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. 2022 Aug 11;17(8):e0272578. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272578

Preliminary brain-behavioral neural correlates of anterior cruciate ligament injury risk landing biomechanics using a novel bilateral leg press neuroimaging paradigm

Dustin R Grooms 1,2,3,*, Jed A Diekfuss 4,5,6, Cody R Criss 2, Manish Anand 4,5,6,7, Alexis B Slutsky-Ganesh 4,5,6,8, Christopher A DiCesare 9, Gregory D Myer 4,5,6,10
Editor: Riccardo Di Giminiani11
PMCID: PMC9371272  PMID: 35951584


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk reduction strategies primarily focus on biomechanical factors related to frontal plane knee motion and loading. Although central nervous system processing has emerged as a contributor to injury risk, brain activity associated with the resultant ACL injury-risk biomechanics is limited. Thus, the purposes of this preliminary study were to determine the relationship between bilateral motor control brain activity and injury risk biomechanics and isolate differences in brain activity for those who demonstrate high versus low ACL injury risk. Thirty-one high school female athletes completed a novel, multi-joint leg press during brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to characterize bilateral motor control brain activity. Athletes also completed an established biomechanical assessment of ACL injury risk biomechanics within a 3D motion analysis laboratory. Knee abduction moments during landing were modelled as a covariate of interest within the fMRI analyses to identify directional relationships with brain activity and an injury-risk group classification analysis, based on established knee abduction moment cut-points. Greater landing knee abduction moments were associated with greater lingual gyrus, intracalcarine cortex, posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus activity when performing the bilateral leg press (all z > 3.1, p < .05; multiple comparison corrected). In the follow-up injury-risk classification analysis, those classified as high ACL injury-risk had greater activity in the lingual gyrus, parietal cortex and bilateral primary and secondary motor cortices relative to those classified as low ACL injury-risk (all z > 3.1, p < .05; multiple comparison corrected). In young female athletes, elevated brain activity for bilateral leg motor control in regions that integrate sensory, spatial, and attentional information were related to ACL injury-risk landing biomechanics. These data implicate crossmodal visual and proprioceptive integration brain activity and knee spatial awareness as potential neurotherapeutic targets to optimize ACL injury-risk reduction strategies.


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a common sport- or physical activity-related injury among adolescent and young athletes, causing knee instability, loss of function, and increased risk of rapid early-onset osteoarthritis [1, 2]. Biomechanical injury risk factors include asymmetrical ground reaction forces, excessive hip internal rotation and knee abduction moments, and decreased knee and hip flexion [3, 4]. These biomechanical considerations have guided neuromuscular injury-reduction training protocols to employ a combination of strengthening, plyometrics, and movement control exercises to improve an athlete’s motor coordination, specifically to limit knee frontal plane motion and loading [5]. A recent summary meta-analysis indicated these programs are capable of reducing ACL injury-risk, but the effectiveness of such programs could be improved as they require nearly 100 patients to be treated to prevent one ACL injury and ~50% of injury risk variance unexplained [68]. Thus, despite the moderate efficacy of ACL injury reduction programs, ACL injury rates have continued to increase over the past decade [9], further indicating contemporary programs have not reached their full potential.

Recent reports indicate a missing component is the failure to consider the underlying brain activity that results in the motor coordination patterns that increase injury risk [10, 11]. The failure to systematically target neural mechanistic drivers of motor function and control has plausibly limited neuromuscular training efficacy, requiring a high dosage for effect and with limited retention of injury-resistant neuromuscular control [12]. Numerous studies have thus aimed to isolate how central nervous system functioning (i.e., in the brain and spinal cord) contributes to ACL injury [13]. Specifically, central nervous system activity and connectivity for movement—not just physical factors in isolation (strength, biomechanics)—may explain why the majority of ACL injuries occur via non-contact mechanisms as a result of motor coordination errors while navigating through the athletic field [11, 14, 15]. The sensory-motor coordination error nature of injury having a potential neural basis is supported by alterations in brain functional connectivity between regions important for sensorimotor control [10, 16] and quadriceps neural inhibition [17] being prospectively identified for athletes who subsequently experienced an ACL injury. Further, athletes who presented with high ACL injury risk landing biomechanics exhibited more deterministic, and potentially maladaptive, patterns of electrocortical activity within frequency bands important for attention, cognition, and sensorimotor control [18]. However, the CNS assessments from these studies were completed while the participant was at rest (resting-state fMRI and EEG, respectively), warranting approaches that can assess brain activity during active, lower extremity movements. While historically constrained by technological and analytical limitations (e.g., management of head motion artifact), novel neuroimaging methods of unilateral lower extremity movement have been implemented successfully to assay knee motor brain activity for ACL deficient and reconstructed patients (e.g., flexion/extension [19, 20], hip-knee movement [21], joint position [22] and force control [23]). Prior neuroimaging investigations have further employed bilateral movements that simulate gait and pedaling in healthy and pathological populations [24, 25], but are limited in generalizability to ACL injury risk as they do not allow for simultaneous multiplanar knee excursion as synonymous with ACL injury events and clinical neuromuscular control assessment [4, 2630].

As ACL injury screening and neuromuscular training have adopted squat-like movements due to association with injury [31] and high correlation with landing mechanics [28, 32], quantifying the associated underlying brain activation of such bilaterally coordinated movement could identify unique neurological factors contributing to ACL injury risk movement coordination. Specifically, by isolating the neural mechanisms underlying excessive frontal plane motion loading that contributes to ACL injury-risk biomechanics, interventions could target precise neural processes to optimize the retention and transfer of injury-resistant neuromuscular control. Thus, the purposes of this study, were 1) to determine the relationship between bilateral motor control brain activity and ACL injury risk biomechanics and 2) preliminarily isolate differences in bilateral motor control brain activity for those at high versus low risk of ACL injury.

Materials and methods

This study was approved by the local Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center Institutional Review Board and informed consent was obtained from every participant. This investigation employed a leg press neuroimaging paradigm to examine brain activity for bilateral motor control. We adapted a unilateral version of this paradigm [33], specifically one with good to excellent intersession reliability over a ~seven week period [34], for bilateral lower extremity movement. Participant landing mechanics were also assessed during a drop vertical jump using traditional 3D motion analysis (separate from the neuroimaging paradigm). Knee abduction moments during landing were modelled as a covariate of interest within the fMRI analyses to identify directional relationships with leg press brain activity (‘neural correlate’ analysis below). A follow-up injury-risk classification analysis isolated differences in neural activity between high and low injury-risk subgroups, based on the established cut-off values for peak knee abduction moment during landing [3].


