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Applied and Environmental Microbiology logoLink to Applied and Environmental Microbiology
. 2001 Nov;67(11):5267–5272. doi: 10.1128/AEM.67.11.5267-5272.2001

Detection and Quantification of Snow Algae with an Airborne Imaging Spectrometer

Thomas H Painter 1,*, Brian Duval 2, William H Thomas 3, Maria Mendez 3, Sara Heintzelman 3, Jeff Dozier 4
PMCID: PMC93300  PMID: 11679355


We describe spectral reflectance measurements of snow containing the snow alga Chlamydomonas nivalis and a model to retrieve snow algal concentrations from airborne imaging spectrometer data. Because cells of C. nivalis absorb at specific wavelengths in regions indicative of carotenoids (astaxanthin esters, lutein, β-carotene) and chlorophylls a and b, the spectral signature of snow containing C. nivalis is distinct from that of snow without algae. The spectral reflectance of snow containing C. nivalis is separable from that of snow without algae due to carotenoid absorption in the wavelength range from 0.4 to 0.58 μm and chlorophyll a and b absorption in the wavelength range from 0.6 to 0.7 μm. The integral of the scaled chlorophyll a and b absorption feature (I0.68) varies with algal concentration (Ca). Using the relationship Ca = 81019.2 I0.68 + 845.2, we inverted Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer reflectance data collected in the Tioga Pass region of the Sierra Nevada in California to determine algal concentration. For the 5.5-km2 region imaged, the mean algal concentration was 1,306 cells ml−1, the standard deviation was 1,740 cells ml−1, and the coefficient of variation was 1.33. The retrieved spatial distribution was consistent with observations made in the field. From the spatial estimates of algal concentration, we calculated a total imaged algal biomass of 16.55 kg for the 0.495-km2 snow-covered area, which gave an areal biomass concentration of 0.033 g/m2.

Seasonal snowfields in semiarid regions, such as the western United States, provide a habitat for microbial life (9), as well as the primary regional freshwater supply. Snow can host an abundant microbial community supported by phytoplankton collectively termed snow algae (7, 8). Microbial processes, such as heterotrophy (1), photosynthesis (10), and nutrient cycling (9), occur in melting snow and are important factors in estimating carbon budgets and CO2 flux (16). However, few carbon flow models consider these activities in the snow meltwater column. Additionally, variations in snow algal biomass and species composition may reflect regional environmental or climate changes (21).

While there have been numerous reports that have quantified snow algae at the plot scale in terms of cells per milliliter (11, 19, 21), there have been no direct estimates of algal biomass at the snowfield or watershed scale. This is primarily because standing crops of snow algae are not uniformly distributed, making biomass estimates problematic. Remote sensing through imaging spectroscopy offers the capacity to analyze spectral reflectance features that are related to snow algal concentration at a spatial resolution commensurate with the spatial variability of surface cover in alpine basins.

Imaging spectrometers, such as the National Air and Space Administration/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), have improved the ability of remote sensing to quantify surface cover properties (5). The use of airborne imaging spectroscopy to estimate phytoplankton abundance has provided valuable information concerning algal population dynamics and primary production in freshwater and marine water (13).

Chlamydomonas nivalis is the most prevalent alga found in snowfields in the Sierra Nevada of California (18). During a bloom, nonmotile algal resting spores (aplanospores) of C. nivalis impart a deep red color to snow. Germination that results in motile (flagellated) cells of C. nivalis occurs only in saturated snow since the algae require liquid water to move around snow grains and position themselves vertically according to irradiance levels and spectral composition (6). C. nivalis spores are spherical and have radii that range from 20 to 50 μm. During a bloom, most cells lie near the snow-air interface, but cells can be found down to a depth of 10 cm (18). In the Sierra Nevada of California, snow algae are found in old, wet snowfields at elevations over 3,000 m (18). Thomas and Duval (19) demonstrated that there is a significant negative correlation between snow albedo and algal cell concentration but also found that decreases in albedo due to algal snow did not contribute to a significant decrease in the mean albedo of snowfields.

