Deep brain stimulation is a neurosurgical procedure used in treatment of a growing spectrum of movement disorders. Inaccuracies in electrode placement, however, can result in poor symptom control or adverse effects and confound variability in clinical outcomes. A deformable 3D-2D registration method is presented for high-precision 3D guidance of neuroelectrodes.
The approach employs a model-based, deformable algorithm for 3D-2D image registration. Variations in lead design are captured in a parametric 3D model based on a B-spline curve. The registration is solved through iterative optimization of 16 degrees-of-freedom that maximize image similarity between the 2 acquired radiographs and simulated forward projections of the neuroelectrode model. The approach was evaluated in phantom models with respect to pertinent imaging parameters, including view selection and imaging dose.
The results demonstrate an accuracy of (0.2 ± 0.2) mm in 3D localization of individual electrodes. The solution was observed to be robust to changes in pertinent imaging parameters, which demonstrate accurate localization with ≥20° view separation and at 1/10th the dose of a standard fluoroscopy frame.
The presented approach provides the means for guiding neuroelectrode placement from 2 low-dose radiographic images in a manner that accommodates potential deformations at the target anatomical site. Future work will focus on improving runtime though learning-based initialization, application in reducing reconstruction metal artifacts for 3D verification of placement, and extensive evaluation in clinical data from an IRB study underway.
Keywords: Image-guided surgery, intraoperative imaging, 3D-2D image registration, deformable registration
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical procedure that uses implanted electrodes to target specific areas in the brain. Commonly used for treatment of movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, emerging techniques further offer potential breakthroughs in treatment of a growing spectrum of pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s disease, autism, and depression.1 Typical approaches for neuroelectrode placement include frame-based stereotaxy, optical tracking, and more recently surgical robotics.2,3 Poor electrode placement, such as due to bending of the leads, can lead to poor symptom control or adverse effects, and confound variability in clinical outcomes.4 With emerging novel therapies, accurate placement of the electrodes with respect to intended targets is particularly important in differentiating variations in treatment outcome from targeting errors or other neuro-physiological factors.
Intraoperative 3D imaging, such as cone-beam CT (CBCT), is often acquired prior to surgery to register navigation systems and/or as a final validation.5 The leads, however, are small and are subject to partial volume effects in reconstruction. As the implants are inserted and advanced, additional 3D scans for spot checks have to be budgeted with respect to radiation dose and operation time. We propose instead to use deformable 3D-2D image registration to provide accurate 3D electrode localization from as few as 2 radiographic views (e.g., AP and LAT). The proposed method builds on our earlier approaches for model-based 3D-2D image registration6 and extends it for use with neurelectrode implants in DBS surgery. The work below reports our preliminary progress in 3D modeling of deformable electrodes, 3D-2D registration algorithm development, and evaluation of geometric accuracy in phantom models with respect to pertinent imaging parameters, including radiographic view selection, imaging dose.
2.1. Modeling of DBS neuroelectrodes
The design of the neuroelectrodes varies in terms of the electrode size, their interval, and material properties (e.g., flexibility and attenuation) of the lead cable. The flexible lead was parametrically modeled based on a B-spline (Figure 1b),7 chosen due to its locality that allows manipulation of individual control points without changing the shape of the entire curve. A 3D curve in space is represented using a combination of 3 splines for x, y, and z coordinates, each using a common set a common set of knot values, where X(t) = xiBi,k(t) and all splines sharing a common set of knot values. These coordinate basis functions can be expressed as a linear sum to obtain the following model for the lead:
(1) |
where αi = (xi, yi, zi) are the 3D control points that govern the nonrigid transformation of the lead. A cubic spline (k = 3) was used and the knots were clamped (t0 = t1 … = tk), such that the derivative at the tip can be used to extrapolate the path of the neuroelectrode. Using N = 4 control points, 12 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) represent the deformable transformation of a lead.
Figure 1.
Known component model of a DBS neuroelectrode. (a) Photo of the stimulator end of a lead with 4 electrodes. (b) Deformable B-spline component model of a 4-electrode lead. (c) Tessellated 3D surface mesh model used during registration.
The lead diameter (dl) was estimated (during registration) to build a 3D triangular mesh around the spline. Ne electrodes were placed along the lead at a given interval (δe). The electrodes themselves were represented as rigid cylinders of an estimated diameter (de) and length (le). A parametric representation such as this added an additional 4 DOF for the shape parameters listed above, totaling 16 DOF.
2.2. Deformable 3D-2D image registration
The approach for 3D localization of flexible neuroelectrodes from a pair of radiographs leverages the KC-Reg algorithm6 – a robust, gradient-based 3D-2D registration method composed of two distinct stages to solve for: (1) the 3D shape and pose of implants appearing in the images; and (2) the 3D pose of the surrounding patient anatomy. The algorithm iteratively optimizes component parameters to maximize the gradient similarity between the projections and digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) of the component. This objective is expressed as the maximization:
(2) |
where the parameters (λ, a set of all 16 DOF) of a “known-component” model (κ) are optimized to yield the maximum gradient similarity (viz., gradient correlation, GC) between the acquired radiographs (rθ acquired at gantry angle θ) and forward projections of the component.