This study enrolled pediatric female participants due to their greater relative ACL injury risk and increased propensity for reduced frontal plane knee control and lower extremity valgus alignment during landing and pivoting movements relative to males [35]. Thirty-one female high-school soccer players (Table 1) met inclusion criteria for neuroimaging and were evaluated using laboratory-based 3D motion analysis during a standardized drop vertical jump (DVJ) task. Of the thirty-one athletes, one was removed from analyses due to excessive head motion, and thirty were included in the neural correlate analysis. In the follow-up injury-risk classification analysis, sub groups of high and low injury risk were determined based on peak knee abduction moment; a highly reliable and commonly used metric for knee neuromuscular control and primary and secondary ACL injury risk [3, 30]. Four were classified into the high-risk classification of ≥25.25Nm peak knee abduction moment based on previous literature establishing this threshold as a prospective predictor of injury risk [3, 36]. Six were classified into the low-risk classification ≤6.00 Nm peak knee abduction moment. Five participants in the low-injury risk group were able to be matched to the high-injury risk group to minimize group-wise differences of age and body mass index (Table 1). Testing was completed over two days (visit 1, biomechanical landing assessment; visit 2: neuroimaging assessment) and all participants/parents signed written informed consent prior to completing MRI screening.

Table 1. Group demographics and motor performance data.

Group n Age (years) Height (cm) Mass (kg) BMI Knee abduction moment (Nm) Normalized Knee abduction moment (Nm\(kg*m)
Primary Knee Injury-Risk Correlate Analysis
Full Cohort 30 15.8±0.96 164.53 ± 5.76 58.14 ± 8.79 21.35 ± 2.78 15.0±10.10 0.16±0.10
Secondary Injury-Risk Threshold Group Analysis
High Injury-Risk (≥25.25 Nm peak knee abduction moment) 4 16.2 ± 0.82 166.6 ± 4.83 63.7 ± 9.34 23.15 ± 3.46 32.88±6.10 0.31±0.04
Low Injury-Risk (≤6.0 Nm peak knee abduction moment) 5 16.4 ± 0.89 163.4 ± 5.90 60.08 ± 5.25 22.49 ± 1.36 2.80±2.54 0.03±0.027
p-value 0.51 0.50 0.48 0.70 < .001 < .001

Demographics for each group in the injury-risk experiment, high injury-risk (≥25.25 Nm peak knee abduction moment), low injury-risk (≤10.6 Nm peak knee abduction moment). Knee abduction presented as absolute, and mass\height normalized.

Neuroimaging data acquisition & collection

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) takes advantage of the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal as a surrogate to quantify neural activity [37]. Neuroimaging of the bilateral leg press task was performed using a 32-channel phased-array head coil. The MRI protocol included a 3-dimensional high-resolution T1-weighted image (repetition time: 8.3 ms, echo time: 3.7 ms, field of view: 256×256 mm; matrix: 256×256; slice thickness 1 mm, 176 slices) for image registration. fMRI data were acquired with a gradient-echo EPI sequence following a periodic block design in which the 30 s motor task (4 blocks) was interleaved with 30 s of rest (5 blocks) acquired with a 2 s repetition time, a 3.75×3.75 mm in-plane resolution, and a 5 mm slice thickness for 38 axial slices (field of view 240 mm and 64×64 matrix).

The bilateral leg press involved both a concentric press phase, an eccentric loading phase and a range of motion with greater ecological relevance to actual landing than prior methods, though still limited by neuroimaging constraints. The bilateral leg press task was from resting 0° full extension (without locking out the joint to avoid jerking movement) to approximately 45° knee flexion standardized at 0.6 Hz (Fig 1). This movement pace was found after extensive optimization experiments to minimize head motion. This motion was completed continuously for 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest for 4 cycles. Each scan session started with 30 seconds of a blank screen. The subject saw a countdown of “2”, “1”, and then “MOVE” was displayed, then a metronome started to standardize the movement pace at 1.2 Hz. At the end of each movement block, the participant saw “2”, “1”, “STOP” to allow a gentle return to the rest position to minimize head motion during transitions. The movement was completed on a custom apparatus comprised of two separate foot pedals that run on tracks (Fig 1). The feet of the participant were strapped to the pedals and moved horizontally with flexion and extension of the ankle, knee, and hip. An elastic resistance tube (manufacturer rated peak force ~9.1 kgs) was anchored at three points on the lateral side of both legs and in the center of the leg press apparatus providing independent tension for each leg throughout the movement. This resistance was found to be sufficient to stress bilateral lower extremity neuromuscular control without inducing additional head motion artifact. Through pilot testing, this resistance avoided excessive fatigue, due to repeated contractions in the block design, and minimized excessive head motion. Our goal was to utilize a bilateral leg press to partially resemble a landing movement pattern while considering and overcoming the limitations associated with fMRI/MRI scanning. This study was to our knowledge, the first attempt to stress bilateral lower extremity neuromuscular control similar to a drop landing by using simultaneous bilateral ankle, knee, and hip against resistance during brain fMRI.

Fig 1. Participant positioning to complete the bilateral leg press neuroimaging experiment.

Fig 1

A vital aspect of the study to ensure data quality, reliability, and minimal dropout due to head motion or participant discomfort was the completion of a mock scanner session before actual scanning, whereby the participants were trained on the bilateral leg press testing apparatus. First, a standardized video was played that explained and illustrated the task. Then, the participant had an opportunity to practice a full run of the task with guidance from the experimenter. All participants wore standardized shorts and socks without shoes to control for skin tactile feedback. Participants were positioned supine on the MRI table with customized padding and straps to reduce head motion. Handlebars were attached to the MRI table to standardize hand position and minimize accessory motion. This approach sufficiently reduced head motion during the motor paradigms with high reliability similar to our previously published unilateral lower extremity paradigm that exhibited good to high reliability for sensorimotor region activity [34].

Drop vertical jump knee abduction moment

Three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics were recorded from participants performing the DVJ. During the DVJ, each participant fell forward off a 30 cm box, landed with both feet at the same time, and then immediately performed a vertical jump, raising both arms and reaching for a target set at 100% of their maximum jump height. Prior to the testing session, maximum counter movement vertical jump height was determined by having them attempt to grab a basketball at its maximum height on custom basketball retractor. Once ball height was raised to a height that ball could not be retrieved the highest successful measure was recorded and used to set the ball target height during the drop vertical jump testing. Participants completed practice trials to ensure task understanding and reduce learning effects. Then participants completed three separate trials of the DVJ and peak knee abduction moment during landing for each limb was calculated for each participant. The average of each of these six (three values for each knee) were averaged to represent participants’ landing neuromuscular control.

Lower-limb joint kinematics were generated via the 3D trajectories of 42 externally mounted skin markers of 9 mm diameter attached to the athlete with double-sided adhesive tape. Marker trajectories were recorded via a 44-camera, high-speed (240 Hz) digital motion analysis system (Motion Analysis Corp.) and post-processed with Cortex software v. 6.0 (Motion Analysis Corp.). Prior to the performance of the DVJ, a static trial was recorded with all joints in neutral standing position. From the standing trial, a kinematic model comprised of 12 skeletal segments (upper arm ×2, lower arm ×2, trunk-thorax, pelvis, thigh ×2, shank ×2, & foot ×2) and 36 degrees of freedom was defined using Visual 3D software (v.6.01; C-Motion). Vertical ground reaction forces (VGRF) during landing were recorded via two embedded force platforms (AMTI, Inc.) sampled at 1200 Hz. Both VGRF and marker trajectories were low-pass filtered with a 4th-order cubic smoothing spline at a 12 Hz cut-off frequency. The tracked 3D marker trajectories were processed through Visual3D to solve the generalized coordinates of the model for each frame. The VGRF data were used to normalize the kinematic data to 0–100% of stance, defined as the time period from initial contact with the force platforms to toe-off, with initial contact defined as the instant when VGRF first exceeds 10 N—at 1% increments (i.e., 101 data points). From the 3D kinematic and force plate data, 3D moments of the knee were computed using an inverse dynamics in Visual3D. Prior publications have established the strong validity and reliability of these 3D motion analysis methods for neuromuscular control and injury risk assessment [38]. An independent samples t-test was used to evaluate peak knee abduction moment differences between groups.

