(A) Fluorescence intensity on the Hhex-mCherry channel recorded by the FACS at the moment of the sample collection for sequencing. Samples were collected from 2i/LIF culture, and days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 of PrE differentiation. Cells are labelled PrE or NEDiff according to whether they belong to the PrE branch or the not differentiated branch, respectively. PrE cells show higher Hhex reporter expression than the NEDiff clusters. (B) Fluorescence intensity on the Sox2-GFP channel recorded by FACS at the moment of the sample collection for sequencing. Samples were collected from 2i/LIF culture, and days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 of PrE differentiation. Cells are labelled PrE or NEDiff according to whether they belong to the PrE branch or the not differentiated branch, respectively. NEDiff cells show higher Sox2 reporter expression than the PrE clusters. (C) Cellular proportions of cells in 2i/LIF vs. NEDiff vs. PrE branch, showing that clusters 1, 5, and 6 belong to the 2i/LIF cells. Cells from days 2, 3, and 4 are separated between differentiated (PrE, clusters 3, 7, and 4) and non-differentiated (NEDiff, clusters 0 and 2).