This work addresses multiple unexplored issues: (i) to document and analyze the reflectance spectrum of algal snow and its relationship to algal concentration, (ii) to develop a model that relates algal concentration to the reflectance spectrum of algal snow, and (iii) to demonstrate the ability of remote sensing with an imaging spectrometer to detect and quantify the spatial distribution of algal concentrations in alpine snow. We addressed these problems with data collected during a field campaign in the Sierra Nevada of California in the summer of 2000. These data include direct measurements of snow algal concentration (in cells per milliter), snow spectral reflectance, and high-spatial-resolution data from the AVIRIS.



The field site used in this work lies just outside the eastern boundary of Yosemite National Park in California near Tioga Pass (37°55′N, 119°16′W). Snowfields on the east flank of Mt. Conness have an annual algal bloom that some of us have studied for many years. The elevation in the Mt. Conness basin ranges from 3,050 to 3,800 m.

The site lies entirely above timberline, and the surface cover consists of granite slabs, tundra-covered soils, and willows. The interannual mean snow water equivalent on April 1 at the nearby California Cooperative Snow Survey Saddlebag Lake site is 1.01 m. While the Sierra Nevada is considered to have a predominantly maritime snow regime, some regions on the eastern side exhibit intermountain characteristics. Snow algae in this region usually begin a red bloom in late May to early June (18, 19). In the summer of 2000, when the data presented here were collected, the algal bloom began before June 20.

Snow spectral reflectance.

We measured the spectral reflectance of snow in the field with an Analytical Spectral Devices (Boulder, Colo.) FR field spectroradiometer. The FR spectroradiometer records digital numbers for 2,151 spectral bands across the wavelength range from 0.35 to 2.5 μm in a dynamic range that is automatically optimized for current light conditions.

For each snow target, we collected 10 spectra of a near-100% reflectance Spectralon white panel (Labsphere, New Sutton, N.H.) laid parallel to the surface and immediately after collected 10 spectra of the snow surface. Both sets of measurements were made with a view angle that is normal to the surface in order to maintain consistency in bidirectional reflectance across all samples. Spectral reflectance (Rλ) is calculated as:

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where DNsnow,λ is the digital number obtained from the snow target at wavelength λ, DNwhite,λ is the spectral digital number obtained from the white reflectance standard, and WRCλ is the calibration coefficient for the white reflectance standard. The mean of each target's 10 Rλ spectra was the average spectrum for the target. Measured as described above and assuming that the white reflectance standard is a Lambertian target, Rλ is the equivalent of the nadir bidirectional reflectance factor for the given solar geometry (15).

Algal concentration.

We determined algal concentrations (Ca) by collecting snow samples in the field and processing them in the laboratory. Snow samples were collected in Whirl-Pak bags with a 100-ml capacity. The samples were returned in an ice chest at the end of the day to the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory at Mammoth Lakes, Calif. Algal cells (always red spores of C. nivalis) were counted microscopically at the laboratory. We collected 26 snow samples for which we measured spectral reflectance; 13 of these samples were samples of algal snow (which were observed to be reddish), and 13 were samples of alga-free snow (which had no red coloration). The errors inherent in this method for determining algal concentrations may be on the order of 10 to 20%, and for low concentrations the errors may be more than 20% (17).

Imaging spectrometer data.

We used image data from the NASA/JPL AVIRIS collected over the study site on 19 July 2000. The AVIRIS measures reflected radiance in 224 bands across the wavelength range from 0.4 to 2.5 μm at 0.01-μm spectral resolution and a 1-mrad field of view. The usual platform for AVIRIS is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ER-2 that flies at 20 km, producing a nominal spatial resolution of 20 m. For our acquisition, the AVIRIS was mounted on a Twin Otter airplane flying at 4.4 km. At the mean surface elevation of 3.2 km, the spatial resolution was ∼1.2 m.

