Figure 2.
HS cells and the forward velocity of the fly oscillate at high frequencies during fast walking
(A) Schematic of the experimental configuration.
(B) Example traces of Vm (green, right HS cell), Vf (black), and Va (gray). The shade highlights a segment with high Vf and low Va (i.e., straight walking).
(C) Virtual walking path from the straight walking segment in (B). Color code: Vm activity.
(D) Coherence between Va and Vm (dashed), or Vf and Vm (solid, grand mean ± SEM, n = 25 fly cell pairs). The inlet shows the power spectral density of Vm, Vf, and Va.
(E) Left, schematic of the opto-run paradigm. Right, example traces of Vm (green, right HS cell), Vf (black), and Va (gray) in opto-runs (red shade).
(F) The virtual path for traces in (E). Δ: straight segment.
(G) Same as (D) but in opto-runs (n = 19 fly cell pairs).