Neuroimaging statistical analysis

Neuroimaging analyses were performed using the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain software package, FSL 5.0.10 (FMRIB, Oxford UK) [39]. The data were spatially registered to correct for head motion artifact using MCFLIRT and spatially smoothed to improve sensitivity in quantifying functional activation as participants perform knee movements [39, 40]. This began with standard pre-processing applied to individual data, including non-brain removal, spatial smoothing using a Gaussian kernel of 5mm full width at half-maximum, and standard motion correction [41]. Realignment parameters (3 rotations and 3 translations) from the motion correction procedure were included in the design matrix as covariates to account for confounding effects of head movement. High-pass temporal filtering at 100 seconds and time-series statistical analysis were carried out using a linear model with local autocorrelation correction [42]. Functional images were co-registered with the respective high-resolution T1-weighted image and normalized to standard Montreal Neuroimaging Institute (MNI) 152 template using FNIRT non-linear image registration [41]. Thresholds for z scores were set at 3.1 and p-value at p < .05 cluster corrected for multiple comparison at the subject level (task contrast of move vs. rest) and group level analysis (group average for the task, correlate analysis and the sub-group injury risk group analysis). The neural correlate analyses were completed as a mixed-effects FLAME 1+2 model single group average one-sample t-test with knee abduction moment during landing demeaned and used as a covariate of interest to determine respective relationships to brain activity. The follow-up injury-risk classification analysis using high vs. low injury-risk participants was completed with a mixed-effects FLAME 1+2 model independent group contrast. Anatomical locations of significant clusters were identified using probabilistic maps derived from Harvard-Oxford and Juelich atlases, with regions exhibiting probabilities greater than 25% reported herein. As this was a brain activity correlate identification study, the effect size (r-value) of the relationship between brain activity and behavior are not reported to avoid circularity (voxel selection and magnitude estimation on the same data); a follow-up validation study is required to estimate effect size with the identified regions from this work [43, 44].


Whole cohort task neural activity & association with knee abduction

Four brain clusters exhibited significant activation during the bilateral leg press paradigm relative to rest (Table 2, Fig 2). Greater knee abduction loading during the DVJ was associated with greater brain activation during the bilateral leg press in two clusters. Cluster 1 was located within the right lingual gyrus and intracalcarine cortex. Cluster 2 was in the bilateral lingual gyrus, posterior cingulate gyrus and precuneus (Table 2, Fig 3). No other significant relationships were observed. Participants’ mean absolute and relative head motion was kept below 1 mm with average absolute head motion of 0.62 ± 0.30 and relative head motion was 0.14 ± 0.05.

Table 2. Task activity, injury-risk neural correlates and group classification analyses.

Cluster Index Brain Regions Voxel P-value Peak MNI Voxel Z stat-max
x y z
Overall Activation During Bilateral Leg Press (n = 30)
4 Bilateral 46591 < .001 10 -14 82 8.31
Precentral Gyrus
Postcentral Gyrus
Supplementary motor cortex
Insular Cortex
Opercular Cortex
Planum Temporale
Supramarginal Gyrus
Inferior, Middle, Superior Frontal Gyri, Pole
Frontal Orbital Cortex
Angular Gyrus
Inferior, Middle, Superior Temporal Gyri, Pole Temporal Fusiform
Superior Parietal Lobule
Lingual Gyrus
Lateral Occipital Cortex
Occipital pole
3 Left 362 < .001 -26 -92 -18 5.09
Occipital Pole
Lateral Occipital Cortex
Occipital Fusiform
Lingual Gyrus
2 Right 158 .020 38 -62 -20 5.32
Temporal Occipital Fusiform
Occipital Fusiform
Inferior Temporal Gyrus
Lateral Occipital Cortex
Lingual gyrus
Crus I
1 Right 129 .049 14 12 -16 4.35
Frontal Orbital Cortex
Parahippocampal Gyrus
Subcallosal Cortex
Neural Activity Positively Associated with Drop Vertical Jump Knee Abduction Moment (n = 30)
2 Bilateral 250 < .001 0 -54 16 4.84
Lingual gyrus
Intracalcarine cortex
Posterior Cingulate
1 Right 209 .002 12 -54 0 4.61
Lingual gyrus
Intracalcarine cortex
Neural Activity High Injury-Risk Classification (n = 5) > Low Injury-Risk Classification (n = 5)
3 Bilateral 1158 < .001 4 -62 10 5.54
Intracalcarine Cortex
Lingual gyrus
Supracalcarine cortex
Posterior Cingulate
2 Left 181 .002 -14 -48 0 4.64
Posterior Cingulate
Lingual gyrus
1 Bilateral 103 .028 4 -24 64 5.78
Supplementary Motor Cortex
Precentral gyrus

Areas of increased brain activity during the bilateral leg press relative to rest (top), activity associated with increased knee abduction moment during the drop vertical jump (middle) and injury-risk group classification (bottom). Voxel #: indicates number of activated voxels in this cluster. The clusters are identified statically using Gaussian random field theory to correct for multiple comparisons and identify the number of contiguous voxels whose voxel wise stats are above threshold MNI Montreal Neurologic Institute provides a standardized reference atlas for region location and identification. x, y, z indicates 3D location of voxel with highest activity level in the cluster. Z max: Z-statistic of the voxel with highest activity. Correlate region and sub-group threshold analysis are Harvard Oxford cortical, subcortical and cerebellar Atlas in MNI152 space FNIRT anatomical pre-threshold masked.

No regions were negatively associated with knee abduction moment or activated less in those with high injury risk neuromuscular control relative to low risk.

Fig 2. Group average areas of increased activation during the bilateral leg press fMRI paradigm (z-statistic images with a cluster threshold of z > 3.1 and p < .05 corrected).

Fig 2

Numbers on top of each axial slice indicate the z-coordinate in MNI space and the bar on bottom reflects the z-statistic color map.

Fig 3. Group neural correlate z-statistic map (cluster threshold of z > 3.1, p < .05, corrected), depicting regions where greater brain activity was associated with greater knee abduction moment during drop landing.

Fig 3

Slice location indicated by x, y or z location and S: Superior; L: Left; R: Right; I: Inferior; A: Anterior; P: Posterior for image orientation. The bar to right indicates the z-statistic color map.

