Correction to: Harm Reduction Journal (2022) 19:67
Following the publication of the original article [1], the text 'Group 2 (N = 263): 12 months before their index contact (Table 3)' was misplaced wrongly. The correct insertion of the text is as follows:
Group 2 (N = 263): 12 months before their index contact (Table 3)
In the 12 months prior to their index contact, the majority (63.5%) of Group 2 members had at least one police contact, with 14.4% related to overdose. Approximately one-third (31.2%) of Group 2 had been arrested, with the majority being arrested for society arrests (21.3%), followed by property (9.9%) and person (4.6%) arrests. In Group 2, 6.5% of its members had an overdose-related arrest.
The original article has been corrected.
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