(A,B) Tumor volume (left) and weight (right) of PaTu-8902 (A) and tumor volume of MIAPaCa-2 (B) ishGOT2.1 flank xenografts in NOD scid gamma (NSG) mice fed normal chow (−Dox, n=6) or doxycycline chow (+Dox, n=6) expressing control (shNT) or shMCT1.1. (C,D) Immunoblots for GOT2, MCT1, and VINCULIN in representative tumors from PaTu-8902 (C) or MIAPaCa-2 (D) ishGOT2.1 −Dox (n=3) or +Dox (n=3) flank xenografts with shNT or shMCT1.1. Each lane represents an individual tumor. (E) Tumor volume (left) and weight (right) of PaTu-8902 flank xenografts in NSG mice fed normal chow (−Dox, n=6) or doxycycline chow (+Dox, n=6) expressing control (sgEV) or sgMCT1.1. (F) Immunoblot for GOT2, MCT1, MCT4, and VINCULIN in representative, independent tumors from PaTu-8902 ishGOT2.1 −Dox (n=3) or +Dox (n=3) flank xenografts with sgEV or sgMCT1.1. (G) Immunoblot for GOT2, MCT1, MCT4, and VINCULIN in PaTu-8902 ishGOT2.1 −Dox or +Dox cell lines with sgEV or sgMCT1.1. For (F, G) blots, arrow = MCT1 band, asterisk = non-specific band. (H) Tumor volume (left) and weight (right) of PaTu-8902 flank xenografts in NSG mice fed normal chow (−Dox, n=6) or doxycycline chow (+Dox, n=6) treated with PBS control or 100 mg/kg AZD3965. (I) Immunoblot for GOT2, MCT1, and VINCULIN in representative, independent tumors of PaTu-8902 ishGOT2.1 −Dox (n=3) or +Dox (n=3) flank xenografts. (J) Weights of mice treated in (H). For all panels, data represent mean ± SD. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, and ****p<0.0001.