Intermediate HFs from FPHL patients show metabolites deficiency. (a) Log2 average relative expression of the n = 141 identified metabolites in at least two FPHL patients in terminal (t) and intermediate/miniaturized (i/m) hair follicles from occipital and parietal scalp skin samples from n = 3 FPHL donors. Box-plot with whiskers to minimum and maximum of the Log2 average relative expression data created with GraphPad9.0, n = 141, Friedman test p < 0.0001, Dunn’s multiple comparison test **** p < 0.0001. (b) Metabolite set enrichment analysis was performed using MetaboAnalyst 5.0 (University of Alberta, Edmonton AB T6G 2E8, Canada) (, accessed on 30 March 2022) as basis differentially abundant (FC (i-m/t) < 0.75, FC (i-m/t) > 1.5) metabolites in intermediate/miniaturized versus terminal hair follicles in the FPHL occipital (left) and parietal (right) scalp region. (c) Relative abundance of selected metabolites in intermediate/miniaturized and terminal hair follicles from occipital and parietal FPHL scalp from n = 2–3 donors (green, red, and blue circles). Relative abundance normalized to corresponding terminal HFs.