In this paper, we start a detailed study of a new notion of rectifiability in Carnot groups: we say that a Radon measure is -rectifiable, for , if it has positive h-lower density and finite h-upper density almost everywhere, and, at almost every point, it admits a unique tangent measure up to multiples. First, we compare -rectifiability with other notions of rectifiability previously known in the literature in the setting of Carnot groups, and we prove that it is strictly weaker than them. Second, we prove several structure properties of -rectifiable measures. Namely, we prove that the support of a -rectifiable measure is almost everywhere covered by sets satisfying a cone-like property, and in the particular case of -rectifiable measures with complemented tangents, we show that they are supported on the union of intrinsically Lipschitz and differentiable graphs. Such a covering property is used to prove the main result of this paper: we show that a -rectifiable measure has almost everywhere positive and finite h-density whenever the tangents admit at least one complementary subgroup.
Keywords: Carnot groups, Rectifiability, Rectifiable measure, Density, Intrinsic Lipschitz graph, Intrinsic differentiable graph
In Euclidean spaces, a Radon measure is said to be k-rectifiable if it is absolutely continuous with respect to the k-dimensional Hausdorff measure and it is supported on a countable union of k-dimensional Lipschitz surfaces, for a reference see [13, §3.2.14]. This notion of regularity for a measure is an established, thoroughly studied, and well-understood concept and its versatility is twofold. On the one hand, it can be effortlessly extended to general metric spaces. On the other hand, it can be shown, at least in Euclidean spaces, that the global regularity properties arise as a consequence of the local structure of the measure, as it is clear from the following classical proposition, see, e.g., [36, Theorem 16.7].
Proposition 1.1
Assume is a Radon measure on and k is a natural number such that . Then, is a k-rectifiable measure if and only if for -almost every we have
where and are, respectively, the lower and the upper k-density of at x, see Definition 2.8, and is the set of k-tangent measures to at x, see Definition 2.7, while is the Hausdorff measure.
As mentioned above, one can define rectifiable measures in arbitrary metric spaces: however, one quickly understands that there are some limitations to what the classical rectifiability can achieve.
The first example of this is the curve in that at each assigns the indicator function of the interval [0, t]. This curve is Lipschitz continuous; however, it fails to be Fréchet differentiable at every point of [0, 1], thus not admitting a tangent. This shows that we cannot expect anything like Proposition 1.1 to hold in infinite dimension.
For the second example, we need to briefly introduce Carnot groups, see Sect. 2 for details. A Carnot group is a simply connected nilpotent Lie group, whose Lie algebra is stratified and generated by its first layer. Carnot groups are a generalization of Euclidean spaces, and we remark that (quotients of) Carnot groups arise as the infinitesimal models of sub-Riemannian manifolds and their geometry, even at an infinitesimal scale, might be very different from the Euclidean one. We endow with an arbitrary left-invariant homogeneous distance d, and we recall that any two of them are bi-Lipschitz equivalent. These groups have finite Hausdorff dimension, that is commonly denoted by Q, and any Lipschitz map has -null image, unless is an Euclidean space, see for instance [2] and [35, Theorem 1.1]. This from an Euclidean perspective means that there are no Lipschitz-regular parametrized one-codimensional surfaces inside , unless is an Euclidean space. However, as shown in the foundational papers [19, 20], in Carnot groups there is a well-defined notion of finite perimeter set and in Carnot groups of step 2 their reduced boundary can be covered up to -negligible sets by countably many intrinsic -regular hypersurfaces, hypersurfaces from now on, see [20, Definition 6.4]. The success of the approach attempted in [20] has started an effort to study Geometric Measure Theory in sub-Riemannian Carnot groups, and in particular to study various notion(s) of rectifiability, see, e.g., [10, 11, 14, 17–19, 21, 22, 24–26, 31, 32, 39–41]. The big effort represented by the aforementioned papers in trying to understand rectifiability in Carnot groups has given rise to a multiplication of definitions, each one suiting some particular cases.
As we shall see in the subsequent paragraphs, not only one could consider our approach reversed with respect to the ones known in the literature but it also has a twofold advantage. On the one hand, the definition of -rectifiable measure is natural and intrinsic with respect to the (homogeneous) structure of Carnot groups and it is equivalent to the usual one in the Euclidean setting; on the other hand, we do not have to handle the problem of distinguishing, in the definition, between the low-dimensional and the low-codimensional rectifiability.
Nevertheless, for arbitrary Carnot groups, we prove non-trivial structure results for rectifiable measures, see Sect. 1.2. These structure results will be used to prove the main Theorem of this paper, see Theorem 1.3. Moreover, the study of the structure properties proved in Sect. 1.2 is completed in the subsequent paper [6].
In a companion paper [5], which roughly corresponds to an elaboration of Sect. 5 of the second version in the arXiv submission of the Preprint [7], we shall prove a Marstrand–Mattila type rectifiability criterion for -rectifiable measures that in turn will lead to the proof of the one-dimensional Preiss’s theorem for the first Heisenberg group endowed with the Koranyi distance.
Additional remark. The present work consists of an elaboration of Sects. 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the second version in the arXiv submission of the Preprint [7]. This is the first of two companion papers derived from [7]. The second one is an elaboration of Sects. 2, and 5 of [7]. We stress that the results in Sects. 2, 3, 4, and 6 of [7] do not use the results in Sect. 5 of [7]. As a result this paper can be read fully and independently from its companion paper.
-Rectifiable Measures
In this paper, we study structure results in the class of -rectifiable measures, which have been introduced in [41, Definition 3.1 & Definition 3.2]. Let be a Carnot group of Hausdorff dimension Q.
Definition 1.1
(-rectifiable measures) Let be a natural number. A Radon measure on is said to be -rectifiable if for -almost every we have
, where is a homogeneous subgroup of of Hausdorff dimension h,
where and are, respectively, the lower and the upper h-density of at x, see Definition 2.8, is the set of h-tangent measures to at x, see Definition 2.7, and is the spherical Hausdorff measure of dimension h, see Definition 2.4. Furthermore, we say that is -rectifiable if (ii) is replaced with the weaker
If we impose more regularity on the tangents, we can define different subclasses of -rectifiable or -rectifiable measures, see Definition 2.19 for details. We notice that, a posteriori, in the aforementioned definitions, we can and will restrict to , see Remark 2.5.
The definition of -rectifiable measure is natural in the setting of Carnot groups. Indeed, we have on a family of dilations , see Sect. 2, that we can use to give a good definition of blow-up of a measure. Hence we ask, for a measure to be rectifiable, that the tangents are flat. The natural class of flat spaces, i.e., the analogous of vector subspaces of the Euclidean space, seems to be the class of homogeneous subgroups of . This latter assertion is suggested also from the result in [37, Theorem 3.2] according to which on every locally compact group G endowed with dilations and isometric left translations, if a Radon measure has a unique (up to multiplicative constants) tangent -almost everywhere then this tangent is -almost everywhere (up to multiplicative constants), the left Haar measure on a closed dilation-invariant subgroup of G. As a consequence, in the definition of -rectifiable measure, we can equivalently substitute item (ii) of Definition 1.1 with the weaker requirement
Moreover, we stress that if a metric group is locally compact, isometrically homogeneous and admits one dilation, as it is for the class of metric group studied in [37], and moreover the distance is geodesic, then it is a sub-Finsler Carnot group, see [28, Theorem 1.1].
As already mentioned, according to one of the approaches to rectifiability in Carnot groups, the good parametrizing objects for the notion of rectifiability are -regular surfaces with complemented tangents in , i.e., sets that are locally the zero-level sets of functions f - see Definition 5.1 - with surjective Pansu differential df, and such that admits a complementary subgroup in . This approach has been taken to its utmost level of generality through the works [25, 32, 34]. In particular, in [25, Definition 2.18], the authors give the most general, and available up to now, definition of -rectifiable sets, see Definition 5.2 and Definition 5.3, and they prove area and coarea formulae within this class of rectifiable sets. We stress that an improvement of the area formula in [25] is obtained by the two authors of this work in [6, Theorem 1.3]. Related results are in [8].
We remark that our definition of rectifiability is strictly weaker than the one in [25], see Proposition 5.2 and Remark 5.2. Moreover for discussions on the converse of the following Proposition 1.2 we refer the reader to Remark 5.3. We stress that, as a result of the subsequent work [6, Corollary 5.3], at least in the co-horizontal setting, the notion of -rectifiable measure and the notion of rectifiability given in terms of -rectifiable sets coincide.
Proposition 1.2
Let us fix and two arbitrary Carnot groups of homogeneous dimensions Q and , respectively. Let us take a -rectifiable set. Then is a -rectifiable measure with complemented tangents. Moreover, there exists a Carnot group, , and such that is a -rectifiable measure and, for every Carnot group , is not -rectifiable.
Let us stress that the second part of Proposition 1.2 is not surprising. Indeed, the approach to rectifiability described above and used in [25] is selecting rectifiable sets whose tangents are complemented normal subgroups of , see [25, Sect. 2.5] for a more detailed discussion. This can be easily understood if one thinks that, according to this approach to rectifiability, the parametrizing class of objects is given by -regular surfaces with complemented tangents at , which are complemented (and normal) subgroups.
In some sense, we could say that the approach of [25] is covering, in the utmost generality known up to now, the case of low-codimensional rectifiable sets in a Carnot group . It has been clear since the works [22, 39] that, already in the Heisenberg groups , one should approach the low-dimensional rectifiability in a different way with respect to the low-codimensional one. Indeed, in the low-dimensional case in , the authors in [22, 39] choose as a parametrizing class of objects the images of -regular (or Lipschitz-regular) functions from subsets of to , with , see [22, Definition 3.1 & Definition 3.2], and [39, Definition 2.10 and Definition 3.13].
The bridge between the definition of -rectifiability and the ones discussed above is done in [39] in the setting of Heisenberg groups and in [24] in arbitrary homogeneous groups but in the case of horizontal tangents. Let us stress that the result in [39, (i)(iv) of Theorem 3.15] shows that in the Heisenberg groups the -rectifiability with tangents that are vertical subgroups is equivalent to the rectifiability given in terms of -regular surfaces. Moreover [39, (i)(iv) of Theorem 3.14] shows that in the Heisenberg groups, the -rectifiability with tangents that are horizontal subgroups is equivalent to the rectifiability given in terms of Lipschitz-regular images.
Moreover, very recently, in [24, Theorem 1.1], the authors prove a generalization of [39, Theorem 3.14] in arbitrary homogeneous groups. Namely they prove that in a homogeneous group the k-rectifiability of a set in the sense of Federer can be characterized with the fact that the tangent measures to the set are horizontal subgroups, or equivalently with the fact that there exists an approximate tangent plane that is a horizontal subgroup almost everywhere. In our setting this implies that the -rectifiability with tangents that are horizontal subgroups is equivalent to the rectifiability given in terms of Lipschitz-regular images, which is Federer’s one. We observe that in the subsequent paper [6] we shall exploit the results proved in this paper and we shall further develop the theory of -rectifiable measures thus obtaining generalizations of [39, Theorem 3.14 and 3.15] in arbitrary Carnot groups and in all dimensions. See the introduction of [6], and [6, Theorem 1.1]. For results similar to the ones of [6, 24, 39] but in the different setting of the parabolic and in all the codimensions, we point out the recent [38].