Neural activity differences between injury risk knee abduction loading group classification

In the sub-group injury-risk classification analysis, biomechanical analyses confirmed that the high-risk group had significantly higher absolute and normalized knee abduction moment (33.19±5.33 Nm) relative to the low-risk group (2.84 ± 1.58 Nm; p < .001) (Table 1). The high-risk group demonstrated significantly greater activation in three clusters relative to the low-risk group: cluster 1 encompassed the bilateral primary and premotor cortices, cluster 2 included the left posterior cingulate cortex and lingual gyrus, and cluster 3 was within the bilateral intracalcarine cortex, precuneus, and lingual gyrus (Table 2, Fig 4). There was no relative greater activity in the low injury-risk group compared to the high-risk group.

Fig 4. Areas of greater brain activity in those classified as high risk based on drop landing knee abduction moment (z-statistic images with a cluster threshold of z > 3.1 and p < .05 corrected).

Fig 4

The bar to right indicates z-statistic for the activity difference between groups Slice location indicated by x, y or z location and S:superior; L: left; R: right; I: inferior; A: anterior; P: posterior for image orientation.


Drop landing peak knee abduction moment, a marker of ACL injury risk motor coordination in female athletes, was positively associated with bilateral motor control brain activity in sensory integration regions. Specifically, greater knee abduction loading was associated with greater precuneus (area integrating sensorimotor coordination when visual-spatial attention is required) [45, 46], posterior cingulate cortex (area processing spatial awareness and attention for motor control) [45, 47, 48], and lingual gyrus and intracalcarine cortex activity (areas processing spatial awareness and attention for motor control) [4951] activity (Table 2, Fig 3). Further, those classified at high risk for injury had similar regions of greater activity with the addition of more widespread primary and secondary sensorimotor cortex activity when compared to those classified as low injury-risk (Table 2, Fig 4).

A neural correlate for injury risk—Visuospatial and sensory integration neural activity

The relationship between landing biomechanics and bilateral motor control brain activity may indicate that injury-risk biomechanics are, in part, a manifestation of reduced neural crossmodal sensory integration activity for knee spatial awareness, potentially contributing to an inability to control knee abduction motion and loading. This assertion is supported not only by the crossmodal processing of the lingual gyrus [5154] but also by the implicated sensory integration brain regions that provide the motor cortex with vital sensory, visuospatial, and attentional information to prepare and fine-tune motor action [4547]. The greater sensory and visuospatial information processing requirements to engage in bilateral lower extremity motor control may reduce the ability to maintain a safe knee position during more dynamic maneuvers while navigating a complex environment. Specifically, athletes with high injury-risk landing biomechanics may not have available neural resources to both maintain neuromuscular integrity and engage in activities that require visuospatial and/or sensory processing (e.g., opponents, balls, goal; when ACL injuries often occur [14, 15]. Although the bilateral leg press task did not include such external variables to stress visuospatial and/or sensory processing, greater activation under a controlled bilateral movement may translate to reduced neural capacity or inefficiency when under instances of greater cognitive or sensory complexity such as the sporting environment.

Inefficient brain activation during functional tasks, as demonstrated by those with higher injury-risk movement coordination, may be the critical CNS link between visuospatial and cognitive attention deficits that increase ACL injury-risk [55, 56]. While we did not measure visuospatial and/or cognitive abilities, a connection between decreased visual reaction time and cognitive processing ability with greater knee abduction loading and motion has been established [57, 58]. Thus, it is possible that increased neural demand in visuospatial navigation and sensory integration brain regions for knee motor control may underly or mediate the relationship between visual attention abilities and injury risk movement coordination. Specifically, the identified lingual gyrus brain activity suggests crossmodal processing (congruent integration of multiple sensory modalities, proprioceptive and visuospatial in this case) [51, 52] is elevated in those with reduced motor coordination ability and injury-risk loading and could be a neural activity link between visual cognitive abilities and ACL injury risk.

The present data also share overlap with a recent experiment investigating the relationship of brain activity during a unilateral leg press task, as assessed with fMRI, and frontal plane range of motion (operationalized as poor frontal plane motor control) quantified concurrently with MR-safe 3D motion analysis [33]. Greater brain activity in regions important for cognition, sensorimotor control, and sensorimotor integration were associated with greater real-time frontal plane range of motion. Interestingly, there was partial anatomical overlap and shared directionality between the present findings and this prior report, specifically poorer knee frontal plane control (greater knee abduction moment during DVJ and greater frontal range of motion during the leg press) was associated with greater posterior cingulate and precuneus brain activity. However, the brain activity was not overlapping for all region associations as the present experiment employed a bilateral task with unique neural demands relative to the prior unilateral paradigm [59]. Further, we hypothesize brain activity correlates of biomechanics during landing in a traditional laboratory setting to be a better representation of the brain activity underlying ACL injury risk neuromuscular control and a more viable neural targets for screening and prevention methods. While the concurrent kinematics of frontal plane ROM during the unilateral leg press may be more indicative of subtle motor control variation. However, the overlapping sensory integration neural activity corresponding to increased injury-risk and reduced frontal plane knee control do indicate further examination of sensory, spatial and crossmodal processing as areas for further research.

Injury risk classification associated with visuospatial and sensorimotor neural activity

Complementing the neural correlate analyses, the injury-risk threshold sub-group analysis uniquely identified sensorimotor control brain regions, precisely the premotor cortex and primary motor cortex, had greater activation in those with high-risk landing mechanics relative to those with low injury-risk landing mechanics. Specific to motor tasks, increased primary and secondary motor cortex activity can be caused by increased neuronal firing rates required to generate higher muscle forces, movement velocity, or manage movement complexity [25]. Additionally, as relative movement complexity increases (e.g., increased movement speed, force or attentional demand), brain activity in primary and pre-motor cortices also increases to sustain performance [25, 60]. While we did not modify task complexity, greater brain activity in those with higher injury-risk landing neuromuscular control may represent relative increases in neurological complexity and demand to engage in bilateral coordination of the lower extremity. This may indicate those with high knee abduction loading during the DVJ may be disproportionately taxed at a higher motor complexity threshold, thus more susceptible to coordination errors, excessive knee valgus, and subsequent injury when going from the isolated DVJ to athletic activity [55, 61].

This hypothesis of relative task complexity is further supported by the high injury-risk group brain activation pattern being similar to “novice” motor performers who depend on increased brain activity for motor planning and engage in an overly visuocognitive dominant strategy [6265]. Thus, those with high-risk movement patterns may be “novice” in terms of the motor skill of maintaining knee alignment. Alternatively, the low-risk group appeared to adopt an “expert” motor activation strategy relative to the high injury-risk group by not increasing brain activity (indicating potential neural efficiency) to engage in the bilateral leg press task and control knee position and load [66]. A similar response has been reported in highly trained athletes when executing motor tasks [66]. In these studies, high-level karate athletes required less brain activation to stand on one leg compared to non-athletic counterparts, suggesting extensive training for single-leg stability makes the task neurologically less demanding over time. Applied to our data, those with low-risk neuromuscular control have a similar “expert” or more efficient knee control strategy allowing additional cognitive or motor demands to be attenuated during sport and avoid high injury-risk positions [67].

