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. 2022 Jun 23;12(7):584. doi: 10.3390/metabo12070584
CCS Collisional cross section
CE Capillary electrophoresis
ChEBI Chemical entities of biological interest
CSV Comma-separated values, spreadsheet/table data format
CV Controlled vocabulary
DDA Data-dependent acquisition
DI Direct infusion
DI-MS Direct infusion/shotgun mass spectrometry
DIA Data-independent acquisition
DTIMS Drift tube ion mobility spectrometry
FAIMS High-field asymmetric-waveform ion mobility spectrometry
FAIR Findable, accessible, indexable and retrievable
FDR False discovery rate
GC Gas chromatography
GL Glycerolipids
GO Gene ontology
GP Glycerophospholipids
HILIC Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography
HMDB Human metabolome database
HTML Hypertext markup language
HUPO Human proteome organization
IMS Ion mobility spectrometry
LC Liquid chromatography
LSI Lipidomics standards initiative
MALDI Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization
MRM Multiple reaction monitoring
MS Mass spectrometry or mass spectrum
MS/MS Tandem mass spectrometry or mass spectrum
MS1 First order mass spectrum, single fragmentation
MS2 Second order mass spectrum, fragmentation of ions from MS1, MS/MS
MSE DIA with alternating low- and high-energy collision-induced dissociation
MSI Metabolomics standards initiative
MSn Higher (nth) order mass spectrometry or mass spectrum
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance
PRIDE Proteomics identification database
PRM Parallel reaction monitoring
PSI HUPO Proteomics standards initiative
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RPLC Reversed-phase liquid chromatography
RT Retention time
SFC Supercritical fluid chromatography
SMILES Simplified molecular input line entry system
SPLASH Spectral hash
SRM Selective reaction monitoring
TOF Time-of-flight
TWIMS Traveling wave ion mobility spectrometry
TXT Semi-structured, text-based file format
VBA Visual Basic for Applications
XLSX MS Excel spreadsheet format
XML Extensible markup language