The AVIRIS data were delivered as calibrated radiance data with units of microwatts per square centimeter per nanometer per steradian. AVIRIS in year 2000 had a signal-to-noise ratio of 900 to 1,100 and a noise equivalent change in radiance (NEΔL) of 0.005 to 0.010 μW/cm2/nm/sr in the wavelength range from 0.6 to 0.75 μm. For this noise equivalent change in radiance, the noise equivalent change in reflectance (NEΔR) is ∼0.1%. We retrieved apparent surface reflectance data from the calibrated radiance data with a nonlinear least-squares model that fits water vapor absorption in the AVIRIS data (4). Apparent surface reflectance (ASRλ) is defined as:

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where LAVI,λ is the AVIRIS-measured radiance at wavelength λ and Eλ is the irradiance on a level surface at the mean surface elevation. Green et al. (4) retrieved ASRλ from AVIRIS data with the following equation:

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where F0 is the exoatmospheric solar irradiance, Td is the downward direct and diffuse transmittance of the atmosphere, Tu is the upward total atmospheric transmittance to the AVIRIS, LAVI,λ is the total upwelling spectral radiance at the AVIRIS, ra is the atmospheric reflectance, and S is the albedo of the atmosphere above the surface. This model is run as a series of FORTRAN 77 programs.


Snow spectral reflectance.

Figure 1 shows the spectral reflectance data for alga-free snow and algal snow. The alga-free reflectance spectrum exhibits high, convex reflectance in the visible wavelengths (0.4 μm ≤ λ ≤ 0.7 μm), moderate reflectance in the wavelength range 0.7 μm ≤ λ ≤ 1.4 μm, and very low reflectance in the wavelength range 1.4 μm ≤ λ ≤ 2.5 μm (20). The algal snow reflectance spectrum has moderate, concave reflectance in the visible wavelengths due to absorption by carotenoids (0.4 μm ≤ λ ≤ 0.64 μm) and a local reflectance minimum at a wavelength of about 0.68 μm due to chlorophyll a-chlorophyll b absorption. Both reflectance spectra have local reflectance minima that correspond to ice absorption features (Fig. 1). The carotenoid and chlorophyll absorption features provide leverage to detect algal snow. However, at lower algal concentrations (less than about 5,000 cells ml−1) the carotenoid feature can resemble the effects of dirt on the reflectance spectrum of snow and thus confound a model for detecting snow algae. Because the chlorophyll absorption feature at a wavelength of about 0.68 μm is uniquely biological, we analyzed this feature with respect to algal concentration.

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1

Spectral reflectance measurements for (nearly) alga-free snow (white) and algal snow (red), measured near Mt. Conness in California with an Analytical Spectral Devices FR field spectroradiometer. The alga-free snow had an algal concentration of 450 cells ml−1, and the algal snow had an algal concentration of 21,000 cells ml−1. Carotenoid absorption and chlorophyll absorption are indicated by a at wavelengths of approximately 0.55 and 0.68 μm, respectively. Ice absorption is indicated by i at wavelengths of approximately 0.81, 0.9, 1.03, 1.26, 1.5, and 2.0 μm.

Figure 2 shows the reflectance spectra of snow samples with different algal concentrations, normalized by their maximum reflectance values. The 0.68-μm absorption feature properly consists of chlorophyll a absorption near a wavelength of about 0.68 μm and chlorophyll b absorption near a wavelength of about 0.65 μm, dominated by the former. The depth and breadth of the 0.68-μm absorption feature increased as the algal concentration increased. We analyzed this absorption feature with a technique introduced by Clark and Roush (2) for mineral applications and used by Nolin and Dozier (12) to retrieve snow grain size. The method relates the integral of the absorption feature, scaled by its continuum spectrum, to the physical parameter, in this case the algal concentration. The continuum spectrum is given by the interpolated linear spectrum between the peaks at the ends of the absorption feature. The scaled integral is:

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where Rcont,λ is the reflectance of the continuum spectrum at wavelength λ and Rsnow,λ is the reflectance of the snow spectrum at wavelength λ. Scaling by the inverse of the continuum reflectance accounts for changes in irradiance and thereby gives an accurate measure of the relative absorption. The shoulders of this asymmetric absorption band lie near 0.63 and 0.70 μm.