Interestingly, a similar increase in brain activity within motor and visuospatial regions has been shown in those with a history of ACL injury relative to controls [19, 20]. In one of the few neural correlate studies of a biomechanical measure after ACLR, Chaput et al. indicated a potential sensory integration neural pathway (via posterior cingulate and precuneus activity) to enable visual cognitive ability to compensate and maintain proprioceptive acuity and jump landing stability after ACLR [68]. As the posterior cingulate and precuneus were also identified to contribute to injury-risk landings herein, it is possible that differences in brain activity previously attributed to injury, may in part, contribute to the initial injury event as well.

Implications for injury reduction efforts

The brain activation profile for those with high injury-risk mechanics indicates distinct neural mechanisms involved in sensorimotor, visual-proprioceptive and spatial processing that could be used to supplement contemporary strategies for ACL injury reduction programs. For instance, applying motivation-based motor learning strategies may be uniquely capable of restoring athletes’ CNS functioning for injury-resistant motor control through neurophysiologic-based mechanisms [6971]. Specifically, providing athletes with a sense of autonomy and safely enhancing their confidence in a prescribed task may promote dopaminergic transmission via motivational mechanisms, for robust, adaptive neuroplasticity [72]. Further, directing an athlete’s attention towards the effects of their movement on the environment (i.e., an external focus; opposed to an internal focus on the athlete’s movements) has been shown to enhance motor behavior [72], including biomechanics associated with ACL injury risk [7375]. Adopting an external focus strategy modulates inhibitory circuits within the primary motor cortex [76, 77] and can alter knee sensorimotor brain activity [78]. As such, an external focus of attention employed over the course of an ACL injury reduction program may be particularly well suited to better target the sensorimotor brain activity found in those with high-risk biomechanics [79]. Indeed, augmented reality visual biofeedback systems that utilize principles of motor learning have shown preliminary efficacy in targeting brain activity identified to be associated with high-injury risk and enhance injury resistant motor control when integrated into established ACL injury prevention methods [80, 81]. Specifically, improvements in athlete biomechanics following six weeks of augmented neuromuscular training was related to more efficient sensorimotor-related brain activity for unilateral knee motor control [81] and strengthened functional connectivity between knee sensorimotor control brain regions at rest [80].

Those with high injury-risk coordination also exhibit a brain activation pattern shifted toward visual-proprioceptive and spatial processing to organize movement, thus strategies that reduce reliance on vision for motor control may be useful to enhance ACL injury reduction efforts. For example, stroboscopic glasses are a novel ancillary tool that allow clinicians to incrementally increase the level of visual perturbation [82, 83]. Whereas clinicians were previously limited to eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions, stroboscopic glasses allow clinicians to perturb an athlete’s vision during any exercise to varying degrees [84]. This type of visual perturbation can increase the proprioceptive integration demand during motor control, potentially similar to the dynamic sport environment [85, 86]. Training with these glasses have demonstrated increased visual processing efficiency that may improve the athlete’s ability to navigate the environment [87]. Collectively, the high injury-risk brain activation pattern, while preliminary, may support novel approaches to enhance ACL injury risk reduction programs that enhance intervention efficacy and reduce the high dose required for effectiveness.


The current investigation utilized the literature-derived metric of knee abduction moment as the biomechanical variable related to injury risk due to its prospective association with injury in female athletes and similarity to the injury mechanism. However, we acknowledge other biomechanical risks factors have been identified for ACL injury risk, including asymmetrical ground reaction forces, excessive hip internal rotation and decreased knee and hip flexion [3, 36]. Therefore, brain activity specifically associated with knee abduction moment may not be sufficient to fully encompass the brain activity associated with aberrant neuromuscular control in females more broadly. Future investigations are warranted to investigate brain activity associated with a more comprehensive biomechanical profile of neuromuscular control. Also, the results of this study isolated neural signatures associated with known female sex-specific biomechanical risk factors for ACL injury. Thus, the present findings may not, or only partially, generalize to males. We would hypothesize that altered sensorimotor-related brain activity would be related to the known male sex-specific biomechanics associated with injury risk, such as decreased trunk flexion [88] and landing ground reaction asymmetry [89]. The fMRI leg press is also a simplified assay of motor control and more sophisticated force, or position matching paradigms may increase sensitivity to detect neural activity associated with movement regulation. It is important to note that we used the DVJ as an assay of neuromuscular control to examine relative brain activity and to dichotomize groups, not to directly implicate the fMRI paradigm as a replacement for the DVJ. Additionally, our fMRI task of a bilateral leg press is not representative of all the factors involved in a landing task (participant must lay supine with no head motion during active scanning) and participant biomechanics were not quantified concurrently with the neuroimaging paradigm. Integrating MRI-compatible 3D motion analysis systems [33, 90] could supplement the current findings by isolating whether those with increased frontal plane loading during the DVJ also present with lesser frontal plane control during the bilateral leg press. However, we consider the present, multi-joint bilateral leg press against resistance an advancement relative to previous fMRI paradigms. As this was a preliminary investigation on a novel fMRI motor task and brain-behavioral correlate, the small sample size is a limitation, though is in line with prior fMRI sample sizes for similar tasks [24, 25, 91], and will allow for effect size calculation for future larger studies. Future research can build on the current results by enhancing the current fMRI paradigm to better simulate the cognitive-perceptual demands of dynamic sporting environments while adjusting the task constraints to simulate more realistic landing mechanics within fMRI. Specifically, follow-up studies could incorporate MRI-compatible virtual reality to provide external visual stimuli while moving (e.g., a virtual ball or defender) and increase the current paradigms metronome speed with increased dynamic lower extremity loading to better replicate the biomechanical demands of an actual landing.


Distinct brain activity in regions that integrate visual, proprioceptive, and attentional information may underlie ACL injury-risk landing biomechanics in pediatric females. While confirmatory studies are warranted, the present data indicate potential neural correlates for female athlete ACL injury risk neuromuscular control, and a novel pathway for the optimization of ACL injury risk reduction strategies.

Supporting information

S1 Data


Data Availability

***PA @ ACCEPT: Please request repository info at accept*** The data underlying the primary results are provided in supplement spreadsheet, however spreadsheets do not capture the full context of the neuroimaging data. The authors will share any further data upon request. Upon completion of study activities the raw data will be held in a public repository without restrictions.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by NIH/NIAMS R01AR076153, R01AR077248 & U01AR067997 & US Department of Defense CDMRP award 81XWH-18-1-0707. Funders played no role in study design, data collection, analysis, or decision to publish or manuscript preparation. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Department of Defense or the National Institutes of Health.


