Specific mechanisms by which tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) become dysfunctional remain poorly understood. Here, we employed a two-pronged approach using single-cell mass cytometry and tissue imaging technologies to dissect TILs from 25 resectable and 35 advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. We identified a burned-out CD8+ TIL subset (Ebo) that specifically accumulated within the tumor microenvironment (TME), but not in adjacent non-tumoral tissues. Ebo showed the highest expression of proliferation and activation markers, but produced the lowest amount of IFNγ and were the most apoptotic CD8+ TIL subset. Using a humanized patient-derived tumor xenograft model, we demonstrated that Ebo expansion occurred within the TME in a PD-1/B7-H1 pathway-dependent manner. Ebo abundance in baseline tumor tissues was associated with resistance to anti-PD therapy in NSCLC patients. Our study identifies a dysfunctional TIL subset, with distinct features from previously described exhausted T cells, and implies strategies to overcome immunotherapy resistance.
Progressing tumors develop multiple cellular and molecular mechanisms to evade and/or resist immune attack. Collectively, these mechanisms are known as “adaptive immune resistance”. The archetype of these mechanisms is the up-regulation of B7-H1 (PD-L1) in the tumor microenvironment (TME), which is primarily induced by interferon-gamma (IFNγ) secretion from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) (1,2). These mechanisms typically result in the exclusion or functional impairment of TILs, thereby limiting endogenous antitumor immune response. Strategies such as blockade of PD-1/B7-H1 pathway (herein anti-PD therapy) seek to correct and reinvigorate the impaired T-cell response against cancer (3), an approach described as “normalization cancer immunotherapy” (4). However, fundamental questions such as the specific mechanisms by which CD8+ T cells become dysfunctional, or how anti-PD therapy overcomes this dysfunctionality, remain unanswered.
One major obstacle to understanding the mechanism of T-cell reinvigorating therapies is the cellular heterogeneity within the TME. Upon antigen presentation, T cells sequentially differentiate from naïve to effector and then to T memory cells in acute inflammatory conditions (5). However, in a chronic inflammatory environment such as the TME, CD8+ T-cell differentiation could be altered or deviated, resulting in a greater diversity of subsets. Using chronic viral infection mouse models, a CD8+ subtype termed “exhausted” T cells was described (6). Exhausted CD8+ T cells are characterized by the loss of IL-2, TNFα and IFNγ secretion, impaired proliferation, and high expression of co-inhibitory receptors such as PD-1, LAG-3 and TIM-3 (7). A similar exhausted CD8+ T cell subset was subsequently identified within the TME of mouse tumors and melanoma patients that was also characterized by high PD-1, LAG-3 and TIM-3 expression (8). However, recent studies indicate that patient CD8+ TIL phenotype and functional profiles do not completely overlap with murine exhausted CD8+ T cells observed in chronic infection models; neither do the factors contributing to their differentiation (9,10). The complex and unique ecosystem of the human TME that is composed of genetic tumor diversity, spatial heterogeneity, and asymmetric alteration by anti-cancer therapies, likely contributes to CD8+ TIL diversity and may determine unique pathways of CD8+ TIL differentiation. In this regard, detailed characterization of dysfunctional human CD8+ TILs and a deeper understanding of the mechanisms leading to dysfunction is an unmet need and could be used to improve antitumor T cell responses in patients.
Advances in high-resolution genomic and proteomic single-cell technologies allow for further dissection of the cellular diversity within TME, increasing our ability to interrogate and characterize the patient’s tumor-immune context. Specific advances in single-cell transcriptomics are a very powerful approach by which multiple aspects of cellular processes can be assessed (11,12). Nevertheless, protein isoforms, posttranslational modifications, proteolytic products and cell-surface receptor/ligand proteins expression are missed by this approach. In contrast, multiparametric proteomic single-cell analysis tools such as flow cytometry (13) and more recently cytometry by Time-Of-Flight (CyTOF) (14–16) or imaging mass cytometry (IMC) (17,18), uniquely enable investigation of cell identity and behavior at the protein level, which are largely the key executors of biological processes. Clear understanding of human tumor immune microenvironment has also been hampered by the lack of suitable experimental models. Patient-derived organoids (19,20) and patient-derived explants (21) have been developed to recreate the complexity of the human immune TME. While these models are increasingly utilized, they are limited by the short viability of immune cells (typically 2–3 days) and distinct drug pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics profiles when compared with in vivo settings. Alternatively, humanized patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models enriched with an autologous human immune system derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (22), hematopoietic stem-progenitor cells (CD34+) (23,24) or TILs (25,26) have been proposed as an in vivo approach to recapitulate the tumor-immune cell interactions within the TME offering longer experimental windows and more accurate pharmacokinetic /pharmacodynamic conditions.
In this study, we progressively dissected the CD8+ TIL compartment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), using a multi-layered approach with orthogonal and complementary analysis platforms including single-cell mass cytometry (CyTOF), quantitative immunofluorescence (QIF), imaging mass cytometry (IMC) and RNA sequencing to interrogate the nature and features of dysfunctional human T-cells. Furthermore, to analyze the effect of PD-1/B7-H1 blockade on different human TIL subsets, we developed a humanized PDX model (herein immune PDX) in which intact patient-derived TILs can be experimentally modulated and analyzed. Our studies reveal a distinct dysfunctional CD8+ TIL subset that expands within the TME in a PD pathway-dependent manner. This CD8+ TIL subset displays markers of end-stage differentiation, produce lower IFNγ upon stimulation and show increased apoptosis, but are also highly proliferative. Finally, we demonstrate that this CD8+ TIL subset accumulates in more advanced NSCLC patients and its higher abundance is associated with worse clinical response to anti-PD therapy.
Immune profiling reveals that CD8+ TILs are actively expanding in NSCLC TME
Surgically resected tumoral (Tu) and non-tumoral (non-Tu) paired lung tissues were obtained from 25 patients with resectable NSCLC. Specimens were divided in two mirroring halves and subjected to proteomic-based multiparametric CyTOF and QIF analysis (Fig S1A). We standardized a 39-plex CyTOF panel (Table S1) including phenotypical and functional markers to interrogate lung tissue immune cells infiltration. Comparative analysis of T-cell abundance within the total non-Tu lung cell suspension by CyTOF or intact tissues by QIF showed a high correlation for both CD8+ (r=0.74 p<0.001; Fig S1B) and CD4+ (r=0.70 p=0.0002; Fig S1C) T-cell compartments, supporting the consistency of measurements and limited impact of our tissue digestion protocol. Rigorous validation of antibodies to recognize inducible markers was conducted using unstimulated vs stimulated human PBMCs (Fig S2). Next, we applied the forementioned strategy to interrogate the immune composition of Tu and non-Tu lung tissues (Fig S1A). We defined the main immune cell populations based on the differential expression of specific-lineage markers (Fig 1A and S3A–B) and found that all lymphoid subsets were significantly increased in Tu tissues by CyTOF (Fig 1A–B), and also by QIF (Fig 1C) analysis. In contrast, non-lymphoid subsets were significantly less prominent in the TME, and the overall lymphoid-to-non-lymphoid cell ratio was significantly higher in Tu tissues (Fig 1D and S4). Additionally, CD8+ TILs were significantly more proliferative (Ki-67+) than non-Tu CD8+ T cells (p<0.0003; Fig 1E). Other lymphoid populations, including conventional CD4+ T cells, T regulatory cells (Treg) and B cells did not show a significant change in proliferation levels (Fig 1E). These data indicate that CD8+ TILs expand within the TME of NSCLC patients and are the most proliferative TIL fraction.