2.3. Experimental evaluation
Experimental evaluation was performed on 4 different electrode designs (Medtronic, Littleton MA) with varying electrode sizes and separation, implanted in the phantom models shown in Figure 2. Initial feasibility tests were performed on electrodes implanted in 13×8×4 cm blocks of Superflab (Figure 2b). The electrodes were then implanted in a water-tight 3.2 mm thick cranium shell (Figure 2c; LiquiPhil, Phantom Laboratory, Greenwich NY), which was modified to provide superior entry. Low-contrast rods that simulate soft-tissue were inserted from the neck, and the electrodes were introduced from the superior side. CBCT images were acquired from an O-arm (Medtronic, Littleton MA) using the High-Definition protocol (commonly used in cranial neurosurgery), which provides ~744 projections over a 360° gantry rotation. The experiments used radiographs selected from these projections, such that 2 were input to the registration, while the 3D CBCT served as ground truth definition for error evaluation. For the experiments reported below, lower radiation doses – below the current limits of O-arm – were simulated using the low-dose simulation (noise injection) method outlined by Wang et al.,8 which demonstrated the accuracy of the approach through comparison to images acquired at low dose.
Figure 2.
Experimental setup and imaging of neuroelectrodes in phantom models. (a) An O-arm system provided the 2D radiographs (for registration) and 3D CBCT images (for ground truth definition). (b) Neuroelectrode implanted in a Superflab block. (c) Neuroelectrode implanted in a water-filled cranium phantom alongside low-contrast inserts.
Registration accuracy was quantified in terms of 3D target registration error (TRE), which was measured over each electrode with respect to its true location (xi) as identified in CBCT:
(3) |
where the registered location of electrode i was computed by evaluating the spline (κ) at ti such that the resulting location is (δe + le)i away from the lead endpoint. True locations of the electrodes were manually identified in CBCT images, using region-of-interest reconstructions over a high-resolution (0.05×0.05×0.05) mm3 voxel grid to mitigate partial volume effects.
3.1. Geometric accuracy of deformable neuroelectrode registration
Figure 3 presents the results of flexible neuroelectrode registration as evaluated on 4 different lead designs that vary in distance between electrodes and overall flexibility of the wire. Figure 3a shows the difference in rigid vs. deformable transform modeling, which achieved TRE (0.4 ± 0.4) mm and (0.2 ± 0.2) mm, respectively.
Figure 3.
Geometric accuracy of 3D-2D registration. (a) TRE of rigid vs. deformable electrode modeling with respect to the initial error. (b) TRE as a function of angular separation (Δθ) of the views.
The geometric accuracy was also measured with respect to the angular separation of the projective views, with the intent of providing more rapid imaging workflows by allowing the gantry to travel less, i.e., minor tilts compared to acquiring AP and LAT views. The results shown in Figure 3b are consistent with our earlier findings,9 and demonstrate that Δθ as small as 20° is sufficient to achieve the performance of conventional AP+LAT pairs.
3.2. Evaluation of robustness to low-dose imaging
Robustness to increased noise levels due to lower-dose imaging protocols is demonstrated in Figure 4. The results show accurate registration down to 0.02 mAs/frame – i.e., down to 1/10th of the dose of a single fluoroscopy frame.10 Example images that highlight the confounding effects of increased noise are shown in Figure 4b.
Figure 4.
Geometric accuracy with respect to radiation dose. (a) TRE as a function of radiation dose, where the dose of a single fluoro frame was 0.2 mAs. (b) Simulated low-dose radiographs of a head phantom with an implanted neuroelectrode that show approximate 1/10 to 1/100 reduction in dose.
An approach for accurate 3D localization of deformable neuroelectrodes was presented, employing a model-based, deformable algorithm for 3D-2D image registration. Preliminary phantom studies demonstrate an accuracy of (0.2 ± 0.2) mm in 3D localization of individual electrodes. The results are robust to changes in pertinent imaging parameters such as specific views used and radiation dose, which demonstrate accurate localization with 20° view separation and 1/10th the dose of a standard fluoroscopy image.
Current work underway aims to improve the workflow by utilizing model deep-learning techniques to detect and identify electrodes within complex radiographic scenes, where strong initialization is expected to allow registrations to run faster, with fewer iterations, and less susceptibility to local minima.11 Additional work extending these preliminary studies toward clinical application include support for new directional neuroelectrode designs (i.e., solving for the 3D orientation of the electrode), evaluation of bilaterally placed implants, and impact of detector modes (i.e., binning level) on geometric accuracy. In addition to guiding electrode placement, precise localization of electrodes can be used in the context of image reconstruction to mitigate metal artifacts as shown in our previous work.12 Future work will also extend evaluation in clinical data from an IRB study currently underway.
This research was supported by NIH grant U01-NS107133. The system and algorithms shown in this work were for research purposes only and are not available for sale or commercial use.
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