We stress that the previous results leave open the challenging question of understanding what is the precise structure of a measure on such that the tangents are -almost everywhere the vertical line.
The main contribution of this paper is the proof of the fact that a -rectifiable measure with complemented tangents has density, see Corollary 4.14, and Proposition 2.20 for the last part of the following statement. We recall that when we say that a homogeneous subgroup of a Carnot group admits a complementary subgroup, we mean that there exists a homogeneous subgroup such that and .
Theorem 1.3
(Existence of the density) Let be a -rectifiable measure with complemented tangents on , and assume d is a homogeneous left-invariant metric on . Let B(x, r) be the closed metric ball relative to d of center x and radius r. Then, for -almost every we have
Moreover, for -almost every we have
where the map is defined in Definition 2.7, the convergence is understood in the duality with the continuous functions with compact support on , is the h-density with respect to the distance d, and is the h-dimensional centered Hausdorff measure, with respect to the distance d, restricted to , see Definition 2.4.
A way of reading the previous theorem is the following: we prove that whenever a Radon measure on a Carnot group has strictly positive h-lower density and finite h-upper density, and at almost every point, all the blow-up measures are supported on the same (depending on the point) h-dimensional homogeneous complemented subgroup, then the measure has h-density.
We observe here that, as a non-trivial consequence of the results that will be developed in [6], see [6, Theorem 1.1], we have that whenever is a Borel set such that , and is -rectifiable with complemented tangents, then for -almost every . See Remark 4.1. We remark that the fact that has density one is not a straightforward consequence of Corollary 1.3, and it requires additional work, cf. [6, Proposition 3.9].
Let us remark that the previous Theorem 1.3 solves the implication (ii)(i) of the density problem formulated in [41, page 50] in the setting of -rectifiable measures with complemented tangents. In Euclidean spaces, the proof of Theorem 1.3 is an almost immediate consequence of the fact that projections on linear spaces are 1-Lipschitz in conjunction with the area formula. In our context, we do not have at our disposal the Lipschitz property of projections and an area formula for -rectifiable measures with complemented tangents is obtained in [6, Theorem 1.2] as a consequence of a more refined study of such measures. So the proof requires new ideas. In order to obtain Theorem 1.3, first of all one reduces to the case of the surface measure on an intrinsically Lipschitz graph with very small Lipschitz constant thanks to the structure result Theorem 1.5 below. Secondly, one needs to show that the surface measures of the tangents and their push-forward on the graph are mutually absolutely continuous. For this, last point to hold it will be crucial, on the one hand, that a -rectifiable measure with complemented tangents can be covered almost everywhere with intrinsic graphs, see the forthcoming Theorem 1.5, and, on the other hand, that intrinsic Lipschitz graphs have big projections on their bases, see Proposition 4.6. Third, one exploits the fact that the density exists for the surface measures on the tangents to infer its existence for the original measure.
We remark that with the tools developed in the subsequent paper [6] and pushing forward the study started in this paper, we shall show an area formula for -rectifiable measures with complemented tangents, see [6, Theorem 1.2 and Theorem 1.3].
Other contributions of this paper are structure results for -rectifiable measures. Since they will be given in terms of sets that satisfy a cone property, let us clarify which cones we are choosing. For any and any homogeneous subgroup of , the cone is the set of points such that , where is the homogeneous norm relative to the fixed distance d on . Moreover a set is a -set if for every . We refer the reader to Sect. 2.4 for such definitions and some properties of them. We stress that the cones are used to give the definition of intrinsically Lispchitz graphs and functions, see [15, Definition 11 and Proposition 3.1]. The first result reads as follows, see Theorem 3.5.
Theorem 1.4
Let be a Carnot group endowed with an arbitrary left-invariant homogeneous distance. Let be a -rectifiable measure on . Then can be covered -almost everywhere with countably many compact sets with the cone property with arbitrarily small opening. In other words for every , we have
where are compact -sets, where are homogeneous subgroups of of Hausdorff dimension h.
If we ask that the tangents are complemented subgroups, we can improve the previous result. In particular we can take the ’s to be intrinsic Lipschitz graphs, see Theorem 3.4 and Proposition 2.17. For the definition of intrinsically Lipschitz function, we refer the reader to Definition 2.16. Let us remark that the fact that the ’s can be taken to be graphs will be crucial for the proof of the existence of the density in Theorem 1.3. Actually, by pushing a little bit further the information about the fact that the tangent measures at -almost every x are constant multiples of , we can give a structure result within the class of intrinsically differentiable graphs. Roughly speaking we say that the graph of a function between complementary subgroups is intrinsically differentiable at if admits a homogeneous subgroup as Hausdorff tangent at , see Definition 5.5 for details. For the forthcoming theorem, see Corollary 5.5.
Theorem 1.5
Let be a Carnot group of homogeneous dimension Q endowed with an arbitrary left-invariant homogeneous distance. Let , and let be a -rectifiable, i.e., a -rectifiable measure with tangents that are complemented almost everywhere.
Then can be covered -almost everywhere with countably many compact graphs that are simultaneously intrinsically Lipschitz with arbitrarily small constant, and intrinsically differentiable almost everywhere. In other words, for every , we can write
where are compact sets, with being a function between a compact subset of , which is a homogeneous subgroup of of homogeneous dimension h, and , which is a subgroup complementary to ; in addition is a -set, and it is an intrinsically differentiable graph at for -almost every , see Definition 5.5.
Let us briefly remark that when a Rademacher-type theorem holds, i.e., if an intrinsically Lipschitz function is intrinsically differentiable almost everywhere, the full result in Theorem 1.5 would simply be deduced by the analogous result but only requiring a covering with intrinsic Lipschitz graphs. We remark that a Rademacher-type theorem at such level of generality, i.e., between arbitrary complementary subgroups of a Carnot group, is now known to be false, see the counterexample in [27]. On the other hand, some positive results in particular cases have been provided in [4, 14, 17] for intrinsically Lipschitz functions with one-dimensional target in groups in which De Giorgi -rectifiability for finite perimeter sets holds, and for functions with normal targets in arbitrary Carnot groups. We stress that very recently in [44], the author proves the Rademacher theorem at any codimension in the Heisenberg groups .
We stress that, as a consequence of the result [6, Theorem 1.1], we get that the -rectifiability of measures of the type is equivalent to the fact that -almost every is covered by countably many intrinsic differentiable graphs. Thus, the negative result of [27] gives as a consequence that we cannot substitute intrinsic differentiable with intrinsic Lipschitz in the latter sentence. Ultimately, the general notion of rectifiability by means of coverings with countably many intrinsic Lipschitz graphs is not equivalent to the infinitesimal notion of rectifiability (namely, the -rectifiability) that one can give by asking that the tangents are almost everywhere unique (and then, as a consequence, homogeneous subgroups).
Let us briefly comment on the results listed above. Theorem 1.3 extends the implication in [39, (iv)(ii) of Theorem 3.15] to the setting of -rectifiable measures whose tangents are complemented in arbitrary Carnot groups. Indeed, in [39, (iv)(ii) of Theorem 3.15], the authors prove that if , and is a -rectifiable measure with tangents that are vertical subgroups in the Heisenberg group , then the h-density of exists almost everywhere and the tangent is unique almost everywhere. The analogous property in , but with -rectifiable measures with tangents that are horizontal subgroups, is obtained in [39, (iv)(ii) of Theorem 3.14], and in arbitrary homogeneous groups in the recent [24, (iii)(ii) of Theorem 1.1]. However, in this special horizontal case treated in [39, Theorem 3.14] and [24, Theorem 1.1], the authors do not assume since it comes from the existence of an approximate tangent, see [39, Theorem 3.10], while the authors in [24] are able to overcome this issue by adapting [13, Lemma 3.3.6] in [24, Theorem 4.4]. We do not address in this paper the question of obtaining the same general results as in Theorem 1.4, Theorem 1.3, and Theorem 1.5 removing the hypothesis on the strictly positive lower density in item (i) of Definition 1.1 when the tangent is unique (up to a multiplicative constant). Nevertheless, we stress that the results obtained in [24, 39] are for sets, while our results hold for arbitrary Radon measures.
We finally mention that, as a consequence of the machinery developed in the subsequent paper [6], the covering property with intrinsically differentiable graphs proved in Theorem 1.5 actually characterizes the -rectifiability with complemented tangents, see [6, 3. 1. of Theorem 1.1]. The previous characterization is in fact obtained through a delicate rectifiability results for intrinsically differentiable graphs, see [6, Theorem 1.3], and more precisely [6, Lemma 3.9 and Lemma 3.10]. Moreover, as a consequence of [6, Theorem 1.1], the -rectifiability with complemented tangents is equivalent to asking that Preiss’s tangents are complemented homogeneous subgroups without any requirement on the h-lower and upper densities. We refer the reader to [6] for details.
Carnot Groups
In this subsection, we briefly introduce some notations on Carnot groups that we will extensively use throughout the paper. For a detailed account on Carnot groups, we refer to [29].
A Carnot group of step is a simply connected Lie group whose Lie algebra admits a stratification . We say that is a stratification of if ,
where . We call the horizontal layer of . We denote by n the topological dimension of , by the dimension of for every . Furthermore, we define to be the projection maps on the i-th strata. We will often shorten the notation to .
For a Carnot group , the exponential map is a global diffeomorphism from to . Hence, if we choose a basis of , any can be written in a unique way as . This means that we can identify with the n-tuple and the group itself with endowed with the group operation determined by the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula. From now on, we will always assume that and, as a consequence, that the exponential map acts as the identity.
For any , we define the left translation as
As already remarked above, the group operation is determined by the Campbell–Hausdorff formula, and it has the form (see [19, Proposition 2.1])
where , and the ’s have the following properties. For any and any we have
and .
Thus, we can represent the product as
1 |
The stratification of carries with it a natural family of dilations , that are Lie algebra automorphisms of and are defined by
where . The stratification of the Lie algebra naturally induces a gradation on each of its homogeneous Lie sub-algebras , i.e., sub-algebras that are -invariant for any , that is
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We say that is a gradation of if for every , where we mean that for every . Since the exponential map acts as the identity, the Lie algebra automorphisms can be read also as group automorphisms of .
Definition 2.1
(Homogeneous subgroups) A subgroup of is said to be homogeneous if it is a Lie subgroup of that is invariant under the dilations .
We recall the following basic terminology: a horizontal subgroup of a Carnot group is a homogeneous subgroup of it that is contained in ; a Carnot subgroup of a Carnot group is a homogeneous subgroup of it such that the first layer of the grading of inherited from the stratification of is the first layer of a stratification of .
Homogeneous Lie subgroups of are in bijective correspondence through with the Lie sub-algebras of that are invariant under the dilations . For any Lie algebra with gradation , we define its homogeneous dimension as
Thanks to (2) we infer that, if is a homogeneous Lie sub-algebra of , we have . We introduce now the class of homogeneous and left-invariant distances.