Figure 1. Immune profiling reveals that CD8+ TILs are actively expanding in NSCLC TME.
Paired non-tumoral (non-Tu) and tumoral (Tu) lung tissue from 25 surgically removed lobectomies were analyzed. A) Density t-SNE plots depicting the lymphoid and non-lymphoid subsets from pooled paired non-Tu (left) and Tu (right) lung tissues from early clinical stage NSCLC patients. Results are shown for an equal number of pre-gated CD45+ cells from both tissues. B) Frequency of lymphoid (upper panel) and non-lymphoid (lower panel) immune subsets across non-Tu and paired Tu tissues analyzed by CyTOF. C) Representative fluorescence microphotographs showing DAPI nuclear stain (blue) and each phenotypic marker: CD8, CD4, CD20 and CD68 (red) in paired non-Tu and Tu lung tissues studied by QIF. Dot-plots depict QIF levels of CD8, CD4, CD20 and CD68 in non-Tu and Tu tissues. D) Ratio of CD8+ T cells to CD68+ cells from non-Tu and Tu paired lung tissues analyzed by QIF. E) KI-67 expression of CD8, CD4, Treg, and B cells from non-Tu and Tu paired lung tissues analyzed by CyTOF. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; ****, p<0.0001. non-Tu, non-tumor; Tu, tumor; Mono, monocytes; Mac, macrophages, DC, dendritic cells; Neu, neutrophils.
A proliferative, terminally-differentiated CD8+ TIL subset selectively expands in TME
To further understand why proliferative CD8+ TILs are unable to control tumor growth in NSCLC patients, we conducted a more comprehensive phenotypic and functional analysis of TILs by comparing them with lymphocytes from paired non-Tu lung tissues. Employing an unsupervised hierarchical clustering method named CITRUS (27), 2.1×104 CD3+ T cells from Tu and non-Tu lung tissues were stratified according to the expression profile of phenotypic markers. In the first iteration, CITRUS automatically stratified tissue-infiltrating CD3+ T cells in CD4+ and CD8+ branches (Fig 2A and S5A). Subsequently, CD8+ T cells were segmented in two main populations including Effector (Eff) (CCR7− CD45RA+ CD45RO−) and Effector Memory (EM)(CCR7− CD45RA− CD45RO+), showing that these two CD8+ sub-groups dominate the lung tissue infiltration (Fig 2B–C and S5B–C). The EM population was further subdivided in two additional subsets. One subset showed a conventional effector memory phenotype, named hereafter as effector memory (Em) cells (Fig 2B–C and S5B–C). The other subset, in contrast, was characterized by high CD45RO, EOMES, FAS, CD27, CD28, KLRG-1, PD-1, LAG-3, and TIM-3 expression. This profile is consistent with an activated, terminally-differentiated, and pro-apoptotic phenotype, named hereafter as burned-out effector (Ebo) cells (Fig 2B–D and S5B–C). Comparison of functional markers across all three CD8+ TIL subsets, showed that Ebo cells had the highest levels of proliferation (Ki-67). In contrast, GzmB, TBET, and KLRG-1 expression were more prominent in classical Eff cells. Interestingly, EOMES was highly expressed by both Ebo and Eff, but the ratio of EOMES/TBET was significantly higher in Ebo (median=4.8) than Eff (median=2.8) cells, consistent with an exhausted phenotype previously described in murine models (EOMEShigh, TBETlow) (8) (Fig 2D). Additionally, these two effector CD8+ T cell populations were asymmetrically represented between TME and surrounding non-Tu lung tissues. While Ebo clusters were predominantly localized within the TME (FDR<00.1; Fig 2E), Eff clusters were more abundant in non-Tu lung tissues (FDR<0.001; Fig 2E). When we looked at peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from NSCLC patients, we observed that Ebo-CD8+ T cells were almost absent, similar to non-Tu lung tissues (Fig S5D). Paired Tu and non-Tu analysis revealed that Eff CD8+ TILs express less GzmB and KLRG-1 when compared with the paired non-Tu subsets, indicating a loss of function in addition to loss of cell numbers of Eff CD8+ T cells within the TME (Fig 2F). Finally, while expression of PD-1 and TIM-3 was significantly increased in the three CD8+ TIL subsets compared to non-Tu tissues, LAG-3 expression was exclusively increased in Ebo, indicating that the LAG-3 increase is a distinctive molecular feature of this subset (Fig 2F). When we further stratified Ebo CD8 TIL cluster in high vs low Ki-67 expression, we observed that high Ki-67 subpopulation displayed higher PD-1, LAG-3, TIM-3 and FAS expression levels (Fig S6A), and this sub-cluster appeared separately stratified in a t-SNE analysis (Fig S6B). These data reveal the existence of three major phenotypically distinct CD8+ TIL subsets, and among them stands out Ebo which is highly proliferative (Ki-67+, CD28+), fully activated (PD-1+, LAG-3+, TIM-3+), terminally differentiated (EOMEShigh, TBETlow), and selectively expanded in the TME.
Figure 2. Identification of three phenotypically distinct CD8+ TIL subsets in NSCLC patients.
CD3+ T cells (n= 20,824) from paired non-Tu (n=20) and NSCLC (n=20) specimens were analyzed using CITRUS. A) Visual representation of unsupervised hierarchical clustering. CD4 and CD8 compartments are contoured on the basis of canonical lineage markers as indicated in Fig S5. The color scale indicates the median mass intensity of CD8 expression and node sizes are scaled on the basis of frequency of cells in each cluster. B) CD8+ T-cell clusters are depicted. The three different subsets are contoured base on differential expression of markers: CCR7− CD45RA+ CD45RO− (yellow), CCR7− CD45RA− CD45ROlow (pink), and CCR7− CD45RA− CD45ROhigh (blue). The colour scale indicates the median mass intensity of CD45RO expression. Node sizes are scaled on the basis of the frequency of cells in each cluster. C) Box-plots depict expression levels of CD45RO (left), CD45RA (middle) and CCR7 (right) within each CD8 cluster identified as Effector (Eff), Effector Memory (Em) and Effector burned-out (Ebo). D) Heatmap showing relative normalized expression of depicted markers in Em and Ebo. Panels depict the expression levels of indicated markers in Eff, Em and Ebo CD8+ TIL subsets. E) Significant Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) model described the clusters with significantly different abundance (FDR<0.01) between non-tumoral and tumoral lung tissue. F) Dot-plots depicted markers intensity of each CD8 branch-cluster from non-Tu and paired Tu lung tissue. Ebo, Effector burn-out; Em, Effector memory; Eff, Effector. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; ****, p<0.0001.
