Figure 2.
Maximum likelihood phylogeny constructed using core genes detected among 55 genomes assigned to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) B. tropicus species, plus GTDB B. paranthracis outgroup genome B. cereus s.l. strain AH187 (NCBI RefSeq Assembly Accession GCF_000021225.1; omitted for readability). A predicted anthrax toxin gene gain event among PubMLST Sequence Type 78 (ST78) genomes is denoted by a black arrow. The heatmap to the right of the phylogeny denotes the following (from left to right): (i) whether a genome was sequenced in this study or publicly available (“Origin”); (ii) selected PubMLST lineages assigned using seven-gene multi-locus sequence typing, to which genomes sequenced in this study were assigned (“MLST”); (iii) whether a genome possessed two or more anthrax toxin-encoding genes (cya, lef, pagA) or not (“Anthrax”); (iv) whether a genome possessed four or more polyglutamate capsule-encoding genes (capBCADE) or not (“Cap”); (v) whether a genome possessed six or more Bps exopolysaccharide-encoding genes (bpsXABCDEFGH) or not (“Bps”); (vi) whether a genome possessed two or more hyaluronic acid capsule-encoding genes (hasABC) or not (“Has”). The phylogeny was rooted along the outgroup genome (omitted for readability), with branch lengths reported in substitutions per site. For complete ancestral state reconstruction results, see Supplementary Figure S3.