Definition 2.2
(Homogeneous left-invariant distance) A metric is said to be homogeneous and left invariant if for any , we have
for any ,
for any .
We remark that two homogeneous left-invariant distances on a Carnot group are always bi-Lipschitz equivalent. It is well known that the Hausdorff dimension (for a definition of Hausdorff dimension see for instance [36, Definition 4.8]) of a graded Lie group with respect to an arbitrary left-invariant homogeneous distance coincides with the homogeneous dimension of its Lie algebra. For a reference for the latter statement, see [30, Theorem 4.4]. From now on, if not otherwise stated, will be a fixed Carnot group. We recall that a homogeneous norm on is a function such that for every and ; for every ; and if and only if . We introduce now a distinguished homogeneous norm on .
Definition 2.3
(Smooth-box metric) For any , we let
where and are suitably small parameters depending only on the group . For the proof of the fact that we can choose the ’s in such a way that is a homogeneous norm on that induces a left-invariant homogeneous distance, we refer to [19, Sect. 5].
Given an arbitrary homogeneous norm on , the distance d induced by is defined as follows:
Vice-versa, given a homogeneous left-invariant distance d, it induces a homogeneous norm through the equality for every , where e is the identity element of .
Given a homogeneous left-invariant distance d, we let be the open metric ball relative to the distance d centered at x and with radius . The closed ball will be denoted with . Moreover, for a subset and , we denote with the closed r-tubular neighborhood of E and with the open r -tubular neighborhood of E.
The following estimate on the norm of the conjugate will be useful later on. It appears in [34, Lemma 3.6].
Lemma 2.1
For any homogeneous norm and any , there exists a constant such that for every , we have
Definition 2.4
(Hausdorff Measures) Throughout the paper, we define the h- dimensional spherical Hausdorff measure relative to a left-invariant homogeneous metric d as
for every . We define the h-dimensional Hausdorff measure relative to d as
for every . We define the h-dimensional centered Hausdorff measure relative to d as
for every , where
for every . We stress that is an outer measure, and thus, it defines a Borel regular measure, see [12, Proposition 4.1], and that the measures are all equivalent measures, see [13, Sect. 2.10.2] and [12, Proposition 4.2].
Definition 2.5
(Hausdorff distance) Given a left-invariant homogeneous distance d on , for any couple of sets , we define the Hausdorff distance of A from B as
for every and .
Densities and Tangents of Radon Measures
Throughout the rest of the paper, we will always assume that is a fixed Carnot group endowed with an arbitrary left-invariant homogeneous distance d. Some of the forthcoming results will be proved in the particular case in which d is the distance induced by the distinguished homogeneous norm defined in Definition 2.3, and we will stress this when it will be the case.
The homogeneous, and thus Hausdorff, dimension with respect to d will be denoted with Q. Furthermore, as discussed in the previous subsection, we will assume without loss of generality that coincides with endowed with the product induced by the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula relative to .
Definition 2.6
(Weak convergence of measures) Given a family of Radon measures on , we say that weakly converges to a Radon measure , and we write , if
Definition 2.7
(Tangent measures) Let be a Radon measure on . For any and any we define the measure
Furthermore, we define , the h-dimensional tangents to at x, to be the collection of the Radon measures for which there is an infinitesimal sequence such that
Remark 2.1
(Zero as a tangent measure) We remark that our definition potentially admits the zero measure as a tangent measure, as in [9], while the definitions in [42] and [39] do not.
Definition 2.8
(Lower and upper densities) If is a Radon measure on , and , we define
and we say that and are the lower and upper h-density of at the point , respectively. Furthermore, we say that measure has h-density if
Lebesgue theorem holds for measures with positive lower density and finite upper density, and thus, local properties are stable under restriction to Borel subsets.
Proposition 2.2
Suppose is a Radon measure on with for -almost every . Then, for any Borel set and for -almost every , we have
This is a direct consequence of Lebesgue differentiation Theorem of [23, page 77] that can be applied since is a Vitali metric measure space due to [23, Theorem 3.4.3].
We stress that whenever the h-lower density of is strictly positive and the h-upper density of is finite -almost everywhere, the set is nonempty for -almost every , see [41, Proposition 1.12]. The following proposition has been proved in [41, Proposition 1.13].
Proposition 2.3
(Locality of tangents) Let , and let be a Radon measure such that for -almost every we have
Then for every that is nonnegative -almost everywhere we have for -almost every . More precisely, the following holds: for -almost every , then
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Let us introduce a useful split of the support of a Radon measure on .
Definition 2.9
Let be a Radon measure on that is supported on the compact set K. For any we define
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Let us stress that Definition 2.9 does not only depend on but obviously also on h. Anyway throughout the proofs of this paper, we always assume h to be fixed, and hence, we will not stress this dependence in the notation .
Proposition 2.4
For any , the set defined in Definition 2.9 is compact.
This is [41, Proposition 1.14].
Proposition 2.5
Assume is a Radon measure supported on the compact set K such that for -almost every . Then .
Let and note that this implies that either or . Since for -almost every , this concludes the proof.
We recall here a useful proposition about the structure of Radon measures.
Proposition 2.6
( [41, Proposition 1.17 and Corollary 1.18]) Let be a Radon measure supported on a compact set on such that for -almost every . For every , we have that is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to .
Intrinsic Grassmannian in Carnot Groups
Let us recall the definition of the Euclidean Grassmannian, along with some of its properties.
Definition 2.10
(Euclidean Grassmannian) Given we let to be the set of the k-vector subspaces of . We endow with the following distance
where is the (closed) Euclidean unit ball, and is the Hausdorff distance between sets induced by the Euclidean distance on .
Remark 2.2
(Euclidean Grassmannian and convergence) It is well known that the metric space is compact. Moreover, the following hold
if , then for every there exist such that ;
if and there is a sequence such that , then .
The proof of the two items above is left to the reader as an exercise.
We now give the definition of the intrinsic Grassmannian on Carnot groups and introduce the class of complemented homogeneous subgroups.
Definition 2.11
(Intrinsic Grassmannian on Carnot groups) For any , we define to be the family of homogeneous subgroups of that have Hausdorff dimension h.
Let us recall that if is a homogeneous subgroup of , any other homogeneous subgroup such that
is said to be a complement of . We let to be the subfamily of those that have a complement and we will refer to as the h-dimensional complemented Grassmannian.
Let us introduce the stratification vector of a homogeneous subgroup.
Definition 2.12
(Stratification vector) Let and for any we denote with the vector
that with abuse of language we call the stratification, or the stratification vector, of . Furthermore, we define
We remark that the cardinality of is bounded by for any .
We now collect in the following result some topological properties of the Grassmannians introduced above.
Proposition 2.7
(Compactness of the Grassmannian) For any the function
with , is a distance on . Moreover is a compact metric space.
The fact that is a distance comes from well-known properties of the Hausdorff distance. Let us consider a sequence , with , where for any and . By extracting a (non-re-labeled) subsequence, we can suppose that there exist natural numbers such that the topological dimension is for all , and for all . In particular, the topological dimension of is constant. Exploiting the compactness of the Euclidean Grassmannian, see Remark 2.2, we get that up to a (non-re-labeled) subsequence,
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where the convergence is meant in the Euclidean Grassmannian . As a consequence
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where the convergence is meant in the Euclidean Grassmannian . The previous equality is a consequence of (5) and the following observation: if V and W are two orthogonal linear subspaces such that , and A, B are vector subspaces of V, and C, D are vector subspaces of W, then
where the direct sums above are orthogonal too. Let us notice that, from (6) it follows that
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where we stress that B(0, 1) is the closed unit ball in the homogeneous left-invariant metric d. The proof of (7) can be reached by contradiction exploiting (6) and the fact that B(0, 1) is compact. We leave the routine details to the reader.
In order to conclude the proof, we need to show that
8 |
Indeed, on the compact set B(0, 1), one has for some constant , see for instance [43, Proposition 2.15]. This means that for subsets contained in B(0, 1) one has . This last inequality with (7) gives (8). Finally from (8) we get, by the very definition of ,
If we show that is a homogeneous subgroup of homogeneous dimension h we are done. The homogeneity comes from the fact that W admits a stratification (6), while the homogeneous dimension is fixed because it depends on the dimensions of that are all equal to . Let us prove is a subgroup. First of all is inverse-closed, because , and W is a vector space. Now take . By the first point of Remark 2.2 we find such that , and . Then, by continuity of the operation, , and . Then from the second point of Remark 2.2 we get that .
Proposition 2.8
There exists a constant , depending only on , such that if and , then .
Let us fix . Let us suppose by contradiction that there exist and in such that, for every , the stratification of is different from and such that . Up to extract two (non-re-labeled) subsequences we can assume that the ’s have the same stratification for every , as well as the ’s. Then, by compactness, see the proof of Proposition 2.7, we can assume up to passing to a (non re-labeled) subsequence that where has the same stratification of the ’s, and where has the same stratification of the ’s. Since , we get that and then but this is a contradiction since they have different stratifications. This proves the existence of a constant that depends both on and h. However, taking the minimum over h of such ’s, the dependence on h is eliminated.
Proposition 2.9
Suppose is a homogeneous subgroup of topological dimension d. Then , , and are Haar measures of . Furthermore, any Haar measure of is h-homogeneous in the sense that
This follows from the fact that the Hausdorff, the spherical Hasudorff, and the centered Hausdorff measures introduced in Definition 2.5 are invariant under left translations and thus on the one hand, they are Haar measures of . Furthermore, one can show by an explicit computation that the Lebesgue measure restricted to the vector space is a Haar measure. Indeed, this last assertion comes from the fact that for every the map has unitary Jacobian determinant when seen as a map from to , see [15, Lemma 2.20]. Thus since when seen as immersed in we have that the Lebesgue measure of coincides with , we conclude that is a Haar measure of as well. The last part of the proposition comes from the fact that the property is obvious by definition for the spherical Hausdorff measure, and the fact that all the Haar measures are the same up to a constant.
We now introduce the projections related to a splitting of the group.
Definition 2.13
(Projections related to a splitting) For any with a homogeneous complement , we can find two unique elements and such that
We will refer to and as the splitting projections, or simply projections, of g onto and , respectively.
We recall here below a very useful fact on splitting projections.
Proposition 2.10
Let us fix and two complementary homogeneous subgroups of a Carnot group . Then, for any , the map defined as is invertible and it has unitary Jacobian. As a consequence for every and Borel.
The first part is a direct consequence of [15, Proof of Lemma 2.20]. For the second part it is sufficient to use the first part and the fact that for every we have .
The following proposition holds for the distance d induced by the norm introduced in Definition 2.3.
Proposition 2.11
Let be a Carnot group endowed with the homogeneous norm introduced in Definition 2.3. Let be a homogeneous subgroup of Hausdorff dimension h and of topological dimension d. Then
(i)there exists a constant such that for any and any we have
9 -
there exists a constant such that ,
and in particular .