Ebo CD8+ TIL is a transcriptionally distinct and dysfunctional subset
Given that Ebo was the only subset selectively expanded in the TME, we further explored the transcriptional and functional characteristics of these cells, in order to understand what was unique about them. TILs were isolated from freshly resected NSCLC specimens; the three CD8+ TIL subsets were sorted by flow cytometry and processed for whole transcriptome RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis. Ebo showed greater transcriptional similarities with Em than with Eff CD8+ TILs, consistent with our proteomic CITRUS clustering results (Fig S7A). Nevertheless, when we compared Ebo directly with the Em CD8+ TIL population we found a clearly distinct gene signature. Specifically, a total of 888 genes were significantly upregulated in Ebo over Em, and 881 genes were upregulated in Em over Ebo (FDR< 1%, adjusted p < 0.01), confirming that while clustered together, these two cell populations are transcriptionally different (Fig 3A). Consistent with our proteomic based CyTOF analysis, Ki-67 gene expression was up-regulated in Ebo over Em (Fig 3B). Additionally, Ebo had higher expression of other transcripts associated with cell proliferation such as POLR3K and DNA2. In contrast, Em showed up-regulated expression of genes related to tissue development and cellular differentiation, including ARMCX2 and FLIP1L (Fig 3A–B). In line with these data, gene-set-enrichment analysis (GSEA) showed proliferative signatures enriched in the Ebo population (Fig 3C–D, left panel), while the Em population showed an enrichment for stem cell-type signatures (Fig 3C–D, right panel). Furthermore, we analyzed TCR sequencing transcripts from the three subsets and observed that Eff CD8+ TIL displayed the highest clonality, while Ebo and Em showed a higher clonotype diversity (Fig 3E–F and Fig S7B–C). No significant differential expression of associated “exhaustion markers” ENTPD1, TOX, NR4A2, CD38 were found across the three subsets (Fig S7D). Next, we interrogated the functional capacity of these three CD8+ TIL subsets to produce IFNγ. CD8+ TIL subsets were sorted by flow cytometry from nine primary NSCLC tissues and intracellular IFNγ expression was analyzed upon ex vivo PMA-ionomycin stimulation. Intriguingly, while Ebo showed the highest baseline expression of proliferation and activation markers, they produced the least amount of IFNγ when compared to Em and Eff populations (Fig 3G). Since Ebo showed the highest expression of FAS, a pro-apoptotic marker, we hypothesized that the lack of IFNγ production may be explained because these cells are engaged in cell death programs. To avoid induction of cleaved caspases that may occur during tissue digestion to harvest TILs, we optimized the use of QIF to measure cleaved caspases within intact tumor tissues (Fig S8A–B). Among the three CD8+ TIL subsets, Ebo displayed the highest levels of cleaved caspase-3 expression as compared to Em and Eff subsets (Fig 3H and Fig S8C). Additionally, GSEA showed an apoptotic signature enriched in Ebo subset. This signature is associated with cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A which is considered instrumental in the execution of apoptosis following caspase activation (Fig 3I). Together, these data show that the three CD8+ TIL subsets are transcriptionally distinct, consistent with the clustering observed in CyTOF analysis, and indicate that Ebo subset is enriched in apoptotic and dysfunctional CD8+ T cells.
Figure 3. Ebo CD8+ TIL is a transcriptionally distinct and dysfunctional subset.
A) Heatmap showing differentially expressed genes between Em and Ebo CD8+ TIL subsets. B) Volcano plot of up-regulated genes in Em over Ebo (left) or Ebo over Em (right) CD8+ TIL population. Each red or green dot denotes an individual gene with adjusted P value < 0.01 (two-sided moderated t-test) and fold change ≥ 2. C) Gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA) plot showing an enrichment of cycling signatures in Ebo population and stem-cell signatures in Em population. Color scale indicates the expression score in the indicated subset and the square size indicates the 1-FDR. PROLIFERATION: 1, “GNF2 MKI67”; 2, “GNF2 SMC2L1”; 3, “GNF2 ESPL1”; 4, “GNF2 CENPE”; 5, “GNF2 CCNA2”; 6, “Eguchi cell cycle RB1 targets”; 7, “Whitfield cell cycle literature”; 8, “Go DNA replication dependent nucleosome organization”; 9, “Rosty cervical cancer proliferation cluster”; STEMNESS: 10, “Piccaluga angioimmunoblastic lymphoma up”; 11, “Jaatinen hematopoietic stem cell DN”; 12, “Wong adult tissue stem module”; 13, “Harris brain cancer progenitors”; 14, Hallmark angiogenesis. D) Representative GSEA of cycling genes signature: “GNF2 MKI67” (left panel) and hematopoietic stem cell genes signature: “Jaatinen hematopoietic stem cell DN” (right panel) with the highest enrichment score (EC). E) TCRβ clonalities are shown by whisker-plots (the lines indicate median values and the boxes interquartile range (IQR) values). Data from sorting cell subsets sequence results which are over 10% frequency clonalities of Ebo, Em and Eff are shown. F) The relative abundance of TCRβ clonotypes of Ebo, Em and Eff, the Large clonalities ranges are from 10% to 100%, Medium clonalities ranges are from 1% to 0.1%, and Small clonalities ranges are lower than 0.1%. The clonotypes are shown from all sorting cell subsets combine together. G) Bar-plot depicts the percentage of IFN-γ+ cells from sorted Ebo, Em and Eff CD8+ TIL subsets cultured for 12h with (red) or without (black) PMA plus ionomycin, obtained from NSCLC patients (n=9). H) Bar-plot depicts the cleaved caspase-3 expression levels in Ebo, Em and Eff CD8+ TIL from 35 NSCLC patient tumors analyzed by multiplex-QIF. I) Gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA) plot showing an enrichment of apoptosis signatures in Ebo population over Em (left) and Eff (right) subsets. Ebo, Effector burned-out; Em, Effector memory; Eff, Effector. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; ****, p<0.0001.