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  • 78.Raisbeck LD, Diekfuss JA, Grooms DR, Schmitz R. The Effects of Attentional Focus on Brain Function During a Gross Motor Task. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2020;29: 441–447. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2018-0026 [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 79.Gokeler A, Neuhaus D, Benjaminse A, Grooms DR, Baumeister J. Principles of Motor Learning to Support Neuroplasticity After ACL Injury: Implications for Optimizing Performance and Reducing Risk of Second ACL Injury. Sports Medicine. 2019. [cited 6 Feb 2019]. doi: 10.1007/s40279-019-01058-0 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 80.Diekfuss JA, Grooms DR, Bonnette S, DiCesare CA, Thomas S, MacPherson RP, et al. Real-time biofeedback integrated into neuromuscular training reduces high-risk knee biomechanics and increases functional brain connectivity: A preliminary longitudinal investigation. Psychophysiology. 2020;57: e13545. doi: 10.1111/psyp.13545 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 81.Grooms DR, Kiefer AW, Riley MA, Ellis JD, Thomas S, Kitchen K, et al. Brain-Behavior Mechanisms for the Transfer of Neuromuscular Training Adaptions to Simulated Sport: Initial Findings From the Train the Brain Project. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2018;27. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2017-0241 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 82.Grooms DR, Chaudhari A, Page SJ, Nichols-Larsen DS, Onate JA. Visual-Motor Control of Drop Landing After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Athletic Training. 2018;53: 486–496. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-178-16 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 83.Kim K-M, Kim J-S, Oh J, Grooms DR. Stroboscopic Vision as a Dynamic Sensory Reweighting Alternative to the Sensory Organization Test. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2020; 1–7. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2019-0466 [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 84.Wohl TR, Criss CR, Grooms DR. Visual Perturbation to Enhance Return to Sport Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Clinical Commentary. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2021. [cited 18 Apr 2021]. doi: 10.26603/001c.21251 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 85.Grooms D, Appelbaum G, Onate J. Neuroplasticity following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a framework for visual-motor training approaches in rehabilitation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2015;45: 381–393. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2015.5549 [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 86.Kim K-M, Kim J-S, Grooms DR. Stroboscopic Vision to Induce Sensory Reweighting During Postural Control. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2017;26. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2017-0035 [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • 87.Wilkins L, Appelbaum LG. An early review of stroboscopic visual training: insights, challenges and accomplishments to guide future studies. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2019; 1–16. doi: 10.1080/1750984X.2019.1582081 [DOI] [Google Scholar]
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  • 90.Anand M, Diekfuss JA, Bonnette S, Short I, Hurn M, Grooms DR, et al. VALIDITY OF AN MRI-COMPATIBLE MOTION CAPTURE SYSTEM FOR USE WITH LOWER EXTREMITY NEUROIMAGING PARADIGMS. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2020;15: 936–946. doi: 10.26603/ijspt20200936 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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Decision Letter 0

Riccardo Di Giminiani

11 Feb 2022

PONE-D-21-23995Preliminary neural correlates of anterior cruciate ligament injury-risk biomechanicsPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Grooms,

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Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

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Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: General comments

The aim of this study was to study the association between bilateral motor control brain activity (assessed via fMRI, during a leg press dynamic task) and a specific ACL injury risk biomechanical parameter, i.e. knee abduction moment during landing from a drop vertical jump, in a population of pediatric females (n = 30).

The main findings of the study are the following: 1) greater landing knee abduction moments were associated with greater brain activity in specific regions that integrate visual, proprioceptive and attentional information; 2) the subgroup of participants classified as at higher ACL injury risk had greater brain activity with respect to those at lower injury risk.

The study is original and has been conducted with methodological rigor.

I offer suggestions for methodological clarifications, data reporting and editorial amendments.

Specific comments

LL 29. If possible I would suggest to add details regarding the leg-press load (e.g. %)

LL 106. The choice of studying pediatric female participants because of their “greater relative ACL injury risk, increased propensity for reduced frontal plane knee control, lower extremity valgus alignment during landing and pivoting moments” relative to males has been properly justified in the methods. However, the emphasis of the entire introduction (as well as in the abstract, discussion and conclusion) seem not to be specific to the studied population, but rather it focuses on the fact that ACL rupture is “a common sport-or physical activity-related injury among adolescent and young athletes”. My question is the following: has this analysis been made on female participants only? And more importantly, could the same results be expected for males also? This point should be probably addressed in the discussion section, where results seem to be discussed and generalized to the whole population level, rather than to be specific to the involved population.

LL 119. Please be consistent when using terminology: high-risk participants (in the text) vs. high-injury risk (Table 1). Same for low-risk group (text) vs. low-injury risk (Table 1).

LL 120. It is stated that the “pairwise matching” between low-risk group and high-risk group participants was based on age and on body mass index. However, BMI data are not reported in table 1. Moreover, from table 1 it seems that the high-risk group had similar age, but was slightly taller and much heavier than the low-injury risk group. Therefore, how was the matching performed? Furthermore, how were the 5 participants out of 11 selected/identified for the pairwise matching analysis. Please clarify.

LL 128. Sometimes it is used “body mass” (L 151), sometimes only “mass” (L 128) or “weight” (Table1). Please be consistent throughout the text.

LL 138. “The bilateral leg press involved an eccentric loading phase and…”. From this sentence, it seems that fMRI was recorded only during the eccentric phase, whereas from LL 142-146 it is clear that participants performed both contraction phases (eccentric + concentric) continuously for 30 s (from full extension to 45° knee flexion). Consider rephrasing.

LL 138 and 171. Were participants familiarized with both bilateral leg press exercise and with drop vertical jump?

LL 151. How was the elastic resistance standardized? Why was 35% of body mass selected? Despite the necessity to keep a low resistance to avoid head artifacts, the 35% of participant’s body mass seems to be quite a low resistance to assess, also if we consider the potential forces acting on the knee during a drop vertical jump.

LL 181-191. This entire section provides detailed indication of parameters extracted from the drop vertical Jump (e.g. VGRF). However, these variables related to DVJ data have not been described in the results.

LL 221. It is not clear where the “RESULTS” section starts, as this is not indicated in the manuscript. As it is, it seems that Methods and Results are described in the same section on a continuum.

LL 230. Please be more specific when describing the figure caption. What do the numbers on top of each image indicate? What is the unit of measure of the yellow-orange bar at the bottom? I assume that all the figures are representative of one participant, presumably with an high ACL injury risk.

LL 231. Refer to comment LL 230.

LL 238-239. It seems that that in the sentences starting with “Cluster 1” and “Cluster 2” the main verbal tense is missing.

LL 247. Please be consistent when reporting the number of decimals in the p-value (sometimes you report 5 decimals, sometimes 4, sometimes 2, sometimes 3).

LL 267. Is “drop landing peak knee abduction moment” a specific marker for young female athletes? If so, it would be better to specify it. In this way, also your choice of studying females only could be better justified.

LL 303. The reference paper to this “recent experiment” is only reported 10 rows below. I would suggest to add this reference either here or to move it up a bit in the text for better clarity.

LL 387. The fact that the association was studied in pediatric females only should be addressed in the limitations.

LL 415-417. The fact that the association between brain activity and this specific ACL injury risk biomechanics parameter has been studied and observed in pediatric females only, may not support and justify such a broad and generalized conclusion.

Reviewer #2: Overall, the study is very well structured, detailed in the methodology, in line with the most recent evidences and provides important information to deepen the knowledge about the underlying causes that increase the risk of sustaining an ACL injury. This was achieved by correlating known biomechanical risk factors (knee abduction moment) with brain activity in different areas, analyzing for the first time a two-legged task such as the bilateral leg press. Personally, I believe that the study is highly suitable for publication.