Thanks to Proposition 2.9, we have
Furthermore, if is another homogeneous subgroup such that , we can find a linear map T that acts as an orthogonal transformation on each of the ’s and that maps to . Since we are endowing with the box metric Definition 2.3, we get that . Since T is an orthogonal transformation itself, it is an isometry of and this implies that
Concerning (ii) thanks to Proposition 2.9, we have that both and are Haar measures of . This implies that there must exist a constant such that .
Finally, in order to prove (iii), we prove the following. For every left-invariant homogeneous distance d on and every homogeneous subgroup of Hausdorff dimension h, we have that
10 |
where is the centered Hausdorff measure relative to the distance d and B(0, 1) is the closed ball relative to the distance d.
Indeed, let us fix an , let us take such that , and a covering of A with closed balls centered on and with radii such that
This implies that
where the first inequality is true since , and the third equality is true since and is a Haar measure on . Thanks to the arbitrariness of , we finally infer that .
On the other hand, thanks to [16, item (ii) of Theorem 2.13 and Remark 2.14], we have that, calling for every , we infer that for every . Thus, for every we conclude and hence for -almost every we have that . For one of such we can write
where the first equality comes from Proposition 2.9. Thus and this concludes the proof of the first part of (iii) thanks to item (ii). The fact that depends only on follows from item (i)
Remark 2.3
The above proposition can be proved whenever the distance is a multiradial distance, see [33, Definition 8.5].
Remark 2.4
We stress here for future references that in the proof of item (iii) of Proposition 2.11 we proved that whenever is endowed with an arbitrary left-invariant homogeneous distance d, then for every homogeneous subgroup of Hausdorff dimension h, we have that
11 |
We conclude this subsection with two Propositions.
Proposition 2.12
(Corollary 2.15 of [15]) Let be a homogeneous norm on and let and be two complementary subgroups. Then there exists a constant such that for any we have
12 |
In the following, whenever we write , we are choosing the supremum of all the constants such that inequality (12) is satisfied.
Proposition 2.13
For any with complement , there is a constant such that for any and any we have
Furthermore, for any Borel set for which , we have
13 |
The existence of such is yielded by [15, Lemma 2.20]. Suppose is a countable covering of A with closed balls for which . Then
Cones Over Homogeneous Subgroups
In this subsection, we introduce the intrinsic cone and the notion of -set, and prove some of their properties. In this subsection, will be a fixed Carnot group endowed with an arbitrary homogeneous norm that induces a left-invariant homogeneous distance d.
Definition 2.14
(Intrinsic cone) For any and , we define the cone as
Definition 2.15
(-set) Given , and , we say that a set is a -set if
Lemma 2.14
For any , and if , then
We prove that any is contained in the cone . Thanks to the triangle inequality, we infer
Thus, choosing in such a way that , and evaluating the previous inequality at , we get
14 |
where in the second inequality, we used .
Let us notice that, given an arbitrary homogeneous subgroup of , an arbitrary point such that is one of the points at minimum distance from to p, then the following inequality holds
15 |
Now, by homogeneity, since is the point at minimum distance from of z, we get that is the point at minimum distance from of . Thus, since , from (15), we get that . Finally we obtain
16 |
where the first equality follows from the homogeneity of the distance; the second is a consequence of the fact that , and thus, from (15), the point at minimum distance of from has norm bounded above by 4; the third inequality comes from the definition of Hausdorff distance; the fourth equality is true by homogeneity; and the last inequality comes from the hypothesis . Joining (14), and (16), we get , that was what we wanted.
Lemma 2.15
Let , and let be a complementary subgroup of . There exists such that
Moreover, we can, and will, choose .
We prove that it suffices to take . Let us suppose the statement is false. Thus there exists . From Proposition 2.12 and from the very definition of the cone we have
which is a contradiction with the fact that .
We will not use the following proposition in the paper, but it is worth mentioning it.
Proposition 2.16
The family of the complemented subgroups is an open subset of .
Fix a and let be one complementary subgroup of and set . Then, if is such that , Lemma 2.14 implies that and in particular
Moreover, since from Proposition 2.8, we get that has the same stratification of and thus the same topological dimension. This, jointly with the previous equality and the Grassmann formula, means that for every . This, jointly with the fact that , implies that and are complementary subgroups in due to the triangular structure of the product on , see (1). For an alternative proof of the fact that and are complementary subgroups, see also [25, Lemma 2.7].
The following definition of intrinsically Lipschitz functions is equivalent to the classical one in [15, Definition 11] because the cones in [15, Definition 11] and the cones are equivalent whenever admits a complementary subgroup, see [15, Proposition 3.1].
Definition 2.16
(Intrinsically Lipschitz functions) Let and assume is a complement of and let be a subset of . Let . A function is said to be an -intrinsically Lipschitz function if is a -set. A function is said to be an intrinsically Lipschitz function if there exists such that f is an -intrinsically Lipschitz function.
Proposition 2.17
Let us fix with complement . If is a -set for some , then the map is injective. As a consequence, is the intrinsic graph of an intrinsically Lipschitz map defined on .
Suppose by contradiction that is not injective. Then, there exist with such that . Thus . Moreover, since is a -set, we have that . Eventually we get
where the last inclusion follows since . The above inclusion, jointly with Lemma 2.15, gives that and this is a contradiction. Concerning the last part of the statement, let us notice that the map is well defined from to and its intrinsic graph is by definition. Moreover, since is a -set, the latter map is intrinsically Lipschitz by Definition 2.16.
The following two lemmata will play a fundamental role in the proof that -rectifiable measures have h-density.
Lemma 2.18
Let and be one of its complementary subgroups. For any , let
17 |
Then we have
18 |
The first inclusion comes directly from the definition of projections and cones. Concerning the second, if , thanks to Proposition 2.12, we have
19 |
This implies in particular that and thus
This concludes the proof of the lemma.
Lemma 2.19
Let and be one of its complementary subgroups. Suppose is a -set with , and let
20 |
where is defined in (17). Then
The same inequality above holds if we substitute with any other Haar measure on , see Proposition 2.9, because all of them are equal up to a constant.
First of all, let us note that we have
21 |
where the last equality is true since for any Borel , see Proposition 2.10. We wish now to prove the following inclusion
22 |
Indeed, fix an element y of . Thanks to our choice of y, there are a and a such that
Furthermore, since is a -set, we infer that and thus with the same computations as in (19), we obtain that and thus
23 |
Furthermore, since by assumption , Lemma 2.18 yields
24 |
The bounds (23) and (24) together imply that , and thus and this concludes the proof of the inclusion (22). Finally (21), (22) imply
25 |
Furthermore, for any Borel subset of , we have , since for every we have the following simple equality . Therefore, by using the latter observation and Proposition 2.10, we get, denoting with the map for every , that
26 |
Rectifiable Measures in Carnot Groups
In what follows we are going to define the class of h-flat measures on a Carnot group and then we will give proper definitions of rectifiable measures on Carnot groups. Again we recall that throughout this subsection will be a fixed Carnot group endowed with an arbitrary left-invariant homogeneous distance.
Definition 2.17
(Flat measures) For any we let to be the family of flat h-dimensional measures in , i.e.,
Furthermore, if G is a subset of the h-dimensional Grassmannian , we let to be the set
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We stress that in the previous definitions we can use any of the Haar measures on , see Proposition 2.9, since they are the same up to a constant.
Definition 2.18
( and-rectifiable measures) Let . A Radon measure on is said to be a -rectifiable measure if for -almost every we have
there exists a such that .
Furthermore, we say that is -rectifiable if (ii) is replaced with the weaker
Remark 2.5
(About in Definition 2.18) It is readily noticed that, since in Definition 2.18 we are asking for -almost every x, we can not have the zero measure as a tangent measure. As a consequence, a posteriori, we have that in item (ii) and item (ii)* above, we can restrict to . We will tacitly work in this restriction from now on.
On the contrary, if we only know that for -almost every we have
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for some , hence for -almost every , and the same property holds with the item (ii)* above. Indeed, if at some x for which (28) holds we have , then there exists such that . Since , up to subsequences (see [1, Theorem 1.60]), we have , for some . Hence, by applying [1, Proposition 1.62(b)] we conclude that , that is a contradiction.
Throughout the paper, it will be often convenient to restrict our attention to the subclass of - and -rectifiable measures, given by the measures that have complemented tangents. More precisely, we give the following definition.
Definition 2.19
(-rectifiable measures) Let . In the following we denote by the family of those -rectifiable measures such that for -almost every we have
Remark 2.6
As explained in the introduction, the bridge between the notion of -rectifiable measures and the other notions of rectifiability in the Heisenberg groups is nowadays very well understood after the results in [39, Theorem 3.14 and Theorem 3.15] and [44]. Let us now discuss some examples of flat rectifiable measures in a different setting, i.e., in the Engel group, which we denote by .
The Engel group is the Carnot group whose Lie algebra admits a basis such that , and . Hence it is a step-3 Carnot group of topological dimension 4 and homogeneous dimension 7 where , , and . In exponential coordinates associated with the basis , the law product can be explicitly written as in [15, Example 2.6]. As explicitly computed in [15, Example 2.6], in we have two families of homogeneous complementary subgroups. The first family is given by where satisfy , and
In this case notice that, by homogeneity, and are both -rectifiable measures. Notice, moreover, that is normal and it is also a -hypersurface, thus being rectifiable in the sense of Definition 5.3. The same does not hold for since it is not normal, compare with Remark 5.2.
The second family of homogeneous subgroups is given by , where satisfy , and
Notice that and are both -rectifiable measures. Nevertheless, since both and are not normal, none of them can be a for any Carnot group because otherwise the tangent, which coincides everywhere with the same subgroup by homogeneity, would be normal, compare with Remark 5.2.
Proposition 2.20
Let and assume is a Radon measure on . If is an infinitesimal sequence such that for some and then
Since , see e.g., [25, Lemma 3.5], thanks to Remark 2.4 and to [1, Proposition 1.62(b)] we have
and this concludes the proof.
The above proposition has the following immediate consequence.
Corollary 2.21
Let and assume is a -rectifiable. Then for -almost every , we have
We introduce now a way to estimate how far two measures are.
Definition 2.20
Given and two Radon measures on , and given a compact set, we define
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We also write for .
Remark 2.7
With few computations that we omit, it is easy to see that . Furthermore, enjoys the triangle inequality, indeed if are Radon measures and , then
The arbitrariness of f concludes that .
The proof of the following criterion is contained in [41, Proposition 1.10] and we omit the proof.
Proposition 2.22
Let be a sequence of Radon measures on . Let be a Radon measure on . The following are equivalent
, for every compact.
Now, we are going to define a functional that in some sense tells how far is a measure from being flat around a point and at a certain scale .
Definition 2.21
For any , any , and any , we define the functional:
30 |
Furthermore, if G is a subset of the h-dimensional Grassmannian , we also define
Remark 2.8
It is a routine computation to prove that, whenever and are fixed, the function is a continuous function. The proof can be reached as in [41, Item (ii) of Proposition 2.2]. Moreover, from the invariance property in Remark 2.7 and Proposition 2.9, if in (30) we use the measure , we obtain the same functional.