The B7-H1/PD-1 pathway mediates the Ebo CD8+ TILs expansion within TME
To explore the dynamic changes of CD8+ TIL subsets within the TME and their response to immunotherapy, we developed an immune-proficient PDX model. This alternative PDX model, herein immune-PDX, uses 4–5 mm3 fresh primary NSCLC surgical specimens engrafted subcutaneously into NOD/SCID IL2Rγ−/− (NSG) mice. Xenografts contain all human components of the patient’s unique TME including hematopoietic, stromal and tumor cells, and supports their modulation and study (Fig 4A). We observed that CD8+, CD4+, B, NKT and myeloid mononuclear phagocyte cellular composition remained constant for at least two weeks after engraftment (Fig 4B–C). In contrast, NK cells and granulocytes significantly declined during the same period of time (Fig 4B–C). We monitored the abundance of the three CD8+ TIL subsets within the TME at baseline and two weeks after engraftment by CyTOF and found that Ebo significantly increased (27.6±5.6%; p=0.0012) while Em (−22.8±4.6%; p=0.0010) and Eff (−5.62±2.75%; p=0.0755) CD8+ TIL progressively decreased over time (Fig 4D–E). Interestingly, tumors expressing high B7-H1 levels maintained their expression for two weeks after engraftment (Fig S9), indicating that this pathway remains intact in this model and is amenable to modulation. To test the effect of anti-PD therapy on CD8+ TIL populations, we treated immune-PDX engrafted with B7-H1+ tumors with avelumab (anti-human B7-H1 mAb) or isotype control. CD8+ TIL subsets were evaluated by CyTOF after two doses of treatment. As shown in Fig 4F–G, avelumab treatment reduced the expansion of Ebo (−13.96±4.44%; p=0.012) and prevented the reduction of Eff (+3.978±1.58%; p=0.0311), resulting in a favorable Eff/Ebo ratio in avelumab-treated mice (Fig 4F–G). Additionally, avelumab decreased the expression of the proapoptotic marker (BIM) in the Eff cells and increased the levels of the activation markers CD27 and CD69. These results suggest that B7-H1/PD-1 blockade may have a protective role on this population during activation (Fig 4H). In both Eff and Em, TBET was significantly increased after B7-H1 blockade (Fig 4H), in line with the observed ex vivo increased IFNγ production upon re-stimulation (Fig 3E). These data demonstrate that the Ebo CD8+ TIL subset is expanded within the TME over time, and that this expansion can be reduced by B7-H1 blockade.
Figure 4. The B7-H1/PD-1 pathway mediates the Ebo CD8+ TILs expansion within human TME.
A) Scheme of immune-PDX experiments. Patient-derived lung tumor xenografts were engrafted in NOD-SCID IL2Rγ−/− (NSG) mice. Tumor tissue was digested and analyzed by mass cytometry at basline and two weeks after engraftment. B) viSNE analysis depicts tumor xenograft-infiltrating leukocytes at baseline and two weeks after engraftment in NSG mice. Each immune subset is identified with a different color and a number. C) Frequency of depicted tumor xenograft-infiltrating leukocyte populations at baseline (gray) and two-weeks after (red) engraftment. D) Percentage Ebo, Em and Eff of total tumor infiltrating CD8+ T cells at baseline, week 1 and week 2 after engraftment. E) CD8 composition with the different CD8+ TIL subsets at baseline and week 2 after engraftment. F) Percentage Ebo, Em and Eff of total tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells from control and avelumab-treated mice at baseline and week 2 post-engraftment. G) CD8+ T cell composition within the different CD8+ TIL subsets from control and avelumab-treated mice at week 2 post-engraftment. H) Heatmap showing differentially expressed proteins in Em, Ebo and Eff CD8+ TIL subsets from control and avelumab-treated mice. Neu, neutrophils; M. Phagocytes, mononuclear phagocytes.
Ebo abundance is associated with tumor progression and resistance to anti-PD therapy
Since we observed that Ebo expands within human TME over time, we speculated that expansion of this dysfunctional CD8+ T cell population may correlate with advancing disease and contribute to immune escape and/or resistance to immunotherapy. To test this hypothesis, we standardized a 37-plex IMC panel (Table S2) to identify the Ebo CD8+ TIL subset in 35 NSCLC patients with early and advanced NSCLC (Fig 5A). NSCLC patients with clinical stage IV disease showed a significantly higher abundance of Ebo CD8+ TILs than patients with clinical stage I (23.03±7.42%; p=0.006), supporting that this population expands as tumors continue to progress and evolve over time (Fig 5B). Age, histology subtypes and CD8 TIL density were studied across the 35 NSCLC cases and were homogenously distributed (Fig S10A). Additionally, we did not observe any association between these variables and Ebo abundance (Fig S10B–C). We did observe that in advanced NSCLC cases, the presence of tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) was associated with ~2.5 fold lower Ebo CD8+ TIL proportion, but this difference did not reach statistical significance (Figure S10D–E). Finally, consistent with previous observations by QIF, we identified among advanced NSCLC cases a CD8 TIL cluster co-expressing cleaved caspase 3, CD45RO, EOMES, Ki-67, PD-1, LAG-3 and TIM-3 (Fig S11). Importantly, patients with non-durable clinical benefit (NDB) to anti-PD therapy showed a significantly higher proportion of the Ebo CD8+ TIL subset than patients with durable clinical benefit (DCB) in baseline tumor samples (p=0.004; Fig 5C). Alternative Ebo CD8+ TIL gating strategies including Ki-67 protein expression were used to confirm this result (Fig S12A–C). Consistent with this finding, patients with NDB also showed CD8+ TILs with higher PD-1, LAG-3, and Ki-67 expression, markers associated with the Ebo CD8+ TIL phenotype (Fig 5D). Finally, Ebo CD8+ TIL subset abundance was associated with a worse overall survival (HR 6.08, CI95: 2.57–5.25; p<0.05) in NSCLC patients treated with anti-PD therapy (Fig 5E). A multivariate analysis including PD-L1 expression as a covariate identified Ebo CD8+ TIL abundance as an independent predictor of outcome (Table S3). Taken together, our findings support that Ebo is expanded in the TME of advanced NSCLC patients and its expansion is independently associated with reduced efficacy of anti-PD therapy.
Figure 5. Ebo CD8+ TIL abundance is associated with tumor development and resistance to anti-PD therapy in NSCLC patients.
A) Representative image showing IMC staining of a NSCLC case and Ebo CD8+ TIL identification strategy. Each marker is represented by a different color as indicated in the panel. Orange squares indicate the Ebo CD8+ TIL selected, based in the CD8+ CD45RO+ CD45RA− EOMES+ expression of the markers. White squares indicate non-Ebo CD8+ TILs. B) Percentage of Ebo CD8+ population over total CD8+ TILS in clinical stage I (n=12), II (n=12), III (n=16) and IV (n=18). C) Bar dot-plots depict percentages of Ebo CD8+ TIL population over total CD8+ TILs in patients with durable (DCB, n=13) or non-durable clinical benefit (NDB, n=22) to anti-PD therapy. D) Quantification of KI-67, PD-1 and LAG-3 CD8 TILs expression in patients with DCB and NDB to anti-PD therapy. E) Kaplan-Meier survival curves for 35 NSCLC patients treated with anti-PD therapy. Patients were divided in two groups based in tumors harboring Ebo ≥17.5% (High) or Ebo<17.5% (Low) of total CD8 TILs. P-value was determined by the log-rank test. Ebo, Effector burn-out. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; ****, p<0.0001.
The basis of T-cell dysfunction in cancer, and the best way to overcome it, remain incompletely understood. One of the main hurdles to achieving greater understanding has been the use of low-resolution phenotypical technologies and the lack of suitable in vivo experimental models to investigate the human immune TME. Here, we used multiparametric single-cell mass cytometry and tissue imaging technology tools combined with a lung cancer humanized immune-PDX model to explore CD8+ TIL diversity and its response to immunotherapy. We identified three phenotypically, transcriptionally, and functionally distinct CD8+ TIL subsets: Eff, Em and Ebo. The Ebo subset is characterized by a burned-out dysfunctional phenotype and specifically expands within the TME in a PD pathway-dependent manner. Furthermore, Ebo progressively accumulates in patients with advanced NSCLC and is associated with primary resistance to anti-PD therapies. Our findings suggest that this CD8+ TIL population may contribute to a less responsive immune TME and provide insights for the development of future T cell-based cancer immunotherapies.
