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. 2022 Jul 26;12(8):694. doi: 10.3390/metabo12080694

Table 4.

List of all 15 binary asymmetric similarity measures.

Index Name Expression Range
1 Jaccard c/(a+b+c) [0, 1)
2 Dice 2c/(a+b+2c) [0, 1)
3 3W-Jaccard 3c/(a+b+3c) [0, 1)
4 Sokal–Sneath c/(2a+2b+c) [0, 1)
5 Cosine c/√((a+c)·(b+c)) [0, 1)
6 Mountford 2c/(c(a+b)+2ab) [0, 2]
7 McConnaughey (c2−ab)/((a+c)·(b+c)) [−1, 1)
8 Driver–Kroeber c(a+b+2c)/(2(a+c)·(b+c)) [0, 1)
9 Simpson c/min(a+c,b+c) [0, 1)
10 Braun–Banquet c/max(a+c,b+c) [0, 1)
11 Fager–McGowan c/√((a+c)·(b+c)) − 1/(2·√(max(a+c,b+c))) (−1/2, 1)
12 Kulczynski c/(a+b) [0, ∞)
13 Intersection c [0, ∞)
14 Hamming 1/(a+b) (0, 1]
15 Hellinger 1 − √((1 − c/√((a+c)·(b+c)))) [0, 1)

1, Jaccard is also known as Tanimoto; 2, Dice is also known as Hodgkin index, Sorenson, Czekanowski, Nei–Li, and F1-score; 5, Cosine is equal to the square root of Sorgenfrei, and is also known as Carbo index, Ochiai, Otsuka, and Fowlkes–Mallows index; 8, Driver–Kroeber is equal to 0.5 times Johnson, and is also known as Kulczynski; 14, Hamming is also known as squared-Euclidean, Canberra, Manhattan, Cityblock, and Minkowski; a,b,c ≥ 0; a+b+c > 0.