Proposition 2.23
Let be a Radon measure on satisfying item (i) in Definition 2.18. Further, let G be a subfamily of and let be the set defined in (27). If, for -almost every , we have , then, for -almost every , we have
Let us fix a point for which and let us assume by contradiction that there exist such that, for some we have
31 |
Since satisfies item (i) in Definition 2.18, we can use [1, Proposition 1.62(b)] and then, up to subsequences, there are and such that
32 |
where the first equality follows from the first part of Remark 2.7, and the last convergence follows from (32), and Proposition 2.22. This is in contradiction with (31).
Structure of -Rectifiable Measures
In what follows we let be a Carnot group of homogeneous dimension Q and we fix . We endow with a fixed homogeneous left-invariant distance. We also assume that is a fixed Radon measure on and we suppose that it is supported on a compact set K . Moreover we fix and we freely use the notation introduced in Definition2.9.
In this section, we prove Theorem 1.4 and an important step toward the proof of Corollary 1.5, see the statements in Theorem 3.4 and Theorem 3.5, respectively.
The first step in order to prove Theorem 1.4 is to observe the following general property that can be made quantitative at arbitrary points : if the measure , with , is sufficiently near to in a precise Measure Theoretic sense at the scale r around x, then in some ball of center x and with radius comparable with r, the points in the set are not too distant from . Roughly speaking, if we denote with the functional that measures the distance between measures on the ball B(x, r), see Definition 2.20, we prove that the following implication holds
33 |
For the precise statement of (33), see Proposition 3.1. Let us remark that when is a -rectifiable measure, then for -almost every the bound on in the premise of (33) is satisfied with , for arbitrarily small whenever . Thus, for -rectifiable measures, we deduce that the estimate in the conclusion of (33) holds for arbitrarily small , and with . This latter estimate easily implies, by a very general geometric argument, that for arbitrarily small and for all . For the latter assertion, we refer the reader to Proposition 3.2. The proof of Theorem 1.4 is thus concluded by joining together the previous observations and by the general cone-rectifiability criterion in Proposition 3.3.
There is a difference between the Euclidean case and the Carnot case that we discuss now. In the Euclidean case, it is easy to see that whenever we are given a vector subspace V, an arbitrary -set, with sufficiently small, is actually the graph of a (Lipschitz) map . The main reason behind this latter statement is the following: we have a canonical choice of a complementary subgroup of V, and moreover for small enough. Already in the first Heisenberg group if we take the vertical line , we notice that there is no choice of a complementary subgroup of in . One could try to bypass this problem by defining properly some coset projections that would play the role of the projection over a splitting, see Definition 2.13. This will be the topic of further investigations.
Nevertheless, if we work in an arbitrary Carnot group and one of its homogeneous subgroups admits a complementary subgroup , we already proved that there exists a constant such that every -set is the intrinsic graph of a function . This last statement is precisely the analogous of the Euclidean property that we discussed above, see Proposition 2.17. As a consequence, in order to start to prove Theorem 1.5 we follow the path of the proof of Theorem 1.4, which we discussed above, but we have to pay attention to one technical detail. We have to split the subset of the Grassmannian made by the homogeneous subgroups that admit at least one complementary subgroup into countable subsets according to the value of . Then we have to write the proof of Theorem 1.4 by paying attention to the fact that we want to control the opening of the final -sets with . This is what we do in Theorem 3.4: we prove a refinement of Theorem 3.5 in which we further ask that the opening of the cones is controlled above also by some a priori defined function .
Definition 3.1
Let us fix , and a Radon measure on . We define to be the subset of planes for which there exists such that
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Definition 3.2
For any , we define .
In the following proposition, we prove that if is sufficiently -near to , see Definition 2.21 for the definition of , then is at a controlled distance from a plane .
Proposition 3.1
Let , fix , where is defined in Definition 3.2, and set . Then for every , see Definition 3.1, we have
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Let be any element of and suppose is such that
Since the function belongs to
, we deduce that
Suppose that y is a point in furthest from and let . If , this would imply that
where the last inequality follows from the definition of and the fact that . The previous inequality would imply , which is not possible since , see Definition 3.2. This implies that and as a consequence, we have
36 |
where the second inequality comes from the fact that . This implies thanks to (36), that
Remark 3.1
Notice that a priori in the statement of Proposition 3.1 may be empty. Nevertheless, it is easy to notice, by using the definitions, that if then is nonempty.
In the following proposition, we show that if we are at a point for which the h-tangents are flat, then locally around x the set enjoys an appropriate cone property with arbitrarily small opening.
Proposition 3.2
For any and any for which for some , there exists a such that whenever we have
By using Proposition 2.23, we conclude that
From the previous equality, it follows that for every there exists such that
37 |
Now we aim at proving that, for small enough, . In order to prove this, we notice that (37) and Proposition 3.1 imply that, for sufficiently small, the following inequality holds
38 |
Indeed, from (37), it follows that for every , see Definition 3.1; so that it suffices to choose , see Definition 3.2, in order to apply Proposition 3.1 and conclude (38).
Now let us take so small that the inequality holds. We finally prove . Indeed, let , and be such that . Since , from (38), we get
thus showing the claim.
We now prove a cone-type rectifiability criterion that will be useful in combination with the previous results in order to split the support of a or a -rectifiable measures with sets that have the cone property.
Proposition 3.3
(Cone-rectifiability criterion) Suppose that E is a closed subset of for which there exists a countable family and a function such that for every , there exist , and for which
39 |
whenever . Then, there are countably many compact -sets such that , and for which
40 |
Let us split E in the following way. Let G(i, j, k) be the subset of those for which
for any . Then, from the hypothesis, it follows . Since E is closed, it is not difficult to see that G(i, j, k) is closed too. Let us fix , some with , and let us prove that G(i, j, k) can be covered with countably many compact -sets. Since are fixed from now on, we assume without loss of generality that so that we can drop the indexes.
Let us take a dense subset of E, and let us define the closed tubular neighborhood of
41 |
where we recall that is the step of the group, and where is defined in (2.1). We will now prove that is a -set, or equivalently that for any we have
42 |
If , the inclusion (42) holds thanks to our assumptions on E. If on the other hand , let be such that , and . Let us prove that and . This is due to the fact that
where the last inequality follows from the definition of , see (41). From the previous inequality, it follows that , since . A similar computation proves the bound for and this implies that
The application of Lemma 2.1 and the fact that and are in B(0, 14k), due to the previous inequality, imply that
43 |
Finally, thanks to (41) and (43) we infer
thus showing (42) in the remaining case. In conclusion, we have proved that for any , the sets are -sets. This concludes the proof since
and on the other hand, every is a bounded and closed, thus compact, -set. The fact that the sets are contained in E follows by definition, thus concluding the proof of the equality.
In the following, with the symbol , we denote the subset of defined by
44 |
we fix a function , and for every with let us define
Observe that Proposition 2.7 implies that is separable for any , since and is a compact metric space, see Proposition 2.7. Let
45 |
be a countable dense subset of and
46 |
Let us now prove the following theorem which will be of fundamental importance to prove Corollary 1.5.
Theorem 3.4
Let be a function, where is defined in (44), and for every define as in (45), set , and choose as in (46). Furthermore, let and define for every . For the ease of notation we rename . Then the following holds.
Let be a -rectifiable measure. There are countably many compact sets that are -sets for some , and such that
Let us notice that without loss of generality, by restricting the measure on balls with integer radius, we can suppose that has a compact support. Fix and let be the set introduced in Definition 2.9 with respect to . Furthermore, for any , we let
47 |
It is not hard to prove, since is compact, see Proposition 2.4, that for every , the sets are compact. We claim that
48 |
Indeed, let be such that for some ; this can be done for -almost every point w in since is -rectifiable. Let be the smallest natural number for which there exists complementary to with . Then by definition, we have . By density of the family in , there exists a plane such that
for this last observation to hold it is important that only depends on , as it is by construction. The previous inequality, jointly with Lemma 2.14, imply that
49 |
where the last inclusion follows from the fact that by definition of the family it holds . Thanks to Proposition 3.2, we can find a such that for any , we have
50 |
In particular, putting together (49) and (50), we infer that for -almost every , there are an , an , and a such that whenever , we have
This concludes the proof of (48).
Now, if we fix , we can apply Proposition 3.3 to the set . It suffices to take the family in the statement of Proposition 3.3 to be the singleton and the function in the statement of Proposition 3.3 to be . As a consequence we can write each as the union of countably many compact -sets. Thus, the same holds -almost everywhere for , allowing to vary in , since (48) holds. Finally, we have
due to Proposition 2.5.
Thus, we can cover -almost all of with compact -sets for that vary in , concluding the proof of the proposition.
The following theorem is a more detailed version of Theorem 1.4.
Theorem 3.5
There exists a countable subfamily of such that the following holds. Let be a -rectifiable measure. For any , there are countably many compact sets that are -sets for some , and such that
The proof is similar to the one of Theorem 3.4. It suffices to choose, as a family , an arbitrary countable dense subset of and then one can argue as in the proof of Theorem 3.4 without the technical effort of introducing the parameter . We skip the details.
Bounds for the Densities of on -Sets
Throughout this subsection, we assume that and that . In this chapter whenever we deal with -sets we are always assuming that , where is defined in Lemma 2.15.
This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.3, that is obtained through three different steps. Let be a compact set, and recall that by Proposition 2.17 we can write with . Let us denote for every .
We first show that if we assume that at -almost every point x, then the push-forward measure is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to , see Proposition 4.7. In other words we are proving that whenever an intrinsically Lipschitz graph over a subset of an h-dimensional subgroup has strictly positive lower density almost everywhere, then the push-forward of the measure on the subgroup by means of the graph map is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to the measure on the graph. We stress that we do not address the issue of removing the hypothesis on the strict positivity of the lower density in Proposition 4.7 as it is out of the aims of this paper. We remark that in the Euclidean case the analogous statement holds true without this assumption: this is true because in the Euclidean case every Lipschitz graph over a subset of a vector subspace of dimension h has strictly positive lower h-density almost everywhere. We also stress that every intrinsically Lipschitz graph over a open subset of a h-dimensional homogeneous subgroups has strictly positive lower h-density almost everywhere, see [15, Theorem 3.9].
As a second step in order to obtain the proof of Theorem 1.3, we prove the following statement that can be made quantitative: if , is a compact -set with sufficiently small, and is a -rectifiable measure with complemented tangents, which we called -rectifiable, then we can give an explicit lower bound of the ratio of the lower and upper h-densities of . We refer the reader to Proposition 4.11 for a more precise statement and the proof of the following proposition.
Proposition 4.1
(Bounds on the ratio of the densities) Let be in . There exists such that the following holds. Suppose is a compact -set with and such that is a -rectifiable measure. Then there exists a continuous function of , with , such that for -almost every we have
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The previous result is obtained through a blow-up analysis and a careful use of the mutually absolute continuity property that we discussed above, and which is contained in Proposition 4.7. We stress that in order to differentiate in the proof of Proposition 4.1, we need to use proper and -Vitali relations, see Proposition 4.9, and Proposition 4.10, respectively.