Below some minor remarks:


Page 5 Line 108: How did you select the sample size? Did you perform an apriori sample size calculation? Please argue on that

Page 6 Lines 139-140: “thereby facilitating a greater correspondence with actual neuromuscular control demands of the DVJ”. I suggest removing this sentence since the speculation may send out an ambiguous message considering the complexity and the real neuromuscular-coordinative demand of a jump-landing maneuver with respect to the bilateral leg press task.

Page 8 Line 174: How did you measure maximum jump height? Please argue on that


Page 13 line 280: Please change “This assertion is support not only by” with “This assertion is supported not only by”

Page 13 line 281: Please change “but the implicated sensory” with “but also by the implicated sensory”


Please add the small sample size as a limitation to the generalizability of the study results.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: jacopo emanuele rocchi

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PLoS One. 2022 Aug 11;17(8):e0272578. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272578.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

14 Apr 2022

This is also included in the uploaded file

Review Comments to the Author

Reviewer #1: General comments

The aim of this study was to study the association between bilateral motor control brain activity (assessed via fMRI, during a leg press dynamic task) and a specific ACL injury risk biomechanical parameter, i.e. knee abduction moment during landing from a drop vertical jump, in a population of pediatric females (n = 30).

The main findings of the study are the following: 1) greater landing knee abduction moments were associated with greater brain activity in specific regions that integrate visual, proprioceptive and attentional information; 2) the subgroup of participants classified as at higher ACL injury risk had greater brain activity with respect to those at lower injury risk.

The study is original and has been conducted with methodological rigor. I offer suggestions for methodological clarifications, data reporting and editorial amendments.

RESPONSE: Thank you for your critical review and suggestions to improve the manuscript.

Specific comments

LL 29. If possible I would suggest to add details regarding the leg-press load (e.g. %)

RESPONSE: We have revised the abstract and provide further explanation on the resistance in the manuscript:

“The feet of the participant were strapped to the pedals and moved horizontally with flexion and extension of the ankle, knee, and hip. An elastic resistance tube (manufacturer rated peak force ~9.1 kgs) was anchored at three points on the lateral side of both legs and in the center of the leg press apparatus providing independent tension for each leg throughout the movement. This resistance was found to be sufficient to stress bilateral lower extremity neuromuscular control without inducing additional head motion artifact. Through pilot testing, this resistance avoided excessive fatigue, due to repeated contractions in the block design, and minimized excessive head motion. Our goal was to utilize a bilateral leg press to partially resemble a landing movement pattern while considering and overcoming the limitations associated with fMRI/MRI scanning. This study was to our knowledge, the first attempt to stress bilateral lower extremity neuromuscular control similar to a drop landing by using simultaneous bilateral ankle, knee, and hip against resistance during brain fMRI.”

LL 106. The choice of studying pediatric female participants because of their “greater relative ACL injury risk, increased propensity for reduced frontal plane knee control, lower extremity valgus alignment during landing and pivoting moments” relative to males has been properly justified in the methods. However, the emphasis of the entire introduction (as well as in the abstract, discussion and conclusion) seem not to be specific to the studied population, but rather it focuses on the fact that ACL rupture is “a common sport-or physical activity-related injury among adolescent and young athletes”. My question is the following: has this analysis been made on female participants only? And more importantly, could the same results be expected for males also? This point should be probably addressed in the discussion section, where results seem to be discussed and generalized to the whole population level, rather than to be specific to the involved population.

RESPONSE: This is an excellent point, and we agree, the discussion required recognition of the specific implications of this work to the female athlete. We have added female specific clarifiers where appropriate and added this to the limitations regarding males:

“Also, the results of this study isolated neural signatures associated with known female sex-specific biomechanical risk factors for ACL injury. Thus, the present findings may not, or only partially, generalize to males. We would hypothesize that altered sensorimotor-related brain activity would be related to the known male sex-specific biomechanics associated with injury risk, such as decreased trunk flexion[88] and landing ground reaction asymmetry[89].”

LL 119. Please be consistent when using terminology: high-risk participants (in the text) vs. high-injury risk (Table 1). Same for low-risk group (text) vs. low-injury risk (Table 1).

RESPONSE: Thank you for pointing this out, the discrepancy is now corrected.

LL 120. It is stated that the “pairwise matching” between low-risk group and high-risk group participants was based on age and on body mass index. However, BMI data are not reported in table 1. Moreover, from table 1 it seems that the high-risk group had similar age, but was slightly taller and much heavier than the low-injury risk group. Therefore, how was the matching performed? Furthermore, how were the 5 participants out of 11 selected/identified for the pairwise matching analysis. Please clarify.

RESPONSE: Thank you for pointing this out, we have revised the text to be clearer on the group-wise inclusion, matching and independent t-test group analysis based on injury-risk classification. We now include BMI in the demographics table and report the t-test for knee abduction moment as an absolute variable and normalized to height and mass.

LL 128. Sometimes it is used “body mass” (L 151), sometimes only “mass” (L 128) or “weight” (Table1). Please be consistent throughout the text.

RESPONSE: Thank you for catching this, we now only report as “mass” throughout.

LL 138. “The bilateral leg press involved an eccentric loading phase and…”. From this sentence, it seems that fMRI was recorded only during the eccentric phase, whereas from LL 142-146 it is clear that participants performed both contraction phases (eccentric + concentric) continuously for 30 s (from full extension to 45° knee flexion). Consider rephrasing.

RESPONSE: Thank you for the opportunity to clarify – you are correct the fMRI was recorded during the entire movement cycle – revised as requested and the new text is included below:

“The bilateral leg press involved both a concentric press phase, an eccentric loading phase and a range of motion with greater ecological relevance to actual landing than prior methods, though still limited by neuroimaging constraints.”

LL 138 and 171. Were participants familiarized with both bilateral leg press exercise and with drop vertical jump?

RESPONSE: Yes, a familiarization session was completed for the fMRI leg press as now further clarified and practice trials were given for the drop vertical jump as now described.

“First, a standardized video was played that explained and illustrated the task. Then, the participant had an opportunity to practice a full run of the task with guidance from the experimenter”

“Participants completed practice trials to ensure task understanding and reduce learning effects.”

LL 151. How was the elastic resistance standardized? Why was 35% of body mass selected? Despite the necessity to keep a low resistance to avoid head artifacts, the 35% of participant’s body mass seems to be quite a low resistance to assess, also if we consider the potential forces acting on the knee during a drop vertical jump.

RESPONSE: This is a fair point and a limitation of modern neuroimaging technology. We have clarified the band resistance in the text:

“The feet of the participant were strapped to the pedals and moved horizontally with flexion and extension of the ankle, knee, and hip. An elastic resistance tube (manufacturer rated peak force ~9.1 kgs) was anchored at three points on the lateral side of both legs and in the center of the leg press apparatus providing independent tension for each leg throughout the movement. This resistance was found to be sufficient to stress bilateral lower extremity neuromuscular control without inducing additional head motion artifact. Through pilot testing, this resistance avoided excessive fatigue, due to repeated contractions in the block design, and minimized excessive head motion. Our goal was to utilize a bilateral leg press to partially resemble a landing movement pattern while considering and overcoming the limitations associated with fMRI/MRI scanning. This study was to our knowledge, the first attempt to stress bilateral lower extremity neuromuscular control similar to a drop landing by using simultaneous bilateral ankle, knee, and hip against resistance during brain fMRI"

LL 181-191. This entire section provides detailed indication of parameters extracted from the drop vertical Jump (e.g. VGRF). However, these variables related to DVJ data have not been described in the results.

