
II. n = 42, mMetS
III. n = 32, fMetS-DM
IV. n = 28, mMetS-DM
Standarized chokeberry extract (Alixir 400 PROTECT, Pharmanova, Belgrade, Serbia) 30 mL (prior or during dinner) 4 No changes fMetS, mMetS:


↑—increase, ↓—decrease, ↔—no changes, AHA—American Heart Association; BMI—body mass index; BP—blood pressure; CADP-CT—collagen and adenosine diphosphate closure time; CEPI-C—collagen and epinephrine closure time; DM2—type 2 diabetes mellitus; fMetS—female with metabolic syndrome; fMetS-DM—female with metabolic Syndrome and confirmed type 2 diabetes mellitus; MetS—metabolic syndrome; mMetS—male with metabolic syndrome; mMetS-DM—male with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus; PLT—platelet count.