To phenotypically characterize CD8+ TILs, we employed single-cell mass cytometry technology, which allowed us to multi-plex 39 markers per cell. Different methods of analysis have been designed over the past few years to maximize this multi-dimensional single-cell data (28). Here, we used CITRUS, a method specifically designed to identify and compare hierarchical clusters between groups of samples in an unsupervised manner. Using this method, we compared paired Tu and non-Tu lung tissue for immune cell composition. This approach resulted in fundamental findings: i) lymphoid cells, but not myeloid cells, are preferentially expanded in lung tumor tissues; ii) CD8+ TILs are highly proliferative in contrast to non-Tu tissue-infiltrating CD8+ T cells; and iii) three major CD8+ TIL subsets were identified, but only one of them, Ebo, was expanded in the TME (Fig 2E). In contrast, the other two CD8+ TIL subsets were either diminished (Eff) or unchanged (Em) in the TME compared to adjacent non-Tu lung tissue. More importantly, we found that while Ebo represents 10–15% of total CD8+ TILs in early stage NSCLC, its abundance raises to 30–40% in advanced NSCLC, indicating a higher relevance of this compartment in late stage disease (Fig 5B).
To demonstrate the dynamic evolution of Ebo within the TME and its response to immunotherapy, we developed a previously undescribed “immune proficient” PDX model, named immune-PDX model. In contrast to conventional “immune-deficient PDX” models, immune-PDX retains an intact patient-derived tumor immune microenvironment (Fig 4A–B). Fresh patient-derived lung tumor xenografts are engrafted into severely immunodeficient mice and contain all the original components of the growing tumor in the patient, including hematopoietic, stromal, and tumor cells. While fibroblasts, neutrophils and NK cells are progressively replaced by murine stroma cells, all human lymphoid populations remain stable during the first two weeks after engraftment, supporting their modulation and study. When TILs are studied in patient samples, a challenging aspect is that new T cells are continuously arriving to the TME site, making it difficult to know which CD8+ subsets have just arrived and which have been differentiated within the TME. Since we recreated the patient TME in a T cell-deficient host, one of the main advantages of this model is that the evolution and reactions of TIL subsets can be analyzed without the interference of “newcomers”. In this context, we demonstrated that the Ebo CD8+ TILs were progressively expanded within TME over time. More interestingly, we found that Ebo expansion was minimized when mice were treated with avelumab (clinical grade anti-B7-H1 mAb), indicating that the PD pathway is required for the expansion of this population. Although the contribution of PD pathway to a CD8 subset expansion seems to be contradictory with prior reports supporting that PD-1 transmits a signal to suppress T-cell proliferation (29,30), it is important to consider that these studies employed polyclonal and heterogeneous T cells. It is still possible that the PD pathway provides a proliferative signal for a subset of T cells, which is consistent with our earlier work showing that B7-H1 could be co-stimulatory for human T cells (31). Supporting this hypothesis, it has been recently reported that PD-1 silencing inhibits the proliferative activity of chimeric antigen receptor modified T (CAR-T) cells (32). It remains to be clarified, however, whether the observed expansion of Ebo associated with PD pathway is due to a selective proliferative stimulus, or instead, B7-H1/PD-1 blockade is preventing the conversion of other populations into Ebo. The fact that clonality was low and clonotype diversity high in the Ebo compartment, further supports the idea that the expansion of this compartment is more dependent on the conversion of other populations into Ebo.
Dysfunctional CD8+ T-cell subsets have been previously described in the TME (33). The most frequently used term to designate these cells has been “exhausted” T cells, imported from chronic viral infections lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). The Ebo CD8+ TILs in our study are also dysfunctional and share several features with “exhausted” T cells including co-expression of co-inhibitory receptors (PD-1, LAG-3, TIM-3), loss of IFNγ production upon re-stimulation and a terminally-differentiated phenotype (EOMEShigh TBETlow). However, in contrast to the classical exhausted phenotype, Ebo shows to be highly proliferative. This intriguing result is supported by two recent studies showing a highly proliferative dysfunctional CD8+ TIL subset in the TME of melanoma and NSCLC patients (9,10). In our case, this dysfunctional population is not only characterized by a highly proliferative signature, but also by the highest expression of activation markers such as CD45RO, CD27, PD-1, LAG-3, TIM-3, CD28 and FAS, suggesting that these cells may be pushed beyond the threshold of optimal activation. Supporting this interpretation, we previously demonstrated that NSCLC patients with KI-67high and/or GzmBhigh CD8+ TILs are associated with worse response to cancer immunotherapy (34). Other groups have suggested that an over-activation of CD8+ TILs may be counterproductive, due to an excess of IFNγ (35) or TNFα (36) that may lead to T-cell death programs, thereby compromising the antitumor response. In this regard, we have observed that the Ebo population is characterized by the highest FAS and cleaved caspase-3 levels compared with the other CD8+ TIL subsets, reinforcing the interpretation of apoptotic hyper-activated CD8+ TILs. Given these distinctions from previously described exhausted TILs, we have proposed the term “burned-out” T cells to more accurately reflect the overactive and apoptotic phenotype of these cells. Importantly, blockade of the PD pathway reduced BIM and cleaved caspase-3 in activated Eff CD8+ TIL (Fig 4H). Collectively, our results suggest that anti-PD therapy may be preventing activated T cells from entering into an apoptotic death program rather than restoring the function of exhausted/dysfunctional T cells. Although these findings need further confirmation, it is consistent with previous studies reporting that anti-PD therapies may be promoting the expansion and preventing the deterioration of a stem-like CD8+ TIL subset, identified as PD-1+Tcf1+, rather than restoring exhaustion (37–40).
T cell-inflamed tumors with abundant Ebo CD8+ TILs may be refractory to cancer immunotherapy due to an excess of irrecoverable apoptotic TILs, as previously suggested (41,42), potentially competing for space and resources with other CD8+ TIL populations. Along these lines, a recently published study showed an association between higher T-cell infiltration and higher terminally-exhausted CD8+ T-cells, indicating that the more T cell accumulation in tumors, the greater the likelihood of becoming dysfunctional (40). One interpretation of these results is that a lack of T-cell homeostasis and an excess of activated ineffective TILs may be responsible for impaired T-cell responses in some patients. If this is the case, T-cell enhancer strategies (e.g. bi-specific T-cell engagers) may be detrimental, and instead strategies designed to protect activated T cells from apoptosis may be needed. An alternative interpretation of these results may be that the Ebo compartment needs to be depleted to provide space and resources to the cells with greater efficacy such as Eff CD8+ TIL subsets. In this regard, a potential benefit of concomitant chemotherapy or radiotherapy may be the clearance of the Ebo compartment.
