Cell cycle, ploidy, and DNA fragmentation (AP, subG0/G1) represented by propidium iodide stain (PI). Control DNA extrapolate on the PI ax. G0/G1 phase = (A) 95.48%; (B) 2c 59.44%; 4c 10.87%; 8c 6.52%; 16c 12.68%; (C) 0.00%; S phase = (A) 1.27%; (B) 0.00%; (C) 0.00%; G2/M phase = (A) 1.13%; (B) 0.00%; (C) 99.92%; subG0/G1: (A) 1.05%; (B) 3.31%; (C) 0.07%. Legend: AP, cell apoptosis; (A) malignant tumor tissue with an invasion of the prostatic urethra (hyperdiploid, cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase); (B) adenoleiomyoma prostate tissue, chronic inflammation hyperplasia (tetrapoliploidy); (C) benign prostatic tissue hyperplasia (aneuploid, present only the G2/M phase).