Maximum likelihood tree based on the mgpB type of the 374 M. genitalium strains collected from 305 women and 65 MSM. The tree was constructed using a T92 G+I model. Branch support values were generated from 1000 bootstrap replicates. The sequence of the M. genitalium G37 strain was used as a reference. The phylogenetic tree was annotated with (from the centre to the outside) the strain name, the cohort, the individual geographical origin, the sampling site, the mgpB sequence type (from 1 to 323), the MG309-STR type of the strain (from 8 to 20, if available), and the macrolide and fluoroquinolone resistance profile of the strain (if available). Clusters A, B, and C are represented by branches and strain names in purple, red, and green, respectively. Concurrent or subsequent samples from four patients are highlighted. HIV-positive patients are symbolized by a black star. For better reading, a clearer figure is available as supplementary data file (Figure S1).