After the original publication of this manuscript, [Grill FJ, Grys TE, Grill MF, et al. Development of a Quantitative Antigen Assay to Detect Coccidioidal Chitinase-1 (CTS1) in Human Serum. Open Forum Infectious Diseases; Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2021. additional findings regarding the assay were discovered, and a revised version of this study was accepted for republication by the editors. This new version has replaced the original article and can be viewed here: See below by the authors for an explanation of the changes which were made in the newest version of the article.
We have addressed our new insights in the new version of the article. Notably, we have addressed the discovery that our assay detects antibody against CTS1 as well as antigen shown in a revised Figure 1, and represented the data in Figure 4 using standardized units to enhance clarity. This discovery adds a new dimension to this assay and likely contributes to its ability to perform better than any single existing diagnostic assay for coccidioidomycosis. Implementation of our assay in a hospital laboratory would increase sensitivity and specificity while decreasing the cost of diagnosis. These new findings should reinforce the value of the manuscript, since this study establishes a new level of performance against which future assays for coccidioidomycosis might be compared.