As a last step of the proof of Theorem 1.3, we first use the result in Proposition 4.1 in order to prove that Theorem1.3 holds true for measures of the type , see Theorem 4.13. Then, we conclude the proof for arbitrary measures by reducing ourselves to the sets , see Corollary 4.14. The last part about the convergence in Theorem1.3 readily comes from the first part and Proposition 2.20.
We start this chapter with some lemmata.
Lemma 4.2
There exists an such that for any , any and any , we have .
By contradiction let us assume that we can find sequences , and such that converges to 0 and . By compactness without loss of generality we can assume that the sequence converges to some . Furthermore, by construction we also have that must converge to y. This implies that converges to y and since by hypothesis , thanks to the fact that is closed we infer that . This, however, is a contradiction since y has unit norm and at the same time we should have by Lemma 2.15.
Proposition 4.3
Let and suppose is a compact -set. For any let to be the biggest number satisfying the following condition. For any we have
where is the constant yielded by Lemma 4.2. Then, the function is positive everywhere on and upper semicontinuous.
Let and suppose by contradiction that there is a sequence of points converging to x and
52 |
for some . We note that (52) is equivalent to assuming that there are and such that
53 |
Identity (53) implies in particular that for any , we have and let us denote . Thanks to the assumptions on and , we have that
- and thus we can assume without loss of generality that there exists a such that
- and thus up to passing to a non-re-labeled subsequence, we can assume that there exists a such that
- and thus, up to passing to a non-re-labeled subsequence, we can suppose that there exists a such that
Since is supposed to be a -set, we have that for any the point is contained in the cone and, since is closed, we infer that . Since we assumed , we have . Since and converge to z and w, respectively, we have
Furthermore since for any , we infer that since is closed. Applying Lemma 4.2 to y, z, w, we see that the fact that , and results in a contradiction. This concludes the proof of the first part of the proposition.
In order to show that is upper semicontinuous, we fix an and we assume by contradiction that there exists a sequence converging to x such that
54 |
for some . Fix an and assume . Thus, thanks to (54) and the fact that the converge to x, we infer that there exists a such that, up to non-re-labeled subsequences, for any , we have , and . Therefore, for any , we have
This, however, thanks to the definition of , implies that
Summing up, we have proved that for any whenever we have
and this contradicts the maximality of . This concludes the proof.
Corollary 4.4
Let us fix and suppose that is a compact -set. Let us fix and choose as in the statement of Proposition 4.3. Then there is a such that the following holds
55 |
where is the constant yielded by Lemma 4.2.
Let us first prove that there exists such that whenever is such that then . Indeed if it is not the case, we have a sequence such that for every and as . Since is compact, we can suppose, up to passing to a non-re-labeled subsequence, that . Moreover, since and , we conclude that , and hence , and moreover . Then that is a contradiction with Lemma 2.15 because and .
Since is uniformly continuous on the closed tubular neighborhood , there exists a depending on such that for any and any , we have
56 |
Let us show the first part of the statement. It is sufficient to prove that if and is such that , then . Indeed if then . Moreover, from (56), we deduce that and . Since , we conclude that and then also , from which the sought conclusion follows. In order to prove , once we have , the conclusion follows thanks to Proposition 4.3.
Lemma 4.5
Fix some and assume that is a family of closed balls of with uniformly bounded radii. Then we can find a countable disjoint subfamily of such that
if then and are disjoint,
If , there is nothing to prove, since it is the classical 5-Vitali’s covering Lemma.
Let us assume by inductive hypothesis that the claim holds for and let us prove that it holds for . Let be the family of balls satisfying (i) and (ii) for , and apply the 5-Vitali’s covering Lemma to the family of balls . We obtain a countable subfamily of such that if then and are disjoint and that satisfies . Therefore, if we define
point (i) directly follows and thanks to the inductive hypothesis we have
proving the second point of the statement.
Proposition 4.6
Let and suppose is a compact -set of finite -measure such that
for -almost every . Then, there exists a constant depending on , , and the left-invariant homogeneous distance on , such that for -almost every there exists an such that for any we have
57 |
First of all, let us recall that two homogeneous left-invariant distances are always bi-Lipschitz equivalent on . Therefore if is a Carnot-Carathéodory distance on , which is in particular geodesic, see [29, Sect. 3.3] there exists a constant such that
We claim that if for any for which we have that for -almost any there exists a such that
58 |
whenever , then the proposition is proved. This is due to the following reasoning. First of all, thanks to [13, Proposition 2.10.19(5)], we know that . Secondly, if we set, for any , , we have that
59 |
We observe now that if , then -almost every belongs to some provided is big enough, or in other words
60 |
If our claim (58) holds true, whenever , we have that for -almost every w there exists R(w) such that whenever the following chain of inequalities holds
61 |
Identities (59) and (60) together with (61) imply that our claim suffices to prove the proposition. Therefore, in the following we will assume that are fixed and such that , and we want to prove (58).
Let be the unique natural number for which and for any and we define the following sets, where is defined in Proposition 4.3,
For any the sets are Borel since thanks to Proposition 4.3, the function is upper semicontinuous. Before going on, we observe that . This comes from the fact that the points of are exactly the points of density one of with respect to the measure , that is asymptotically doubling at -almost every point because it has positive lower density and finite upper density at -almost every point, see Proposition 2.2. Moreover observe that from Proposition 4.3. Let us apply Lemma 4.5 to N and , and thus we infer that there exists a subfamily such that
- ()
for any we have that ,
- ()
The point () above implies in particular that whenever , we have , since d is -Lipschitz equivalent to the geodesic distance , and thanks to the choice of N, we deduce that
Throughout the rest of the proof, we fix a and a
such that
62 |
For the ease of notation, we continue the proof fixing the radius . We stress that the forthcoming estimates are verified, mutatis mutandis, also for any . The first inequality above comes from the definition of , see Definition 2.9, while the second is true, up to choose a sufficiently small R(w), because -almost every point of has density one with respect to the asymptotically doubling measure . Let us stress that if we prove our initial claim for such w and R(w) we are done since -every point of satisfies (62), , and .
Let us notice that the definition of implies that there must exist a ball such that . We now prove that for any couple of closed balls such that B(w, R) intersects both and , we have
63 |
Indeed, Suppose that and note that
64 |
where the last inequality comes from the choice of N. The bound (64) shows in particular that
where the last inequality comes from the fact that by construction x is supposed to be in . Thanks to the fact that and , we have that Proposition 4.3 implies that (63) holds.
In order to proceed with the conclusion of the proof, let us define
Thanks to our choice of R, see (62), and the definition of we have
Let and recall that and that . This implies, thanks to Proposition 2.13, that
where the first inequality comes from the subadditivity and the upper estimate that we have in the definition of , see Definition 2.9, while identity in the third line above comes from (63). Summing up, for any we have
We now prove that the projection under of the closure of converges in the Hausdorff sense to as goes to 0. Since the set is a covering of we have that
65 |
On the other hand, since by definition the balls of have radii smaller than and center in , we also have
66 |
Putting together (65) and (66), we infer that the closure of converges in the Hausdorff metric to the closure of . Furthermore, since restricted to the ball is uniformly continuous, we infer that
Thanks to the upper semicontinuity of the Lebesgue measure with respect to the Hausdorff convergence we eventually infer that
where the last inequality above comes from the fact that by construction and the compactness of . Finally, since , we infer
thus showing the claim (58) and then the proof.
Proposition 4.7
Let us fix and suppose is a compact -set of finite -measure such that
for -almost every . Let us set the map whose graph is , see Proposition 2.17, and set to be the graph map of . Let us define to be the measure on such that for every measurable we have . Then is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to .
The fact that is absolutely continuous with respect to is an immediate consequence of Proposition 2.13. Vice-versa, suppose by contradiction that there exists a compact subset C of of positive -measure such that
67 |
Since by assumption for -almost every , by Proposition 2.2 and the fact that C has positive and finite -measure, we infer thanks to Proposition 4.6 that it must have a projection of positive -measure. This, however, comes in contradiction with (67).
In the following propositions, we are going to introduce two fine coverings of and , respectively, that will be used in the proof of Proposition 4.1 to differentiate with respect to the measure .
Definition 4.1
(-Vitali relation) Let (X, d) be a metric space with a Borel measure on it and let be the family of Borel sets of X. We say that is a covering relation if
Furthermore for any we let
68 |
Finally a covering S is said to be fine at if and only if
By a -Vitali relation, we mean a covering relation that is fine at every point of X and the following condition holds
If C is a subset of S and Z is a subset of X such that C is fine at each point of Z, then C(Z) has a countable disjoint subfamily covering -almost all of Z.
If is a nonnegative function on S(X), for any we define its -enlargement as
69 |
In the remaining part of this section, we use the following general result due to Federer: it contains a criterion to show that a fine covering relation is a -Vitali relation, and a Lebesgue theorem for -Vitali relations.
Proposition 4.8
( [13, Theorem 2.8.17, Corollary 2.9.9 and Theorem 2.9.11]) Let X be a metric space, and let be a Borel regular measure on X that is finite on bounded sets. Let S be a covering relation such that S(X) is a family of bounded closed sets, S is fine at each point of X, and let be a nonnegative function on S(X) such that
for -almost every . Then S is a -Vitali relation.
Moreover, if S is a -Vitali relation on X, and f is a -measurable real-valued function with on every bounded -measurable K, we have
for -almost every . In addition, given , if we define
then P is -measurable and .
Proposition 4.9
Let and suppose that is a compact -set of finite -measure such that
for -almost every . As in the statement of Proposition 4.7, let us denote with the graph map of whose intrinsic graph is . Then the covering relation
is a -Vitali relation, where is defined as in Proposition 4.6 for -almost every and it is on the remaining null set where Proposition 4.6 eventually does not hold.
First of all, it is readily noticed that is a fine covering of sine is continuous. Let us prove that is a -Vitali relation in with the distance d induced form . For and , define . Notice that an arbitrary element of , see (68), is of the form G(x, r) for some and some . Let and note that the -enlargement, see (69), of G(x, r) is
70 |
Whenever we have that : indeed, since is injective on , see Proposition 2.17, we have if and only if . In particular, since we have , and thus for every and .
Finally, thanks to Proposition 4.6 and Proposition 4.7, for -almost every , we have
71 |
where we explicitly mentioned the set over which we take the supremum only in the first line for the ease of notation, and where the first inequality in the third line follows from the fact that for any and any Borel set , see Proposition 2.10. Thanks to (71), we can apply the first part of Proposition 4.8 and thus we infer that is a -Vitali relation.
Proposition 4.10
Let and let be a compact -set of finite -measure. As in the statement of Proposition 4.7, let us denote with the graph map of whose intrinsic graph is . Then for -almost every , we have
72 |
For any , we let
It is immediate to see that and that if and only if . Throughout the rest of the proof we let S be the fine covering of given by the couples (w, G(w, r)) for which
- ()
if then and ,
- ()
if then and .