Taken together, our data illustrate a previously unrecognized category of anti-PD resistant T-cell inflamed tumors. Contrary to expectations, the underlying mechanism of resistance may be an excess of dysfunctional activated TILs. This work may contribute to a deeper understanding of T cell-inflamed tumor diversity and Ebo serve as a useful tissue biomarker with implications for the development of future T cell-based cancer immunotherapies.
Patients and samples
Fresh tumor samples were prospectively collected from individuals with NSCLC undergoing primary surgical treatment between August 2015 and February 2018 at the Yale Cancer Center, New Haven, CT, USA. After surgery, tumor and tumor-free sections (identified and supervised by a pathologist) were collected from each patient and processed in the first two hours after being surgically removed. Tumor-free fragments were collected at least 5 cm away from the macroscopic tumor border. Tumor and tumor-free fragments were reviewed by a licensed pathologist (K.A.S.) to confirm the diagnosis and quality of the samples. One “tumor” sample was identified as sarcoidosis, and one “tumor-free” sample was found to include areas of active pneumonia. Both of these cases were processed but not included in the analysis. For each specimen, a fragment was fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin and paraffin-embedded for histopathological analysis. The remainder of the tissue was directly processed for single-cell CyTOF analysis (see CyTOF sample preparation and Fig S1). When tumor tissues were bigger than 10 mm3 an additional fragment of the tumor tissue was engrafted in immunodeficient NSG mice to stablish short-term PDX (see humanized patient-derived tumor model: immune-PDX). The clinical-pathological characteristics of these patients are described in the supplementary Table S4. Additionally, we included retrospectively collected formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor samples from stage IV NSCLCs patients treated with single-therapy anti-PD agents at the Yale Cancer Center between 2011 and 2017. These cases were represented in tissue microarray (TMA) format, each containing two independent 0.6 mm tumor cores. The TMAs were constructed by selecting areas containing viable tumor cells and stromal elements on Hematoxylin & Eosin stained preparations (as assessed by a licensed pathologist) and without enriching for specific tumor regions, tissue structures or immune-related features. The clinical-pathological characteristics of these patients are described in the supplementary Table S4 and treatment characteristics in Table S5. All tissues were used with patients written-informed consent or, in some cases waiver of consent, after approval from the Yale Human Investigation Committee protocols #1412015109, #9505008219 and #1608018220 and conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
All metal-conjugated antibodies were either purchased pre-conjugated from Fluidigm Co. (Markham, Canada) or purchased purified and conjugated in-house using mass cytometry antibody conjugation kits from Fluidigm Co. (Markham, Canada) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For details, see supplementary Table S1 and S2. The following antibodies were developed, produced, and quality controlled at Pfizer facilities: avelumab (a fully human IgG1 anti-human PD-L1); and irrelevant human IgG1 as an isotype-matched control.
Female NOD/SCID IL2Rγ−/− (NSG) mice at 6–8 weeks old were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory. All mouse protocols were in accordance with NIH guidelines and approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of Yale University School of Medicine (reference #2013–11387 approval).
Single cell mass cytometry (CyTOF™) sample preparation
A total of 1–3×106 suspension cells from each Tu or non-Tu lung tissue were incubated with antibodies against CD16/32 at 50 mg/mL for 10 minutes at room temperature to block Fc receptors. Subsequently metal-conjugated mAb cocktail against cell surface molecules were added, and further incubated for 20 minutes on ice (see details in Table S1). Cells were stained for viability with 5mM cisplatin in FBS (Fluidigm) for 1 minutes at 4°C. After the treatment with the Fixation/Permeabilization Buffer (Thermo Fisher), cells were further incubated with the metal-conjugated mAbs cocktail against intracellular proteins (see details in Table S1). Then, cells were washed and stained with 1 mL of 1:4000 191/193Ir DNA intercalator (Fluidigm) diluted in PBS containing 1.6% Paraformaldehyde (EMS) and stored at 4°C until acquisition.
Single cell mass cytometry (CyTOF™) sample acquisition
Samples were acquired in a Helios™ machine (Fluidigm). At the moment of acquisition, cells were washed once with PBS with 0.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 0.02% NaN3, once with double distilled water (ddH2O) and then re-suspended in ddH2O containing bead standards (Fluidigm) to approximately 106 cells per mL. Subsequently samples were acquired at an event rate of <400 events/second.
Antibody validation and titration for single cell mass cytometry (CyTOF™)
Isolated human PBMC were stimulated with a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml plate-bound anti-CD3 (OKT3) and 2 μg/ml soluble anti-CD28 (28.2, eBioscience) for 72 h or cultured in medium (RPMI 1640, 10% FBS (Pan Biotech), 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Sigma), 100 ng/ml penicillin/streptomycin) for the same period of time. Unstimulated PBMCs were used as a negative control for antibody titration and staining protocol optimization. The optimal antibody concentration was assayed by serial dilutions and determined by the obtained median mass intensity signal to noise ratio from internal positive and negative controls (see details in Fig S2). Additionally, in each CyTOF experiment an unstimulated and stimulated PBMC samples were included as internal reference.
Multiplexed quantitative immunofluorescence (QIF).
Using previously validated/standardized multiplexed QIF panels and serial TMA sections (43), we measured the levels of cytokeratin (clone AE1/AE3, eBioscience), PD-L1 (B7-H1) (clone 405.9A11, CST), CD4 (clone SP35, Spring Biosc.), CD8 (clone C8/144B, DAKO), CD20 (clone L26, DAKO), CD68 (clone KP1, DAKO), CD45RO (clone UCHL1, Biolegend), CD45RA (clone HI100, Biolegend). Cleaved-caspase-3 (clone D3E9, CST) was validated/standardized using Jurkat cells treated with DMSO (untreated) or 1uM of camptothecin (treated) for 18h to induce apoptosis (see details in Fig S8A–B). Freshly cut TMA serial sections were deparaffinized and antigen retrieval was performed using an EDTA buffer (Sigma-Aldrich) pH 8 and boiled for 20 minutes at 97°C in a pressure boiler (PT module, Lab Vision). Endogenous peroxidase activity was inactivated by incubating the TMA section in a solution containing 0.3% hydrogen peroxide in methanol for 20 min, followed by incubation in a blocking solution containing 0.3% BSA in 0.05% Tween solution for 30 min. An antibody cocktail was used for the primary target detection and then followed by a secondary detection using the specific HRP conjugated-IgG anti-isotype. Tyramide signal amplification (TSA) tyramide-based fluorescent reagents (Perkin-Elmer) were utilized for signal amplification and detection. Sections were washed twice with a 100 mM benzoic hydrazide solution in between antibody incubation periods to eliminate residual horseradish peroxidase activity. Nuclei staining was performed with 4’,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI). Fluorescence signal was measured quantitatively using the AQUA® method for QIF. Samples with tissue or staining artifacts by visual examination were excluded.