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2

Spectral reflectance of algal snow, normalized by the maxima of the respective spectra, for different algal concentrations. The depth and breadth of the absorption feature at 0.68 μm increase as Ca increases.

Figure 3 shows a plot of Ca versus I0.68 for 23 of the field spectral reflectance measurements and snow samples. The other three measurements have I0.68 values that lie well above the range of I0.68 values retrieved from AVIRIS data, and these measurements indicate that there is a nonlinear relationship between Ca and I0.68. We did not use these data in developing the model because 26 points are not sufficient to develop a statistically significant nonlinear model, and the points lying in the range of I0.68 values retrieved from the AVIRIS data (0 ≤ I0.68 ≤ 0.25) may be fit with a linear model. This model is given by:

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with R2 = 0.93. The residual standard error for this regression was 2,124 cells ml−1, and the residuals were approximately normally distributed. The mean of all root mean squared (RMS) of all field spectra about their respective means was 1.4% for all wavelengths.

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3

Lab-sampled algal cell concentration (in cells per milliliter) plotted against the integral of the continuum-scaled 0.68 μm chlorophyll absorption feature. Equation 5 is included on the figure.

The limits of detection and quantification of algal concentrations with AVIRIS data rely on the NEΔR of AVIRIS, the atmospheric correction, spectral calibration, and the residual standard error of the algal model. As described above, the NEΔR of AVIRIS in the wavelength range 0.6 μm ≤ λ ≤ 0.8 μm is on the order of 0.1%. A greater source of error is the atmospheric correction and spectral calibration. Field spectra of calibration targets showed that the mismatch between the atmospheric conditions and the atmospheric model parameters contributed absolute errors in reflectance of 1 to 5%. In order to remove spectral noise introduced by the atmospheric correction, we scaled all AVIRIS spectra by the ratio of a calibration field spectrum to its associated AVIRIS spectrum (3). Field spectra collected with the Analytical Spectral Devices FR are less noisy than atmospherically corrected AVIRIS spectra, and thus, scaling by the ratio of the two improves the precision of the resultant spectra. The RMS difference between the field spectrum and the AVIRIS apparent surface reflectance spectrum was 1.3%, and the mean spectral difference was −0.2%. Therefore, because the two spectra were calculated for the same geometry, we consider the spectra to be approximately equal in reflectance accuracy. The bidirectional reflectance from Spectralon panels can deviate several percent from Lambertian (14). Because this deviation has little spectral structure (R. O. Green, unpublished data), field spectra may be underestimated by several percent across much of the spectrum. Given the agreement between the AVIRIS apparent surface reflectance spectrum and the field spectrum, we assumed that a reasonable estimate for the maximum AVIRIS reflectance inaccuracy, calculated as described above, is at most a systematic 2%.

Algal concentration and biomass.

Figure 4 shows an AVIRIS radiance image from the Mt. Conness region. Each AVIRIS band was converted to apparent surface reflectance by using the method described above. AVIRIS surface reflectance spectra are shown in Fig. 5. The results of applying equation 5 to the AVIRIS apparent surface reflectance data are shown in Fig. 6. This image is a one-ninth subset of the total flight line, which consisted of 815 samples and 4,608 lines. The vast majority of snowfields in this image were on north-facing slopes. The data showed that there were contiguous patches of algal snow (Ca, >2,500 cells ml−1), and the highest concentrations occurred near the feet of snowfields. This is consistent with observations made in the field in the summer of 2000 and previous observations (18, 19). The region of algal snow in the lower left portion of Fig. 6 had inferred concentrations of 5,000 < Ca < 8,000 cells ml−1. Many small patches of snow are dominated by algal concentrations greater than 4,000 cells ml−1 (center right and lower right in Fig. 6). The mean Ca for the imaged region was 1,305.7 cells ml−1, the standard deviation was 1,739.9 cells ml−1, and the range was 0 to 34,848 cells ml−1. The coefficient of variation is 1,739.9/1,305.7 or 1.33. The maximum value retrieved is beyond the range of apparent validity of equation 5 and is likely an underestimate given what may be an exponential relationship between Ca and I0.68 for higher I0.68 values. Because there were only 17 of 3,755,520 pixels (0.00045%) for which I0.68 was beyond the range of equation 5, we consider this underestimate to be insignificant. The total snow-covered area in the image is 0.495 km2, about 9% of the total 5.5-km2 imaged area. While at a scale of less than 0.5 m2 the algal concentration in snow may be more than 50,000 cells ml−1, the patchy spatial distribution of snow algae (19) results in a significantly lower concentration when values are integrated over a 1.44-m2 area. This explains the concentrations retrieved with AVIRIS data that were lower than the concentrations measured in the field. No explicit ground truth analysis was performed to validate the results because our primary effort was devoted to collecting field spectra and snow samples for model development. In the future, we will perform an explicit ground truth analysis to validate the algal concentration results.

