Volume 96, no. 13, e00714-22, 2022, Page 12: During assembly of Fig. 5, inadvertently, the same set of graphs (corresponding to panel E) was used mistakenly for both panels C and E. In addition, the figure legend incorrectly indicated that the graphs in panel C and E were derived from three independent repeats, but they were derived from two independent repeats. The corrected graphs now show the average and the individual data points from the two independent repeats to indicate these repeats more clearly. These corrections do not affect any of the conclusions of the paper.
Page 12, Fig. 5 legend, lines 7 and 12: “standard deviation of results of three” should read “individual data points of results of two.”
Page 12, Fig. 5 legend, lines 9 and 14: “(gray bars) or not (black bars)” should read “(open circles) or not (closed circles).”