Imaging mass cytometry (IMC™) sample preparation
For IMC staining, antibodies were optimized using QIF, as a gold standard, and a control array including negative and positive controls, and cases with a range of expression for each marker. Fluorescence signal quantification was performed using the AQUA® method of QIF. Each slide was visually examined to exclude samples with tissue/staining artifacts and those with less than 5% tumor content. Cases were considered to display detectable levels of each target when the QIF score was above the signal to noise threshold determined measuring negative control preparations and by visual examination of the sample. For IMC staining, a comparable and compatible staining protocol was designed based on QIF gold standard. Briefly, fresh TMA serial sections were deparaffinized and antigen retrieval was performed using an EDTA buffer (Sigma-Aldrich) pH 9 and boiling for 20 minutes at 97°C in a pressure boiler (PT module, Lab Vision). EDTA solution was rinsed twice using Tris-buffered saline (TBS) solution and followed by incubation in a blocking solution containing 0.3% BSA in 0.05% Tween solution for 30 min. Tissue was covered with a cocktail of 26 metal-conjugated antibodies prepared in blocking solution. After 1 hour of primary incubation at room temperature, tissues were rinsed twice using a solution containing 0.025% Tween20 in TBS solution to remove non-specific antibody staining. DNA and membranes were co-stained using a solution containing 1 uM pooled 191Ir and 193Ir, and 1 ug/ml 115In LipoR in TBS for 1 hour at room temperature. The co-staining solution was rinsed using Tween20 and TBS solution followed by two washes for 1 min each using ddH2O. The slide was finally air dried for 60 min and stored until analysis.
Imaging mass cytometry (IMC™) sample acquisition
For IMC analysis and instrument settings, the Hyperion™ machine from the Yale IMC core facility was used for all the studies described here. The mass cytometer and scanner were tuned every day at 20 Hz and 0 dB of laser intensity using a commercial tuning slide provided by Fluidigm Co. The tuning reference values used as a quality control for a working day were 2.37%±0.34 and 0.42%±0.11 for transient crosstalk 1 and 2 respectively and for Lu (175) mean duals above 900. All tissue samples and cells were ablated at 5 dB and 200 Hz, an area of 750×750um was always considered for TMA spots and a smaller area of 100×100um for titrations. TMA slides were scanned using the batch tool. A panoramic view of the whole slide was uploaded and a macro region of interest was created covering the tissue spot grid. On the created working area, each spot was selected based on the map layout of each TMA, a protocol was assigned and carried on until 20 spots were completed for a 24 h continuous scan. No more than 25 cases were programmed to be scanned per tuning event.
Antibody validation and titration for Imaging mass cytometry (IMC™)
For IMC validation and optimization, specificity and sensitivity: optimal titer was calculated separately for metal-conjugated and unconjugated versions of each antibody. The optimal antibody concentration was assayed by serial dilutions and determined by the obtained QIF scores and the signal to noise ratio from internal positive and negative control tissues (percentile p90 to percentile p10). Cytokeratin and Vimentin were assayed in combination to confirm selective exclusion staining patterns for further tissue segmentation. Antigen retrieval conditions were optimized, QIF was performed using 1 mM EDTA pH 8 and 10 mM citrate pH 6 independently. The detection limit was optimized comparing the dynamic range for each condition.
Immune-PDX tumor model
Surgical specimens from primary lung carcinomas were implanted s.c. into the flank of 8–10 female NSG mice at 6–8 weeks of age per experiment. Mice were treated intraperitoneally with anti-hPD-L1 mAbs (avelumab) or isotype control at days 5 and 10 post-implantation. At day 7 or 14 mice were sacrificed and tumors were collected for analysis.
Human TIL and PBMC isolation
Human TILs were derived from original patient tumor, as well as tumor tissue from each immune-PDX model after treatment. TILs were obtained by processing tumor tissue with a Gentle Macs dissociator (Miltenyi) in the presence of RPMI 1640 with 0.5% BSA and 5 mmol/L EDTA. Cell suspension was filtered using a 70-μm cell strainer (BD Falcon), centrifuged at 600 g for 7 minutes at 4°C and resuspended in PBS with 0.5% BSA and 0.02% NaN3 ready for analysis. Human PBMC were purified from buffy coats of healthy donors using Ficoll-Hypaque (Sigma-Aldrich) gradient centrifugation, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
TIL Sorting
For isolation of Ebo, Em and Eff CD8+ TIL subsets, 1–2 106 tumor-infiltrating leukocytes were resuspended in 200 μl staining buffer containing fluorophore-conjugated mAb cocktail against human cell surface molecules: CD45 BV510 (clone HI30), CD8 PerCP-Cy5.5 (clone RPA-T8), CCR7 BV421 (clone G043H7), CD45RO PE (clone UCHL1) and CD45RA PE-Cy7 (clone HI100). After 20 min incubation at 4°C, cells were washed twice, and cell sorting was performed using a BD FACS Aria III. We trained a gating strategy to sort the most similar subsets to those identified by CITRUS. We first trained this strategy using our current CyTOF data doing manual gating and comparing the expression profile of the three subsets identified by CITRUS and the three subsets defined by manual gating (Figure S13A–B). After we confirmed that our manual gating strategy was able to identify similar subsets identified by CITRUS, we designed a similar strategy to use by FACS (Fig S13C). Furthermore, after we sorted the cells, we tested that the expression profile of the sorted subsets was comparable to the clusters defined by CITRUS (Fig S13D). Approximately 1 × 104, 1.5–2× 104 and 0.5–1 × 104 of Ebo, Em and Eff cells were sorted respectively as an average across experiments. In three experiments cells were directly sorted in lysis buffer RLT (QIAGEN, RNeasy® Micro Kit) which already contained b-ME and DTT, and total RNA was extracted from the lysed cells using the RNeasy® Micro Kit (QIAGEN, cat. 74004) protocol. Total RNA samples were submitted to the Yale Center for Genome Analysis (YCGA) where they were analyzed for quality control and RNA sequencing. In the remainder of experiments, cells were cultured in vitro for T-cell stimulation experiments.
T-cell stimulation in vitro
From nine lung tumor samples, Ebo, Em and Eff CD8+ TIL subsets were stimulated with 50 ng/ml PMA and 1 μg/ml ionomycin (BD) for 6h. Two hours before the end of PMA/ionomycin stimulation, 1x monensin and 1x brefeldin A (eBioscience) were added for intracellular IFN-γ staining. For analysis of IFN-γ intracellular levels, cells were fixed and permeabilized using Fix/Perm solution (eBioscience) for 30 min at room temperature. After washing twice, cells were resuspended in 1x Permeabilization Buffer (eBioscience) containing FITC-conjugated anti-IFN-γ antibodies (clone 25723.11) for 15 minutes at room temperature. Acquisition of samples was carried out on an Attune NxT flow cytometer (Thermofisher Scientific).