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4

AVIRIS radiance image with a band center wavelength of 0.635 μm near Mt. Conness in California. The image was acquired on 19 July 2000. The AVIRIS pixel size is 1.2 m. The masked areas along the left and right edges accommodate the spatial span of the data necessary for georectification. Georectification was performed to correct for changes in the airplane attitude. Snowfields are the apparent white patches that are spectrally distinct from the other surface cover, which is predominantly exposed granite slab.

FIG. 5.

FIG. 5

AVIRIS spectra for alga-free snow and algal snow extracted from the image shown in Fig. 4. The algal concentrations retrieved with equation 5 for these spectra were 273 and 7,321 cells ml−1, respectively.

FIG. 6.

FIG. 6

Snow algal concentration (in cells per milliliter) retrieved from AVIRIS apparent surface reflectance data with the model described with equation 5. Snow-free areas were masked from analysis and are black. The maximum concentration on the scale bar is lower than the maximum for the data in order to enhance the visibility of the spatial distribution. The concentrations in the region where algal concentrations are higher in the lower left portion of the figure lie in the range 5,000 < Ca < 8,000 cells ml−1.

We analyzed the limits of detection for snow algal concentrations. The limits of detection rely on the accuracy of the AVIRIS spectral reflectance, which is assumed to have a maximum value of 2%. We added a systematic error of 2% relative reflectance to AVIRIS spectra and determined the effect on the retrieved algal concentrations. The mean difference in algal concentrations was 68 cells ml−1, and the RMS difference was 162 cells ml−1. On the basis of the configuration of equation 5, the mean and RMS difference for a systematic reflectance error of 2% should be zero. However, digitization errors result in concentration errors. Hence, since the residual mean error for the model described by equation 5 was 2,124 cells ml−1 and the quantization error for a systematic error of 2% was 162 cells ml−1, the detection limit for algal concentrations with the AVIRIS is ∼2,300 cells ml−1. The greatest contribution to the error in estimates comes from the regression resulting in equation 5 and in turn from the estimates of algal concentrations. Errors in Ca of 10 to 20% and larger errors for low Ca are on the order of the residual standard error, 2,100 cells ml−1. The error in Ca due to the NEΔR of the AVIRIS, 0.1%, was determined to be 150 cells ml−1. Hence, with improved estimates of algal concentrations from laboratory measurements and, in turn, a more robust relationship between Ca and I0.68 with a lower residual standard error, the AVIRIS would theoretically have the capacity to map algal concentration with 1-order-of-magnitude-greater resolution.

By assuming that all of the algal biomass was in the top 10 cm of snow and that our estimates of algal concentrations represented the mean for the top 10 cm (18), we estimated the total imaged biomass (Ba) as follows:

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where A is the mean AVIRIS pixel area, d is the depth of the snow in which the algae lie, ρs is the snow density (in kilograms per cubic meter), Ns is the number of snow-covered pixels in the AVIRIS image, ma is the mass of an algal cell (in kilograms), and ρw is the density of liquid water.

