AL |
Length of anterolateral scutal setae |
AM |
Length of anteromedian scutal seta |
AP |
Distance from AL to PL on one side |
AW |
Distance between anterolateral scutal setae |
Length of the longest dorsal idiosomal seta |
Length of the shortest dorsal idiosomal seta |
DS |
Number of dorsal idiosomal setae (including humeral) |
fCx |
Coxal setation |
fT |
Formula of palpotarsus |
H |
Length of humeral setae |
Ip |
Sum of leg lengths (pa + pm + pp) |
Number of idiosomal setae (DS + VS) |
Oc |
Eyes on ocular plates |
Distance from the level of sensillary bases to extreme anterior margin of scutum |
fsp |
Leg segmentation formula, the numbers of apparent segments of each pair of legs |
fD |
Dorsal setal formula including number of humeral setae (H) and arrangement of dorsal idiosomal setae by rows |
fSt |
Sternal setal formula, the numbers of anterior (between coxae I) and posterior (between coxae III) sternal setae |
fp |
Palpal setation formula (N = nude, B = branched) including conditions of palpal femoral seta, palpal genual seta, and three palpal, tibial setae (dorsal, lateral, and ventral) |
pa |
Length of leg I (including coxa) |
PL |
Length of posterolateral scutal setae |
pm |
Length of leg II (including coxa) |
pp |
Length of leg III (including coxa) |
PW |
Distance between posterolateral scutal setae |
S |
Length of sensilla |
SB |
Distance between sensillary bases |
SD |
Length of scutum (ASB + PSB) |
Length of leg tarsus III |
Width of leg tarsus III |
Length of the longest ventral idiosomal seta |
Length of the shortest ventral idiosomal seta |
PLs |
The horizontal line of the base of posterolateral scutal setae |
VS |
Number of ventral idiosomal setae (excluding coxal and sternal) |
Distance from the level of sensillary bases to extreme posterior margin of scutum |
Synthetic identification formula which is generally accepted in the taxonomy of chigger mites |
P-PL |
Distance from the level of posterolateral scutal setae to extreme posterior margin of scutum |