CyTOF data analysis
All mass cytometry files were normalized together using the mass cytometry data normalization algorithm (44). For analysis, FCS files were manually pre-gated on Ir193 DNA+CD45+ events, excluding cisplatin+ dead cells, doublets and DNA- negative debris by Cytobank (Santa Clara, CA). The gated CD45+ population was then clustered based on all labeled phenotypic markers using visualization (viSNE) (45) or hierarchical clustering (Citrus) (46) methods. Citrus is comprised of several steps. (i) Cells from samples are combined and clustered in a semi-unsupervised manner to automatically identify clusters of related cells. (ii) Descriptive statistics characterizing various properties of each cluster (cluster features) are extracted on a per-sample basis. (iii) Extracted cluster features are used in conjunction with a user-specified endpoint of interest to train a supervised model. (iv) Internal cross-validation is used to evaluate model fit and select the appropriate regularization threshold for a final model. (vi) Model features are plotted as a function of endpoint of interest and cluster phenotypes are determined by density plots of markers used for clustering. An equal number of events (or a subset of events) from all samples are randomly selected and combined and clustered using agglomerative hierarchical clustering, producing groups of phenotypically similar cells. The dissimilarity between any two cells is specified by Euclidean distance between clustering markers and Wards linkage used as the agglomeration method. Rather than cutting the dendrogram at a fixed height to identify clusters, all clusters in the hierarchy of merged clusters larger than a user-specified size are retained for subsequent analysis.
IMC data analysis
A supervised phenotyping and segmentation analysis was developed using the IMC viewer provided by Fluidigm Co. For imaging studies and staining pattern comparisons, each metal channel was visualized and the image quality was optimized using gain and thresholds range tools. Integrated dual histograms were used as a reference for signal normalization avoiding saturated pixels and comparing with a pathologist’s validated immunofluorescence pattern. After fixing all parameters for the visualization of each stained marker, a supervised identification of T lymphocytes, macrophages and tumor cells was performed based on morphology and the specific cluster of differentiation for lymphocytes CD4 (156Gd), CD8 (162Dy), CD20 (161Dy), CD68 (159Tb) and pan-cytokeratin (148Nd) for tumor cells. All scanned ROIs including a total of 20 cells/field of view (FOV) from a TMA batch were analyzed in the same manner. The selected positive pixels for a marker were indicated as single cells. The integrated counts were exported as a txt file and the composed images were saved for further studies. The integral counts for each marker were normalized by the mean level of Xe(132) and Xe(133) detected in each cell compartment. This allows us to account for the different areas cover by cells of different shape and size, as the Xe ion is uniformly detected in tissue due to impurities in the argon plasma source. The Ebo, Em and Eff CD8 TIL compartments identified by IMC were based in the combination of CD8, CD45RO, CD45RA and EOMES markers, using the following approach: Ebo (CD8+, CD45RO+, CD45RA-, EOMES+), Em (CD8+, CD45RO+, CD45RA-, EOMES-) and Eff (CD8+, CD45RO-, CD45RA+). Expression profile of each compartment was determined to appraise consistency with the clusters identified by CITRUS (Fig S14).
RNA-seq data analysis
RNA samples were submitted to the YCGA, and the libraries were constructed by YCGA protocols (https://medicine.yale.edu/keck/ycga/Images/9_tcm240-21599.pdf).
The libraries underwent 101-bp paired-end sequencing using an Illumina HiSeq 2500 according to Illumina protocols. Low quality reads were trimmed and adaptor contamination was removed using Trim Galore (v0.5.0). Trimmed reads were mapped to the human reference genome (hg38) using HISAT2 (v2.1.0)(47). Gene expression levels were quantified using StringTie (v1.3.3b)(48) with gene models (v27) from the GENCODE project. Differentially expressed genes were identified using DESeq2 (v 1.22.1)(49).
TCR-seq data analysis
“T cell receptor β-chain clonality was assessed using the MiXCR tool using standard parameters of the RNA-seq workflow. TCR clonality was analyzed using the R package immunarch.” ImmunoMind Team. (2019). immunarch: An R Package for Painless Bioinformatics Analysis of T-Cell and B-Cell Immune Repertoires. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3367200
Statistical analysis
Student’s t test, two-way ANOVA, and Log-rank test on GraphPad Prism 8.0 for macOS was used for statistical analysis. CD8 and Ebo abundance cut-off points were determined using the median value across all samples. Multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox proportional hazards regression model on SPSS v for windows. Statistical significance is considered at p<0.05. P values were reported as follows: NS, not significant, *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001, ****, p < 0.0001. The error bars in figures represent standard error of the mean (SEM).
Data Archived
Data has been archived at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo and can be accessed under the study accession number GSE167235.
Supplementary Material
Statement of significance.
We identified a highly proliferative, over-activated, and apoptotic dysfunctional CD8+ tumor-infiltrating subpopulation that is functionally distinct from previously described exhausted T-cells. This population is expanded in lung cancer tissues in a PD-1/B7-H1 dependent manner and its abundance is associated with resistance to cancer immunotherapy, thus becoming a potential tissue biomarker.
We thank other members of Chen’s Lab at Yale University for helpful discussions and technical assistance. We thank Maria Olguin for her support with figures design and Sarin Siriamnothep for her patience and support during the preparation of this manuscript. This study was supported by Mark Foundation (19-029-MIA R.S.H and K.A.S), Navigate Biopharma (K.A.S), AstraZeneca (K.A.S), Yale SPORE in Lung Cancer (P50CA196530, R.S.H.), Department of Defense-Lung Cancer Research Program (W81XWH-16-1-0160, K.A.S.), Stand Up To Cancer - American Cancer Society Lung Cancer Dream Team Translational Research Grant (SU2C-AACR-DT1715, R.S.H and K.A.S) and a Stand Up To Cancer - American Cancer Colorectal Cancer Dream Team Translational Research Grant (SU2C-AACR-DT22-17, K.A.S). Stand Up to Cancer is a division of the Entertainment Industry Foundation. The indicated SU2C grants are administered by the American Association for Cancer Research, the scientific partner of SU2C. M.F.S. is supported by a Miguel Servet contract MS17/00196 and a grant project PI19/00668 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (Spain). M.D.V. is supported by a Physician-Scientist Career Development Award from the Dermatology Foundation, a Dermatology Fellow Award from the Melanoma Research Alliance, and KL2 TR001862 from National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). K.A.S is supported by NIH grants R03CA219603 and R37CA245154.
Conflict of interest statement:
In the past 12 months, K.A.S. reports receiving research funding from Genoptix/Navigate (Novartis), Tesaro, Moderna Therapeutics, Takeda, Surface Oncology, Pierre-Fabre Research Institute, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly; K.A.S. has received honoraria for consultant/advisory roles from Celgene, Moderna Therapeutics, Shattuck Labs, Pierre-Fabre, AstraZeneca, EMD Serono, Ono Pharmaceuticals, Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Dynamo Therapeutics, Torque Therapeutics and Takeda. Spouse of M.D.V. is an employee at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. I.M. receives commercial research grants from BMS, Bioncotech, Alligator, Pfizer, Leadartis, and Roche; has received speakers bureau honoraria from MSD; and is a consultant/advisory board member for BMS, Roche, Genmab, F-Star, Bioncotech, Bayer, Numab, Pieris, Alligator, and Merck Serono. L.C is scientific advisors/board members for NextCure, Junshi, Zai Lab, Vcanbio and GenomiCare; is scientific founders of NextCure and Tayu Biotech and has sponsored research funds from NextCure and DynamiCure. Other authors have no competing interests.
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