For the AVIRIS flight line which we used, Ca was 1,305.71 cells ml−1, A was (1.2)2 m2, d was 0.1 m, ρs was 456 kg m−3 (measured in the field), Ns was 344,838 pixels, ma was 0.00056 μg (18), and ρw was 1,000 kg m−3, which gave a Ba of 16.55 kg. Therefore, the spatial concentration was 0.0334 g/m2 (Ba/0.495 km2).


We demonstrated the capacity of imaging spectroscopy to map the spatial distribution of snow algal concentration. The spectral reflectance signature of algal snow exhibits absorption by carotenoids for wavelengths where λ ≤ 0.6 μm and absorption by chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b for the wavelength range 0.63 μm ≤ λ ≤ 0.70 μm. From field spectral reflectance measurements, we developed a linear model relating algal concentration to the scaled integral of the chlorophyll absorption feature. The spatial distribution of snow algal concentrations was mapped by applying this linear model to reflectance data acquired for the east drainages of Mt. Conness near Tioga Pass in California with the AVIRIS.

The mean inferred algal concentration was 1,305.7 cells ml−1, the standard deviation was 1,739.93 cells ml−1, the minimum concentration was 0 cells ml−1, and the maximum concentration was 34,848 cells ml−1. Assuming that the algal biomass was in the top 10 cm of the snowpack, we estimated that the total imaged algal biomass was 16.55 kg. The total snow-covered area was 0.495 km2, so the areal biomass concentration was 0.033 g/m2. Combining this areal biomass concentration with maps of snow-covered area from other remote sensing instruments covering larger regions could facilitate broad-scale estimates of total algal biomass in the snow cover.

Acquiring snow algal biomass data by airborne imaging spectroscopy could have several applications for exploring the effects of UV light on biological systems. For instance, these data may be used to show that (i) a loss or altitudinal shift of UV-sensitive alpine snow algae may indicate changing environmental conditions (5); (ii) due to their capacity to increase pigmentation and antioxidant production in response to UV light (4), snow algae may serve as indicators of UV stress that are more sensitive than other polar-alpine communities (13); (iii) changes in snow algal biochemistry, population density, and distribution can be compared with UV light measurements or regional or global warming trends; and (iv) snow algal abundance may correlate with on-the-ground UV measurements in alpine and polar regions most affected by column ozone loss (22). Once a database of snow algal concentrations and pigment levels is established, it may be possible to detect UV-enhanced changes by using hyperspectral remote sensing data.

We acquired more AVIRIS data for the same sites in the summer of 2001. Using these data, we may begin to analyze the interannual variability of the spatial distribution of snow algae. We will address the relationships of algal concentration to topographic variables and snow physical properties. In the field, we will measure the spatial variability of snow alga concentration at the subpixel scale and analyze the relationship between algal concentration and dirt concentration.

Yoshimura et al. (22) used algal layers for dating ice cores in Himalayan glaciers. In their work they assumed there was uniform spatial distribution each year. The model described in this paper should allow us to analyze AVIRIS imagery from the years 2000 and 2001 in order to characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics of snow algal concentrations and, in turn, assess the validity of the assumption made by Yoshimura et al. (22).

In regions like California, where melting snow provides most of the drinking and agricultural water, consideration of the snowpack microbial biota is important in monitoring runoff and water quality within a watershed. Because snow algae and bacteria are closely associated physically and metabolically (19) and because red snow can be diuretic if it is ingested (7), water quality can be affected by snow biota. Hence, the model presented here may contribute to monitoring of water resources that rely on alpine snowpacks.


Funds for this research came from NASA grant NAG5-4814 (EOS IDS “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, and Remote Sensing in Seasonally Snow Covered Alpine Drainage Basins”) and a Scripps Vetlesen grant (“Variations in Sierra Nevada Snow Algae Abundances and Nutrient Chemistry in Relation to Global Change”).

We thank Dan Dawson of the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory in Mammoth Lakes, Calif., for assistance. We thank Maura Longden, District Ranger for Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park, Calif., for being a generous hostess. Finally, we thank two anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions. We thank B. Greg Mitchell of Scripps for suggesting initially that it might be possible to detect snow algae with AVIRIS.


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