RESPONSE: We have revised this section and removed unneeded methods details. We also clarify the calculation of knee abduction moment through inverse dynamics uses ground reaction force data as defined in prior literature.

LL 221. It is not clear where the “RESULTS” section starts, as this is not indicated in the manuscript. As it is, it seems that Methods and Results are described in the same section on a continuum.

RESPONSE: Thank you for pointing this out, we now include a header for the results section and break up the results by the whole group neural correlate analysis and the sub-group difference analysis.

LL 230. Please be more specific when describing the figure caption. What do the numbers on top of each image indicate? What is the unit of measure of the yellow-orange bar at the bottom? I assume that all the figures are representative of one participant, presumably with a high ACL injury risk.

RESPONSE: The figure captions have been revised to fully describe the image and are group averages (not individual participant data and this is now clarified).

LL 231. Refer to comment LL 230.

RESPONSE: The figure captions have been revised to fully describe the image.

LL 238-239. It seems that that in the sentences starting with “Cluster 1” and “Cluster 2” the main verbal tense is missing.

RESPONSE: We have revised the structure of the sentence.

LL 247. Please be consistent when reporting the number of decimals in the p-value (sometimes you report 5 decimals, sometimes 4, sometimes 2, sometimes 3).

RESPONSE: Thank you for catching this, the p-values are now revised to three decimal places throughout the manuscript.

LL 267. Is “drop landing peak knee abduction moment” a specific marker for young female athletes? If so, it would be better to specify it. In this way, also your choice of studying females only could be better justified.

RESPONSE: Yes, that is correct knee abduction moment (or the joint moments that push the knees to collapse toward midline during landing, resulting in a dynamic valgus alignment) is a specific motor coordination marker for the female athlete. We have revised the opening discussion sentence to reinforce this point before summarizing the neural results.

LL 303. The reference paper to this “recent experiment” is only reported 10 rows below. I would suggest to add this reference either here or to move it up a bit in the text for better clarity.

RESPONSE: We have added the reference here for clarity.

LL 387. The fact that the association was studied in pediatric females only should be addressed in the limitations.

RESPONSE: We agree and have clarified the data is specific to female athletes and included the new text below:

“Also, the results of this study isolated neural signatures associated with known female sex-specific biomechanical risk factors for ACL injury. Thus, the present findings may not, or only partially, generalize to males. We would hypothesize that altered sensorimotor-related brain activity would be related to the known male sex-specific biomechanics associated with injury risk, such as decreased trunk flexion[88] and landing ground reaction asymmetry[89].”

LL 415-417. The fact that the association between brain activity and this specific ACL injury risk biomechanics parameter has been studied and observed in pediatric females only, may not support and justify such a broad and generalized conclusion.

RESPONSE: We agree and have added pediatric female athlete into the conclusion to reduce over generalization.

Reviewer #2: Overall, the study is very well structured, detailed in the methodology, in line with the most recent evidences and provides important information to deepen the knowledge about the underlying causes that increase the risk of sustaining an ACL injury. This was achieved by correlating known biomechanical risk factors (knee abduction moment) with brain activity in different areas, analyzing for the first time a two-legged task such as the bilateral leg press. Personally, I believe that the study is highly suitable for publication.

RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment and your constructive critiques to improve the manuscript.

Below some minor remarks:


Page 5 Line 108: How did you select the sample size? Did you perform an apriori sample size calculation? Please argue on that

RESPONSE: We did not employ an apriori sample size calculation as this preliminary study was undertaken to support the development of effect sizes for our outcomes of interest. As this is a novel task in the fMRI literature and a novel scientific question, we did not have direct reports to base a sample size calculation from. However, prior neural correlate approaches have been successful with smaller sample sizes. Thus, the full cohort sample size of 31 was deemed satisfactory to allow for at least preliminary effect size calculations and the follow-up sub-group analysis based on injury risk classification was exploratory. We have added a statement to this effect in the limitations:

“As this was a preliminary investigation on a novel fMRI motor task and brain-behavioral correlate, the small sample size is a limitation, though is in line with prior fMRI sample sizes for similar tasks[24,25,91], and will allow for effect size calculation for future larger studies”

Page 6 Lines 139-140: “thereby facilitating a greater correspondence with actual neuromuscular control demands of the DVJ”. I suggest removing this sentence since the speculation may send out an ambiguous message considering the complexity and the real neuromuscular-coordinative demand of a jump-landing maneuver with respect to the bilateral leg press task.

RESPONSE: We agree and revised the sentence to be:

“The bilateral leg press involved both a concentric press phase, an eccentric loading phase and a range of motion with greater ecological relevance to actual landing than prior methods, though still limited by neuroimaging constraints.”

Page 8 Line 174: How did you measure maximum jump height? Please argue on that

RESPONSE: We are now specific in the manuscript text:

“Prior to the testing session, maximum counter movement vertical jump height was determined by having them attempt to grab a basketball at its maximum height on custom basketball retractor. Once ball height was raised to a height that ball could not be retrieved the highest successful measure was recorded and used to set the ball target height during the drop vertical jump testing.”


Page 13 line 280: Please change “This assertion is support not only by” with “This assertion is supported not only by”

RESEPONSE: Thank you for catching this, revised as requested.

Page 13 line 281: Please change “but the implicated sensory” with “but also by the implicated sensory”

RESPONSE: Thank you for catching this, revised as requested.


Please add the small sample size as a limitation to the generalizability of the study results.

RESPONSE: We agree and have added a sentence to reflect this:

“As this was a preliminary investigation on a novel fMRI motor task and brain-behavioral correlate, the small sample size is a limitation, though is in line with prior fMRI sample sizes for similar tasks[24,25,91], and will allow for effect size calculation for future larger studies.”


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Riccardo Di Giminiani

22 Jul 2022

Preliminary Brain-Behavioral Neural Correlates of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Landing Biomechanics Using A Novel Bilateral Leg Press Neuroimaging Paradigm


Dear Dr. Grooms,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Riccardo Di Giminiani

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

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Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: I have no further comments. I thank the authors for their commitment in answering all the main points I have raised.

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: jacopo emanuele rocchi


Acceptance letter

Riccardo Di Giminiani

2 Aug 2022


Preliminary Brain-Behavioral Neural Correlates of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Landing Biomechanics Using A Novel Bilateral Leg Press Neuroimaging Paradigm

Dear Dr. Grooms:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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on behalf of

Prof Riccardo Di Giminiani

Academic Editor


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    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Data



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    ***PA @ ACCEPT: Please request repository info at accept*** The data underlying the primary results are provided in supplement spreadsheet, however spreadsheets do not capture the full context of the neuroimaging data. The authors will share any further data upon request. Upon completion of study activities the raw data will be held in a public repository without restrictions.

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