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. 2022 Aug 4;30(8):1098–1108.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2022.05.007

Table 1.

Map and model building statistics for the IGF-I-complexed HybZipa

Head Legs
PDB code 7S0Q 7S8V

Composition (#)

Chains 3 2
Atoms (including hydrogens) 15,551 12,651
Protein residues 958 782
Glycan residues 16 12

Bonds (RMSD)

Length (Å) (# > 4σ) 0.003 (0) 0.003 (0)
Angles (°) (# > 4σ) 0.521 (0) 0.590 (0)
MolProbity score 2.07 1.74
Clash score 9.97 5.45

Ramachandran plot (%)

Outliers/allowed/favored 0.00/9.92/90.08 0.00/7.03/92.97
Rotamer outliers (%) 0.00 0.14
Cβ outliers (%) 0.00 0.00

Peptide plane (%)

Cis proline/general 2.4/0.00 1.9/0.0
Twisted proline/general 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.1
CαBLAM outliers (%) 4.80 3.05


Iso/aniso (# atoms) 7,891/0 6,457/0
Protein (min/max/mean) 69.99/206.73/118.92 112.49/458.95/186.24
Glycan (min/max/mean) 93.63/190.15/135.24 124.02/182.08/158.68

Occupancy (# atoms)

Occ = 1/0.5 /0.0 15,551/0/0 12,651/0/0


Resolution (Å): FSC independent half maps 3.70 3.73
Local resolution range (Å) 2.8–8.0 2.8–8.0
Sharpening B factor (Å2) -35.7 -45.7

Model versus map

CCmask 0.71 0.65
CCbox 0.82 0.68
CCvolume 0.71 0.65

CCindividual chains

HybZip IGF-1R/IR 0.77/0.72 0.68/0.70
IGF-I 0.73 N/A
Glycan IGF-1R/IR 0.68/0.71 0.58/0.62
Resolution (Å): FSC, masked map versus model at 0.143 3.64 3.80

RMSD, root-mean-square deviation; N/A, not applicable.


See also Figures S3 and S4.