Correction to: Infect Dis Ther 10.1007/s40121-022-00607-x
In the original publication of the article,
In the third paragraph of ‘Results—Base Case’ section, the sentence “For patients treated with IMI/REL, we observed negative ICERs of − $1988 per QALY gained, or − $46,579 per death averted, or − $26,521 per nephrotoxicity case averted.” Should be “For patients treated with IMI/REL, we observed negative ICERs of − $2,996 per QALY gained, or − $46,579 per death averted, or − $26,521 per nephrotoxicity case averted.”
In Table 2, the fourth row “QALY”, the second column should be “10.91” instead of “7.20”, and the third column should be “7.20” instead of “10.91”, the fourth column should be “3.71” instead of “3.70”.
In Table 2, the last row titled “ICER, $ per QALY”, the value should be “$2,966 (dominant)” instead of “$1,988 (dominant)”.
This has been corrected in this paper.