Furthermore, for any , we define the function on , see (68), as
73 |
If we prove that S is a -Vitali relation, the second part of Proposition 4.8 directly implies that (72) holds. If for -almost every , we prove that
74 |
where we explicitly mentioned the set over which we take the supremum only the first time for the ease of notation, and where is the -enlargement of G(w, r), see (69); thus, thanks to the first part of Proposition 4.8 we would immediately infer that S is a -Vitali relation. In order to prove that (74) holds, we need to get a better understanding of the geometric structure of the -enlargement of G(w, r).
If , we note that there must exist an such that for any we have
Indeed, if this is not the case there would exist a sequence and a sequence such that
Since is compact and is continuous on the closed tubular neighborhood , up to passing to a non-re-labeled subsequence we have that the ’s converge to some and, on the other hand, by construction the ’s converge to w which is not contained in , and this is a contradiction. This implies that if , we have
75 |
where in the inclusion we are using the fact that if y were in , and , then which would be in contradiction with , since we chose . Summing up, if the bound (74) immediately follows thanks to (75) and the homogeneity of .
If on the other hand , the situation is more complicated. If and are such that
76 |
since by construction of the covering S we also assumed that , we infer that we must have for (76) to be satisfied. This allows us to infer that, for every and , we have
77 |
where in the last inclusion we are using the observation right after (76) according to which . We now study independently each of the two terms of the union of the last two lines above. Let us first note that if , and
then . This observation and Corollary 4.4 imply that if is sufficiently small we have , where the constant is yielded by Lemma 4.2. In particular we deduce that for every sufficiently small
In order to study the term in the last line of (77), we prove the following claim: for every , every , and every we have , where is a constant depending only on . Indeed, since is compact and is continuous, there exists a constant such that whenever , and , there exists an such that and . Thus there exists a constant such that whenever , , and , there exists with and . Thus, we can estimate
where the second inequality in the last equation comes from Lemma 2.1. Thus, , and the claim is proved. Summing up, we have proved that whenever and is sufficiently small we have
and thus (74) immediately follows by the homogeneity of and the fact that for every and a Borel subset of , see Proposition 2.10. This concludes the proof of the proposition.
We prove below a more precise version of Proposition 4.1.
Proposition 4.11
Let us fix . Suppose is a compact -set such that is -rectifiable. For -almost every we have
78 |
where is defined in Lemma 2.18.
Let us preliminarily observe that since and are both Haar measures on , they coincide up to a constant. Since for -almost every we have , the upper bound is trivial. Let us proceed with the lower bound. Thanks to Proposition 4.7 and the Radon–Nikodym Theorem, see [23, page 82], there exists such that
for -almost every ,
We stress that the following reasoning holds for -almost every . Let be an infinitesimal sequence such that for some . First of all, we immediately see that Corollary 2.21 implies that and that
where the last identity comes from Proposition 4.9 that allows us to differentiate by using the second part of Proposition 4.8, and Proposition 2.20. Thanks to Lemma 2.18, Remark 2.4, and the fact that is a -set, we have
79 |
where in the second equality we are using the homogeneity of and the fact that for every and a Borel subset of , see Proposition 2.10. On the other hand, thanks to Lemma 2.19 we have
80 |
where the first identity in the last line comes from Proposition 4.10 and the last inequality from Lemma 2.18, Remark 2.4, and is defined in (20). Putting together (79) and (80), we have
81 |
Thanks to the definition of and we can find two sequences and such that
and without loss of generality, taking Proposition 2.20 into account, we can assume that
The bounds (81) imply therefore that
82 |
Finally the bounds in (82) yield
and this concludes the proof.
We prove now the existence of density of -rectifiable measures, see Corollary 1.3. We first prove an algebraic lemma, then we prove the existence of the density for measures of the type , and then we conclude with the proof of the existence of the density for arbitrary -rectifiable measures.
Lemma 4.12
Let us fix a real number, , and let f be the function defined as follows
Then, there exists such that the following implication holds
Let us choose such that
Let us show that the sought constant is . Indeed, if and we infer that and
This implies that if and , then
where the last inequality above comes from the choice of . This concludes the proof.
Theorem 4.13
Let be a compact subset of such that is a -rectifiable measure. Then
In the following, for any , we will construct a measurable set such that and
83 |
If (83) holds then we are free to choose for every and then the density of exists on the set , that has full -measure. So we are left to construct as in (83). Let us define the function
Let us take the family and let us choose complementary subgroups to as in the statement of Theorem 3.4. We remark that the choices of the family and of the complementary subgroups depend on the function previously defined, see the discussion before Theorem 3.4. Let us define
where is the constant in Lemma 4.12, and with an abuse of notation let us lift to a function on as we did in the statement of Theorem 3.4. From Theorem 3.4 we conclude that there exist countably many ’s that are compact -sets contained in such that
84 |
Let us write, for the ease of notation, for every . Since and is -rectifiable, we conclude, by exploiting the locality of tangents, see Proposition 2.3, and the Lebesgue differentiation theorem in Proposition 2.2, that the measures are -rectifiable as well for every . Thus, since , we can apply Proposition 4.11 and conclude that, for every , we have
where . Since and for -almost every , see Proposition 2.2, for every we conclude that
85 |
Let us now fix and note there exists a unique such that
Moreover, from the definition of and we see that . This allows us to infer that
, since ,
, since , see Lemma 2.15.
Thus we can apply Lemma 4.12 and conclude that
This shows, thanks to (85), that for any , we have
Thus by taking into account (84) and the previous equation we conclude (83), that is the sought claim.
Remark 4.1
It is a classical result that if is a h-rectifiable set, with , then for -almost every point , see [13, Theorem 3.2.19]. This is true also in the setting of Heisenberg groups for arbitrary -rectifiable measures, and it is a direct consequence of [39, (iv)(ii) of Theorem 3.14 & Theorem 3.15].
We point out that as a consequence of the non-trivial results developed in the subsequent paper [6], see [6, Theorem 1.1], we have that whenever is a Borel set such that , and is -rectifiable, then for -almost every .
Corollary 4.14
Let be a -rectifiable measure on a Carnot group . Then
We stress that by restricting ourselves on balls of integer radii, by using Proposition 2.2 and Proposition 2.3, we can assume that has compact support. Let us first recall that, by Proposition 2.5, we have
86 |
Let us fix . From Lebesgue’s differentiation theorem, see Proposition 2.2, and the locality of tangents, see Proposition 2.3, we deduce that being -rectifiable implies that is -rectifiable. From Proposition 2.6 we deduce that is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to , and thus, by Radon–Nikodym theorem, see [23, page 82], there exists a positive function such that . We stress that we can apply Lebesgue–Radon–Nikodym theorem since is asymptotically doubling because it has positive h-lower density and finite h-upper density almost everywhere. By Lebesgue–Radon–Nikodym theorem, see [23, page 82], and the locality of tangents again, we deduce that is a -rectifiable measure, since is a -rectifiable measure. Thus, we can apply Theorem 4.13 to and obtain that for every , we have that
Since we thus conclude from the previous equality and by Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym theorem that for every we have that
The previous equality, jointly with Proposition 2.2 and together with (86) allows us to conclude the proof.
Comparison with Other Notions of Rectifiability
In this section, we provide the proof of Proposition 1.2 and Corollary 1.5. The key step for proving the rectifiability with intrinsically differentiable graphs is the following proposition.
Proposition 5.1
(Hausdorff convergence to tangents) Let be a -rectifiable measure. Let K be a compact set such that . Then for -almost every point there exists such that
in the sense of Hausdorff convergence on closed balls .
First of all, by reducing the measure to have compact support, e.g., considering the restriction on the balls with integer radii, and then by using Proposition 2.5, we can assume without loss of generality that for some . In order to prove the Hausdorff convergence to the plane , we need to prove two different things: first, around almost every point x of K, the point of the set K at decreasingly small scales lies ever closer to the points of , and this is exactly what comes from the implication (33), see Proposition 3.1. Secondly, we have to prove the converse assertion with respect to the previous one, i.e., that the points of around x at decreasingly small scales are ever closer to the points of K. For this latter assumption to hold we also need to add to the condition in (33) the additional control , see Proposition 5.3. As a consequence of Proposition 5.1, we can prove Corollary 1.5 for measures of the form . Finally by the usual reduction to , we can give the proof of Corollary 1.5 for arbitrary measures.
This subsection is devoted to the proof of Proposition 1.2, i.e., the fact that the spherical Hausdorff measure restricted to a -rectifiable set is -rectifiable. In [25] the authors give the following definitions of -submanifold of a Carnot group and rectifiable sets. We first recall the definition of -function.
Definition 5.1
(-function) Let and be two Carnot groups endowed with left-invariant homogeneous distances d and , respectively. Let be open and let be a function. We say that f is Pansu differentiable at if there exists a homogeneous homomorphism such that
Moreover, we say that f is of class in if the map is continuous from to the space of homogeneous homomorphisms from to .
Definition 5.2
(-submanifold) Given an arbitrary Carnot group , we say that is a -submanifold of if there exists a Carnot group such that for every , there exists an open neighborhood of p and a function such that
87 |
and is surjective with complemented. In this case we say that is a -submanifold.
Definition 5.3
((-rectifiable set) Given two arbitrary Carnot groups and of homogeneous dimension Q and , respectively, we say that is a -rectifiable set if there exist countably many subsets of that are -submanifolds, such that
Using the results of [25], we prove the following.
Proposition 5.2
Let us fix and two arbitrary Carnot groups of homogeneous dimensions Q and , respectively, and suppose is a -rectifiable set. Then the measure is -rectifiable.
By [25, Corollary 3.6] a -rectifiable set has -almost everywhere positive and finite density. Thus, by the locality of tangents, see Proposition 2.3, by Lebesgue differentiation theorem in Proposition 2.2, and by the very definitions of -rectifiable set and -submanifold, it suffices to prove the statement when is the zero-level set of a function , with open, and such that for every the differential is surjective with complemented.
Fix and note that the homogeneous subgroup , where f is a representation as in (87), is independent of the choice of f. This follows for instance from [25, Lemma 2.14, (iii)]. We denote this homogeneous subgroup with and we call it the tangent subgroup at p to . We first prove that
88 |
Indeed, from [25, Lemma 3.4], denoting by the set , we have
89 |
We claim that this last equality implies that
thus showing (88). Indeed, for every measurable set , we have
90 |
and thus the claim follows from (89). In order to conclude the proof, we have to prove that item (i) of Definition 2.18 holds. This follows from [25, Corollary 3.6]. Indeed, it is there proved that every -rectifiable set has density -almost everywhere, that is stronger than item (i) of Definition 2.18.
Remark 5.1
We remark that the proof above is heavily based on [25, Lemma 3.4 & Corollary 3.6]. The two latter results in the reference are consequences of the area formula [25, Theorem 1.1]. As a consequence the approach in [25] is, in some sense, reversed with respect to our approach. The authors in [25] deal with the category of -regular submanifolds and prove the area formula relying upon [25, Proposition 2.2], that ultimately tells that a Borel regular measure with positive and finite Federer’s density with respect to the spherical Hausdorff measure admits a representation . Then with this area formula, they are able to prove the results that led to the proof of the above Proposition 5.2.
We stress that in the subsequent paper [6], we push forward the study of -rectifiable measures started here, and we prove an area formula for intrinsically differentiable graphs, see [6, Theorem 1.3], that extends the result of [25, Theorem 1.1].
Remark 5.2
(-rectifiability and -rectifiable sets) From Definition 5.2 and Definition 5.3 it follows that the tangent subgroup at a point of a -rectifiable set is always normal and complemented. Moreover, from [25, Lemma 2.14, (iv)], every complementary subgroup to must be a Carnot subgroup of that in addition is isomorphic to . This results in a lack of generality of this approach to rectifiability. Let us give here an example where the previous phenomenon becomes clear. If we take L a horizontal subgroup in the first Heisenberg group , on the one hand, is -rectifiable, on the other hand, L is not -rectifiable for any Carnot group since L is not normal.
Rectifiability with Intrinsically Differentiable Graphs
This subsection is devoted to the proof of Proposition 5.1 and Corollary 1.5. Throughout this subsection, we let to be a Carnot group of homogeneous dimension Q and h an arbitrary natural number with . Whenever is a Radon measure supported on a compact set we freely use the notation introduced in Definition 2.9, for . We start with some useful definitions and facts.
Definition 5.4
For and , let us set
and then let us define the constant
Proposition 5.3
Let be a Radon measure supported on a compact subset of and let K be a Borel subset of . Let and be natural numbers. Let , , and . Assume further that there exist and such that
91 |
Then for any we have , and thus in particular .
From the hypothesis, we have that . Define , where is defined in Definition 5.4. From the very definition of the function g and the choice of above, we deduce that
where in the first inequality we are using that and Remark 2.4, and in the last inequality, we are using that . Simplifying and rearranging the above chain of inequalities, we infer that
where (A) comes from the fact that , see Definition 5.4, and (B) comes from the definition of , see Definition 5.4. Since the function is decreasing and bounded below by , we deduce, from the previous inequality, that .
We now claim that for every with and every we have . This will finish the proof. By contradiction assume there is such that . This would imply that
92 |
where the first equality comes from Remark 2.4, and the last inequality comes from the choice of as in the statement, and the fact that
because and . Thanks to (92), the choice of , and the fact, proved some line above, that , we have that
which is a contradiction since , see Definition 5.4.
Proof of Proposition 5.1
First of all, by reducing the measure to have compact support, e.g., considering the restriction on the balls with integer radii, and then by using Proposition 2.5, we can assume without loss of generality that for some
Since is a -rectifiable measure, by using the locality of tangents with the density , see Proposition 2.3, for -almost every we have that the following three conditions hold
, where ,
if is such that there exists with , then .
From now on let us fix a point for which the three conditions above hold. If we are able to prove the convergence in the statement for such a point then the proof of the proposition is concluded.
Thus, we have to show that for every the following holds
93 |
where is the Hausdorff distance between closed subsets in . For some compatibility with the statements that we already proved, we are going to prove (93) for . The proof of (93) for an arbitrary can be achieved by changing accordingly the constants in the statements of Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 5.3, that we are going to crucially use in this proof. We leave this generalization to the reader, as it will be clear from this proof.
Let us fix , where is defined in Definition 3.2 and in Definition 5.4, and let us show that there exist an and a real function such that
94 |
95 |
and where the constant is defined in Proposition 3.1, and the functions , are introduced in (101) and (103), respectively. By the definition of , it follows that as and thus, if we prove (94), we are done.
In order to reach the proof of (94) let us add an intermediate step. We claim that there exists an such that the following holds
96 |
The conclusion in (96) follows if we prove that
97 |
We prove (97) by contradiction. If (97) was not true, there would exist an and an infinitesimal sequence such that
98 |
Thus, from items (i) and (ii) above, and from [1, Corollary 1.60], we conclude that, up to a non-re-labeled subsequence of , there exists a such that we have as . Then by exploiting the item (iii) above we get also that as . These two conclusions immediately imply, by exploiting Remark 2.7 and (2.22), that
which is a contradiction with (98). Thus, the conclusion in (96) holds. Let us continue the proof of (94).
Taking into account the bound on and (96) we can apply Proposition 3.1, since for all , and Proposition 5.3 to obtain, respectively, that for all
99 |
Let us proceed with the proof of (94). Fix and note that for any there exists a point such that . From the first line of (99), we get that and thus there exists a such that . This in particular means that and then, since , we get also that . Thus, we conclude that
100 |
for all . Define the following function
101 |
and notice that by compactness it is easy to see that as . With the previous definition of in hands, we can exploit (100) and conclude that
102 |
The latter estimate is the first piece of information we need to prove (94). Let us now estimate for any . If , then there exists a unique such that . Let us define
103 |
and by compactness it is easy to see that as . Let us now fix . Then . We can use the second line of (99) to conclude that there exists . Thus . Now we have two cases
- if v was in we would get and then
104 - if instead , we denote the point that we have defined above and then we still have . Thus we can again apply the second line of (99) to deduce the existence of . Then we conclude . Now we can estimate
Moreover, since and we get that . Then by the triangle inequality and (105) we conclude that, in this second case,105
and then106 107
By joining together the conclusion of the two cases, see (104) and (107), we conclude that
108 |
The equations (102) and (108) imply (94) by the very definition of Hausdorff distance. Thus the proof is concluded.
Let us now give the definition of intrinsically differentiable graph.
Definition 5.5
(Intrinsically differentiable graph) Let and be two complementary subgroups of a Carnot group . Let be a continuous function with K compact in . Let . We say that is an intrinsically differentiable graph at if there exists a homogeneous subgroup such that for all
109 |
where is the Hausdorff distance between closed subsets of .
We prove now that the support of a -rectifiable measure , where is compact, can be written as the countable union of almost everywhere intrinsically differentiable graphs.
Theorem 5.4
For any , there exist a countable subfamily of , and complementary subgroups of such that the following holds.
Let be a compact subset of such that , and is a -rectifiable measure. Then for every , there are countably many compact ’s that are intrinsic graphs of functions , and that satisfy the following three conditions: are -sets, are intrinsically differentiable graphs at for -almost every , and
First of all, let
where is defined in (44). Given the above-defined function , we construct the family and choose complementary subgroups of as in the statement of Theorem 3.4. Notice that this choice is dependent on the function that we chose above. We claim that the family for which the statement holds is .
Applying Theorem 3.4 with to the measure we get countably many compact sets that are -sets and such that
Since , we conclude that each is also the intrinsic graph of a function , see Proposition 2.17. It is left to show that, for every , is an intrinsically differentiable graph at for -almost every .
Indeed, since is -rectifiable, we can apply Proposition 5.1 and, for every , we conclude that
110 |
in the sense of Hausdorff convergence on closed balls . Moreover, thanks to Proposition 4.7 and to Lebesgue differentiation theorem in Proposition 2.2, we infer that is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to , where is the graph map of . Furthermore, since every point can be written as , with , we conclude, from (110) and latter absolute continuity, that is an intrinsically differentiable graph at for -almost every , and this concludes the proof.
In the following corollary we provide the proof of Corollary 1.5.
Corollary 5.5
For any , there exist a countable subfamily of , and complementary subgroups of such that the following holds.
For any -rectifiable measure and for any , there exist countably many compact sets ’s that are -sets, that are intrinsic graphs of functions , and that satisfy the following conditions: are intrinsically differentiable graphs at for -almost every , and
By restricting on closed balls of integer radii we can assume without loss of generality that has compact support. Let us fix . We can infer this corollary by working on , that is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to , see Proposition 2.6, and by using the previous Corollary 5.4 together with Proposition 2.5. The resulting strategy is identical to the one in Corollary 4.14 so we omit the details.
Remark 5.3
(Uniformly intrinsically differentiable graphs and -surfaces) By the recent work of the second named author, see [41, Theorem 3], one can show that in an arbitrary Carnot group of homogeneous dimension Q, the support of a -rectifiable measure can be covered by countably many -regular hypersurfaces. Moreover, it is known that a -regular hypersurface is characterized, locally, by being the graph of a uniformly intrinsically differentiable function, see [3, Theorem 1.6]. This means that, in some particular cases, as it is the codimension-one case, we can strengthen the conclusion in Corollary 5.5 by obtaining that the maps are uniformly intrinsically differentiable.
This latter observation gives raise to two questions, that in the co-horizontal case are the same thanks to [3, Theorem 1.6], but in general could be different: is it always possible to improve the intrinsic differentiability in Corollary 5.5 to some kind of uniform intrinsic differentiability? Is it possible to prove that when a -rectifiable measure, or even a -rectifiable measure, on admits only complemented normal subgroups that have only complementary subgroups that are Carnot subgroups, then we can write its support as the countable union of -surfaces, see Definition 5.2? Let us stress that if one answers positively to the second question, this would mean, taking into account Proposition 5.2, that whenever they can agree, see Remark 5.2, the two notions of -rectifiable measure and -rectifiable set agree.
We do not address these questions in this paper, but we stress that with the results proved in [6], we show that, at least in the co-horizontal case, the notion of -rectifiable measure and the notion of rectifiability given in terms of -rectifiable sets coincide, see [6, Corollary 5.3].
In the final part of this section, we briefly discuss how the notion of intrinsically differentiable graph in Definition 5.5 is related to the already available notion of intrinsic differentiability, see [14, Definition 3.2.1] and [4, Definition 2.5]. Throughout the rest of this section and are two fixed complementary subgroups in a Carnot group .
Definition 5.6
(Intrinsic translation of a function) Given a function , we define, for every ,
and by setting
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Definition 5.7
(Intrinsically linear function) The map is said to be intrinsically linear if is a homogeneous subgroup of .
Definition 5.8
(Intrinsically differentiable function) Let be a function with U Borel in . Fix a density point of U, let and denote with the shifted function introduced in Definition 5.6. We say that is intrinsically differentiable at if there is an intrinsically linear map such that
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The function is called the intrinsic differential of at .
Let us fix with U open. Whenever the intrinsic differential introduced in Definition 5.8 exists, it is unique: see [14, Theorem 3.2.8]. In [14] the authors prove the following result: a function , with U open, is intrinsically differentiable at if and only if is an intrinsically differentiable graph at with the tangent complemented by , see Definition 5.5, and moreover . In the setting we are dealing with, i.e., with maps with U compact, the above equivalence still holds at density points of U. We do not give a proof of this last assertion since it follows by routine modifications of the argument in [14], and moreover, we do not need it in this paper.
The first author is partially supported by the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 713998 GeoMeG ‘Geometry of Metric Groups’). The second author is supported by the Simons Foundation Wave Project, Grant 601941, GD. The authors wish tho express their gratitude to the anonymous referee for the careful reading of the paper.
Open access funding provided by Scuola Normale Superiore within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.
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